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Fandom Rogues vs Shadowclan --Warrior cats-- Interest check


Cat in Disguise
"Absinthe... Come closer dear." The old cat whispered, though he was fighting to hang on to life. A medium sized, agile she-cat responded, by stepping close to the old one. Her glossy orange and white pelt shifted as she moved.

"Yes father?" She spoke, her voice sounding close to tears. Her tail was laying limp onto the ground, and she had taken up a position crouched next to the older tom.

"I want you.. to... take revenge... Make those Shadowclan cats... pay... for hurting us... Lead our cats.. for me.."The tom said, his voice dieing out at the end. His head fall to the ground and his breathing ceased. She she-cat tipped her head back and let out a mournful yowl. Soon, the voices of the watching rogues and loners joined in.

Absinthe stayed by her dead fathers side the rest of the night, finally rising in the morning. "You all heard Shard`s last words! We must make Shadowclan pay! Take our revenge!" She called, her voice and eyes burning with rage at the clans, for killing off her father, and so many others. The agreeing yowls from the others supported her as she continued, "All those unwilling to fight, get your cowardly faces out of my sight! As for the rest of you, begin preparing! We start gathering our forces at sun-high!" She called, a growl added at the cowards. Some cats ran off, while others nodded and began talking at once. Any and all that stayed rallied near Absinthe, while the cowards gathered off in a clearing, to leave to warn Shadowclan...
I am requiring at 4-6 cowards and at least 5 followers. Absinthe will be played by me. They are rivaling against the Shadowclan cats, so at least 8 Shadowclan cats are needed to start plus a Shadowclan leader..


  • Cowards- Those that like the clan and want to warn them about the rogues and loners . ((0/6))
  • Followers- Those that side with Absinthe and want to take revenge on Shadowclan ((Need at least 4 to start))
  • Second in charge- Leader number two of the rogues and loners after Absinthe ((@felixvoidwalker ))
  • Shadowclan cats- Members of Shadowclan -- At least ((0/min. 4)) warriors, a med cat ((@Enchanted Dreams ))

Post in this thread if your interested or to reserve for Shadowclan leader((Reserved)), medicine cat((Reserved)), or deputy or to reserve the second in charge((Reserved)). Otherwise those spots are first come first serve. There is a limit of 6 cowards. All other spots are unlimited, those numbers are just the minimum amount before we can start.

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As I told you earlier Sayomi, I`ll be joining, just not taking a big role. I`ll decide mine once others join.
This thread. Justr pick one of the spots, I`ll i`ll mark you down for it, until I finish the cs form that is
Alright then. I`ll PM you your CS in a few, plus a few links.

Just, do you want Shadowclan leader or second in charge? Just want to be sure

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