• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Rising Tides - CS

rising tides


application info.

full name

hair color
eye color
body Type
body Modifications
faceclaim (realistic)

vices (opt)
virtues (opt)
likes (opt)
dislikes (opt)

family (opt)


rule one

Literacy. Please just try to make sure that your grammar is good, and you're writing enough to give whoever you're writing with enough to respond to. A couple paragraphs is generally good!

rule two

No mary-sues, no gary-stus, none of those perfect characters. Going off of this, no god-modding. Always ask someone else before you write dialogue for their character, or before you add something to their background that might affect them.

rule three

There will be a range of characters, but most of them will be in high school, with a few parents or other adults. On top of this, everyone will have one character that was affected by the hurricane, and is currently in the grief support group.

rule four

Keep your OOC drama to a minimum. If you're uncomfortable with someone or have any kind of issues, please don't hesitate to come to a mod.

rule five

This should go without saying, but absolutely no use of AI in making character sheets or writing posts.

rule six


We will be using a Discord server for OOC. If you're interested, please just post below, and someone will make sure to send you a link to said server. Hope to see you there!

extra information.

any questions regarding the character sheet feel free to ask any of the gms on the discord server!.

♡coded by uxie♡



If you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun.

Penny Lane

CPHS Senior


full name

ines angelica burke






november 18th


cape verona, VA



across the universe

fiona apple




5ft 5in



hair c.

light brown

eye c.



odessa a'zion



The bright and creative youngest child of her family, Ines is well known around town for her offbeat outlook and idiosyncratic sense of humor. Drawn to the spotlight she would enjoy entertaining friends and neighbors with her eccentric personality or little jokes she would tell. A natural born comedian, perhaps due to her desire to stay unique amongst the hustle and blur of her other two siblings. Being the youngest she was always guided by their parents with a gentler hand than that of Anya or Israel, which may have been kind treatment to a young child but unfortunately had the consequence of Ines developing a bit of a sense of entitlement when it comes to being told what to do or how to act, something that her teachers in school really enjoyed of course. In addition to being a bit stubborn and spoiled, she also has a sensitive heart and is prone to emotional outbursts of anger or anguish, or whatever feeling currently sat at the helm of her head.

After the hurricane, it seems that all of her negative traits have been amplified. Her stubborn streak has evolved into full on defiance of any and al; input, be it commands or mere suggestions. The grief of losing her older sister has understandably shortened her fuse much more as well. Before when she might have been able to stave off a meltdown brought on by heightened emotions long enough to take a few deep breaths or move elsewhere to clear her head now and then to mitigate how many full blown episodes of screaming or crying she would have before, now it seems that like a runaway train once it starts there's just no stopping it. She's also developed a bit more of a desire that's taken root in her mind and body to be a bit more exploratory and experimental when it comes to her personal life.


iced coffee, warm wool socks, the smiths, salty sea air, george carlin, crinkle cut french fries, vodka tonics, chocolate chip scones, the 1999 classic film the mummy, friendship bracelets, thrifting


stormy weather, close talkers, people who take things too seriously, vapes, ketchup, ventosa bluff's football team, spiders, the olympics, when you're swimming and put your foot into something icky, mumble rap, car guys


loud noises, storms



Born to Christine and Sean Burke, two very professional individuals, Ines somehow managed to inherit zero of their neat and proper qualities. Though she spent a bit more time in the time out chair than the average kid, she had a fairly normal upbringing surrounded by the love and attention of her parents and the influence from her two older siblings, Anya and Israel.

When it came time for school she wasn't particularly astonishing in either high achievement or low achievement and maintained fairly average grades, though they were slightly higher in any subject that allowed her to write creatively, which was few and far between. While her future was often a vague idea that she rarely thought about, she knew that she wanted to do something that allowed her to be the free spirit that she desired. Much like her grades, when it came to friends she was popular, but not exceptionally so, but she wasn't a loner either. People were often drawn to her for her sense of humor and her tendency to always be down for whatever adventure a person might pitch to her.

Her existence was fairly plain, though not uninteresting, up until the night of the storm.

Then everything changed.

Hearing the news that the hurricane had claimed the life of her sister was devastating. The actual moment of hearing the words "She didn't make it." is blurry, but she's sure she remembers falling to her knees and wailing like the world had ended, because to her it felt like it really had. The vibe in the house was never the same after that, the energy had shifted. Her parents began to throw themselves a bit deeper into their work, if that was somehow possible. Now relegating the job of looking after Ines to her brother, a situation that neither she nor Israel were particularly happy about. But so far, she hasn't gotten into all that much trouble. No more than usual anyway.

Ines isn't quite sure she wants to keep it that way. Now that her world has been shifted upside down, what does it matter if she's a bit more reckless than usual?





Anya Burke

The eldest child of the Burke clan. Prior to her life being cut sorrowfully short, she was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, often being a voice of reason for her younger siblings. Especially Ines as she was one of the only people who could truthfully and accurately get through to her. Now in the wake of her death Ines is feeling particularly rudderless.

Israel Burke

The middle child between two sisters and only son of his family. He and Ines had a typical brother-sister relationship that has grown more cantankerous in the months since the storm as Ines refuses to accept his new position as the oldest child in their family.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




Sean Burke (Father, Mid-50s), Christine Burke (Mother, Mid-50s), Anya Burke (Sister, 22 at time of death), Israel (Brother, 20)


- make the best grilled cheese
- entered the school talent show with a dance she choreographed herself when she was 9
- has a poster of brendan fraizer in her room
- has seen jurassic park like 25 times despite it not being a particular favorite
- was obsessed with scooby doo as a little girl
- favorite disney princess is jasmin
- had two hermit crabs when she was in middle school, their names were rusty and biscuit
- the majority of her wardrobe is thrifted
- failed her driver's test three times before she passed
- had a cosplay phase that she refuses to talk about
- was kicked by a horse at her friend's birthday party one time
- always has cereal for breakfast
- falls asleep to youtube videos every night
- really good at laser tag

♡coded by uxie♡
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The Nightcrawler.






full name

Dexter Oakes






Cis. Male






February 1st



Cape Verona, VA




  • Remembrance.

    the past doesn’t just fade away; it waits, it watches, and eventually, it demands to be acknowledged.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

    • sam jones

    ♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


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