[ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge


Four Thousand Club
Info thread: Required reading if you're new and want in.

Signups thread: More mandatory reading,and you need to be accepted there before posting here. Always open.

3077. The future. Humanity has grown and spread. All of Earth has been consumed by a single metropolis,which covers all land,and even the ocean. VTOL airliners and supersonic subways bring people to their destinations,eliminating personal motorvehicles. It is within the Hive World of Earth that the vampires have been born. It is where they live. It is where they belong. While humanity keeps trying to terraform other worlds,vampirekind is content to remain on Earth. In recent years,the vampires have made a resurgence,after going into hiding late in the Gothic era. In the intervening years,they have become characters of fiction,and have been portrayed...Loosely,to say the least. In response,the Unified Earth Governments,or UEG,have created a special branch of the military in a knee jerk reaction to vampires and the potential threat they possess to the rest of humanity; the Vampire Response Company. Armed with the best and latest,and staffed by the best of the best,their duty is to hunt and eliminate all vampiric threats,actual or precieved.

It was late in the afternoon. In a library's basement sat a truly grotesque figure,with a fire burning beside it. In it's hands was a book. The first entry of the Twilight saga. The figure opened the book,and began reading the first page. Slowly,a frown formed on it's face. The figure flipped to around the middle and read. The frown deepened. Flipping to the end and reading,the figure's frown evolved into a snarl as it cast the book into the fire. The figure muttered, "I will never speak of this with anybody...It would be impolite..."

The figure was the eighth generation Nosferatu vampire Dimitri Kozlov. He pulled another book from the pile,and muttered, "Humans of the second millenium were truly depraived and misinformed wretches..." He opened the book,Salem's Lot. Written by a gentlemen named Stephen King. He was waiting for his Daywalker kin to return,so he and his Malkavian and Bruha bretheren could go out and feed. After a couple of hours reading Salem's Lot,he was grinning widely. "This must truly be the most accurate representation of my kin in fiction...Mr.King must've been quite well informed..."
Vincent sat in the corner of the basement, drumming his fingers on the floor impatiently. He hated being cooped up in a basement all day. Especially not with the company he was currently keeping.

While his fellow Vampires were not completely disliked, he didn’t find them to be the most interesting of company for 12 or so hours…especially not when stuck in a basement.

The Nosferatu, at least, could take joy in reading. Or, maybe not, since Vincent just witnessed him toss some book called Twilight into the fire. He’d never read the book himself, but he’d been told it was rather…bad.

Vincent groaned; feeling ridiculously bored. He couldn’t wait for Angel to get back. Where was she? It couldn’t possibly still be daytime. He had to have been sitting there for at least two eternities! No, it had to be night now. Did something happen to Angel? What would he do if something HAD happened to her? He’d put so much time and effort into making sure she made it this far, he wouldn’t be able to handle losing her now.

As if for the sole purpose of putting his fears at ease, Angel suddenly opened the door to the library basement, shutting it behind her and taking a deep sigh. She smiled at the other Vampires and slowly walked down the short flight of stairs to meet them.

“Day’s over,” she said cheerfully, looking over at Vincent. “You guys are free to do whatever it is you do when night comes…” Angel sat down at the table, across from the Nosferatu (whom she generally avoided eye contact with) and picked up The Complete Works of Shakespeare she had been reading the night before. “You guys have fun.”

Vincent frowned a little. “You’re not coming with us?” he asked Angel, pulling himself up off the floor. Angel merely shook her head as a response and opened to the scene she’d left off in in Antony and Cleopatra.

“You guys go ahead,” she told them. “I’m fine here, actually…” She didn’t want to go out hunting. She didn’t really HAVE to yet…she could handle herself fine at this state. Why overhunt, after all? At least that’s what Angel kept telling herself. She was absolutely starving, but she didn’t want to hunt. It was such an unpleasant experience that made her skin crawl. On top of that it was nightmarish. She would rather stay in with Shakespeare for the night. That was a much better way to spend her evening.
Haratchi had grabbed about seven books each with the same title, but different subtitles. He sat in the far far corner of library's basement and read the books. He began with what must have been the first in the fiction titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. There was an eighth book he had brought down, but he had disregarded it; it was titled Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. He read each page so quickly you would think he wasn't even reading it and within little more than twenty minutes he was halfway through the second book.

He had acknowledged the presence of fellow vampires, but did not go close to them or even make eye contac; He always felt reading was done best without distraction. That and the fact he was already in a world of his own, reading the words as if he was there, imagining each scene in his head. His blue eyes were moving so fast they were like flies on steroids trapped in a tiny jar. The only way he knew what time it was, was when somebody's voice echoed down to the far corner, he couldn't tell who the voice belonged to only that day was over, not that he cared since he barely left indoors. It took him another five minutes to get to the end of the second book; he seemed to get faster with every book he read, every word his eyes devoured. Occasionally he would smile or frown, some times he looked like he was going to cry, other he looked like he was going to burst out in laughter.
As the other vampires entered,Dimitri taken mental not of the page he was on,then gingerly closed the book. He set it down beside the pile,and asked the newcomers, "I trust you Pseudovampires didn't allow yourselves to be observed coming down here. Now,where is our Malkavian sister? If it is truly dusk,then we must feed." He flexed his taloned fingers. The thirsted for blood;his mouth was sticky and dry,and he felt weak. As a Nosferatu,he was the single most powerful vampire in the room,but that power came at a price. He was far more vulnerable to the classical weaknesses of vampires,and he had to feed in large quantities every night.

"Furthermore,what do you bring with you? We need whatever we can to survive...So long as it's mobile." He slowly curled one of his three membered hands into a fist,then uncurled it. He was anticipating the hunt for blood. This was the third library that month that they have occupied. They had to keep mobile,to keep the VRC off their scent. He shuddered slightly at the thought of the VRC;they had Sun Guns;weaponized UV flashlights. He banished the thought,and began pacing by the doorway to the stairway upstairs.
Haratchi hadn't listened to the nosferatu as he had no intent of going hunting, not for a long time, but he slid a small thing along the floor, it was a UV gauge designed to hang on the end of something, it would change from transparrent to purple the higher the UV going into it, but nothing else other than that. He kept reading the book and was already more than three quaters of the way through it, not even glancing at everyone else in the basement.
Vincent rolled his eyes at the Nosferatu. "Please," he said, his French accent still rather thick even after all these years. "Do you really think that we'd let ourselves get caught coming down here?" Sometimes he felt that the Nosferatu felt himself far superior to the other Vampires in the group...not that he wasn't technically, but it was still annoying to be reminded of that.

"I brought what I need for myself. Four packs of cigarettes and a gun," he said coolly. "As for Angel, she doesn't need much...or claims not to and my Thrall should be fine."

Angel glanced up from her Shakespeare book, wondering if she should try taking it with her. Technically it belonged to the library...but from what it sounded like, they may not be returning to this library anytime soon.

"Where...are we headed from here?" she asked a bit nervously, shutting the book. "We're leaving tonight?"
Haratchi glanced up at the girl and smiled at her, then looked around the place. It would be a bit of a shame to have to leave this place, he had grown fond of it, but he knew that he had no choice unless he wanted to die. He finished the fourth book and set it down, taking mental notes of the names of the rest of the series in case they were moving, then stood up and walked over to where everyone else was, despite having nothing to add to the conversation.
Maribel slid from a bookcase covered in dust. She frowned and brushed it off herself. Unlike the others she didn't particularly read the books and had been asleep. She shook her head to get the rest of the dust off her body and then smiled at her fellow vampires in an apologetic manner.

"Sorry. I was sleeping. I am ready to go now." She choked back a yawn and stretched ready to go. She looked at Angel. "Well you might not be alone. Karen could stay with you," Maribel said pointing to the thrall. Karen looked at Vincent. She would do as she was told. "I'm sure Vincent wouldn't mind leaving her to keep you company."
Vincent looked over at his Thrall and shrugged. "If you want to stay here until we're done hunting, I'll leave Karen with you," he said, turning back to Angel. "I worry though..." He walked over to Angel and placed a hand on her shoulder, leaning in to speak with her.

"Angel, you know what will happen if you go without hunting for too long..." he said softly. "Don't act like it's such a terrible thing...you need it."

Angel shook her head and pulled back away from Vincent, quickly opening her book and burying her face in it. "I'm fine," she snapped, sounding a little irritated. Unfortunately, her irritated snapping didn't sound very frightening. Her voice was still soft and shaky and her whole body trembled nervously when she spoke. "I'm fine..."

Vincent sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment and running his hand through his hair. He counted backwards from ten to keep from lashing out at the poor girl.

"Well if we ARE in fact leaving tonight, you'll need to come anyway," he said coldly, walking back over to Karen. "Otherwise you'll be left behind!" Angel flinched under his words and sank down a bit in her chair, opting not to speak.
"Feed now. We'll be leaving tomorrow night,just after dark. If you must have such reservations about your nature,then feed from the cattle." Dimitri was reffering to their resident Thrall,Karen. She was human,and had viable blood. "Just don't drink too much. She's useful alive." He walked up the stairs,and moved silently. He reached the door,and pressed his ear against it. He exhaled slowly and silently,listening for anyone. One of the main reasons he chose to hide in libraries was because of how early they closed to the public,and how quickly the staff left.

Hearing nothing,Dimitri opened the door,carefully. He stepped into the library's main floor,near the back of the stacks. He crept through the building,swiftly and silently. The building was dark,and the front desk was empty,sure signs that the staff had already left to go home. He approached the front doors,grand an oaken. Of course,it wasn't real wood. Nothing these days was. Everything was synthesized. All useful materials that come out of the fusion cycle of the reactors waste were repurposed for construction. He listened at the door,and heard the usual sounds of VTOL engines and the sumblings of the supersonic subways. Hearing no chatter,he cracked the door open,and peered out. The street was empty. He slipped out,and awaited his kin.
Angel looked over the top of her book at Karen. The suggestion was ridiculously tempting...but...No! She couldn't eat Karen! Why was she even considering it!? "I'm FINE," Angel repeated again before looking back down at her book.

Vincent sighed angrily and pulled at his hair a little in frustration. It was times like this one where he really needed a smoke. But, first thing's first.

"Karen, you stay here with Angel," he commanded to his Thrall, sounding a bit more than just a little annoyed. "Try and convince her to eat. If I come back and she's still hungry, I'll kick you." It wasn't much of a threat, but he knew Karen would get the gist of it. Besides, he made it a point to never strike her anyway. He was all talk when it came to making threats to Karen.

Vincent walked up the stairs, following the Nosferatu into the empty library and instinctively ducking behind the shelves. He could hear the sounds of the VTOL that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up and not out of fear, but out of anger. He really wished he could just rip them all limb from limb sometimes. However, that wouldn't solve much and it certainly wouldn't get them to their goal any sooner.

When the coast was clear, Vincent slipped out of the library after the Nosferatu, standing beside him to wait for the others.
Hiaratchi sighed and walked over to the corner then sat down again, but unusually for him, not reading just sitting there with his arms folded and legs crossed. He looked over at the girl bringing a smile to his face, "You should feed of people that arn't going to be missed: homeless people, drug dealers and the usual kind of person that could just normally vanish the next day." he whispered loud enough for her to hear; his voice was weak and small since it had been many years since he had said anything. The reason he suggested that way was because that is how he fed when he rarely did feed, "just don't take them all." he said jokingly.
Angel looked over the top of her book at Hiratchi, wide-eyed and clearly caught off-guard. He brought up feeding too...Feeding on the homeless...and referring to them as those who wouldn't be missed.

She sighed, shuddering a little, then looked back into her book. "Thanks for the tip..." she said softly, unsure of how else to react to his advice. After all, she couldn't really say she agreed with him. Life was valuable...cutting it short was...sad. Angel wished she had been able to live her Human life to the fullest, maybe then she would remember it. Even the poor were put here for a reason and she could not bring herself to believe they were placed on this planet to be eaten by Vampires. She hated what she was...and she hated what she had to do. Vincent knew that...he would still force her to eat when it got down to it.

"But...I still think I'll stay back...I feel fine, really..." Angel added to her previous statement. "I don't need to eat as much as you guys, remember? I'll be okay for a bit longer...but thanks for worrying...if...if you were worrying." And there she went. The conversation she attempted to strike up made a turn for the awkward. She pressed her nose into the comforting cool pages of her book, hoping to hide from Hiratchi and other onlookers until everyone was gone. It was best to just shut up now before she accidentally said another stupid thing.
Hiratchi glanced back up at her, "I feed as little as possible without going ferral. If it's the fact you can't bring yourself to kill then you could just take a little bit without having to kill. I try to do that every rare time I try to feed." he said, it seemed like he would have the answers before the questions were raised, but he didn't he was just good at reading people from the way they talk, stand and move. Not much of that 'skill' was from personal experiance since he rarely actually watched people, but he read about it once in a book.

Hiratchi sighed and picked at the fifth book in series; he wasn't annoyed at the girl in the slightest, "I allways worry." he said flicking through the pages.
Angel blushed a little at his last statement, then peeked over the top of her book again. Was he not going hunting with the others? She glanced over at the door Vincent and the Nosferatu left through, then looked back at Hiratchi with a puzzled look.

"Are...are you staying behind too?" she asked curiously.

Angel lowered her book onto the table, watching Hiratchi in utter confusion for a moment. He did say that he also avoided eating until he had to and even then he didn't take much. What would that be considered? Taking a donation? That was funny. A donation to the starving Vampire fund.
Haratchi nodded, "I am staying here." he said, not looking up from the book, but he was smiling at her. He paused for a moment then picked up the books and walked over from the corner to where she was, pulling up a small box and sitting on it like a child then continued to read, closing the fifth book and opening the sixth, reading through them pages quickly.
Angel stared at him when he came over and sat next to her. The butterflies in her stomach began to swarm, making her feel instantly even more uncomfortable. What was he doing? Well, clearly he was reading, but why was he reading so close to her?

That seemed like a really paranoid question, so she let it drop. For a long moment, she just sat there, staring at him while he just...read his books in front of her.

"You...read really fast..." she commented, turning a bit red. Why did saying that embarrass her? Why did all conversation have to be so difficult? She looked back down at her Shakespeare book sadly. He didn't think she was weird did he?
Haratchi nodded, "I read a lot of books." he said, looking up at her, "are you ok? you're a bit red." he said, looking back down at his book and continuing to read, slightly faster than before.
Karen nodded at Vincent's command and she turned to Angel after he left. She smiled nervously at the girl.

"I don't mind if you feed on me. Master Vincent does it sometimes. I will be fine," she said, trying to reassure the girl. "I am just a Thrall. You need not worry about me."

And Karen like being fed on though she had never said it. She was a Thrall and submissive to whatever Vincent wanted but she felt if she admitted to liking it they would think something was wrong with her. So she never said anything.


Maribel followed them out. She blocked out Angel's words about not needing to be fed. If she listened long enough to her and Vincent bickering about her feeding habits it got Maribel upset. And when she was upset it was not good. She had destoried a couple books last time in her rage and Karen still bore a scar on her chest.

Maribel took deep breaths. All she had to do was remain calm and it would be okay.
Angel turned redder. This conversation was beginning to get more and more embarrassing to her.

"Karen, I'm not hungry," she said quickly. "And...And I'm fine okay? I don't..." She sighed, feeling exasperated. Normally, Angel avoided conversations with more than one person...and avoided them all together with relatively new people to her life. She just couldn't handle it. It felt weird and made her insides churn.

"I'm sorry..." she apologized, burying her face into her hands. She wanted to escape now. Where could she be alone now though? She was never alone until daytime when the others stayed hidden and she could go where she pleased.
"I'm sorry," Karen said, reddening herself and looking down at her feet. She didn't mean to make Angel upset. She felt bad now. "I will be quiet now."
Harachti looked around, everyone seemed sad. He glanced over to the corner he was sitting in, then back at angel, "are you ok?" he asked, trying to steer the conversation away from feeding.
Angel sighed. At this point not only was she embarrassed, but the conversation seemed to be going in circles and her answers felt repetitive. Once again, the flustered girl replied, "I'm fine..." And looked at Karen. "Karen, don't apologize," she said, sounding a bit exasperated. "I'm fine, I promise. Okay? I'm just not hungry and...I don't know..."
Haratchi shook his head sligtly, "I meant in general; how have you been?" he asked, glancing up at her from the book, then back down at the book.
An off-duty VRC soldier had just left Johnny's Bar & Grill, passing down the lane just after sundown. As he headed past an alleyway, a shadow detached itself from the wall, and flitted behind him. Devin Herdel was stalking this one for personal reasons. The soldier had been involved in a raid on the lair of one of his companions, and she hadn't made it out alive. The Bruha warrior may not have known her enough to remember her name, but to him, every death of his vampiric brethren, Bruha or not, was personal.

As the soldier entered a subway terminal, He made his move. Jumping out of the shadows, Herdel tackled the soldier, immediately shattering the human's left shoulder, and knocking a weapon from the soldier's right hand. In moments he'd killed the bastard, and then disposed of the body, dropping it in one of the many rarely used maintenance tunnels.

Leaving the subway, he once again disappeared into the night.

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