Roleplay (in school)

Thana nodded as she basically absorbed the knowledge.

"Interesting.  Land for them or more because of needed it?" She asked.  She knew some of the trolls history but not much.
He though of how to put this "... there is only so much land you can hide with magic. The trolls forget to see that and want more land for what? I dont know" he said
Thana nodded slightly.

"my mom said that having too much land and trying to hid the true things that's happening on those lands are very difficult to keep hidden because no spell or magic is that strong.  If it was all of us could do whatever we please and not having to worry about people that think we are fake and may wish to harm us won't even know." She said.
"Some would dissagree, there is a new group of people saying that magic should be gone entirely" he said
"What?  That's insane.  Most of us were born with magic within or born by magic." Thana said.  She shook her head in disbelief.

"why would a group want magic gone?" She asked.
"Because, they think thoes who cant use magic think they will be at the mercy of those who can" he explained "a vald point, but to get rid of magic is crazy"
Thana nodded slightly.  

"Yea.  My moms only friend was a normal human.  No magic or anything and I got along with her son and daughter." She said.
He nodded in agreement "i have serval normal friends two that work here, when i told them about the A.M.D they hated the idea"
"Oh i forgot to tell you, its the Anti magic division" he said "i call them Amd's or amends"
Thana nodded but also couldn't help but chuckle.

"ah. I'm sure we may learn about them in classes maybe?" She said in a question.
Thana nodded and smiled.  

"Either wat I'm sure the others will learn about in time." She said then sighed.

"um out of curiosity do you allow students to stay during holidays and summers?" She asked.
He folded his hands and leaned forword "i do, why home problems?" He asked
"Yea.  I am supposed to live with my dad but he doesn't want me living with him.  So I don't really have a home to really go to during the holidays and summer." Thana said and rubbed her arm.  

"He seems to hate me or something.  Aside from when I was born I never saw him even when he and my mom devorced he was supposed to have custody but he didn't want me so mom got me.  I saw him at the funeral after I gotten expelled from my last school which was a week ago." She said.
"Would you like me to speak to him and ask what is bothering him?" Luck asked Thana. 100*/. Serious

 Lucas walked to his dorm and fell asleep with in seconds
Cloud got out the portal and looked around and learned he was back at the school.So thats her power.She has cosmic magic then.Well then I cant really imagine her ever besting me in any sort of combat in that case.Noted. He walked inside the room where the HM was at first and sat down in the chair and pulled out the other piece of paper that he found and was shocked when he realized he left the list of addresses. He did still have the letter however and he had decided to read it again really quickly.Once he did this he noticed a hidden message within the letter itself but kept quiet about it and out it back in his pocket. He waited on the other team mates to present what they had found and then he would go next.
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He looked up to the man and replied in monotone as he usually does "Yes a few things but i believe my partner should have some items with her that she will share with you first."
Miku stretched out again and rubbed her eyes. She slowly took one step after another to walk in the H.M's office. "Hey we are back. Next time send me somewhere less bloody" she sniffed with her nose. She still had the scent of blood in her nose which made her sneeze from time to time. She started getting out a photo and a small envelope. "I didn't read it yet. Just found it hanging in that blood splash thing." She handed the photo and envelope.
"Well now what? What will you do with these things?" She looked like she had a billion questions and wanted an answer for them all. She looked curious in her face but at the same time she was exhited and her heart pounded rapidly from the excitement.  "Well?" She sneezed after she said.

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