Rikuto Bowen


New Member
Picture:(anime please)

Name: Rikuto “Riku” Bowen

Age: 116

race: Shinigami 

gender: Male

personality: Predominantly down-to-earth, though he can be idealistic at times. Riku strives to maintain a balanced outlook regarding the races and has a strong sense of duty. 

bio:(at least a paragraph of general information, if we aren't supposed to know it don't tell us in the CS.) 

Powers:(list zanpoukto & doll names, if your a Quincy you weild a bow, for those that are Shinigami, Vizard, and  Arrancar, include banki/ressurection. Fullbringers include the object of power,(Example oriheme's hair pins.) and Neo hollows get what's called an Optimum source, they can absorb Spirit energy from any source but the optimum source is what gives them the most the quickest. it can be one of the races or even a specific place such as Seireitei or earth. This is gonna be closely scrutinized so be as detailed as possible and keep in mind how technical it gets in bleach.) 

Skills:(Keep age in mind, no sixteen year old is a grand master martial artist, and no shinigami who died 75 years ago is gonna be an effective hacker.) 

Quirks: Riku has a handful of quirks, chiefly twirling his zanpakuto and running his hands through his hair, 

anime conviction:( this is what your charecter will fight like an unholy terror for, for example ichigo has his friends, grimmjow just wants to be the strongest, Kenpachi wants to have a fight that he can enjoy. We all have something.) 

extra: Definitely a WIP. Any Japanese translations will be added later, when I’m one hundred percent (or at least fifty percent) certain that they’re accurate. 

As I said, my knowledge on Bleach is very, very basic, so please bear with me. At some point I’d like to create a female Shinigami if possible (a female Quincy if not), but now that school’s started, I’m going to hold off on that and see how active this roleplay is anyway. I apologize in advance if posts are sometimes few and far between, but homework definitely comes first this year.

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