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Realistic or Modern robin's partner search + oc masterlist


New Member
( introduction ! )


( rules ! )

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I'm a firm believer of quality over quantity when it
comes to roleplays, especially if the characters are
having back-and-forth conversations. I don't mind
the occasional shorter reply as long as you give me
something to work with (none of this "He smiled."
sort of nonsense.) That being said, I still generally
appreciate and expect some sort of detail in your
replies. There should at least be two paragraphs.

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I'm most comfortable with roleplaying with people
who are between the ages of 17 and 20. This isn't
really a hard rule; I'll roleplay with someone who is
sixteen if I like their writing style enough, same with
someone who is a little older than twenty. That's just
generally what I'm most comfortable with.

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I won't roleplay with anyone who doesn't use proper
grammar and spelling. The occasional mistake here
and there are fine, but I shouldn't be giving myself a
headache to read your response. This also includes
things like paragraph breaks. I've roleplayed with far
too many people who just send giant blocks of texts
that are damn near impossible to read, and I'm done
with dealing with that! Start new paragraphs!

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I generally prefer doing queer ships. I'll do a straight
ships occasionally but I have to really, really love the
pairing. I'll also only play the male character, and I'll
only use trans male ocs. I refuse to play as a cishet
guy. That's where I draw the line.

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ If you don't like people who get super excited about the roleplay and constantly send headcanons, memes, ship
dynamics, et cetera that remind them of the roleplay or
the characters in it, I am 100% going to annoy the shit
out of you. I love doing stuff like that. I also love to rp
with people who match that same energy. If you don't,
I'll probably get bored and quit the roleplay.

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I'll tell you if I don't want to do a roleplay anymore and
I expect the same courtesy from you. Don't ghost me.
If I don't reply for awhile, I promise it's not on purpose.
I just have the memory of a goldfish (ADHD problems.)
Just send me a quick message to remind me after a
day or two.

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ Contribute to the plot discussion. Roleplays should
be a collaborative effort, not one person doing all the
work. I want to hear your ideas!

★ㅤ ⏤ㅤ I have the most experience doing modern romance
kind of roleplays, but I'm down to try anything. I'm
not really confident in my abilities to do a fantasy or
medieval kind of roleplay, but I'll give it a shot!

( my ocs ! )


27. bisexual. trans man. photographer.
the most pessimistic optimist you'll meet
( "yeah, everything will be fine, but here's
all the ways it will suck before we get there." )
commitment issues | estranged from family |
has a lot of flings, but not serious relationships


27. lesbian. cis woman. journalist.
bubbly, gregarious & upbeat | also
an anxious, high-strung perfectionist |
seems like a doormat 'cause she prefers
to avoid conflict, but is assertive when she
needs to be | nosy, can't mind her business.


23. gay. cis man. guitarist in band.
an annoying extrovert with no filter |
clingy as hell | gets attached too easily |
literally if a golden retriever was a human |
has undiagnosed adhd | easily distracted &
impulsive | has emotional regulation issues

( writing example ! )

[ from an unfinished hunger games fic. ]

Daemon doesn't know why he watches the game.

It feels like a self-inflicted punishment. He’s never been interested in them before. The idea of watching a group of adolescents brutally murder each other is not a spectacle that he’s ever seen the appeal in, and he finds it even less appealing now that his best friend is among them.

The other tributes selected had been teenagers. They are still far too young to be playing in this inhumane death game, but as Daemon stands in the cobblestone street and watches the interviews through a small television screen in a store window, he can’t help but notice the stark difference. The way the stylist dressed Alaric seems to lean into it—while the other tributes are dressed elaborately and elegantly, hair piled high and heavy makeup on their face to make them look older, he’s dressed in a white button - down shirt and dress pants. He looks like he’s going to a middle school dance, not to go fight to death on national television.

Maybe this is a messed up way to pull at the audience’s heartstrings. “Aw, look how young he looks! How innocent! Isn’t it going to be so sad when he dies?”

Daemon wishes he could say that he has faith in Alaric to be a victor, but he’s honestly already started mourning his death. He started mourning from the second that Alaric’s name had been called and he walked towards that stage to be shown off to everyone in District 12.

After all, kids like him don’t make it out of the arena.​



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