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Fandom Shadowhunters: The Fall Of Idris

S n o w

Roleplay Type(s)

Nickname: (Optional)





Mark: (Warlock Only)

Weapon: (Shadowhunter/Other Only)

Strength(s): (Optional)





Clan/Pack Base: (Vampire/Werewolf Leaders Only)
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Name: Lucianna Hightower

Nickname: Luce

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Shadowhunter

Weapon: Crossbow, and a small dagger on her belt for short range combat.


-Short range combat

-Doesn't like to be wrong and doesn't take criticism well

-Has a hard time being sensitive

Personality: Luce can come off seemingly like a cold and distant person to those that don't know her well, and her bluntness usually doesn't help make her seem any more friendly. She's incredibly stubborn, and is able and willing to argue with someone all day just to prove that her point is right when she gets really passionate about something. Since she rarely ever does anything outside of her duties as a shadowhunter, she's sometimes seen as not have a 'fun' bone in her body.

Luce isn't much different outwardly to those that she's come to trust completely, but inwardly, she's willing to put her own life on the line to protect those she cares deeply about. She see's those who have been at the Institute for as long or almost as long as she has as family. Lying to her directly is seen as absolute betrayal, and she doesn't forgive easily.

Backstory: Luce was lied to for the majority of her life, and has an extremely low tolerance for lying because of it. Her parents met studying at an Institute abroad at a young age, and very little time passed in their relationship before they unintentionally had Luce. They never meant for their temporary situation to turn into a permanent one. Her parents evaded the responsibility of parenthood by leaving her with family friends in Idris, and claimed to be on an important mission from the Clave that kept them away from home.

When she was five, both of her parents came down with two separate cases of demon pox, and once their deteriorating condition became public knowledge, they were stripped of their runes within twenty-four hours and left to die as mundanes in the mortal world. As a disgraced but innocent Hightower, Luce was sent away from any of the potentially 'bad' influences around her, and to the Chicago Institute to be watched over and trained as a 'proper' shadowhunter.

Other: She likes to play checkers

Jonah Downing


Name: Jonah Downing

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Other

Weapon: Seraph blade taken from Idris that he can't really use, rendering it a measly regular blade.


-Fast in general/Fast reflexes




-Dependent on the Fair Folk

-Gets distracted easily

-Physically weaker than non-mundanes

Personality: Jonah is an extremely playful person, and hates people who are completely serious all the time. He gets bored easily, and if he doesn't consider something/someone entertaining enough for him, he will quickly move onto something/someone else. He doesn't like being told what to do, but is also willing to do whatever he has to in order to stay alive and keep that he sees as rightfully his. He lost his morals with the introduction of demon blood into his body, and turned into an entirely selfish person, living only for himself and willing to kill even his own former mundane friends if they were to get in his way.

Backstory: Jonah was the youngest child in a family of seven, and often was forgotten or felt inferior to his older siblings when they were given more attention than him and were never forgotten. As the smallest, his older brothers and sisters were always better at sports at him and after celebrating the repeated achievements of six kids, Jonah's own achievements and success in school seemed to go almost entirely unnoticed. In school he was overshadowed by his siblings and constantly forgotten by his peers who wanted to be friends with his siblings more than him.

The Fair Folk sought him out a little after he spent his nineteenth birthday alone, and he originally wanted power just to be noticed by his family and society, when nothing else he did worked, and never intended to hurt anyone.

Other: The Seelie Queen let him out of his deal after The Battle Of Alicante and offered him a way out of Farieland with the promise to help him stay alive, while also not specifying her definition of 'help', but he chose to stay in Farieland.

@Aaliyah Walker @Jynx @Scarlette Brynn @PoPcOrNXDaNcE
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca598b4cc_jaynealexandriabain.jpg.b124000776525af67f779a1cbc4ea28d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca598b4cc_jaynealexandriabain.jpg.b124000776525af67f779a1cbc4ea28d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jayne Alexandria Cain










Jayne has always been one to be on the streets, learning to defend herself with whatever happened to be around. She prefers not to carry much theses days, maybe a possible seraph blade, but she always has her stele.


Jayne can be very harsh as an outward opinion on life, however she's a very caring person. She believes with her whole heart leaving nothing behind. She is very guarded, thanks to the streets.


Jayne had lost both of her parents the day she was born, a greater demon showed up for payment, they lost their lives to protect hers. She knows nothing else of them, she was left with family that could careless to have her and all but never showed her any love. She took off the day after her fifteenth birthday and was on the run ever since. They made a big fuss but only because her aunt knew this was the way out of keeping the girl. A few years later the Clave caught up with her and placed her back with the foster family, it wasn't long and she had run again. This time no one spoke of her, it was almost as if she had never existed, like falling off of the earth. The Clave all but turned their backs on her, believing she would always be an out cast. She was finally caught by them again and left with an ultimatum; go to the Chicago institute or lose her runes, and be banished from the shadow world forever. She refused to leave her home in the shadow world, so stubbornly she chose the institute.



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S n o w] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35896-scarlette-brynn/ said:
@Scarlette Brynn[/URL] Accepted, but if the little sister is going to be appearing often in the roleplay, then she needs a character sheet too.
No no she doesnt appear often if at all it was just part of the backstory (:

Nicole Marie Blackwood


Nikki, Cole | 17 | Female | Shadowhunter


x | x | x | x


Whip, Seraph Blades and Daggers


Speed, Hand-to-Hand, Flexibility, Agility

Weakness(es): Strength and Sword Fighting


Nikki can come off in a many of different ways, depending on her mood. Sometimes, she can and will be a complete bitch and she won't give any damns of she hurts your feelings or not. Though, other times, she can be quite nice and friendly, she'll be there if you need her though with personal cases, she will only be those she id friends with. She is focused on training and wants to be one of the best at what they do, but she can be quite stubborn and hold her ground until she wins. She's protective, mainly of her brother, but she will be of others too once they are close enough to her. Though one thing she also takes pride in is her outfits.


Her and her brother lived with their parents in the Glass City. They were apart of the Counsel, whether they are alive or not now if a question to them. They were woken by the fighting and quickly grabbed their gear too and joined, but once they fighting ceased for a little while, they sent anyone under the age of 19 away, with no knowledge on if theirparents are still alive,because they people saving them didn't even know. Now, they wait for for as they continue their lives in the Chicago Institute.

(Will go more in depth thoughout the story.)



Alexander James Blackwood


Alex | 17 | Male | Shadowhunter


x | x | x | x


Serpah Blades, Sowrds, occasional Dagger or two


Strength, Sword Fighting, Swimmer, Speed


Agility (He's okay, but not great)


Alex tends to keep to himself more than his sometimes social butterfly of a sister, though he isn't as harsh unless you seriously piss him off. He is overprotective of those he loves, especially his sister, because he feels like he lost enough and losing people like his sister, would break him. He keeps an eye out on her, usually the one stopping her from killing the ass of a fellow Shadowhunter, or anything really. But he's can be more of the fun one when his sister is all focused on training, though she can be fun when she wants to be. He tries to lighten any dark moods and will joke around once in a while, though he isn't so sure if that will stay now.


Look Above, will go into more latter.

Michael Knight


Mike | Over 500 years old | Male | Vampire (Clan Leader)


x | x | x | x


He keeps a dagger around for safety


Fast, Strong, determined, smart.


Sun, Fire


Mike is a leader, obviously, and he runs his clan fair and just. He cares about the good of the clan and so no bad deed goes unpunished. He treats those that visit him for favors, with manners, wanting no conflict between other species, though he won't hesitate to show some harshness and aggressiveness if you come without your own manners.


Mike has lived for as long as he can remember, turned when he was in his late teens, From then, he joined the clan in Chicago, for rogues aren't seen too lightly. He quickly rose up in the ladder and when the last clan leader died about 100 years ago, he took over and has changed things. He people don't go around mass murdering people, he has shown the local Institute with respect as long as they show him theirs, he punishes those severely for their wrong doings, and he is more cooperative with other species around him. Though he won't hesitate to protect his clan from any false accusations or ones that seems false without proof.


The clan base is located in an old abandoned hospital, which they turned into more of a mansion that's boarded up.

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Dysis Torren


Name: Dysis Rahgot

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual Greyromantic

Race: Werewolf

Postion: Pack Leader

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 140

Build: Lean yet decently muscled

Eyes: A Soft Blue

Hair: A Pitch Black

Body Modifications: N/A

Distinguishing Marks: A decently deep and long scar that extends from her left shoulder to her mid chest.

Clothing: When nothing formal is required, a slightly oversized hoodie, worn jeans, and simple tennis shoes.


  • Increased Senses
  • Above Average Strength
  • Agile
  • Amazing Penmanship
  • Decent persuader
  • Intelligent


  • Silver
  • Indecisive
  • Limited combat training
  • Slightly Antisocial

Personality: Dysis has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Dysis have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Dysis isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Dysis is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Dysis can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Dysis to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.

History: Dysis was born half human half wolf, though due to the miracle of genetics, she was basically human despite the mixed blood. And her parents hid every sign of her mother's race extremely well, the girl not knowing any of it existed. Growing up as human as humanly possible, she had an easy, middle class life.

Well, until after college.

She got a decent management position in one of the cities major powerhouses. It payed well, though it wasn't nearly enough for the tasks she was completing. The woman was constantly staying late and coming in early, loosing sleep, barely eating. Hell, Dysis was working her self to death quite literally.

One night she had decided to stay in her office, not having the energy to drive back to her apartment. Setting out a few throw pillows onto the floor, she had lied down and fell into a shallow stupor. Yet she had done this believing that she was the only one on her floor aside from the occasional janitor. But, that wasn't the case. The intern of all of 4 days had been working on a few things when he had forgot to check the phase of the moon. Low and behold, it was full.

I'm assuming you could infer what happened next.

Dysis, thankfully, had gotten paid leave due to the injury, the intern fired, and the company covering everything the best they could. The wound healed surprisingly fast, the hospital releasing her late the next day and she returned home to find two things. She was exhausted as fuck, and her parents swamping her. Waving away all their concerns and saying there had just been an issue with a few bookshelves, one having fallen and the corner catching her shoulder. They didn't believe her story, especially her mother. Just wanting to sleep, she went to her room to lie down, though her aging mom sitting close by, looking more paranoid that she had ever seen her. And she had a good reason. That night was her first transformation, and the only way she didn't tear the entire room apart was by being held down by her mom as well as two other pack members. When she woke the next morning completely sore, without clothing, and tried down to her bed...somethings were explained.

It's been 4 years since then, and Dysis had grown to accept that she was no longer completely human. As she worked her way through the packs ranks not by strength, but by wit, the woman soon found herself in the lead position, but not at a good time. With the vampires becoming extremely aggressive, everyone is on edge.
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S n o w] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12813-stonewolf18/ said:
@StoneWolf18[/URL] Make sure to add your pack's base, but otherwise accepted
Ah, lemme think...mmmmm

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