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Fantasy Rise of the Demigods [Interest Check]


Grossly Incandescent
Roleplay Type(s)
Rise of the Demigods

The stars glimmered through the endless night, peasants and kings trapped in sleep and thought, enveloped by dreams and nightmares filled with ambitions and fantasies. Tonight however was not any common night as the stars quickly fell deep into the night and the moon swirled out of view leaving naught but darkness and fear, and from it did a single overwhelming light shine a crimson comet, it's radiance almost malignant as it threatened to scorch the lands before violently shattering into thousands of pieces eventually falling gently towards the world like dust. Soon the night sky returned to it's former peace, but the red star was no mere coincidence or trickery from the heavens, but an omen for the few that knew. A time was approaching, Demigods would rise once more from the world and with them a wave of irrevocable change which the world could only desperately brace for or be swept away.

Rise Demigods, Rise and Fulfill your Duty.



This is an RP in which mortals from all across this world are chosen to become Demigods given duties of varying difficulty and impact to further alter the worlds course and to further strengthen the ascension of the Demigod, such duties can be accomplished with the aid of fellow Demigods, making it easier IC and easier to track overall but it is not forced. The world is a Medieval setting with a more mystical and undiscovered magic, with the only real sentient race being humans as of right now. The world is mostly finished however some details are purposefully missing in terms of worldbuilding to enable creativity with characters and their origins to then implement it more thoroughly into the world itself. If you are interested or simply want to check it out be sure to respond to the interest check and I will provide the link to the discord which will be used for OOC and questions should anyone have any.
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