Roleplay (in school)

Serra was used to people either crumbling or melting when she flirted with them. This was new. And fun. Also learning things was fun even if she wasn't all that bright.
"I've never actually met a vampire before. Mommy knew a few, but I never met any of them. Plus mother was always paranoid about other demons being mean to me."
She blushed, realizing she hadn't explained something.
"I call Regina my mother because she's all strict and formal." 

Her gaze turned to the iron for a moment. What could she want made of that? Did demons eat that or something? It was too small to make a sculpture, and she couldn't think of much else to do with it.
"Ok and um a slightly bloody steak?" Thana asked a little unsure.  She had been craving both meat and blood for a while and that was the only thing she could think of that could satisfy that craving.

"and that's nice but why doesn't she want demons around you?" She asked sera.
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"ah and excellent ma'dam" he joked then his face turned very serious and he muttered something in the ancient tongue. the ice of iron slowly begin to shake as smoke came out of it, it smoked until it couldn't be seen. He whispered something else and the smoke vanished, sitting right where the iron used to be... A bloody steak on a plate. "enjoy" he said
"She's an angel..."
She squirmed uncomfortably. 
"Although she doesn't much like letting me around angels or humans above my age, so she's just overprotective in general. That's why I'm here, actually, she was always worried about people trying to kill me. Not sure why, since every human I've ever talked to practically fell in love me instantly, but she just worries is all~"

Sera would've been fascinated had she not been focusing so hard on something else. As it was she stared, confused, at the stake and wondered what she missed.
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"That is awesome.  And thank you." Thana said to luck as she grabbed the plate.

"the ancient language is fascinating." She said with a smile.  She was always eager to learn new languages.  She then turned to seras.

"humans are easy that's why.  And be glad you still have a protective mother.  Mine died protecting me and my father is a lazy peice of crap." She said before sitting down.
'at least you have a father' he though to himself but didnt say anything
Serra, becoming increasingly distressed, merely stood with a sad expression and struggled to think of something to say. 

"Well...I am...of course I am..."
She looked down and played with her fingers, blushing and with wings drooped.
Luck looked at her "hey, hey are you ok?" He asked pattering her back
Thana sighed and looked at sera.  

"Hey if I said something that upsets you I am sorry.  I tend to speak my mind to too much." She said with a small smile while looking at her.  Deep down she wasn't happy with what she said but she also missed her mother.
"Alright, girls do you have anymore classes today?" He asked looking at Thana
"Is that so?" He opened his deskand pulled out a folder "what you name?" He asked her
"Thana Wolf." Thana said. 

"I really don't think you have one for me yet honestly because well I was shipped here right after getting expelled from a normal school." She said rubbing the back of her neck.
"I'm...okay. Just feel bad for you is all..."
She shook herself, hopping up and down as she cheered herself up.
"I just don't like when people aren't happy, it makes me feel all down...hey! I don't think I have a schedule yet either, I'm Sera. Sera....erm...Luxenburg."
Thana looked at sera and gave a small smile.

"it's no big to me.  I can see my mom in my dreams.  Well as far as it can go." She said.  She wasn't used to others others feeling sorry or bad for her.
A minute later hepulled oit two peices of paper and hands one of each to the girls "here is your classes" he said
Thana took hers and then placed it in her pocket before taking a letter out.

"um one of my dads gaurd people gave me this.  I guess it was sent like a year ago or something.  I never got it because I didn't live with my dad." She said and handed him the year old letter.
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Serra gave her a hug and a light squeeze before taking her own paper and reading over it.
"Thank you! I don't know where mine went..."
"There you both go, not you can choose to go to your dorms or you can stay and watch me work" he saod looking back to the folder
"I don't see why I can't stay.  I rather like learning when I can." Thana said with a small smile.

"maybe I can help you if you need it." She said.
He chuckled "unless you can readed troll, i doubt you can" he said 
"I know some but not much I'm sad to say." Thana said.

"But no time like the present to finish that study right?" She asked with a small smile.
He smiled "you like to learn, i like that" he turned the letter over so it faced Thana "tell me what you understand" 
Thana looked at it carefully.

"There is council, leader, the leaders name though in any language that would be hard to pronounce, meeting, time which is roughly close to both military time that humans use and just plan normal time, and were the meeting is being held." She said and looked up at him.

"and yea I like to learn.  I started learning things as soon as I could and speak.  Mom made sure of that." She said.
"Very good" he said "the summary of the letter is a meeting with troll council to disscuess land" he said and read the rest in both english and troll

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