Story Rhom Writings


New Member
I thought I`d post up everything I do in my Writers Craft class here.

Friday morning is cold,dark, and the rising sun feels like a fire making it feel like I havea chance to reach warmth. I reached up my arm seeing those largegrotesque goose bumps engulfing my arm as I grab for the alarm clock.The infectious arm pulls the noise box down to my sleepy eyes. Itswas 6:00 AM. I had work to do soon. I jump out of my soft cloud likebed in to hell like cold, making the infectious like goose bumps fillmy pale skin. I slipped on my night coat, it feels like cat furrubbing against my skin, and filling my soul less body, with warmth.This newly found fire, burned and pushed me to move on, and gear upfor a fight at the war torn office.

This is the beginning of my first 1500 short story assignment. Which is due two days from now....yeeh.

I need to run, it's getting closer.This, thing is going to kill me. Where is safety, how do I get there?Is there more people out there. I'll never know. A creaking noisecame from behind the door. Followed be sniffing. Oh god, oh god. Thesniffing grew louder and louder, slowly growing nearer to the door. Ihad no where to go. I was trapped. The sniffing stopped, and all wassilent. It stayed silent for a few minutes. Am I safe? Did it goaway?

I changed my positioning on the doorand kick something that was near my feet. It was a rough feeling onmy bare foot, and squared. It was the cube. The thing that startedthis all. I picked it up and held it in my hand. I stepped toward mywindow, keeping a hand on the door. I looked at the rough feelingcube with a deadly stare. If I was superman I would have probablyshot lasers from my eyes from how hard I was staring at it. After afew more moments I drew back my arm with the cube in it and looked atthe window. Then I threw it. The cube smashed through the window witha large crash.

A soon as the cube left my handhowever the door of my room burst open throwing me across the room onto my bed. A large demon dog, with red eyes, and torn skin ondifferent part of its body. Its tail was lit a flame, dirt red fur,and nails sharp as a sword. It stepped forward sniffing the air thenstaring at me. A low growl came from the hell hound. This was it, mylast few moments alive. Tears formed in my eyes and my nose startedto get runny. The dog growl grew louder, and it took a step closer tome for each snort I made. The dogs tail lit everything behind onfire, but the fire didn't burn the items. The dog got read to punchslowly moving forward faster.

A few second later it was on beopening its large mouth getting ready to kill its prize. I screamedletting my voice break over the loud growl of the dog. The dog attackfling it head down ward onto me. Suddenly though I felt as though Iwas saved by god himself. The dog stopped half ay quickly liftingit's head up, and hoping off me, its nails ripping through my skin. Iscreamed from the pain, my hand quickly jutting towards my chest. Thedog walked over to my window, and sniffed the air, its ears swingingfrom side to side, as it hear something the human ear can't. The doglooked back at me either to follow the noise or finish me off. If itsactually think it over that unknown, unhearable sound then it must beimportant. The dog shook its head from side to side, then puts a pawon the window's ledge. Its muscles tightened in it flew out of mywindow into the dark its tail lighting the rest of the items in myroom a flame.


Icton crawled out of his coffin like car he spare flashlightslamming on the ground. The world was shaking he had no idea whathappened to him before he woke up. He stood up almost falling over onthe the jagged cold tar mat of the street. He liked around seeingnothing but a black death mist looming around making it hard to see.His ears rang from the Crowing of the flesh eaters that loom aroundin the air. The sky was an unnatural black blood colour, with theoccasional black spot when a crow flew over him. Icton reached forhis flash light after he felt a cold aura surround him that felt likesomeone bite in to his pale white skin.

His heart skipped a beat when he turned on the flash light. Thecold aura seemed to vanish but a new threat appeared before him. Ahundred bodies piled near the side of the free way, the stench offeces, and rotten flesh loomed the moist air. He spun around when heheard a faint cry in the distance. “Hello!?” Icton called out,his sharp torch piercing through the shadowy mist. They're wasanother cry this time closer, and a high pitch scream right aftermaking Icton jump back and lose his footing. He caught himself on hiscar, looking back in the direction of the scream, their was morescreams, and a faint weeping sound after each screech, that is whenhe saw it. A big body like mass that was right out of a horror bookcame screaming at him, flipping any car out of its way with itsthousands of arms. Faces on every part of its body weeping andscreaming like they are being forced together by some unnaturalforce. Icton screamed, but it was swallowed by the screams of thecreature. Icton knew he should run but he knew he would survive,because he knew he wasn't a main character in Gods play.

Friday morning is always cold, dark, and the rising sun feelslike a fire making it you feel like you have a chance to reachwarmth. I reached up my arm seeing those large grotesque goose bumpsengulfing my arm as I grab for the alarm clock. The infectious armpulls the noise box down to my sleepy eyes. Its was 6:00 AM. I hadwork to do soon. I jump out of my soft cloud like bed in to hell likecold, making the infectious like goose bumps fill my pale skin. Islipped on my night coat, it feels like cat fur rubbing against myskin, and filling my soul less body, with warmth. This newly foundfire, burned and pushed me to move on, and gear up for a fight at thewar torn office. The morning steamrolled forward at a turtle pace. Iwanted to sneak back into my bed, but the fist of the working force.I slugged my laptop coffin on to my shoulders, a slight pain rippingdown my arm. Mornings were never good on joints. When is crept ontothe the high way something caught my eye off in the distance.

A black thick mist rolled in at a fast pace practically on mewithin seconds. It was an ire mist, like its trying to hidesomething. It was like being in a small room only able to see theclose walls to my sides, and above me. The head lights of the caronly able to cut through to be able to see the car ahead of me. Outof the blue my car stopped, and shut of, all of the lights went out,horns could be heard no more, nor the voices of the people in carsscreaming at the people ahead to speed up. A heavy weight pushed downon my eyes forcing me to fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

My eyes flew open, as I flung my self up so fast I hit myforehead of the roof of me car, the thud echoing of in the distance.I raised my hand to hold my now painful forehead. I looked arounddarkness sounded me on all corners. A shallow moaning was heard inthe distance, but stopped due to the load gun shots. I jumped at thehandle to open my car door, a slowly crawled out or the coffin. Islid to the back of my car, and open the trunk. Inside was my G&GKar98k Airsoft gun, and a powerful torch. I slung on my airsoft vest,and rifle. Putting my mags into the pockets of the vest. I grabbedthe torch and tug it out of the trunk. The moans started again thistime a lot closer. I backed away from the car, and hid behind anotherone. A large silhouette trudged past my car, it was slim and longarms holding its body above the ground it hand no legs. Its moans wasslow like a zombies, but this was no zombie. It head turned towardsme at unbelievable speed making me fall over. The thudding of itshands, paw, whatever they were grew closer. It moaning and breathingbouncing of the car. I could the the face, or at least the mask thatcovered the unknown face. I had to move, I had to get out of thisposition. I had to take the risk, so, I jumped. I jumped right of theside of the highway. I had no idea were I was, nor had any idea whatawaited me on the ground. After I jumped a loud echoing screechboomed from the creature from losing his meal so easily. Hopefully Iwill never run into that monster any time soon.


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