[Révolution] Moss's Casino


Everypony wants to rule the world
In Las Vegas, or rather under it, Kennith Moss operates a large, luxurious Casino. He less 'Operates' it and more 'has it operated for him.' Here, he gives advice to up and coming rebels, and dispenses with wisdom, information, and gossip from around the country. This is a safe zone; no combat can be had here. Entering the Casino involves being blindfolded, shoved into a van, driven the wrong way, transferred into another van, flown back to Vegas, tossed down a flight of stairs, driven four blocks, and down seven floors in an elevator. So, yeah, you don't know exactly where you are.

[You cannot attack Moss here. In order to find the location of the casino, you will have to work for it, and work even harder to get in. But you can ask Moss anything.]
After having been thrown around for what felt like days, James finally came to in what appeared to be the nicest casino he'd ever dreamed of. He couldn't tell if that was just the January air, or actual air conditioning. He wiped his face, looking for Moss to ask him some questions.

"You're Moss, right?" Saisima said, "I heard you're the person to talk to. I've taken to wandering lately, doing oddjobs, and I need a bit more stable employment. After the 'Overlord' basically had his goons beat me for trying to get the bastard who killed my family taken in by the cops, you could say I'm not exactly on good terms with the fucker." He shook his head, "I live out in the eastern Nebraska area, more or less. Any details on local bandits, or jobs I could get killing them?"
"Well, Nebraska's rough country. There's four kinds of people in Nebraska: People who want to grow corn without being bothered, people who want to bother the people growing corn, people doing something about the people bothering the corn-growers, and Hyde's military forces. Killing bandits, I call that charity work. If you want to get paid for killing assholes, you've gotta kill soldiers and officers. And I don't think you're ready to take on Hyde's Guerrillas in the area, either.

"You might want to consider people smuggling. If you can smuggle people into Nebraska from the Orange or Red zones, I'll pay for that, and you might get a shot at some assholes."
"Alright, give me some contacts and I'm your man. I can't guarantee I'll be much more than a goon right now, but I'll do what's asked of me." James would say, offering to shake hands before making his way out. Upon either being declined or shaking hands, he'd find the people who brought him in and ask to be taken back.
"I'll let you figure out the details. You can start from any Red or Orange zone you want, and bring as many people as you think is necessary to any Yellow zone of your choosing. You can try smuggling them out of Black Zones but I wouldn't recommend it. Maybe get a family out of Kansas or Nevada or something. Something that I'll pay well for without too much hassle. The more people you bring and the farther you bring them, the riskier the job is, but the more it will pay. Sometimes VIP's need to be escorted, but there aren't any right now."
Oy, Lily's head was going to smart for days...

She had hoped that, given her overall connections to the mob, she'd receive a bit better treatment than most of the people who headed into the casino, but, well...

...and then, she noticed her surroundings. Her mind was certainly no longer on her head...

"Okaaaay..." she muttered to herself, quickly finding who she was looking for. "So, you're Moss, then?" she began.

"I was wonderin', seeing as I and mine lost our home helping your outfit, if you'd be willing to help me help you." Clarifying, she added "Y'know, point me in the direction of some weapons stocked up and that you're hoping to steal. I can get you those with a bit of luck. Not gonna waste our time deludin' myself about what I could do to an officer, but I can still be of service."
"I'm afraid I don't feel any kind of responsibility towards your loss," Moss said, crossing his arms, "Rebels lose their homes, their families, and so on because of Hyde or because they failed. You didn't come back with what you were sent out for, so you failed. I can't take responsibility for that."

He sighed, and took a drink.

"But I can always use a bit of extra help, and as a matter of fact there is something you can hit. There are these panels all around Las Vegas that the Hyde forces use to report their sweeps into. They're information relays in a way. For every one you can get me remote access to, I'll pay you five hundred. But Hyde keeps an eye on these things, if they see you screwing around with them, they'll come after you. You might want some security."
It'd taken a lot longer than she'd expected to work up the requisite time off and reasons for travelling to Vegas, but Kamiko figured it to be worth it.

She'd taken the blindfold and everything else quietly, catching herself when they tried the stairs trick, whispering quietly at that. "No visible bruising, please, I don't need the questions. Anything else necessary is fine though."

Eventually though, the young woman found herself disoriented but sitting in front of the man known as Moss. She respectfully inclines her head slightly to him. "They speak of you as the most hated man alive, yet you work towards the betterment of those without Hyde's power." A smile. "I see why. I would like to help balance those scales as well. My skills and position lean towards information gathering and assisting others more than my own firefights. Perhaps you know what I resources I could bring to the table?"
"I don't keep track of every little thing in the world, that's impossible. I can always do with more spies. There's these panels that Hyde security personnel use to report in and keep track of their men and the like. If you can hack them, I'll pay five hundred for each one I have access to. Might be easier as a two person job."
"Here locally?" Kamiko asked, wondering if any of the local men were part of her 'gripe about Hyde' group she managed.

Would like to know if my two dots in disaffected Hyde enlisted stretches out to here.
((You'd at least have contacts in Vegas, but none that would outright help you.))

"Yes, here, locally, in Vegas. They're found all over the world but you only really find them in denser cities, and I don't have a connection to many other places."
"That's fine then." Kamiko nodded thoughtfully. "I don't have unlimited time, however, unless you want to pay me to desert the military? I figure I'd be more useful placed there than anywhere."
"If you're active military then I don't want you to resign. You're way more valuable on the inside than the outside. You do this job for me, and I'll put you onto something way more valuable. Something that will really kick things off."
"Deal then. If you want me to do this with another person, that's fine, just let them know where to find me. Unless you have something else for me, then I should be off." If he has nothing else, Kamiko will stand and bow slightly, before letting herself be led off.
"If you want help there's plenty of rebels wanting jobs, but you'll have to split the money. I've got a map of all the panels around Vegas."
"You mentioned it as a two person job in the beginning. I'm fairly certain I can handle myself though."
"Thought you should consider it," he spread his arms, and handed over a copy of the map, "Good luck."
Uziel said:
"But I can always use a bit of extra help, and as a matter of fact there is something you can hit. There are these panels all around Las Vegas that the Hyde forces use to report their sweeps into. They're information relays in a way. For every one you can get me remote access to, I'll pay you five hundred. But Hyde keeps an eye on these things, if they see you screwing around with them, they'll come after you. You might want some security."
Lily was a tad annoyed at Moss' first response, but the job was...helpful. Possibly. It seemed like a high-risk one, true, but the rewards...well, pay was the least of them.

"I can tack the price for that down half if you already had some 'security' in mind."
[QUOTE="Chained Divinity]Lily was a tad annoyed at Moss' first response, but the job was...helpful. Possibly. It seemed like a high-risk one, true, but the rewards...well, pay was the least of them.
"I can tack the price for that down half if you already had some 'security' in mind."

"Well there is someone else interested in the same job. But if you'd prefer hitting other consoles, I can hook you up with one of the local Rebels instead."

[He is of course referring to Kamiko. If you guys want to do this job together, one of you should start the thread. If you want to do it separately but with NPC help, let me know.]

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