Story Rewriting Avery


Squirrel Whisperer
Rewriting Avery This is the first chapter of a short novel I am writing titled, you guessed it Rewriting Avery. If you are interested in reading the rest of it (So far I have three chapters) let me know! I am really not that great with grammar, and sometimes I type too quickly and my spelling gets messed up so if you notice anything off, please leave a polite comment letting me know!

Danny reached towards Olivia's soft pink cheek and brushed it with the tips of his fingers. Btghuyjrtyhkldfjdfsjkljdsksd

I slammed my head against the keyboard of my beloved laptop for the third time that night. My eyes were burning from the light off the screen and I was ready to give up for the night. I had been working on this story for two months. It was a tale of a young boy and girl who begrudgingly go on an adventure together and end up falling in love. And the moment I was trying to write that night was the part where Danny finally kisses Olivia making her fall in love with them. It was a pivotal scene, but I just couldn't get it right. What I wrote wasn't bad, certainly not terrible, but it just wasn't right. This was the point in the story where their lives changed forever, it had to be perfect. I glanced at the clock on my laptop and groaned. 2:17 A.M. it read. I had been working on the story for four hours and had nothing. Nothing! This needed to be done now! The deadline for the writing competition was in a month and If I didn't get at least third place I wouldn't get a scholarship for the Creative Arts Summer Camp at the local community college. In my sixteen-year-old mind, that meant if I didn't finish and perfect this story in the next month that I would never be a professional author.

Now, there is something you need to know about me, I have been diagnosed (by myself) with Spiraling Time Disorder, or ST-...Never mind it is just Spiraling Disorder. This pretty much means when I encounter a hiccup or block in my plans I start to freak out and assume it will pretty much inevitably lead to my death. So accidentally forgetting my water bottle at home? Nuclear fallout traps all the high school students in the school and I die of dehydration. (Obviously the water fountains and sinks are contaminated). You get the point. And my absolute obsession with this Summer Camp was one of those times where my SD was acting up.

I saved the minimal work I had done and shut my blue laptop in exasperation, I needed to go to bed, I had school in the morning, or actually in six hours. I could work on Olivia's love life during lunch. I quickly and gently placed my precious laptop in my messenger bag nestled between an Algebra 2 notebook and my binder. Then I crawled into my small twin size bed, ("Why do you need anything more than a twin Avery there is only going to ever be one person in it. Right?" is what my Mom always said when I asked for a bigger one) and nestled into my pile of stuffed animals and pillows. I drifted off thinking of kisses and how stupidly frustrating they were to write.


I jogged down stairs in the morning while zipping up my jeans. I had slept in and was in a rush to get out, I always got anxious at the idea of being late to class, (I'm sure at the time I had some drawn-out idea of how it could lead to my death). I threw my messenger bag over one shoulder and pulled my brown hair up in a ponytail, the ends of it tickling the bottom of my neck.

"Bye Mom! See you after school Chrissie!" I yelled out as I grabbed a bagel off the counter and darted out the door. I checked my phone quickly and saw I still had twenty minutes so I slowed my pace a bit and started walking the two blocks to Horne Highschool with my bag across my left shoulder. I pulled out my Algebra book to try and skim some of the chapter I was meant to read last night and held it open in my left hand while my right fed me a stale raisin bagel.

"Ugh, I hate raisins why did I even grab this." I muttered and spat out a raisin on the sidewalk in disgust. Raisins are like natures poops and I still hold that position to this day.

"Very ladylike Baker." I shut my eyes in annoyance and took a deep breath. Collin stinkin' Moore. Even his voice made me want to choke, which I actually did, apparently, I didn't spit out all the raisins. "Hey, don't die on me now, though I do know mouth to mouth resuscitation if I need to step in." He shoots a flirty smirk my way and I groan.

"That is not how you help someone who is choking, idiot." I rolled my eyes and kept looking forward as Collin started walking next to me taking care to match his gait with mine. What a weirdo. "Why are you walking to school anyways, don't you usually hitch a ride with your sister."

"Senior class trip, Baker. So, she is out of town and you get to be graced with my presence." He threw out his arms, elbowing me and causing me to trip and drop my Algebra book and bagel in a puddle. Collin started laughing. "Ha, very smooth Baker!"

I scoffed at him and grabbed my math book not bothering with the bagel, "My name is Avery, so if you are going to speak to me call me Avery. Or better yet, don't speak to me at all!" I gave my sweetest smile and tilted my head innocently and kept walking. I could see the school, my end was near.

"Aw come one Baker-"

I glared at Collin.

"I mean Avery, you know you like me. How could you resist a god like this?" Collin stopped and gestured to himself to show off his "godliness", which happened to be pretty human. He had slightly curly light brown hair that went to just above his eyebrows. He was about half a foot taller than me, so about 5'9" and was built fairly averagely.

But his eyes. Oh, his eyes, they were a captivating milk chocolate brown that oddly made you feel comfortable and at home, and free and wild all at the same time. Just kidding, Collin Moore had normal brown eyes, nothing special.

"I mean seriously how can you resist this?" He repeated.

"Like this." Now, if Collin were to tell you what happened next, he would say I shoved him into a puddle, but what really happened was I just pushed him and in his own gracefulness he fell off the curb and landed on his butt in the puddle.

"Baker. You are so dead!" Collin growled at me as he shook dirty water off his hands. I just stood there in disbelief with a wide smile. I definitely did not mean for him to fall, but I wasn't too upset about it either.

"That is pay back for my bagel!" I laughed and turned running towards the school before Collin could get up and retaliate. I heard a distant voice calling out after you.

"You don't even like raisins!"

Danny brushed Olivia's nose with his and sighed. Perfection that is what she is. He glanced up to see Olivia's piercing eyes-

"Ms. Baker I find it incredibly hard to do a math problem when you haven't looked up at the board in thirty minutes." Mrs. Finley glared at me from the front of the room. Her head was tilted slightly down, and her glasses were forward on her nose. It was a wonder they didn't slide off. She had a nose like a ski jump, that rested just above her thin lips, which happened to be tightly pressed together as she waited for a response from me.

"Oh, um...I'm sorry" I shrugged shying away from her pointed gaze. Mrs. Finley sighed annoyed at me, stood up straight, and walked over to her large desk at the front of the classroom. It was covered in papers and textbooks. There wasn't a single gift or card from a student. She could be a cold teacher, often humiliating students in class without even realizing it.

"Class this is a perfect example of what happens when you don't pay attention in class." She stepped behind her desk and turned sharply to stare at me. "You're failing." And, there is that humiliation thing.

"W-what?" My face is flushed and my palms sweating. It felt like every kid in the class was staring back at me. Their silent looks judging me.

"You heard me Ms. Baker. You are failing Algebra two." There was no pity in her voice, she didn't care that I was failing and she definitely didn't care how she let me know. A chorus of pitied sentiments went through the room.

"I'm sorry Avery, I think you are really smart."

"I could tutor you if you want."

"She probably made a mistake."

People whispered to and about me as I stared down at my paper. I was failing my math class. I couldn't believe this. Not only had I been told I am flunking, my teacher did it in front of the whole class. My stomach twisted in knots and making me feel suddenly nauseous. I sunk into my seat praying for the bell to ring. I couldn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson, well it is not like I was paying attention before. I had just been so frustrated with my story I have been working on it all morning. I got scolded in English for it by Mr. Royce.

Fortunately, the bell rang only five minutes after my humiliation in Mrs. Finley's class. I quickly gathered up my stuff and rushed out of the classroom, desperate to leave that whole class behind me. Lunch time, finally. Now I could work on Danny and Olivia's love life without getting yelled at. I didn't even waste time at my locker I just rushed into the cafeteria and sat on the floor against the back wall of the Spanish classroom. Ms. Gore taught Spanish and no one wanted to be near her classroom more than necessary, so I could depend on that area being quieter than most.

I quickly pulled out my laptop and booted it up. While it began powering on I dug through my bag for any old snacks or food. Since I was running late this morning I had no chance to grab food for lunch. My eyes light up as I caught sight of a smashed-up granola bar at the bottom of my bag. Chocolate chip and oatmeal, my stomach growled loud enough for me to ignore the oatmeal part and rip in to the bar.

"Well, inhale that why don't you." I looked up to see Carter Oak sliding down the wall to sit next to me. I shot him a look that pretty much said, shut up. Carter and I had been best friends since ninth grade. Nothing spectacular happened like he saved me from a bully, or we lived next door, we just got along and started to hang out. Carter had short blonde hair and blue eyes. He was somewhat tall and lean. His main passion was soccer and he was constantly on some sort of team so he was pretty fit. A lot of girls found him attractive, but Carter and I never thought of each other that way, we were basically siblings.

"Hey, I only had a few bites of a bagel this morning, okay?" I elbowed Carter and he laughed. He had a really good laugh. The only memories I had of my Dad were of his big booming laugh, and Carter's kind of reminded me of that so it was always comforting to hear.

"Here, you can have half of my ham sandwich. I am not too hungry. I had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Not to mention a big glass of-"

"Carter I love you and you know how absolutely fascinating I find your diet, but please shut up and hand me your sandwich." I said very calmly with a straight face. Carter chuckled and tossed me a brown paper bag.

"Half only." Carter pointed his finger at me in warning. I tore his sandwich in half, because this monster doesn't pre-cut his sandwiches, and handed him half. I started eating the sandwich and had to hold in a moan of satisfaction. I didn't particularly like ham sandwiches but it turns out I greatly preferred them over starving.

"So how is your story going?" Carter asked and peered over to see my laptop screen as I opened up my writing software.

Since I had sandwich in my mouth and I do have some dignity, I just shrugged. Once I swallowed I told him all about my problem with Danny and Olivia's kiss scene.

"Well, maybe it is because you have never been kissed before." Carter suggested

"I don't really think so, I mean I wrote a story about an Egyptian cat that wandered the desert in search of her lost family and I am neither cat nor Egyptian." I located my story in my documents and pulled it up. I began typing up what I wrote in math class in my notebook and added to it.

Danny glanced up into Olivia's piercing eyes. Her green eyes sparkled as she slowly shut them.

"Oooh, not a fan of that one." Carter visibly cringed and leaned back away from my screen and to take a bite of his sandwich.

I groaned frustrated and lost.

"That is such an attractive sound, Baker." Collin. This new arrival elicited a second groan. He sat crossed legged on the other side of me and tried to peer over at my screen. I shut it quickly, the last thing I needed was for Collin Moore to know I was writing a kissing scene, and poorly at that.

"Go away Collin, you already ruined my morning." I waved my hand in his face and refused to look at him.

"Aw, but Aves than I wouldn't get to tell you how I am getting back at you for pushing me in the puddle this morning." He looked at me with a mock pouty face.

"You pushed him in a puddle?" Carter laughed and looked at me with confusion and a little pride.

I shook my head at him and turned back to Collin. One of his brown curls was falling into his face, and his eyes glimmered with mischief.

"What did you do Collin?" My voice came out tired and annoyed. I could not take another shred of bad news, especially if it involved Collin Moore.

"I signed us up as partners for the extra credit dance competition in Spanish class." And then the devil himself smiled at me. Dancing. With Collin Moore. In front of our whole Spanish class. "See you tomorrow night for our first practice. Your place at four. Bye partner." Collin winked and stalked off. I couldn't say anything out of pure shock. Not only was I failing math, and struggling to finish my story, but now I had to learn to dance and not just dance but with Collin! He would have to touch me yuck, and I would have to touch him, double yuck.

I whined out loud and slid my back down the wall until I was pretty much on the floor. I couldn't believe how much of my life had fallen apart in just a couple of hours.

"Why do you hate him so much, anyways. 'Aves'" Carter smiled using Collins stupid nickname to tease me. I shrugged still visibly annoyed.

"I don't know, he is just so annoying, and rude and," I let out a frustrated sigh, "stupid!"

Carter squinted his eyes at me, "He is a straight A student, Avery."

"I don't mean he isn't intelligent, I mean he is stupid. Like, just the stuff he does and the things he says. I don't know it's all just irritating" I groaned again. Honestly at this point just assume that if we were talking about Collin or if Collin was present that I am groaning.

"I don't know I think there may be something else there." Carter winked.

"We have about as much Chemistry as dog and a cat. And just so we are clear, I am the dog." I shot Carter a warning glare and turned back to my screen. Carter took the hint and turned his focus on to his sandwich. I could still see his small smile out of the corner of my eye.

Well whatever he thought it was wrong. I don't like Collin Moore in fact I can't stand Collin Moore. At least that's what I thought.

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