Roleplay (in school)

"Data wont be correct" he corrected "sorry English isn't my first language" he told her, my first language is probably not spoken anymore  he knew
"And what language is that?  I know some of the demonic language, English because my mom taught me, and vampiric language so far.  And it's fine." Thana said with a small smile.

@The Outcast
"I doesn't have a name, and if it did simply uttering it could grant a man what every they wanted" he explained "My people called it the ancient tongue." He then smiled "and thats good you can speak Vampiric, thats a third year class,  if you know it you could teach the class" he said in a way that made it hard to tell weather he was joking or not 
Thana tilted her head.  

"Is that a job offer cause if so I don't like others that well to teach them stuff that they will find stupid.  Plus vampiric is normally spoken to other vampires." She said.

"I think my mom told me stories about that one.  Said it was hard to learn and come by.  Let alone anyone that could still speak it." She said.

@The Outcast
"its something a can't speak about until your all all third years, since one wrong word and.." he dragged his thumb across his neck 
"Ah.  I understand.  Mom always told me to be careful with the demonic language.  Don't wanna summon a pissed off dad." Thana said with a small but slightly sad smile.

"although if people need help with learning the vampiric language I can help." She said.

@The Outcast
"Alright, come here" he said opening the office door "just wondering who is your father?" he asked

(if its only you and me you don need to @ my name
(Sorry hehe)

Thana entered his office and rubbed her neck.

"ironically the person nearly all humans hate.  The king of hell." She said.
"you father is what man calls the devil?  Now that a story i like to hear how your mother... you know with the king of hell" he joked 
Thana chuckled lightly.

"Well I guess it was arranged by her parents.  To try to have an alliance with demons since them and vampires hated each other.  So the king and Queen of the vampires made a deal with the previous king and Queen of the demons.  They married off their only daughter and child to their only child and son.  At least that's what mom told me.  Shame that my grandparents died on both sides died but then again neither wanted a damn thing to do with a halfling as they call those that ain't full or pure." She said.
"your royalty" he smiled "thank you for not taking advantage of it here" 

"I don't see a reason too plus my mother raised me like any other child." Thana said calmly.

"I just happen to have the mannerisms and the works of being royal." She said and shrugged.

"plus if you act like a snobbish brat you can't have friends that are real or learn things without help." She said.

umm i forgot this was the ic chat so ignore this post
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Sera had been listening intently. It was always strange when people described their parents to her, as the entire concept of fatherhood was as foreign to her as her mother's Does heaven count as a "land"? 
She smiled, but seemed confused. Her moms had both told her demons tended to be cruel but that to assume they were would only go wrong.
"When they met, my mother tried to kill my mommy."
She blurted, entering the conversation all too late.
"Something about sleeping with mortal women being...wrong...? Mommy got through to her though, they love each other now~"
She spoke of intended murder as one might some whacky night of hi-jinks that brought her parents together, and it gave her no pause.
"Though mother isn't allowed in heaven any more, for some reason..."

@The Outcast

@Thana Silver Wolf
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"Yup! Mommy's a succubus and mother's an angel!"
Sera was used to this question and she enjoyed answering it because she loved her parents. Hence she sounded oddly cheerful and excited answering what for most people would be either mundane or annyoing.

@Thana Silver Wolf
"Then how the hell were you born?  It's also supposed to take a male or at least his seed to conceive a baby." Thana said. She knew a bit about how children should be born but then again succubus and angels were alein to her.

Sera grinned.
"Magic~ At least that's what mommy says. I look like an angel and I seem to be able to charm basically anyone I want so I don't see what else I could be~"
She whipped out her phone, fumbling with it before producing a picture of her parents. One wore a white flowy dress and had angel wings, the other...appeared to be in lingerie of some sort.
"This is them~"

@Thana Silver Wolf
Luck sat down in his chair and opened a drawer under his desk, " are either of you hungery?" he asked them grabbing something
"what do you want? " he asked putting his hands on the desk revealing... a iron ingot? 
"Um what's that?" Thana asked clearly never seeing something like that.  She then looked at sera. 

"Um no thanks.  I don't drink blood from the source." She said with a small smile.  She wasn't easily flattered or flustered when someone flirts with her.
"just tell me what you want, and ill do a little magic trick" he said, then answered "iron, a common metal with the name of Fe"

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