

One Time Luck




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Disclaimer: I understand that there is a place on this website for characters. This is simply everything that I want to know about your character. Post the link to your character in the gallery as your character sign up. If you have two characters, post both links at the same time, with their names in front of the link.

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Name: Jordan Fabius

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Kitsune

Sexuality: Pansexual, he wouldn’t mind a romantic relationship, but he isn’t looking for one.


Jordan has a wild and untamed temperament, his head still out on the streets. In a situation some might consider social, it’s his first instinct to scrutinize everything as “what can I steal?” “How can I escape?” Or “ If I can’t, how can I kill this person?” After all, it’s been these thought patterns that have kept him alive until now. His emotions are also raw, and while he can usually keep a poker face, unexpected deep feelings show plainly on his face. Additionally he’s uncivilized in some of his mannerisms, throwing himself on furniture and rarely keeping his possessions tidy. Nevertheless, he keeps his own self clean whenever he has the chance.

He’s also extremely defiant, raised away from the mindset that supernatural beings were somehow less than their human counterparts. Jordan knows he doesn’t deserve it, so he doesn’t take it. However, his tendency to think thoroughly before he acts keeps him from taking immediate action, resorting to remembering the faces for later, when he can realistically take revenge on them. But has defiant core would keep him from cracking under situations like interrogation or a verbal showdown with an enemy.

While he doesn’t show it on his face or through his actions, Jordan loves like any other (not likely romantic though), especially weak to humans who show empathy or kindness towards supernatural beings. Gloria proved to him that not every human is the same, and he’s been looking for someone like her since.


Jordan was born into captivity, not with cruel intentions at the time, as the animosity towards the supernatural was still at its cusp. Until the suspicion and disapproval reached the science world, he lived with both parents in the facility, as volunteers in the study of the oddities being uncovered. However, when the diseased sea of anger did reach the world of science, both parents were imprisoned and sold, Jordan being left because he was no use at the age of four. The following two years were a broad range of tests for the child, and while the conditions were faulted and unlivable, he had it better than most. Being pricked with a needle and getting his brain scanned saved him from the brutal physical labor and torture going on outside. Additionally, one of the nursing staff, Gloria, took to him quickly, providing bits of support wherever she could. When she heard of what was planned for him, Gloria didn’t sleep for days, sick with the internal struggle of choice. Her job or Jordan? Fortunately for him, she couldn’t let him be killed for a dissection and packed up her belongings, fleeing her job and home.

If Jordan ever had a childhood, it would be the following years. Gloria taught him to keep his head high, to not let others shove him around. She showed him the kindness of the mother he lost before he could remember clearly, and what a family should feel like. Since Jordan looked close enough to a human, he was able to pass in public fairly well, even attending a small private school when he was eleven. Eventually, paranoia got the best of Gloria, of whom had been imagining the officers barging through the door, imprisoning her and sending her beloved boy to god knows where. The premonition was too strong, so she once again packed her things, Jordan glued to her side.

She’d told him from the start to keep his head down, not bring attention to himself. But when he saw the giant train, something alien and new to him, he’d gasped, looking up in awe. Right into the eyes of a security guard. It should be mentioned that his one defining feature is his eyes, which reflected light to give him better sight into dimly lit areas. His eyes betrayed him, and the woman who’d given everything to him. He never saw her again.

The prison was a shock to him, a holding ground for human (at least what he considered to be) trafficking and slavery. While this being his first look into this into this world made it difficult to adjust, it also meant he still had the fire many had lost over countless years of mistreatment. Jordan escaped by an impossible strike of luck, simply running when he saw the opportunity only a year after he’d been captured. The guard in charge of watching the security footage had been sleeping, and another to the bathroom, meaning the closest officer was too far when he made the dash over the fence, gashing himself on the wires but too reckless to care.

Bloodied and void of any supplies, sixteen year old Jordan was now alone on the streets. Hiding in back alleys and barely fighting off the infection from the wire cuts, he wasn’t so lucky this time. Knocked on the head with a rusty pipe, he was dragged to a nest belonging to equally and more grubby kids, all of supernatural origin like himself. It took a hefty length of time before he was even put on the level of a dog, but he was climbing rank, however slow. By the time he was twenty, he’d earned a reputation for his pick-pocketing skills, his kitsune gifts giving him the edge he needed. When the word spread, a well-established underground rebel group recruited him, giving him a fairly high rank after rigorous tests. Jordan grew in confidence, a ringleader with a name for himself. But yet again, his time ran out, and the rebel base was raided, a plethora of his comrades killed, the rest imprisoned.

Now, he’s on the run from the government, only keeping himself undercover through the skills he’d learned and the help from Kild and Adery, two fellow escapees.



Kild (male, left) and Avery (female, right), weaker kitsune placed under his direct orders for years. It was assumed that species of the same type would get along well, which was fortunately true. They are both loyal to Jordan, but could be a weakness due to his emotional attachment to them. While twins are stereotyped as being of the same mind, it’s just that, a stereotype, as most twins are pushed to be unique after being clumped toghether even before birth. These two are no exception. Kild is more sadistic and dark, tending to be overshadowed by Avery, who is excellent with her people skills.

Hope it's okay that I added these guys (with the two character limit), since I won't actually be writing in their perspective.

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