Roleplay (in school)

(Lol. Btw the "demon inside him" awfully reminds me of a Naruto show)

Miku sighed and wakes in the school which was huge "waa" she only could say that to the sizes "I will surely need this" she looked at the arrow in a bibble that was pointing to her locker. "Here comes the first day" she said. Her locker was at the top so she used some water to skip walking up the stairs. She opened her locker and put all the books away.
(the anime?  I never seen it, I was more of a sailor moon fan)

Lucas entered the school and made his way to his locker, witch he knew where it was because of the letter he go telling him his locker number and combination. Once he got there he opened it and put his entire book bag inside. There wasn't much in it any way,  just the stuff he could buy with the money he saved from begging. 'I wish I had money, I could come to school and look normal" he thought to him self

Just steal some clothes for god's sake Aion told him. Lucas hated the idea of stealing and told the demon this, to witch he scoffed
Nim walked into school, backpack on his shoulder, quietly observing all the strange people around. It was like a circus or something. He still had his locker combo, but he decided to forgo a visit, dropping into his class with his bag. "I swear, if some teacher tries to make me put this in my locker, I'll end a man..."
Miku put only few books in her locker because she xould all the others with water and carry them around. "To the class" she said as she closed her locker and walked through the hall way. She saw a lot of people but mostly with wings so she felt uneasy being on of the few without flying abilities.
Nim let out a harsh sigh as a group of winged humans entered the classroom. And they could fly, too. He'd never felt this outclassed. What could he do - telekinesis? And that was if he concentrated. The more he saw, the more he felt like he didn't belong, but hey, at least he could throw a punch. If they messed with him, he could catch them by surprise.
Miku hoped that by now she would at least know the hall but she still relied on the water arrow to guide the way around the huge school. "I hate looking at those flying people" she whispered to herself and tried avoiding the eye contact with everyone.
She walked in the classroom and popped the water bubble without anything getting wet. There where people chatting and doing random things but she ignored it. She dragged her tail as she sat down on an open desk in the back and put the things she carried neatly on her desk with water. Out of bored she started making mini galaxies on her jeans and make them disappear and reappear again.
Nim concentrated as he forced his pen to spin rapidly, hovering above his index finger. It was a simple exercise, and while it had been difficult at first, he'd gotten a lot better. Then he glanced over, seeing a girl creating tiny star clusters and galaxies. On her jeans. His pen clattered to the ground, and he lied down on his desk, just hoping for the teacher to come in.
She heard the footsteps come in the classroom. A tall female teacher with glasses and a bun came in. She quickly looked up loosing her focus so the little galaxies exploded at her face and left a bunch of sparkling startdust on her face. She quickly shook her head to get them off. As soon as she had no stardust left she looked back at the teacher.
(Seeing how you introduced the teacher, do you wanna be her? @Iryxa)

Lucas entered the room and sat near the middle, he opened a book he found on the floor the way here. The book was called Eragon, he looked at the first page and flipped thou until he found where the book started.

taking the book from below few others, Miku sid what the teacher asked them to do. "Now we will be learning how to find your true magic talent and when it appears" the teacher said. Miku kept turning pages until she found the right page "when your talent appears, is when you suddenly feel the strongest feeling you ever felt. It could b anger or sadness or even guilt. No one can predict how you will unlock yours but that's why you are here" she wrote something on the board "sure. Like you can tell me about my wings" Miku mumbled to herself. "Some of you may also have the talents that appear once in a month or a week" she said and those words hit Miku.
"Bah talents I just made a deal" Lucas muttered grabbing a price of paper and a pencil that was on the floor and began to right
"Or maybe you do have the answer" Miku'a face lit up. "First of all, I am not familiar with most of and your powers so I want you to write a bit about your self and your powers. If you have any hidden talents or anything like that" the teacher sat down at her desk and Miku started to write rapidly.
He smiled ' maybe you should write about your self as well' he told Aion

ill do that once you writing. The demon said to him.

Lucas began to also wrought about his past, unlike most people he wasn't afraid or ashamed to write about what his father did to him. Or what he did to his father.
After Miku was finished she gave it to the teacher and more and more people started finishing up.  Once everyone was done the teacher said to read while she read the papers. "One with a bad background and one with hidden ability" teacher said to herself. "I didn't have students like that in a long time" she said again. That's when the bell rang.
Nim stood up, slinging his backpack up over his shoulder. One class down... six to go? he thought to himself, trying to cut through the mass of people trying to leave at once. Hoo boy.
Lucas guessed the bad background was him, he wondered his hiddedn power is.

Before everyone could leave the door opened and in came a tall about 6'4 black bald man "good morning students, I and Headmaster Luck and I like to thank you all for joining our school. You don't know how long it took me to wright thoes letters" he chuckeled then continued "if you would follow me, I'll take you all to your next calls" he said moving out the way
"It's easy for flying onces to get through" she said "but that's why it's crouded" she said again to herself. She spilled the ater from her water bottle that was dripping to the end of the hall. Then she put one foot on a wet floor and turned herself into water. She appeared in the hall where it was less crouded "good think I learned how to do that just before school" she sighed to herself
Nim gazed up at the frankly huge man. The man that started it all, right there in front of him. He wanted so badly to make a scene, but years of social conditioning kept his mouth firmly shut. He put his head down, following behind the headmaster.
"Guess you where kinda late almost every body left" Lucas said to Luck, to witch he smiled

"I'm not late, the bells always go off a 2 minuets early" he said leading everyone... Outside?

(Still rp in this section)
Following to her next class she suddenly felt bored. "What do we have next" she mumbled again under her breath. "Better be something good. Better than that class" she said in the same tone 
Luck opened the door and reviled just a normal 25*25 square of dirt

"This is something we do for all the newcomers, or as the older students call you, noobs.  Here you will team up in groups of three and.." he smiled " I'll explain after you pair up" he said
"As expected" Miku said with her eyes rolled "great now who do I team with?" She looked around the chit chatting people and  stood there for a second "besides I got no good talent" she thought. "Like who will need water and galaxy" she smiled to herself as she thought.

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