Rola Assaf
Name: Rola Assaf
Age: 43
Ethnicity/Nationality: Lebanese/Afghani
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: Liberation Group Leader
Name: Rola Assaf
Age: 43
Ethnicity/Nationality: Lebanese/Afghani
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: Liberation Group Leader
- Appearance
Height: 4'3
Weight: 123 pounds
Hair: black. unkempt hair.
Eyes: Hazel
Body: Athletic
Attire: White burqa, face veil, orange aviator glasses, black gloves
She has a scar above her lip after being mugged in Kabul when visiting her uncle when she was 17 years old. In a car crash when she was 7 she lost her left eye and right pinkie.
- Personality
Rola Assaf isn't the nicest person, but she has heart. She's pretty serious but there are those moments where she cracks a joke or makes a viciously good comeback. She gets very nervous when she's in a place she's never been and has been known to stutter when she publicly speaks but can be very expressive.
- History
Rola Assaf grew up in Sidon, Lebanon in a small apartment with her father Karl and her two brothers Halim and Kassim. Rola was a very social girl, she had a tight knit group of friends, most of who she is still in contact with and could easily spark a conversation. Though, when she was 14 years old she was in a car crash that cost her, her left eye thanks to a shard of glass and her left pinkie. Both her and her father was inert and in a hospital bed for at least 3 months. Rola suffered from PTSD and became practically mute and barely talked. She needed extra help in school and fell behind. Luckily meds became her savior and watered down her PTSD and she began to talk again but barely. At 20 years old she started a website called ''Whorriah'' which means freedom in Arabic. It was meant to raise awareness of government corruption and terrorism. It steadily grew and was soon similar to the group Anonymous, setting up protests and doing a national dent. Soon it became a large well armed group.
- Equipment
Rola has a sniper and a handgun that she carries around with her all the time.
- Skills
She can operate a sniper, is very good at aiming and is very flexible. She does parkour in her free time .