[Révolution] [Kamiko] Soldier movements in Vegas


God of Storytellers
It couldn't hurt to at least see what the security on these panels was before deciding if she actually wanted an overwatch, so after leaving Moss's, Kamiko changed back into her uniform to go visit the nearest of these security panels.

Since it wasn't on base, it'd likely be a couple of men there to keep away drunk rabble thinking it was a casino ATM.
Rolling Wits+Investigate (3) No successes no failures

From what Kamiko can see, there is no notable security about the panel. Hyde seems to think they're not a security problem. As Kamiko is not authorized to operate in Vegas, any identification she has will likely not work unless she is reporting some sort of crime or information.
The dice on this board hate you.

She'd assumed that there would be at least one guard, but if not this made it easier. Kamiko strode forward without fear, stepping up to the panel and tapping on it a few times to scroll through the system, taking mental note of the system before doing anything else.
3 successes, 1 crit fail

While trying to simply cruise the system, Kamiko actually ended up accessing most of it. The interface is very easy to understand, and it's mostly unsecured, probably for ease of access and swiftness; if a soldier or policeman needed to use these panels quickly, they needed to be able to get into the system without interruption. From what Kamiko can see, as well, the system also monitors what is accessed.
Such shoddy work, obviously someone didn't care about sliding through the access levels, since it's being tracked. Taking note of the name of a recent login to the system, Kamiko quickly resets her connection to be that poor schmuck. Afterwards, it is just a few clicks, a quick sweep of the access logs, and her initial login dissappears. Then a duplicate login is created and granted top level rights to view military and police level services as an emergency responder. She accidentally forgets to enable the account as an access track.

That should give Moss plenty of view into the system, from this panel at least.
Rolling Wits+Investigate (3) 2 successes

Just as Kamiko finishes with the hack, she notices a LVPD patrol car driving up the street. She must have triggered a safeguard or something along the way, or is just caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.
She's in Hyde military uniform and there's no reason to bolt. Running gives away the game anyways. Calmly, Kamiko drops the system back to the normal login screen and finishes up, turning and walking away. She ensures that she walks somewhat towards the actual LVPD car, instead of directly away from it like she's trying to get away.
Wits+Investigate (3) No successes.

Kamiko walks down the street, and doesn't see or hear anything she can make out from inside the car, until someone gets out of the car and walks to the panel. The man returns to the car, and by that time, she's at the end of the block; she is not stopped or questioned.

One down, plenty more to go.

The next one is in a much busier area. There is a nightclub here. Nightclubs are favored hangouts for drug dealers. In Vegas, drug sales are regulated but legal. Hyde Military and LVPD are required to be clean except for prescribed pharmaceuticals and approved performance enhancers, but still, not all drug users want to be caught using drugs.

On one side of the street is the panel, and on the other side is the nightclub, which is flank by a restaurant and a pet store of all things.
Much busier, but then even busy can provide cover of it's own. And anyways, Kamiko thinks, it's not like they can catch me. The Japanese woman nonchalantly makes her way over to the next panel, still in uniform, her eyes calm but watching for anyone watching her or the panel.

Bought Investigation 1, if that's ok to have bought it without training time.
Wits+Investigate (4)

Kamiko saw people at the club dancing and having a time and some people visiting the restaurant next to it. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.
She already had a name of someone to pin this against if things went down, so Kamiko started on the panel quickly, slicing in and making her changes once more. She had her method down, so it wouldn't take half as long as the first one did.

Assuming, of course, someone doesn't stop and ask her what she's doing.

Int+Computers+ Hacking of 9. Let me know if she's playing towards her Vice of Arrogance. :)
3 successes

After quickly getting into this panel, she heard shouting from across the street, but couldn't make out any specific words.
"Let's hope it's just someone trying to get into the nightclub without waiting." Kamiko thinks to herself, though she does angle her body to block more of the panel screen from outside view. Quickly inserting Moss's credentials into this system, Kamiko then locks down her changes and wipes the tracks of her borrowed name.

She then turns to see what the commotion was, wondering if she'd have to press her 'authority' as Hyde military if there was an issue. She wished she'd had her issued sidearm if that was the case.

Eww, 3 successes, 1 crit failure. Figured my run of luck would end eventually.

Spent 1 willpower for an additional die.
When she turned, she realized that there was a small group of hooligans, mostly male, jeering at her and making lewd comments and motions. For now they're on the other side of the street, but it's directed at her.
"Really? You're going to say those kind of things to a woman in military uniform? When I'm standing where I'm at?" Kamiko shakes her head. "Tell me, do you know how quickly reinforcements can be summoned if I send a Code 1 alert through here?" Her hand goes back up to the panel behind her.

Going for an intimidation check, likely Wits or Manipulation. Should be six dice. Add or subtract as needed.
Rolling Int+English (5). Crit fail and no successes.

Contested, rolling Resolve+Intimidation (4) for mob of 5 for 20 dice.

Kamiko's attempt to intimidate the group turned out interestingly. Her accent slipped, and heavily; a number of words actually came out Japanese. Her attempt did not deter them from continuing their jeering comments and, in fact, one of them threw a beer bottle into the street, calling her a 'Chinky barbarian whore.'
The mob apparently had rattled her more than she'd expected, she hadn't slipped that badly in years. Father would be laughing his ass of at her, if it wasn't for the situation. Carefully, she chooses her words. "Alright, you don't care for military or foreigners, I get it." She punches in a few commands into the panel behind her, before turning back to the mob. "I've requested the LVPD to come, with a note that there's a mob forming. I'm going to walk away, and if you all can hold yourselves for the next fifteen minutes nothing will happen to you, either. Understood?"

Triggering a function like that, given the first panel I hacked, is likely within the normal realm of the panel's function I assume.
The panel flashed red, and shut down. You don't know if it undid your previous hacking, but it's locked up now. You'll need an ID to undo that. The mob laughed at the flashing red and, knowing what that means, started making their way across the street.
There are a lot of things that Kamiko is good at. Dealing with mobs when she's unarmed is not one of them.

Thankfully, it's not extremely hard to get past a handful of drunks who probably are having to work to put one foot in front of another already. Kamiko puts on a sprint around them, going into the restaurant. Quickly, she takes stock of the place before looking for the maître d'.
Rolling, Chase Scene (9 for Kamiko, 9 for the mob)

3 vs 2/3 crit fails

The mob gave chase, but were too drunk and ended up tripping over themselves and each other. Kamiko entered the restaurant without difficulty. The host at the front was surprised to see a small Japanese woman wearing a Hyde uniform to enter, but smiled.

"Hi, welcome to Jones', how large is your party?"
Kamiko reaches into the small purse she routinely carries and pulls out a fifty dollar bill. She hands it to the host before speaking. "Just one, but I'd like a seat where I won't be disturbed for my meal, is that alright?"
"Right this way," he motions, and brings you to a single table towards the back of the restaurant. Your back is to the wall, so nobody will be able to get the jump on you. The smell of food cooking is nothing like what you're used to back in Japan; Americans like their food grilled and fried. There are a number of people here who look like they might be Hyde, and they're being served a variety of foods other than American, so they must accommodate international tastes.
Any food is better than basic training food has been Kamiko's food guide for a few years now. Ordering something almost at random, Kamiko enjoys her meal for a while, spending an hour or so there to let the crowds outside shift and settle, hopefully someone will have came by and unlocked the panel as well by the time she leaves.
By the time she leaves the restaurant, the mob is gone, though there is a Hyde patrol car standing at the console, studying it.

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