Risailya [Pathfinder setting --WIP]


Department of Redundancy Department.
So I have been working on a game setting, tentatively for Pathfinder but that is not set in stone. I am looking for some people to help flesh put and maybe even play test it. Some of the things I have created have come from payer input from their characters in game. What I offer blow is a rough draft (so not it is not a fully proofread final version) of the opening of the history. I have lots of other stuff on the world but I want to see who might be interested before I post any of that. Since plant to self publish this as a PDF at some point I am doing this under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. and marking it as such.

Anyway if anyone is interested in the in helping with either the fleshing out of the world or the play test let me know. If I get enough interest I guess I will set up a close for for those that wish to help and for the play test portion.

If anyone viewing this hear does wish to use any materials herein that can PM me and I can give the my email to work out attribution details.

The following is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


A Brief History of Risailya.

For thousands of years the Gnomes, Dwarves and Elves were the only races in the world, the Chandra presumably existed but only on a far off continent and were thus beyond notice. After many Millennia new races began appear-Humans, Orcs and Goblins. The Elves and Dwarves quickly came to see these new races as savage creatures that could bring about an end to peace and harmony, and frankly an end to their rule. (Ask a Gnome one day and you may get quite another answer about where Goblins come from).

The Elves and Dwarves enslaved the “lesser” races to keep them under control. Deeming them ugly and unfit to be seen in the light, the Elves allowed their slaves out only at night and the Dwarves kept theirs hard at work in deep mines. The Gnomes stayed largely neutral in the whole affair.

So it remained for age after age. It was during this time the advanced disciplines of magic were developed, the Elemental Binding of the Elves, and the Soul Forging of the Dwarves and the Magicraft of the Gnomes. It was not until just less that 500 years ago that things began to change. Humans had begun in secret to learn magic and pass it on to their fellow slaves in -34BL (Before Liberation) the rebellion began. The war was bloody and went poorly for the Humans and their allies at first. Humans, Orcs and Goblins bred at rate almost 50 times greater than their enemies and that kept the war from ending in the early years. Late in the war in the year -4YL a Human Mage named Farazin made a breakthrough that changed everything. With the war all but lost he discovered a way to destroy the Elemental Lures that the Elves and Dwarves used to enslave powerful elementals to do their bidding and power their greatest forges. Soon hundreds of Greater Elementals were freed, and turned against the Elder Races.

When the Elemental Lords approached the Alliance and offered to aid them in -2YL all was lost for the Dwarven-Eleven Hegemony but they did all they could to fight on for 2 years before suing for peace and ceding vast parts of the continent to the Alliance.

The game is set 200 years after the end of the war it has been a long time for the Alliance and while there is still animosity from some towards the Hegemony it has been many generations for the Alliance races, for most Elves and Dwarves it was only a generation or two in the past and many fought or lost family or friends in the war.

The Elder Races and the dawn of recorded history.

Each of the Elder races has greatly varying tales on which race came into the world first. Since archeology is a fairly new science practiced by only a few Humans, Orcs, Goblins and Gnomes objective data is very hard to come by. For obvious reasons most of these races are not allowed into Elven or Dwarven lands to study ruins there, but there are a few sites in lands that are no longer controlled by the Elder races. What little can be gathered from sites either won in the war or rediscovered in places long ago abandoned yield certain facts. The Gnomish civilization is about 100,000 years old, this predates the Dwarvish civilization by about 20,000 years and the Elves by at least 50,000.

Humans, Orcs and Goblins were enslaved by the Elder races long before they could develop civilization naturally, about 10,000 years ago. It should be noted that rare isolated pockets of the so called lesser races advanced to about the equivalent of the Bronze Age during the Enslavement.

During the Enslavement wars between the Elder races did indeed happen despite the pretense of superiority, but they were indeed rare. There were however 3 major invasions during this time.
Microscope is a collaborative... let's call it a game, of world building. Starting from a high level concept, 2-4 (you can do more, but it slows down things) take it in turns to shape the world's history, creating time periods, events, even individual actions with few restrictions. We recently used it to create a 4000 year history of a world that turned out very unique and far different from what any of us expected.
I can identify about three periods and ten events, as Microscope defines them, in your write-up. So if you just used those as a starting point, I think it'd make for a fun way to brainstorm the details in between.
Could be interesting, though what I have here is just a sampler of what I have already fleshed out. I have a bit more detail I have not posted including maps, a calendar, a time line, some location details and smattering of other stuff.
Yeah what I have here was just the opening of the world info to try and get some people who might be interested in either A. helping build it or B. helping play test it. If I get little interest in A. I'll open a thread over in the RP section to see of any are interested in option B.

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