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Fantasy Riders of The Magical Storm- Characters



Lucky Laki Malakis
Feel free to pretty up and edit as you like. A like equals accepted.

Race traits: (optional)
Appearance: (picture and/or description)
Hometown: (Optional add a little background about it)
General gear:

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Name: The Widow
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Race: unknown appears human,
Job: Bounty hunter, gun for hire,
Outfit: see picture
Personality: Taciturn, sarcastic, calculating, secretive, ruthless, honorable.
Bio: Origins unknown. The widow though had gained quite a fearsome reputation as an effective Bounty hunter feared throughout the land. They say she has no fear of the magic storms as she already has fallen victim to them, hence her clothing. A few people have suspected she is a former Thelian soldier due to her rapier, a classic weapon of the Thelian corp, and her strong magical ability.
Name: Setffan Claes
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Job: Physician (Former Soldier)

Screen Shot 2019-12-18 at 11.21.06 PM.png
Steffan grew up in the port city of Neuhans, a city state that was on the crossroads to Lryen, Normak, and Seran. It was run by the city council and the mayor and was the center of commerce acting as a bridge to the north. Neuhans established trading posts in Normark, Jurburg, and Sehlland along with their own armored trade fleet (The Iyrzemansch) and protection force (The Beskermansch). Neuhans was guaranteed its independence from the Aldmar in return for access to the Neuhansian markets and the Aldmar became their number one customer. That was until the industrial age and Neuhans found new proprietors, revolutionaries and the like were in need of food, clothes, medicine, and the latest in modern weaponry. It saw some expansion around Seran but the city was engulfed in high tides during the cataclysm.



General gear:
Steffan's medpouch contains a lot of supplies needed for a traveling doctor. Bandages, gauze packs, IV's, catheter, tourniquet, blankets, morphine, ibuprofen, and antibiotics.

Personality: Given his medical history and dedication to the hippocratic oath, Steffan always helps others to the best of his ability using his medical knowledge to fix up anyone who needs any sort of medical attention. He's very talkative and likes to share a drink and a story with anyone who'll give him the time. He has a lot to share about his experiences in the northern regions and his life in Neuhans. For being as young as 32 he accomplished a lot but he doesn't like to brag about it. He doesn't like violence or taking lives but he always does it to protect him, his patients, and anyone else close to him. He'll offer people medical advice and ways to keep healthy while traveling in the desolate wasteland which is what he and everyone else used to call home.

Biography: Steffan Claes was born to a rich family who owned a life insurance company and were some of the richest people in Neuhans. Stefan grew up independently and didn't like to be spoiled by his parents, in fact him and his parents were never that close. He was the second child and was made to inherit his parents company when they passed. But he never wanted that for himself, he never understood how insurance worked and he didn't bother to. It was super boring to him and he wanted to be a doctor instead. His older brother was a nurse and was interested in the field of medicine. Steffan had wanted to go to medical school after getting his bachelors in biology but his parents wouldn't pay for his tuition, with no money to himself Steffan enlisted into the Beskermansch where he became a medical officer. He did a tour in Jurburg and the surrounding islands, doing expeditions, trade with the locals, and fighting bandits. With his past medical experience and service, the Beskermansch paid for Steffan's med school tuition. After he graduated and completed his residency, the Cataclysm occurred while he was setting up his clinic outside Neuhans. The city was in ruins and he was all alone.

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Name: Wesley 'Wes' Morris

Age: 21

Gender: Female, despite her looking more akin to a twelve year old boy...

Race: Human

Appearance: She's a small scrawny little thing is Wesley. Petite, and just a little bit pasty, she's got an altogether boyish look about her. It'd help if she combed her hair every now and then...


Job: Former Coal Miner, but now a travelling trader. She'll sometimes join up with an existing convoy, but at times she'll also go it alone. Depends how the mood takes her honestly.



Wes grew up in the small mining town of Osto, which sits a little ways North of Netien. Underground Coal fields lie hidden within the foothills of the Mountains, and it's from these mines that Osto gains practically its sole source of trade. There's not much other use, or point of interest about the place, truth be told. You'll certainly need your very best magnifying glass to find it on any map.

Weapons: Wes' relationship with a pistol is considerably shorter than her association with a rifle. But that's not to say she's a dull shot with her revolver, she's just sharper with a Rifle, that's all. Wes also carries a study survival knife with her too. For just in cases, of course.

Outfit: While of course, in a profession such as hers, practicality must come before all else. Wes does secretly favour the odd splash of colour here and there. For example, her neckerchief comes in a cheery shade of mustard yellow, and her undershirt is a rather pleasant sky-blue colour.

General Gear: As previously mentioned, Wesley will aim for practicality, but at times, her imagination can get away with her for how certain things may come in... 'handy'
  • A Lasso
  • A Small gas lantern
  • A Canteen with... it's own personal knitted cosy?
  • Some spare fishing line and a few odd hooks.
  • A (Bright Yellow) Rain slicker
  • Knitting Needles
  • Some Piggin' Strings
  • A Tinderbox, engraved with various etchings, some of which are a little crude.

Personality: Optimistic, I suppose would be the first thing that comes to mind. Wes, despite it all, is a relatively happy-go-lucky type of person. Of course, nobody's completely immune to the downs of life, but Wes certainly does prefer to focus on the Ups, that's for sure. Some would call her pleasantness pure naivety. And, while at times her disposition may appear somewhat wide-eyed, Wes is no stranger to the inner-workings and scheming's of this world. The girl is no fool.

Otherwise however, she's got good manners, a instinctual friendly nature, a weakness for Buttermints, a habit of tapping her foot and/or swaying from side to side when she's in deep thought, a fondness of jokes (be they good or bad), and can play the Banjo.

Bio: From the moment she was born, Wesley's fate had been decided for her. And all simply because of location too. If you're born is Osto, you're going to end up doing precisely two things with your life: Mining, and then inevitably dying from something you caught/inherited/fell under/did/got blown up by in the Pits. So, all in all, not really the most promising looking start to life.

All of her family had worked down those pits. Mother, Father, Brother, and eventually her too. Mining's no easy job either. The labour is hard tough work. Certainly not the sort of toil a scrawny thing like Wes was built for. She struggled with it, a lot more than anyone else. As was the custom, Wes started working in the mines when she was sixteen years old, and it only took a year for her to nearly crumble. The pits were breaking her, both body and soul. But despite that, she could never call what happened next a blessing.

There was an explosion. Simple as that. It killed both her Mother and her Brother. Her Father died three months later from grief.

This left Wesley in a interesting predicament, with (at least in her opinion) only two possible outcomes. The first being that she could stay in Osto, and drown in a toxic mixture of coal dust and misery. Or, she could leave. Free herself from the clutches of the Pits and at least try a new way of living. And so, when the next trading convoy rolled into town, Wes packed up shop and left with them.

Since then, Wesley's become a fairly decent trader and all around traveller.She knows what's good to have in stock, what certain towns and settlements will favour over others, etc. In fact, she's becoming a pretty regular face within the trading community these days. She's even thinking of making her own loyalty cards...
Name: Khelsey „the half blood“ - „The wandering horse“
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: half human, half elf
Race traits: dark vision, improved agility

Khelsey is of average size for an elf, but rather tall for a borderland native human due to his mixed blood. He also shares traits of both ancestries like darker reddish shaded skin providing better protection against the sun from his native ancestry, or a taller and more slender body and slightly pointed ears from his elvish ancestry. Both races share the lack of beard growth. The half-blood is very athletically built due to spending almost his life on the trails outside the cities. He has shoulder length black hair which he typically ties to a knot to not interfere with his outdoors activities and dark, almost black eyes.


Job: Wrangler, animal trainer, hunter


Hometown: Khelsey was born in a wandering Camp of borderland natives which never stays too long in the same place due to the storms and wandering herds.


Hunting Spear (can be used on horseback and on the ground) is his preferred weapon for giving the final blow to larger game as buffalo, bisons on horseback.

Composite Bow (can be used on horseback and on the ground) is his preferred weapon for hunting due to being noiseless and not scaring away the game. Also he has grown up using this weapon, while a pistol has only been in his possession for a few months. He is very skilled using the weapon riding on horse back as well as on the ground.

Hatchet (tool and weapon alike, can be used for throwing, close combat or striking from horse back)

Bowie knife (tool and weapon alike)

Remington Transitional New Model (rather freshly acquired after his last job of trading 2 captured mustangs for gear and this revolver. He has very little skill in using this weapon as of yet except for his long acquired hand-eye-coordination from applying his other weapons on range. When he has the time and chance to practice, he does so. But his limited supply of bullets keeps him from doing this too often.)



His general outfit is very similar to a borderland native with soft leather trousers paired either with leather boots orthe more elegant moccasins for less rough terrain. Along he wears a linen shirt or leather tunic. Around the neck he always wears a bandana to put in front of nose and mouth in case of a storm.

Depending on the season, a fur anorac is worn above his shirt or tunic to keep warm during the winter months.

He possesses a broad-brimmed hat for protecting himself against the sun during long rides, although he wears it only during intense sunshine and always takes it off when hunting or riding quickly.

Also he typically uses a woven poncho for wearing above other clothing made waterproof with oil, when riding through sandy or desert regions to protect his clothing and gear against the dust or to protect himself against intense rain.

General gear:

Clothing worn and spare for changing. Typically his spare clothing is kept in saddle bags.

bowie knife: a handy cutting tool which is easy to keep sharp and use for domestic tasks such as dressing game, making tools, wood carving etc etc

hatchet: in addition to being a weapon it can be used for cutting and splitting timber for firewood, building shelters and jointing large game.

tinderbox: permanent means of making sparks plus constantly replenished supply of dry tinder

belt pouches: filled with useful items such as needle and thread, fishing hooks, whetting stone, extra arrow tips, bullets, coins

possibles bag: storing food ration, dried strips of meat, nuts, dried fruit

paint (for camouflaging) of his native ancestors

a canteen for holding water and

basic medical supplies (cloth for dressing wounds and some dried herbs for helping against fever, infections, stomach ache, etc.)

cooking equipment: a metal mug or billy can to use over an open fire for boiling water and stewing. Grinding stone for grinding corn, wheat or herbs for medical purposes. Kept in saddle bags.

Sleeping mat and tent: the simple sleeping mat is usually rolled up behind his saddle, while he takes a tent for having a longer term camp when hunting in the woods on his pack horse.

Horse supply: saddle mats, riding saddle, saddle bags for pack horse; feeding packs for other animals

lasso for catching animals and 2-3 ropes one or more horses, wild sheep or run away cattle and leading them alongside his main horse.

His mustangs „Dune treader“ and „Rain hooves“ are both extremely loyal to him and do not even require to be bound, when he leaves them grazing during the night or when going to gather or hunt for his provisions.



Khelsey is of an introverted and taciturn nature due to not being used to spending much time among humans, elves or other sentient races. Onthe one hand he feels the need for company, on the other his past experiences have made him wary around other people. Khelsey sometimes turns to the borderland natives, if he crosses their path, or stays for a few days in a small imperial town or city, when he sells his mustangs or returns other recaptured animals there and gains provisions for himself. His half blood status resulted in him not feeling truly at home among either humans or elves and particularly not among civilisation and technology, yet staying all alone for too long makes him desperate for company.

His relation to animals is much better than to humans or elves. Animals do not judge him based on his mixed blood which makes him relax. Even in the eyes of the natives, he appears to be a horse whisperer and has a close affinity and deep understanding for many animals and creatures of the wild.

Being a half blood and having been constantly mocked for it all his life, he is used to taking insults and ignoring them most of the time. Yet, if attacked physically, he does not hold back to retaliate in equal ways, but never is the first to start a fight.

Being used to caring only for himself and his horses, he is typically not one for needless heroics and would not risk his life for others, unless he knew them well enough to truly care about them. The same holds true, when asking him for help. Given the unforgiving nature of the wilds he calls his home, he would not leave anyone to die and provide help, if possible, but also ask for something in return, as nothing is free in life.

Despite being a lone wolf, Khelsey is rather curious and there is a spark of exploration and discovery driving him to take risks which he otherwise would not take.


Khelsey was born in a wandering camp of borderland natives which never stays too long in the same place due to the storms and wandering herds. His mother „Little Sparrow“ was a native woman of the „Buffalo Hunters“ tribe who roam the plains following their main source of food, leather, clothing – the buffalo. His father Ralih was an elvish explorer, sent by the empire to find new sources of wood, coal or iron which the industrialised cities needed in ever growing capacity – causing them to expand into the vast wild lands which were formally part of the empire, but had no roads, rail ways or paths to follow except for the ones known to the beasts and primitive natives of the lands who had lived mostly undisturbed by society for centuries.

Preferring the simple life of the human natives to the intrigues and stress of elvish city life, his had stayed for years, also teaching his young son his native tongue and educational basics, reading, calculating and some history and science. With the promise to return soon, he went home to visit his elven family, who he longed to meet again after such long time. But he never returned to his wife and son, leaving them to wonder whether he was dead (his mother's belief) or had left them for a better life in the city (which Khelsey secretly believed and made him angry at his father).

Once he became old enough to earn his tribes status as a mature hunter and warrior, he took his horse and followed his father's trail to the city of Velskir. This first experience of leaving his native tribe and getting to know civilisation was a traumatic one. For the first time instead of the tribe's youths' jibes, he was truly verbally harassed at almost any occasion by many a human and elf. Being still younger and more hot headed, he started many fights, but won only a few being in the minority every time. With time he learned resilience, not only in taking beatings, but also in taking the verbal abuse without being taunted into a fight ever so often.

But those were just the tips of the iceberg of what was to come. As he reached the city of Velskir after weeks of travel, he felt like entering a different world – so different were the city walls, towers and industrialised inhabitants from the wide open plains of his home lands. Within hours, half his meager possessions including his horse had been stolen from him and he had gotten into two fights, one even for his naked life. Why would his father have wanted to return here? He would never understand him. As little as those city dwellers would not understand his joy in riding the plains on horse back and living in a tipi barely heated by fire instead of a house.

In spite of his intentions Khelsey never got even close to the elven high district or his father's family, as the cataclysm happened and all hell broke loose in the city. Some of the noble guards turned into ferocious demonic monsters attacking citizens at random, before they could be slain. Others just broke down crying and weeping, screaming with sheer madness. The city walls threatened to collapse, shingles fell from houses, injuring or killing screaming inhabitants. This was worse than hell had been described to him in any of his native people's legends. And he was right in the middle of it.

Not caring for the strangers who had shown him nothing but loathing, he fled running for his naked life, until the scream of a child the accompanying sight stopped him dead in his tracks. A former mage tormented a young girl who cried out in sheer agony and fear. Something about this inhuman sight and the hellish surroundings turned his heart to ice and drove him towards actions which were not typically of his nature. Without thinking he sprang forward and drove his quickly drawn hunting knife into the mage's heart killing him instantly. Only when the warm blood ran over his fingers and the girl cried out one last time in shock and pain, he snapped out of his trance and realised what he had just down – killed not an animal, but a sentient human being. The injured girl was lying at his feet half buried underneath the dead mage's body and now only whimpering softly. As if in trance, he wiped the blood off his blade and pulled the girl out underneath the body carrying her along, as he continued to run for his life.

Panicked neighing sounding from a burning stable made him turn his steps in the direction of the only creatures he truly wanted to safe except for the crying girl who had fallen unconscious in his arms. Khelsey cut the horses loose and shooed them out of the stable, swinging himself on the back of the last one and riding now through the mess of streets, jumping over destroyed shops, former building parts or even bodies of city inhabitants. Getting out of the city was his only hope, but time seemed to drag along with the pace of a snail rather than a gallopping horse and the horrors seemed to last forever, until he could finally reach the city gates which were not guarded any longer – one having been torn out of its iron hinges by the storm, the other swinging with loud creaks as survivors fled from the city.

What awaited him outside however felt little like the plains he had known and ridden in for weeks. Unnatural clouds had accumulated, storm gusts were blowing helpless victims in different directions and lightnings struck down far too close to be natural. With no other place to flee to, he just kept riding in full gallopp as his horse was just as panicked as he felt. Hours later the beast collapsed from sheer exhaustion and he dragged himself and the girl along towards the next settlement, before his strength finally faded as well.

When he awoke, he lay alone in the plain, no sight of the girl and the dead horse long left behind. The storms had faded and so had the strange detachment and feeling within him whatever it had been. After this experience, he felt to tainted to truly return to live with the natives of the plains, but living in a city or larger town was no option for him either. However, he had to return to his tribe first to not disappear as his father had and break his mother's heart again. Telling her that he had to go roaming, but not why, he took his equipment and meager possession and turned towards living out in the wild on his own.

Staying all alone, was not his true nature though and thus he turned towards becoming a wrangler and animal tamer, spending much time on the plains outside cities and towns, but with a reason to return towards company from time to time. His two mustangs „Dune treader“ and „Rain hooves“ have become his most loyal and reliable companions over the years who trust him enough to follow him along without need to be led and kept on a rope.

Lately, after his last deal of selling two captured mustangs, one of the town's man had suggested to him to try and join the caravans for a change, as they were always looking for accomplished guides and scouts. Curious, he might give this option a chance.

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