Ridend's Characters...


Magic Eight Ball

Family Motto: First In Battle

Name : Alan Tarly

Titles : Ser, Lord of Horn Hill and The Great Bane

Gender : Male

Age : 44

Height : 6'2"

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Marital Status : Married to Deleana Tarly

Family :
Mother- Eleanor Tarly Deceased
Father- Colin Tarly Deceased
Wife- Deleana Tarly 42
Son- Axell Tarly 24 Melessa's Twin
Daughter- Melessa Tarly 24 Axell's Twin
Son- Jon Tarly 22
Daughter- Elia Tarly 20 married to Edric Dondarrion 22
Son- Erren Tarly 18
Daughter- Talla Tarly 16
Son- Sam Tarly 13

Biography : WIP

Other :
- The owner/holder of valyrian steel sword named "Heartbane".
- Great commander/military strategist.
-Was a excellent swordsman in his younger days, now though he isn't as good...but still a great swordsman nevertheless.
-His pride can stop him, from making the best decision at times.

Appearance / Faceclaim : "Rome" Ray Stevens

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Name : Desmond Mallister I

Titles : Ser, Lord of Seaguard, The Silver Horseman and The All Seeing Eagle

Gender : Male

Age : 36

Height : 6'0"

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Marital Status : Widowed

Family :
Mother- Joanna Mallister 54
Father- Jason Mallister Deceased
Wife- Catelyn Mallister Deceased
Son- Desmond Mallister II 20
Son- Jason Mallister 19
Daughter- Lyanna Mallister 18
Daughter- Joanna Mallister 17
Son- Patrek Mallister 16

Biography : WIP

Other :
- Great mastermind and military strategist/commanders.
-A great swordsman & archer.
-A excellent horseman/jouster. He has never lost in a jousting tournament, but now he doesn't compete in tournaments...rather watch his son carry on his legacy in such tournaments, than compete at his current age.
-Very intelligent and smart, but overanalyze things at times.

Appearance / Faceclaim : "Rome" Kevin McKidd

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Name : Jacaerys Velaryon

Titles : Ser, The Velaryon Heir To Driftmark & High Tide, The Silver Dragon and The Silver Shark.

Gender : Male

Age : 23

Height : 6'6"

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Marital Status : Single

Family :
Grandmother: Jesmyn Rosby Deceased
Grandfather: Corlys Velaryon Deceased
Mother- Valaena Velaryon 55
Father- Aenar Velaryon 54
Sister- Rhaenyra Velaryon 21
Brother- Viserys Velaryon 14

Biography : WIP

Other :
- A exceptional very skilled swordsman. His Mother and Father had him training as soon he was able to lift up a small wooden practice sword. Even his toy as a infant, was a wooden in the shape of a sword.
-A outstanding naval commander, was brought up to raise the sails and command a ship.
-Not that good of a horseman, but a decent horseman. He prefers to fight on his feet with a shield, and his family Valaryian steel sword Rogue Wave in his hand...which his Mother allows him to practice with and fight with, ever since he was a little boy.
-Very ambitious, but at times can be too eager to act on his ambitions, because of his confidence in his self...which can lead to disaster. Something his Mother & Father try to make sure doesn't happen...warning him about this any time, they sense it can potentially happen.
-Very vengeful like his Mother, and it can get the best of him at times...but it has gotten better as he has age.

Appearance / Faceclaim :

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Name : Rhoynar Sand

Titles : The Taipan, The Shining Sun and Leader of The Suns (assassin/mercenary company)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Height : 5'10"

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Marital Status : Single

Family :
Mother- Mariah Sand Deceased
Father- Lewyn Martell 31(Played by Akio)
Aunt- Nymeria Martell 24 (Played by Akio)

Biography : WIP

Other :
- His Mother was a very spiritual woman, assassin/sellsword and founder of The Suns. She taught Rhoynar everything you knew, and made sure he studied his craft religiously.
- Superior swordsman at his age, with endless potential.
- Prefers a sword over a spear, unlike many other Dornish men...but is still a very good spearman.
- A natural born leader/strategist, which he's shown since he was a little boy.
- Although a very skilled water dancer, prefers to fight with a shield and sword...which he is far better at.
- Sometimes underestimates how good he really is, which will only go away as he gets older or realizes his true potential and capabilities.
- His assassin/sellsword company The Sun's consist of mainly orphans from mostly Dorne and Essos, that his mother has been taking in since before Rhoynar was born and teaching them how to be assassins/knights for hire ever since they were kids...which some still are. It's 333 of them...111 archers, 111 spearman and 111 swordsman in full armor and on horseback.

Appearance / Faceclaim : Caua Raymond


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