Roleplay (in school)

"they live in the red house on 1132 ST" Luck told her "now go, try to get back before night fall though" he said


Lucas nodded "yea lets go, I wanna get the done with and go back to sleep" he said following Nim

Nim nodded as he walked down the hall. "So, I'm just going to assume from the start that things'll go to shit as soon as we get there. How good are you in a fight?"
He smiled and had his arm in do a blade doing some cheesey pose "i pretty good" he said turning it back to normal
So, you're basically the protagonist of Prototype. Great. "And you?" he glanced back at Askio. "What can you do?"
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(meh, i only saw red and white. no discernable image.)

(well, how shall we proceed if we're down a team member?)
Cloud who was ahead of the other kids turned his head around when heard the other kids asking what their power was and saw the boy make his hand into a blade then raised an eyebrow.So he can turn his limbs into weapons. He kept walking forward and went inside a dark and empty classroom.This was what he wanted to find.He went inside then used the shadows to get to the location that he was supposed to get to faster
She made a black hole type of thing and the both girls went in. Once they where in they saw the red house. "Seems like the destination" she looked at it as the dimensional portal closed."here comes nothing" she slowly started walking forward.
Cloud was inside the red house and started to look around.There was blood.Lots of blood.This didnt scare him though and he as he had seen up close the murder of his parents so he was used to this.He had looked around and all he saw was ruble and nothing else until he found a letter beside the bed of the person who lived there.
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(wait, i thought our team was to look for clues?)

Nim caught sight of Miku creating a wormhole. "Lucky." he muttered. Maybe if he could force gravity to coalesce something into a black hole.... "So, if they're going to the house..." he trailed off, looking expectantly at Lucas. "You want to talk to people?"
He was about to pick up the letter when he saw through the window outside of the bedroom the rest of his team.I guess they must have teleported to get here.Either that or they must have super speed and carried one of them or maybe even made a portal to get here.That last one is too improbale i mean to me every shadow is a portal to my dimension.More likely they have super speed though. I should get confirmation on their powers later.Just in case any...problems would arise... he thought to himself trying to analyze their powers. He may have a height disadvantage being 5'1 and they may have more experience (assuming since they are all older than him and he is only 12 years old) but he still was going to be better than them.He honestly thinks that he is better than some of the students here but he still didnt know their powers.He wanted to know how to beat them in combat should they ever have to fight and he intended to find out.
(wait, i thought our team was to look for clues?)

Nim caught sight of Miku creating a wormhole. "Lucky." he muttered. Maybe if he could force gravity to coalesce something into a black hole.... "So, if they're going to the house..." he trailed off, looking expectantly at Lucas. "You want to talk to people?"

He nodded "sure ill go around the town while you look at the place she was last seen" he said to him and opening the school doors to let them outside (alright Everyone is of the school I think, so please start rping in the out of school section)
Luck sat on his simple computer talking to the teacher whi was thought to be missing. She asked what the end goal was and what jf it went bad. Luck answered "nothing can go worng, the mission is fake, a very compacated illusion spell was put in the house ti make it look like nothing odd was there other the blood, the investagaions site there is nothing there, they both will cime back saying simply 'there was nothing' and i tell them that it wasnt real" he did NOT know about the note at the house
Thana hadn't left yet.  For she found it odd that the headmaster would send kids, even abnormal kids, to investigate a possible murder.  She was carefully thinking about this.  She then went back to the headmasters office and knocked on the door.

(Sorta got left behind but eh)

@The Outcast
"No the headmaster sent us on a possible murder investigation that I believe is either fake or just poorly done.  Plus the others sorta left me behind." Thana said.

Luck was right behind  of them "What do you need to confront me about?" he asked her
Thana turned and looked at him.

"when you gathered up most of the new students and gave us a mission it seemed off considering the fact even the most insane person wouldn't send new kids that are still learning control over themselves to a possible death fight if it turns out to be a real murder.  I'm sorry to be blunt but my mother always taught me to think things through and then speak my mind once I was sure of what I wanted to say." She said looking at him.


@The Outcast
He sighed "seeing how you guys aren't going anymore i can tell you something" he then explained how the mission was fake and a test to see how well they work together. "There is no real danger, the house is empty and the teacher is in my office useing a invisibility spell" he reasurred
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Thana nodded.  

"Sorta figured.  But what if they found something that wasn't part of this test?  Because if they did they may be in danger.  Or even worse found danger." She said.

"oh and maybe next time to test if we can work together come up with a group project.  It's only an idea." She said with a small smile.

@The Outcast
he shook his head "there is no danger, and I can have the people going on the mission knowing its fake, the date wont be Correct" he explained

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