[Révolution] Lilian Browning

Chained Divinity

Junior Member
Name: Lilian Browning ("Lily" for short)

Age: 22

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 120 lb

Appearance: For a hick girl, Lilian's managed to keep her body together by this point, enjoying a thin, athletic figure capped with long blonde hair. She's most often seen in fairly nondescript, informal clothing--really agricultural work garb with a couple of additions, maybe minus a few things...although she's often got a jacket of some kind. Pockets are important.

Personality: Lilian, first and foremost, is very cocky and a fair amount duplicitous. She's certainly able to work that to her advantage, but it's caused her problems at times as well, angering the wrong person on occasion, letting the wrong thing slip, things of that nature. She does, however, help those who help her--she was raised by criminals, and really the only way such people even can get organized is distinguishing pretty strongly between friend and foe.

Virtue: Faith

Vice: Arrogance

Birthplace: Royal, Nebraska

Biographical Information: For Lilian Browning, rebellion was really in the blood...her family, for several generations, in fact, had been a part of the black market--selling weapons and spreading dissent to those who wouldn't ordinarily be able to receive either. It was a fairly risky business, true, but the Browning line wasn't willing to simply kowtow to the Overlord. And Lilian herself? Well, she was a model of the Browning line.

Lilian helped her father sell the illicit from very early on, diverting guards away from the hidden stashes beneath father's general store, taking supplies to buyers in a few cases...and learning a few tips of the business as well. It wasn't a job that required too much physical strength, but she became a cunning manipulator in that time...

All the more unfortunate, really. If she didn't do so damn well, she might have realized it was possible for her to screw up. And the one time she screwed up, well...it didn't end too well for the people around her. An officer she thought she had safely deceived had taken the time to double check that she was bringing in perfectly approveed material, and, well, the people Hyde wanted purged the most in Nebraska were unmasked that day. And she remembers their murders. Or at least, she assumes they were all killed--she ran off before she could see for sure if her sister and mother were, in fact, dealt the last blow.

She's going to make them pay for that...

Experience Points: You start with 5 XP. Be sure to keep track of how much you've spent.






Intelligence: 2/5

Wits: 3/5

Resolve: 2/5


Strength: 2/5

Dexterity: 2/5

Stamina:: 2/5


Presence: 3/5

Manipulation: 3/5

Composure: 2/5

Size: , 5 for everyone normal

Speed: 9

Defense: 2

Initiative: 4

Health: 7

Willpower: 4

Morality: 7

Mental Illnesses: Start with none

Merits: Rhetoric (3--through Synonymia), Ingratiating Wanderer (2), Language (Spanish--1--bought with xp), Striking Looks (2)



Academics: 1



Investigation: 2


Lore: 1





Brawl: 1

Drive: 1


Larceny: 3

Stealth: 2

Survival: 1 (bought with xp)



Animal Ken:


Expression: 2


Persuation: 2

Socialize: 2

Streetwise: 2

Subterfuge: 3
Everything seems to be in order. Thanks for keeping track of your XP. Approved.

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