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Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith - Lore


The Very Tired Student


Please read below to find tidbits of the world as well as the races, information on the two sides, and any other bit of knowledge.​
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For as long as history has known, humans have always been the most pitiful of races. As they were kept as slaves under Celestial rule, they lived like animals. No education, no worthwhile skills, and no liberty. Stories tell however, of a group of heroes from other races freeing a handful of humans and taught them their ways. One such human became the leader of the band, now known as Tyraleum the First, King of the Human Spirit. They went from area to area, freeing humans all over, making the first stand and beginning the war against the Celestials.


Humans are tough and hardy, used to generations of hard labor. They are extremely adaptable and can fit into many roles so long as they have the will to keep on going. The average human lives to be about 70, and their racial features vary from human to human. They are born under any element, although most are born under the Light element.
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Celestials are considered by all the races as the most powerful beings. Unlike every other life form that has a predetermined element, the Celestials are born into all of the elements, or a scholars believe a seventh element, the element of balance. They can cast the most advanced spells with just a flick of their hand, as well as negate most incoming attacks into nothing. They are, by true definition, ageless. They can, as the war against them has shown, be killed. It is said that the Celestials were the ones who made up the other races, and are the closest thing to Gods.


Celestials average about 7 to 8 feet and come in many different appearances. The most recognizable however is that they all adorn a plain mask over their faces, hiding their expressions. They can not reproduce, and as such since the war their numbers have no means of replenishing themselves. In the war, they create and summon monsters to fight their battles, occasionally having one Celestial commanding them. In terms of sheer strength, one Celestial's magic power is approximately 500 combined wizards' powers.
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A beast like race from the far North, this race is filled with powerful warriors. All of its inhabitants possess a keen sense of sight, allowing them to be powerful scouts, archers, and warriors. They are not a race that only lives for savagery however, as they are also excellent diplomats and were one of the first races to unite their continent. Each Tijerian has a powerful sense of honor, and stick to their own set of moral codes.


Tijerians stand at about 6 to 7 feet tall and are all either broad or lean. Each one possesses keen sight that allows them to spot far away objects, as well as night vision. Out of all the races, they are the least connected with their magic. Tijerians are usually born under the Water element, although there are cases where they are born under the Earth element.
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The orcs come from a land to the West, almost as destroyed as Ezerith's current state. It is a land of intense heat, provided by its desert fields or its volcanic mountain regions. Not being able to rely on traditional means of surviving, the Orcs took to crafts. They built ironclad fortresses that protected them from possible invasion, as well as incredible devices such as ballistas, cannons, and new hand held weapons. The orcs also dabbled in more day to day craftsmanship, with their continent holding the most interesting devices and inventions. Long ago, they did not live as prosperous. Dragons dwelled in their lands, and constantly picked away at their resources. When the Orcs and other long forgotten race tried to defy the dragons, they burnt the entire continent to leave it in its more modern state. After a long war, only the Orcs stood victorious, with the dragons and the Orc's partners having fallen.


The orcs stand at about 5 to 7 feet, and have a darkish tint to their skin color. While some possess long ears, horns, or even sharp teeth, not all Orcs possess such features. Most Orcs are intuitive, and are excellent at advising. They are born the Fire element, although some are born from the Earth or Dark elements.



The Fae's homes have long been destroyed, and are regarded as a floating race. There are some here and there, but for the most part they are considered as either Gypsies or nomads. They are, by culture, quite religious. The Fae usually stick to themselves, as they have been treated as thieves and liars by the other races. No one quite knows how the Fae lost their home land, although legend has it the Fae used to live on a floating continent, separated from the world. They misused their magic however, and that brought devastation to their home, causing their god to send it crashing down and into the Ocean.

Important: The Fae are born under the Wind element or the Dark element. They have slightly more delicate features than the other races and the tallest Fae is barely 6 feet. The Fae are natural survivalists, and do well in the wilds. Their Goddess is Lylimark, and worship her frequently as repentance. Mot Fae have some sort of marking on their face, similar to war paint or tattoos.



"Magic is all around us. It is in the air. It is in the water. It is in us. It is in time." - Rebeduke, the 8th Great Mage

Magic is the oldest "thing" in exist, created before even the Celestials. Magic, as scholars believe, is the building block that makes up essentially everything that has ever existed. Celestials were the first to utilize magic, using it as spells. They discovered the different elements, as well as the archaic formula used to cast spells (incantations or runes).


Magic is made up of 6 elements. Light, Fire, Water, Dark, Wind, and Earth. Each element has different uses that are still being discovered. The way it works is it needs a fuel(mana) and a catalyst (the element) as well as a key (the incantations or runes). Raw mana is magic that is elementless. It exists only inside of reality, and acts as a connector to all things within time. A mage can call upon that mana through themselves using their own strength to apply their element. Once that occurs, they can place that magic into a specific formula known as spells that can do certain things such as casting a fireball or illuminating a room. If a person draws in an incorrect amount of mana or messes up an incantation, the result could be lethal depending on the amount of force needed for the spell. Also, if a person pulls in mana continuously they feel the same fatigue as someone who is lifting massive amounts of weight. Excessive use could kill them. The only exception is the Celestials, who do not feel the drawbacks.

Types of Magic


Normally used as a healing magic, Light is strong against Dark and is also weak to it. Lightning magic branches from this element, used as the offensive spells. The strength in Light magic falls in its ability to support, as it can strengthen, speed, and heal others.


Fire is unpredictable and powerful. Fire is strong against Water and is also weak to it. Lava magic branches from fire, as they can be considered the same. Fire magic mostly uses powerful offensive spells to destroy and kill.


Water is controlled and calculated. Water is strong against Fire and is also weak to it. Ice magic branches from Water, as they come hand in hand. Water magic is extremely adaptable, as can be used to support, defend, and attack (although it does not specialize in a certain strategy)


Wind magic is free and devastating. Wind is strong against Earth and is also weak to it. Wind changes all of the time, allowing people to travel by it, attack with it, and support with it.


Earth magic is unmoving and relentless. Earth is strong against Wind and is also weak to it. Earth magic can build mighty walls and reinforce the users, while also being used to build great things.


Dark magic is strategic and ruthless. Dark is strong against Light and is also weak to it. Dark magic relies on offensive spells as well as defensive magic. Dark magic is mostly used to weaken the enemy, as well as cast illusions.
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As the people of Ezerith know, the Gods are very, very real. While it is common knowledge that they created the realm, information of Gods vary from person to person. One common understanding is this however: the Gods are still very active and have a will. The people believe the Gods reside in a realm slightly outside of theirs, only known as Falias. Each deity possessed different powers and influences than the others, and it believed that they were once mortal from an age long past.




Lylimark is a commonly known Goddess to the Fae. She presides over the life of all inhabitants and ensures there is a life after death. She is also the God who many Fae believe to control Mana, the substance that presides all around. She is a neutral Goddess, and does not meddle with the other Gods business, only keeping herself occupied over the mortal realm.



Tyraleum, once a human man who rose to be king, is assumed to be amongst the Gods. During his final hours a blinding divine light evaporated him from this world,



The protector of Falias, Gavia is a deity who has only shown herself to the mortal realm on very few occasions. During the creation of the mortal realm, and when the mortals attempted to dispel their beliefs of the Gods. She is the epitome of loyal, and in terms of pure power scholars understand that she could most likely destroy any of the other Gods if she wished. She lacks, as they understand, any will to act outside of Falias' interests. Some scholars believe she is the personification of Falias itself, as the two presume side by side.
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