Rєdєmptiσn's Cαll

What is your preference: angels or demons?

  • Angels

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Selcouth Viridity

Notice This role-play is now OPEN and character applications can now be submitted.

(See Overview for Role-Play details)

The role-play has not began.

-Romance between angels and demons are allowed. Please keep in mind, however, that angels and demons usually do not 'pair up'.-

  • FEMALE - Angels

    {1} @UltraYuseke as Hiraga Nakate

    {2} @Marvelous Chester as Tenji Aokoden Bastille

    {3} OPEN

    {4} OPEN

    {5} OPEN

    OTHER - Angels

    {1} OPEN

    {2} OPEN

    {3} OPEN

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Who are you?

Fate de Lancier


Your level of intelligence makes me laugh.



Don't you think that's a bit personal?



How old do I look to you?


Relationship Status:

I have no interest in trivial things like love.



Nosy, aren't you?

Navigation - Her adept memory and her sense of place gives her an upper hand when in mazes and large places.


You're standing right in front of me.



After all this conversation, you still have not figured that out. I pity you and your puny mind.

Fate bears a cold, unapproachable aura around her, keeping others at least five feet away from her and her icy glare. Although she has an innocent-like face (more or less), her personality is one that bothers most. She keeps her emotions hidden beneath harsh words and a chilly mask and wishes not to expose them for fear of being vulnerable. Fate does not hesitate when using her sharp tongue and those who know her stay well away.


Certainly not you.

- Tea

- Isolation

- Travelling

- Silence

- Night


You. You are one of the things I dislike.

- Stupidity [Rashness, foolishness, recklessness]

- Gibberish [Nonsense, riddles, bad grammar]

- Wasting time

- Carrion

- Unnecessary death


See yourself off. I want nothing more to do with you.

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Quite crazed about this RP. Hope I'm not too late in editing this to participate.


Name: Hiraga Nakate

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Relationship Status: Single


Hiraga's always been like a strange magnet to other people. His actions tend to get noticed more than other people's, leading to him making for an easy time getting friends and other social interactions.


(Yes, those are actually wings. Basically, one wing is about twice the size of him, but are lighter than most wings. Like everybody else, can hide them, and pretty much never seen with wings out.)



Hiraga's quite the calm person. Usually he'll be seen talking with others, or relaxing. He's probably one of the calmest people out there when there's nothing to keep him from being calm. He's quite friendly, but sometimes, he'll stay a little quieter than everybody else in a conversation.



The Ground




His Wings




He and Shibaya tend to consider each other brothers.

Hiraga is an angel.


Name: Shibaya Hakato

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 21

Relationship Status: Single


His talent is his ability to seemingly just disappear. He's quite the sneaky person, able to find any and all ways to make himself seem to disappear as he leaves an area.


(He never shows his wings, but he's actually almost always got them on. They're strangely the same exact pattern of his numbered Kimono-like shirt.)



Shibaya's quite a mysterious person. He usually seems friendly and open, but never reveals anything about himself past his name. Sometimes, he'll just up and vanish whenever somebody tries to find him, and if spotted by somebody that decides to talk to him, might vanish then as well.









His Wings


He and Hiraga tend to consider each other brothers.

Shibaya is a demon​
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Lily Ann Gosmore


Female Duh


I'm bisexual but I strive for girls more hehe~



Relationship Status:

I wish I had someone...it's just me


I have a great memory, in which I use to drawl mostly.


Do you not see me?



Well I like to think of my self as nice and bubbly? I'm always a little stubborn though, and reckless at times....and a little crazed...but Ill always lend a helping hand. I also cant hold a grudge...meh...


Um, sweets, nature, painting, stuff animals, bow and arrows. Warmth sunlight but the moon is pretty to, oh and I also like kitties duckies and hedgehogs the most!


I do not like small spaces, the make me feel confined. I also don't like hawks to much and anyone who is going to hurt for the sake of nothing.


What more is there to say about my self?

I didn't know if I was to ask first or not so I just made it...hope you don't mind if I join ^_^
(I would like an angle spot in please, and i will be working on a demon later ::the demon will be complex so it will be a he/she kind of thing if that's OK with you. For now here is the angle.)

  • Name: Tenji Aokoden Bastille
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Age: (19 - 23) 20
    Relationship Status: (single, taken) Single
    Talent: (no mary sue or gary stue talents allowed.)
  • His magic can create a bow of raw holy energy out of thin air that shoots holy arows he creates out of energy or stinger ones out of his hair with the strongest ones being real blessed arrows, using raw energy arrows takes alot out of him though. This energy can also be used for weaker healing magic or creating a blade, the longer he uses either the weaker he becomes with risk of passing out.
    Appearance: (Images allowed: anime, semi-realistic, realistic, photos)
  • 529064.jpg

  • Tenji is like a coin he has two sides, the first side being kind caring and gentell, this side looks for the good in people and dose its best to heal the weak and injured. His second side is his battle ready side that only puts its mindnon the goal at hand and ignores everything else.
  • Likes: Flying, night flying, children, the innocent, the purists, vanilla ice-cream, sleep, puppies and kittens, loud music
  • Demons, large dogs that arnt huskys, people with red eyes, satanists, the unbelievers, rap music, Lucifer.
  • Tenji has been known to fly down to the human world and lead orphans to new families or raise them as his own.
I was only asking because my character's won't be complete today. Since there might be people filling up the male demon and male angel slots, I simply asked to reserve the slots until I complete 'em so that I don't miss out on the spots. Pretty sure if you just immediately make the characters, no asking's involved, just waiting for it to be approved or denied.

There are so many sins in this world.

There is so much pain, suffering and war.

There are seven deadly sins that govern them,

Do you mind if I tell you about them.

The sins have names and physical manifestations they go bye:






Acedia,Ace/Slothfullness, lazyness



I may not be a holy man or preacher but I know my fair share about them. I have followed them and studied them for years.

First you need to know that all of these sins are one being who switches forms almost at random between them.

The first and most powerful of the sins is Anger, when have we not fallen into its trap.

Anger is known as Ira/wrath. It takes the appearance of a mortal girl.


This form is Bi like all the rest it enjoys war and revenge and makes a mockery of peace and love, it spends its days roaming the world starting wars. It started all the work wars. Its simple to tell its powers it can stir up hatred and war almost anywhere not to mention the fact it is strong. I can't tell its real age but it appears about 20 or 21 this form of it is female. I don't think wrath has any fears it does have a weakness though it doesn't plan things out or think ahead. This is all I know about anger.

The second strongest form it holds is Fen/lust.

He could be a supermodel by the looks of things.


Also be warned his main power beyond his charm speak is the ability to always look like you're dream boy no matter what, gosh what I would do to look like him. He is a kind guy by the way as long as his sexual desires are met. He likes sex,boobs,hot girls,sex, romance, candy,sex and did I mention sex he is list after all. He dosent like the unromantic or people who refuse to lose there virginity. He looks about 19 some people say older or younger depending on there own tastes. He is male but to some can appear female I've never seen him do this though.

The third on the list is that pagent princess you're always talking about Ms. Vanity/pride herself Sam. Yes I know such a simple name for such a girl.


She shares lusts effect of always looking good. She will always appear to you as the most beautiful girl or boy you can think of and even beyond that. She is vanity so she must always look good, she is also extremely prideful she will kill you if you say you are better then her at something even if it is true. She is always looking to part and dance and have fun though, trust me when I say she throws wicked partys. She dislikes anyone who thinks they are better then her in any way.

Next up is the only one I've ever talked to Ivy/envy herself folks.


Envy doesn't like much since she can never have enough she always wants what others have and hate people who don't give that to her. She took my favorite watch last week and that was one expensive piece of gold ahh but whatever. She seems kind but will always pull I give me that or this on yah and can throw some really big temper tantrums. Did I mention she can control plants mainly ivy but her skill works on all plants. So yeah give her what she wants before she entomes you in an apple tree, yeah I saw that happen once it kept me from eating apples for a month.

Gula/glutony is up next I'm with him know I can smell his cooking its amazing.


Ohh kinda important beyond him being a great chef he is a heavy alcoholic and he is a vampire. Yeah he almost bit me last year it was a close one. He likes cooking,blood,liquor and anything edible he hates hot or cold places and anyone or thing that stands in the way of him and his next meal. He seems like a nice guy until he wants you're blood then you better run because he becomes viscous, and unlike us no matter what he never puts on a pound best power ever he also has all the basic vampire abilities and due to his demon mix none of there weaknesses. Although you could slip poison into his meal and that would.... Ugh never mind NEXT !!!

Ohhhh Amy/greed is next up god dammit were are my notes did envy take them again.


There is a difference between envy and greed envy wants what others have greed just wants everthing to her self. She loves money,fame,fourtune all that good stuff and she hates sharing she would commit suicide before doing it. She comes of as a cold I'm better then you kind of person and there is no warming up to her I've tried and just got slapped in returns. She can make money appear out of thin air and can grant people fame but she never dose.

And last but not least Ace/lazyness he is my favorite bye the way.


He is the most chilled and layer back form of well it I guess, hese the guy you want to hang and chill with. These that cool guy who gets away with falling asleep in class. He likes sleep,dreaming,coffee,day dreaming and more sleep he hates loud noises and alarms. Ohh my we have so much in common. He has the power to lull anything into a deep sleep then influence there dreams. He is also a great artits.

So that's all of them, they are all the same person I'm saying once again. They are aware of eachothers presence but don't share memories so instead they have me there journal take notes of all there actions.

Yes I am only a mere book but I can take a physical form.


I like reading and writing I have a great memory and can keep track of anything I can turn into a book or stay in this form which is what I prefer. My power is to keep track and look back on any event on history and sometimes but very rarely I see glimpses of the future. I hate fire with a passion and I'm pretty old but I look about 19. I'm always calm and collected and never pick fights. That's about all there is to me or my master good day to you.


(sorry I had to think of the demon I wanted, if its alright

^_^ )


"Astrix that's all"




"Completely gay"


"19 of this month"

Relationship Status:

"Not many can tame me for my love"


"Magic, I use the ability to control water based magic. From ice to snow, to fog and just plain water.

And if I really train my self, I can control your blood. Wouldn't you like that? me inside you blood and body. Controlling you every being!"

she laughed histeractly,them red pupils shinying


"use your eyes Assmuffin!"




"have you not been listening to me?! geez thought you would have been smarter then that" Astrix growled messing with her hair

Likes: "I like to be left alone, to be on my level of hell. torturing all of thoughts who have sinned! making them wanna die again, or repent for what they have done. Freezing there skin or confusing people with fog. Thats what I like. Also ice-creams"


" you in my way or anyone in general" her arms crossed as she stared at you "are we done yet!?"


" I dont know, I just wanna be left alone. Stupid bird looking things always get on my nerves. NOW GO AWAY!"
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Calalily said:


Lily Ann Gosmore


Female Duh


I'm bisexual but I strive for girls more hehe~



Relationship Status:

I wish I had someone...it's just me


I have a great memory, in which I use to drawl mostly.


Do you not see me?



Well I like to think of my self as nice and bubbly? I'm always a little stubborn though, and reckless at times....and a little crazed...but Ill always lend a helping hand. I also cant hold a grudge...meh...


Um, sweets, nature, painting, stuff animals, bow and arrows. Warmth sunlight but the moon is pretty to, oh and I also like kitties duckies and hedgehogs the most!


I do not like small spaces, the make me feel confined. I also don't like hawks to much and anyone who is going to hurt for the sake of nothing.


What more is there to say about my self?

I didn't know if I was to ask first or not so I just made it...hope you don't mind if I join ^_^


UltraYuseke said:
I was only asking because my character's won't be complete today. Since there might be people filling up the male demon and male angel slots, I simply asked to reserve the slots until I complete 'em so that I don't miss out on the spots. Pretty sure if you just immediately make the characters, no asking's involved, just waiting for it to be approved or denied.
You're slots have been reserved. Sorry for the late reply.

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester](I would like an angle spot in please, and i will be working on a demon later ::the demon will be complex so it will be a he/she kind of thing if that's OK with you. For now here is the angle.)
  • Name: Tenji Aokoden Bastille
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Age: (19 - 23) 20
    Relationship Status: (single, taken) Single
    Talent: (no mary sue or gary stue talents allowed.)
  • His magic can create a bow of raw holy energy out of thin air that shoots holy arows he creates out of energy or stinger ones out of his hair with the strongest ones being real blessed arrows, using raw energy arrows takes alot out of him though. This energy can also be used for weaker healing magic or creating a blade, the longer he uses either the weaker he becomes with risk of passing out.
    Appearance: (Images allowed: anime, semi-realistic, realistic, photos)
  • 529064.jpg

  • Tenji is like a coin he has two sides, the first side being kind caring and gentell, this side looks for the good in people and dose its best to heal the weak and injured. His second side is his battle ready side that only puts its mindnon the goal at hand and ignores everything else.
  • Likes: Flying, night flying, children, the innocent, the purists, vanilla ice-cream, sleep, puppies and kittens, loud music
  • Demons, large dogs that arnt huskys, people with red eyes, satanists, the unbelievers, rap music, Lucifer.
  • Tenji has been known to fly down to the human world and lead orphans to new families or raise them as his own.



Calalily said:

(sorry I had to think of the demon I wanted, if its alright

^_^ )


"Astrix that's all"




"Completely gay"


"18 of this month"

Relationship Status:

"Not many can tame me for my love"


"Magic, I use the ability to control water based magic. From ice to snow, to fog and just plain water.

And if I really train my self, I can control your blood. Wouldn't you like that? me inside you blood and body. Controlling you every being!"

she laughed histeractly,them red pupils shinying


"use your eyes Assmuffin!"




"have you not been listening to me?! geez thought you would have been smarter then that" Astrix growled messing with her hair

Likes: "I like to be left alone, to be on my level of hell. torturing all of thoughts who have sinned! making them wanna die again, or repent for what they have done. Freezing there skin or confusing people with fog. Thats what I like. Also ice-creams"


" you in my way or anyone in general" her arms crossed as she stared at you "are we done yet!?"


" I dont know, I just wanna be left alone. Stupid bird looking things always get on my nerves. NOW GO AWAY!"
Are these all demons? If so, you will have the task of role-playing every single one.

I'll consider all of these before accepting them.

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]

There are so many sins in this world.

There is so much pain, suffering and war.

There are seven deadly sins that govern them,

Do you mind if I tell you about them.

The sins have names and physical manifestations they go bye:






Acedia,Ace/Slothfullness, lazyness



I may not be a holy man or preacher but I know my fair share about them. I have followed them and studied them for years.

First you need to know that all of these sins are one being who switches forms almost at random between them.

The first and most powerful of the sins is Anger, when have we not fallen into its trap.

Anger is known as Ira/wrath. It takes the appearance of a mortal girl.


This form is Bi like all the rest it enjoys war and revenge and makes a mockery of peace and love, it spends its days roaming the world starting wars. It started all the work wars. Its simple to tell its powers it can stir up hatred and war almost anywhere not to mention the fact it is strong. I can't tell its real age but it appears about 20 or 21 this form of it is female. I don't think wrath has any fears it does have a weakness though it doesn't plan things out or think ahead. This is all I know about anger.

The second strongest form it holds is Fen/lust.

He could be a supermodel by the looks of things.


Also be warned his main power beyond his charm speak is the ability to always look like you're dream boy no matter what, gosh what I would do to look like him. He is a kind guy by the way as long as his sexual desires are met. He likes sex,boobs,hot girls,sex, romance, candy,sex and did I mention sex he is list after all. He dosent like the unromantic or people who refuse to lose there virginity. He looks about 19 some people say older or younger depending on there own tastes. He is male but to some can appear female I've never seen him do this though.

The third on the list is that pagent princess you're always talking about Ms. Vanity/pride herself Sam. Yes I know such a simple name for such a girl.


She shares lusts effect of always looking good. She will always appear to you as the most beautiful girl or boy you can think of and even beyond that. She is vanity so she must always look good, she is also extremely prideful she will kill you if you say you are better then her at something even if it is true. She is always looking to part and dance and have fun though, trust me when I say she throws wicked partys. She dislikes anyone who thinks they are better then her in any way.

Next up is the only one I've ever talked to Ivy/envy herself folks.


Envy doesn't like much since she can never have enough she always wants what others have and hate people who don't give that to her. She took my favorite watch last week and that was one expensive piece of gold ahh but whatever. She seems kind but will always pull I give me that or this on yah and can throw some really big temper tantrums. Did I mention she can control plants mainly ivy but her skill works on all plants. So yeah give her what she wants before she entomes you in an apple tree, yeah I saw that happen once it kept me from eating apples for a month.

Gula/glutony is up next I'm with him know I can smell his cooking its amazing.


Ohh kinda important beyond him being a great chef he is a heavy alcoholic and he is a vampire. Yeah he almost bit me last year it was a close one. He likes cooking,blood,liquor and anything edible he hates hot or cold places and anyone or thing that stands in the way of him and his next meal. He seems like a nice guy until he wants you're blood then you better run because he becomes viscous, and unlike us no matter what he never puts on a pound best power ever he also has all the basic vampire abilities and due to his demon mix none of there weaknesses. Although you could slip poison into his meal and that would.... Ugh never mind NEXT !!!

Ohhhh Amy/greed is next up god dammit were are my notes did envy take them again.


There is a difference between envy and greed envy wants what others have greed just wants everthing to her self. She loves money,fame,fourtune all that good stuff and she hates sharing she would commit suicide before doing it. She comes of as a cold I'm better then you kind of person and there is no warming up to her I've tried and just got slapped in returns. She can make money appear out of thin air and can grant people fame but she never dose.

And last but not least Ace/lazyness he is my favorite bye the way.


He is the most chilled and layer back form of well it I guess, hese the guy you want to hang and chill with. These that cool guy who gets away with falling asleep in class. He likes sleep,dreaming,coffee,day dreaming and more sleep he hates loud noises and alarms. Ohh my we have so much in common. He has the power to lull anything into a deep sleep then influence there dreams. He is also a great artits.

So that's all of them, they are all the same person I'm saying once again. They are aware of eachothers presence but don't share memories so instead they have me there journal take notes of all there actions.

Yes I am only a mere book but I can take a physical form.


I like reading and writing I have a great memory and can keep track of anything I can turn into a book or stay in this form which is what I prefer. My power is to keep track and look back on any event on history and sometimes but very rarely I see glimpses of the future. I hate fire with a passion and I'm pretty old but I look about 19. I'm always calm and collected and never pick fights. That's about all there is to me or my master good day to you.

They are all one being only one ever shows it face at a time exept the book. And yes they are all demons.

Example text:

Hula walked into the bar and sat down he took a drink, he felt hate in the room and his body jerked violently. Ira was then there, she wondered why she was there so she consulted her journel to she what had happened with her past forms. Then she got to work on starting a bar fight. Later she got home and her form changed to Ace who sat on the couch and ignored all else until he fell asleep.
[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]They are all one being only one ever shows it face at a time exept the book. And yes they are all demons.
Example text:

Hula walked into the bar and sat down he took a drink, he felt hate in the room and his body jerked violently. Ira was then there, she wondered why she was there so she consulted her journel to she what had happened with her past forms. Then she got to work on starting a bar fight. Later she got home and her form changed to Ace who sat on the couch and ignored all else until he fell asleep.

Ah, thank you for the clarification. Accepted, then. I will put the sins in the character slots.


It must sound so familiar to you.

Kaede de Lancier


I am but slightly offended.



You're bold; I like that.



I agree; I do indeed look young.

21 1/2

Relationship Status:

Only for you.



It is a great power.

Lull - Her words can lull someone to sleep when they cannot see her. The spell can be broken if one looks upon her while she is speaking or if one has a strong enough resistance.


Do your eyes not perceive?



I am the one who all seek.

Confident Kaede never hesitates to throw herself at people. Her flirtatious and out-going nature makes her the polar opposite of her icy sibling. She spends her time taming dragons and brandishes her whip everywhere she goes. Kaede flirts with every man she sets her eyes on and tends to lower a female's self esteem by insulting them harshly. The woman is rarely seen without a mischievous smile and is known to cause trouble.


I like where we're going.

- Torture

- Males

- Dragons

- Heat

- Pain


No doubt we share common interests.

- Justice

- Resistance

- Insults to her beauty

- Disobedience

- Her sister



Could I reserve two male demon slots? I plan on making two brothers , with the older one being a powerful and cold vampire-like demon with blood-based abilities and the younger being half angel and doubting his own existence.
IVIasterJay said:
Could I reserve two male demon slots? I plan on making two brothers , with the older one being a powerful and cold vampire-like demon with blood-based abilities and the younger being half angel and doubting his own existence.
Yes, you may!

Attention! I will wait one more day until the role-play starts. Applications after 12:00 PM PST time will not be accepted!


This most elegant of demons is named Raizel Eppinette.


Raizel is Male.


He is Straight, though that does not stop his looks and elegance from enthralling those of either gender.


Raizel is a mere 23 years old.

Relationship Status:

Beyond using others to accomplish his goal, Raizel feels affections for no one.


In addition to his ability to charm those around him, Raizel is incredibly skilled at using his magic to manipulate and control blood.




To most, Raizel is as mysterious as he is alluring. He barely ever says more than a few words, but he doesn’t need to speak to fill a room with his presence. His every action exudes an inhuman elegance that rivals that of any angel or demon and draws people to him like moths to a brilliant flame. Raizel finds it child’s play to make others do exactly what he wants simply playing to their heart and mind. He leads others on so long as he needs them, and leaves them to die or kills them with his own hands when he doesn’t need them or want them anymore. Away from all facades or acts, Raizel is known to be cold and efficient, willing and able to do whatever manner of task is required to accomplish his goals. If he could be said to have a soft spot, it would be his younger brother Evillion.


Natural beauty, Displays of raw emotion, Freedom of choice, Controlling others


Wasted effort, Social situations, Rushing, Loud people, Disorder


Raizel’s mother was an Angel, and his mixed blood may explain why he is much weaker physically then other demons yet has incredible magical power. For some reason, Raizel was born without wings. He sometimes compensates for this by making wings for himself out of blood. Animals seem to fear Raizel and try to become scarce when he is near.










Relationship Status:



Evil’s body is remarkably resistant to damage and pain. His basic senses are better than those of most demons.


Evil is small for his age, with messy black hair that sticks up in all directions and black eyes. He almost always wears only a ragged black cloth around his waist, leaving much of his tanned skin uncovered from the elements and dangers he is able to ignore. Evil has two large wings and a long pointed tail, each covered in the same black scales.


Evil is outwardly rash and confident in himself, always acting the part of a leader and trying to inspire others. The self-assured grin covering his face hides his internal doubts. Ever since discovering that the blood running though his veins was angelic in origin Evil has been conflicted over what that means for what he is. He’d always taken hating angels for granted, how could his father have been in love with one of them? So he boasts and shows off for others and then spends his time alone sorting out his thoughts and feelings.


Soft things, Flying, Pushing his body past its limits, Fighting, Losing fights


The sight of blood, The dark, Math, Liars, Elitists


Evillion’s mother was an Angel. He only found out this fact recently from his older brother. Evil is well liked by most animals, the exact opposite of his brother.​
IVIasterJay said:


This most elegant of demons is named Raizel Eppinette.


Raizel is Male.


He is Straight, though that does not stop his looks and elegance from enthralling those of either gender.


Raizel is a mere 23 years old.

Relationship Status:

Beyond using others to accomplish his goal, Raizel feels affections for no one.


In addition to his ability to charm those around him, Raizel is incredibly skilled at using his magic to manipulate and control blood.




To most, Raizel is as mysterious as he is alluring. He barely ever says more than a few words, but he doesn’t need to speak to fill a room with his presence. His every action exudes an inhuman elegance that rivals that of any angel or demon and draws people to him like moths to a brilliant flame. Raizel finds it child’s play to make others do exactly what he wants simply playing to their heart and mind. He leads others on so long as he needs them, and leaves them to die or kills them with his own hands when he doesn’t need them or want them anymore. Away from all facades or acts, Raizel is known to be cold and efficient, willing and able to do whatever manner of task is required to accomplish his goals. If he could be said to have a soft spot, it would be his younger brother Evillion.


Natural beauty, Displays of raw emotion, Freedom of choice, Controlling others


Wasted effort, Social situations, Rushing, Loud people, Disorder


Raizel’s mother was an Angel, and his mixed blood may explain why he is much weaker physically then other demons yet has incredible magical power. For some reason, Raizel was born without wings. He sometimes compensates for this by making wings for himself out of blood. Animals seem to fear Raizel and try to become scarce when he is near.










Relationship Status:



Evil’s body is remarkably resistant to damage and pain. His basic senses are better than those of most demons.


Evil is small for his age, with messy black hair that sticks up in all directions and black eyes. He almost always wears only a ragged black cloth around his waist, leaving much of his tanned skin uncovered from the elements and dangers he is able to ignore. Evil has two large wings and a long pointed tail, each covered in the same black scales.


Evil is outwardly rash and confident in himself, always acting the part of a leader and trying to inspire others. The self-assured grin covering his face hides his internal doubts. Ever since discovering that the blood running though his veins was angelic in origin Evil has been conflicted over what that means for what he is. He’d always taken hating angels for granted, how could his father have been in love with one of them? So he boasts and shows off for others and then spends his time alone sorting out his thoughts and feelings.


Soft things, Flying, Pushing his body past its limits, Fighting, Losing fights


The sight of blood, The dark, Math, Liars, Elitists


Evillion’s mother was an Angel. He only found out this fact recently from his older brother. Evil is well liked by most animals, the exact opposite of his brother.​
UltraYuseke said:
Oh, it's up on page one. I simply edited the sheets I'd already had posted as blanks to fill in.
Accepted, then!

FIRST POST IS HERE The first post is here! Please respond as soon as possible, as to not miss out on the roleplay!

@Marvelous Chester @UltraYuseke

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