Robin Eucalyptus


Five Thousand Club

Name: Robin Eucalyptus

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Hometown/Region: Eterna City, Sinnoh

Appearance: Robin has long deep red hair, azure blue eyes and peach skin.  She is 4'7" tall and skinny.   She tends to wear an orange scarf and large blue winter coat in winter.  She wears a green beanie all the time and brown boots with skirts and pants along with bright colored shirts as her usual outfits.   In contests, she wears different dresses, made by her mother.

Personality:   As a child Robin, used to watch battles and contests on television, admiring the beauty of the contests and the fighting spirit of trainers who participated in the Sinnoh League.  Watching an interview with Nando, her idol, on television, she decided to combine contests and battling. Robin is a thoughtful person who makes friends easily and cares deeply for her friends and Pokemon.  She likes putting on a show though it doesn't seem that way as she is normally quiet but when she is in a contest or battle, she seems to exhibit another side that nobody sees.   She is shy around strangers and a loyal  friend who would do anything for them. Brave and self-confident, she tackles things with spirit and doesn't back down from a challenge.   She is allergic to strawberries and likes touring art galleries. She tries to give it her all in contests and battling, her main concern being the safety and health of her Pokemon and friends.   Robin isn't a morning person and spends a lot of time getting herself and her Pokemon ready in the morning before traveling.


  • Sketching
  • Participating in contests
  • Cooking
  • Traveling with friends
  • Her mother's homemade cooking


  • Spicy food
  • Anything with strawberries 
  • Injustice towards others
  • Getting lost
  • Arrogant people


Name: Chimchar

Gender: Male

Ability: Blaze

Type: Fire

Height: 1'08"

Weight: 13.7 lbs

Moves: Scratch, Double Team, Ember

Nature: Jolly

Pokedex Entry: Chimchar, the Chimp Pokémon. Chimchar easily climbs the sheerest of walls and lives on mountain tops. When it sleeps, its flames go out.

Caught: Received from Professor Rowan at his lab in Sandgem Town.


Name: Gible

Gender: Male

Ability: Sand Veil

Type: Dragon/Ground

Height: 2'04"

Weight: 45.2 lbs

Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Breath

Nature: Brave

Pokedex Entry: Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon. Gible once lived in the tropics, and to avoid cold it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat.

Caught: Route 202
Name: Starly

Gender: Female

Abiity: Keen Eye

Type: Normal/Flying 

Height: 1'00"

Weight: 4.4 lbs

Moves: Tackle, Gust, Quick Attack, Steel Wing (egg move-locked)

Nature: Lonely

Pokedex Entry: Starly, the Starling Pokémon. Starly normally travels in a flock, but when alone, it is hard to notice.

Caught: Route 202

Class: Trainer/Coordinator


Robin was raised all her life in Eterna City, born to Amelia Quest and Zain Eucalyptus who were rivals in their youth.  Amelia was a coordinator while Zain was a trainer/coordinator.  Zain unfortunately lost in the third round of the contests and then left to train for the Sinnoh League, getting into the Top 16 before he was defeated.  The two continued to travel together, Amelia eventually becoming Top Coordinator and Zain going on to beat the Orange League, the Kanto League, and the Kanto Battle Frontier.  They eventually separated ways, Amelia going on to perform in other contests while Zain went to Unova. After a defeat at the Hoenn League, Zain vanished for four years and Amelia didn't hear a word from her rival.   

Robin's parents eventually reunited in Sinnoh, her mother having retired from Coordinator business to become a fashion designer, her father returning to challenge the Sinnoh League and win.  He managed to do so and went on to fight the Elite 4, beating them but losing to Cynthia.  He had won the Sinnoh League on his second try and that was enough for Zain.  He went back home and proposed to his childhood rival, and they got married.  Nine months later Amelia had Robin and they raised their daughter in Eterna City, Zain eventually opening a clinic to take care of his community and the surrounding towns.  Because of her parents' success, Robin has had a good life and on her tenth birthday went to Professor Rowan's lab where she chose Chimchar as her partner.
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