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Futuristic Robot uprising type thing?


Suffers from Selective Memory
Would anyone be interested in an RP where humanity relies heavily on robots and an AI developed to kinda network everything goes haywire, gains sentience, and begins using the robots to kill off humanity?

The RP is actually done already but it doesn't have many types so sure, why not. Go for it.

I'd rather have unique descriptions instead of pictures off the net.

The footsoldier is just like any good soldier. It's versatile, loyal, strong, and hardy. It's more durable than any other standard class but takes a penalty to speed and lacks specialization. All in all, footsoldiers rely more on numbers than ability when taking down foes.

The Scout

The scout is quick and has the second best sight in the standard issue models. The speed comes from the bot's light armor making it easy to destroy.

The Demolitionist

Demolitionists are quite rare and only used in extreme situations. They are designed to be very effective killing machines and hunt high value targets in packs of about a hundred. Demolitionists explode when near to their target with the strength of a low power grenade.


The medic is everything the footsoldier isn't. It is slow, lacks armor, and is outright terrible at killing. However, the medic can repair other bots much more quickly than any other droid. Medics are moderately scarce but very efficient.

The Spy

Spies are only sent in extremely dire situations, they make little to no noise when running and are deadly killing machines, more so than any other. A spy lacks much armor but makes up for it in it's high mobility and attack.

The Sniper

The sniper is used scarcely as well, but is more common than the spy. Snipers pack high caliber rounds and highly impressive sight. They possess limited mobility and use medium armor.

The Juggernaut

Juggernauts are often used in the thick of battle as all out killing machines. They are extremely slow but have an immense amount of killing power. Juggernauts are the elite of the robot fighters


The Behemoth

The behemoth is only a myth, but sketchings have been released of what it may look like.


((For scale, a human would probably be the height of the rock to the right with the sticks
I mean, I only really used the names, if you'd like to not include some of them that'd be fine.
Well I would use them but the thing is that there's only one military model of robot in use.

The rest are standard house bots and shit. Types like these might come later when the AI starts manufacturing it's own soldiers.
Probably post this tomorrow or tonight. Got it on my iPad now but I want to rewrite it like I do all my old stuff.

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