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Fantasy Revolution Interest Check


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Hoyo all!~

GojiBean here!

I'm throwing this little ditty out into the world to try and hook my perfect partner for a 1x1 role-play about a Revolution set in a nation which has been allowed to fall to ruin by its current Dictator!

I don't know how much interest this will generate, but I would like to say now that if there are multiple people interested it will not be first come first served. I want to give anyone who's interested a fair chance to participate. So what I'll do if there are multiple people interested is give everyone a few days to throw their name into the conversation and then maybe this Wednesday or Thursday I'll start reaching out via private messages to everyone who replies and start asking some basic questions about your role-playing experience and what kinds of characters you're most comfortable playing and that kind of thing.

I'm looking for something specific in my role-play partners that I can't really put into words on a typed page like this. But I'll know it if and when I find it via those pm communications.

Anyway, enough of my rambling!

Thank you so much for visiting, and let's get this Partner Wanted ad started!!

Setup and Premise

* Time Period: Early-Medieval

* Genre: Fantasy (parallel-world type deal and based primarily in realism)

* Setting: Continent of Cre' Est, specifically the nation of Veilbrand

* The Situation: The ongoing 12-year reign of a ruthless and power-hungry dictator has siphoned all the nation's wealth into the Capital City and the immediate surrounding area leaving the rest of the nation to fend for itself in whatever way the people can manage. This has resulted in the entire nation descending into lawlessness and anarchy. Many cities have struggled, though a few have indeed managed, to self-govern and create at least a semblance of civilized society among the ruins of what was once a thriving economy and social structure. A rough estimate is that 92% of the nation's populace lives in extreme poverty where you're lucky to have basic rags stitched together to pass as "clothing," and 9.6% live in basic poverty where you at least have something above your head to call a "roof," even if that's not what it truly is. The final 0.4% live in the thriving micro-economy and social atmosphere that is the Capital City and the few surrounding cities which are able to feed off its scraps enough to get by.

To survive in Veilbrand you either have to be a really good thief, befriend a really good thief, live in a community led/protected by a really good thief or group of thieves, or live off the grid and avoid contact with anyone else who might threaten your existence (which literally could be anyone at this point).

* The Dictator: Egruus To' Veilbrand, a former General of Veilbrand's military who rose to power by challenging the now former King to a duel to the death. This was an antiquated custom not respected by a more modern society, but the King nevertheless accepted and was defeated. Egruus took the throne and immediately began implementing his personal agenda of isolating the wealth of the nation to the Capital City, restricting trade, consolidating the military, and setting up a major network of spies and supply chains. By doing so, he has the nation effectively on lockdown so he can ensure and enforce the anarchy and degradation of the rest of the nation while he enjoys the spoils.

He has also changed many of the laws including laws around marriage and all related topics to it. For example, if a woman is discovered to have lost her virtue before marriage she will lose her left ring finger and have the symbol for "undesirable" branded to the back of her left hand. Not only is this a permanent mark, but the loss of her ring finger means she can never get married in Veilbrand because there's a stipulation in Veilbrand's old laws that a ring on the left ring finger is the symbol for marriage. No finger, no marriage symbol. No marriage symbol, no marriage. It's a loophole that Egruus exploited for his own amusement.

And the worst part... Circumstances do not matter. Whether her virtue is given or stolen is irrelevant. The discovery of the loss of virtue, if reported, leads to the same consequence regardless. So women are SOL when it comes to justice or receiving any benefit of the doubt thanks to how Egruus has exploited that loophole in Veilbrand's old laws.

Sick old bastard, isn't he?

But that's barely scratching the surface of his depravity which you'll see in due time...

Anyway, what kind of support could this man possibly have? Well, a lot, actually. And the "official" numbers are quite grim. There are around 12 million people living in the nation of Veilbrand (again, early-medieval time period means populations are much lower than a modern world). Of those 12 million almost half (around 5 million) are either "Active" or "On Standby" as part of his military through (forced/intimidated) enlistment, or the draft (which you are killed for trying to evade).

That's a lot of people.

But then again the word "official" was italicized for a reason... Could there be some form of inflation of those numbers going on in the public eye?

Who can say?

The Revolution

* Official Membership is... 728.

That's it.

And that's including its upper ranks which are more for structural purposes than taking part in the physical battles.

For the vast majority of people this would be enough to simply go "Nope. No chance. I'm out." And indeed that's the case for much of Veilbrand. But it actually gets even worse than that.

The Revolution was formed within months of Egruus' ascent to power meaning it's almost 12 years old now. And in that time Egruus has, by public admission, been toying with the Revolution for his own amusement which is why he hasn't stamped them out yet. He easily could, if the numbers in the above section are to be believed. Yet he declines. Is it truly for his depraved amusement? It's very likely this is the case.

On top of that, Egruus long ago made the public announcement that anyone discovered to be aiding, sheltering, or in any way sympathizing with the Revolution would be severely punished. In most cases, this does not mean you'll be killed. Instead, you'll face the full wrath and torturous creativity that his soldiers employ since he gives them largely free reign to dish out punishment in whatever manner they see fit. Numerous villages, towns, and even some larger cities have suffered their wicked whims in the past and now serve as examples to any who dare show support for the Revolution what's in store.

How many have died?... Nobody actually knows. But what is known is that the number is staggering and shows how little Egruus cares for life in general, not just the lives of his people whether they support him or not. So on top of the numbers being hopeless, the threat of death (or worse) by the hands of Egruus' forces also keeps the numbers of the Revolution down despite their best efforts for recruiting more people to the cause.

So the fact the Revolution even has 728 people as actually somewhat impressive. But not many in Veilbrand see it that way.

Now, on to the Revolution's basic structure!

The Revolution's Structure

There's a very strict hierarchy to the Revolution:

1) The Maiden of Revolution - An enigmatic female figure who has been part of the Revolution since the beginning and has, thus far, maintained its order and managed to actually earn some decisive victories against Egruus and his forces through her intellect and unconventional tactics (though Egruus plays it off as allowing them to win for the sake of entertainment). Who she is, what she looks like, and whether or not she truly exists is the subject of debate for most of the nation of Veilbrand, including many within the Revolution itself. Why is this the subject of debate? The Maiden has never been seen in public, nor has she ever been publicly identified if she has appeared. She's only been spoken about by Shor, the Four Generals, and the Eight Lieutenants who all claim to have shared the war room with her when planning their missions and movements.

2) Shor - Another enigmatic figure whose history is largely unknown save for the fact that he too has been here since the start and is the mouthpiece for the Maiden. He makes all public speeches on her behalf, attends and helps lead every battle against Egruus' forces, and serves as the final word in the recruitment process.

3) The Four Generals - Named after celestial bodies (Sol, Luna, Star, and Comet), the Four Generals are the centerpiece of the Revolution's war efforts. They each preside over 25% of the Revolution's able-bodied forces, and each takes to and controls a quadrant of the battlefield in conjunction with the overall plan laid for them by the Maiden and Shor.

General Sol - A large (Dwayne Johnson large at roughly 6' 4" and around 250 pounds of solid muscle) and stoic man in his late 40's with a serious attitude, but compassionate heart. Not to mention he's a man of few words. But when he speaks, others listen. As a former General in Veilbrand's military, he left his post almost immediately following Egruus' ascension to power after witnessing the atrocities he enjoys committing against others. He joined the Revolution almost as soon as it started, citing his desire to see Veilbrand return to the way it used to be, "but better." With over two decades of experience under his belt, he has become wizened by his exploits and shares that wisdom with any he can. He's most comfortable and competent among the four generals as a user of blunt weapons such as clubs and hammers.

General Comet - A former Veilbrand Lieutenant and comrade of General Sol before his departure from the military. She's in her late 30's, and despite being as tough a woman as they come she's as sweet as candy. As a former comrade of General Sol from their days in the Veilbrand military, the two have a strong bond which allows them to work together seamlessly on the battlefield as an incomparable and frightening duo. Particularly when they fight back to back. Her one drawback is that she's fond of alcohol, and when drinking a bit too much she turns into a happy and stumbling drunk who can't keep her mouth shut about more private details she shouldn't be sharing. For the Maiden in particular, this has proven to be a dangerous issue in the past which is why she has Comet on a tight leash as far as how much alcohol is provided to her at any given time while in a Revolution camp. She's the best of the Generals with guns and bows.

General Star - A former Sergeant also in her mid 30's. Despite being in the Veilbrand military, she had never met Sol or Comet before joining the Revolution. Coming from a noble family, she carries herself with elegance and a refined sense for self restraint. Her compassion for others has led many in the Revolution to feel more at ease just by having her in the same room. And although she's more soft-spoken than her peers, when she speaks everyone listens intently. Of the four Generals, she's the most competent with bladed weaponry including swords, knives, and axes.

General Luna - A tall and wiry man of about 6' in his early 40's. He's also much stronger than his wiry frame would suggest, though he's not nearly at General Sol's level. Originally from Gweynura before moving to Veilbrand at a young age, he speaks with a rather thick accent (similar to a real world French accent) and is easily the most brutally honest of the four with zero filter regardless of whom he speaks to. General Luna also has a history with General Comet, being childhood friends which allows them to share a strong bond. And of the four Generals, he's the most competent with lance and staff-type weaponry.

4) The Intelligence Team - A team of four individuals who each use unique methods of intel gathering to help the Maiden plan the Revolution's next move. On top of these duties, they also scout so they can tell where Egruus' soldiers are most heavily concentrated, keep their eyes open for potential new recruits (and deploy Scouts to actually approach strong candidates later providing Shor approves), make regular visits to the underworld and search for information about any potential weaknesses in Egruus' ranks or communication system, and look for gaps in the acquisition of resources which the Revolution can take advantage of. Etc.

This group of individuals has not made their actual identities known, and instead go by code names. Those code names are: Shadow, Miasma, Midnight, and Twilight. They're never seen in public, and their goals are never broadcast.

5) The Eight Lieutenants - Two per general, and each of them hand picked who act as both support for the Generals while training the Revolutionaries, as well as being part of the Vanguard whenever battles against Egruus and his forces breaks out as they are also former Veilbrand military and have real world combat experience. They also serve as overseers during training, assigning recruits and often shifting personnel under the command of their subordinates for compartmentalization of their forces for strategic effect.

Under General Sol - Marke (pronounced Mar-keh) and Carolla. Marke is a relatively laid back individual who almost never takes himself seriously, but knows to take his job seriously. Carolla is a calm and humble woman who looks out for her brave men and women, but isn't afraid to use a stick instead of a carrot to get the most out of them in training.

Under General Luna - Lee and Ogato. Lee's a completely stone-faced, no-nonsense man who's just as strict and stoic as you can imagine one man being. Ogato, by stark contrast, is even more laid back than Marke and always pokes fun at Lee for his attitude.

Under General Star - Mosen and Ka'ruta, a husband and wife duo who are both serious minded but compassionate individuals who give no preferential treatment to any under their command. The two met when they were recruited to the Revolution at the same time, and two years later they were married in a private ceremony presided over by the Maiden of Revolution and a local priest they'd managed to convince to make the union official by original Veilbrand cultural standards. Together they rose through the ranks to get where they are now, and they are greatly admired for it.

Under General Comet - Arthur and Percia (pronounced Pur-Sha). Arthur's a calm and collected man with a (bluntly) honest personality, yet somehow keeps just enough of a filter to never egregiously insult anyone. Percia is of a similar nature, but has a more playful side and will often joke with those under her command to help ease tensions or simply set minds at ease whenever they start to become stressed.

6) The Supply Team - A team of four who orchestrate and do their best to ensure the safe acquisition of supplies via trade and/or underworld transactions (dangerous as the can be). They are in charge of acquiring everything from food and water, to new armor and weapons, as well as raw materials for The Makers to make clothing, bedding, and other supplies and materials needed to sustain the Revolution's efforts.

7) The "Makers" - This is everyone who makes something for the Revolution from clothing to weapons and armor to the beds they all sleep on.

8) The Medical Team - By "team," it means the lone Priestess who attempts to provide what medical aid she can using what knowledge she has. When she doesn't know what to do, she has to either improvise or pray for the best outcome for the patient.

9) The Scout Team - A team of 10 Scouts (who double as messengers whenever necessary) who observe the movements of Egruus' forces, observe and report on the state of various locations of interest or importance, and run messages back and forth between camps.

The RP's Limits, Rules, and Expectations!

Limits first since they're important to understand exactly what this world is (and equally importantly what it is not) all about and whether or not you want to join!

Also, I want to apologize to you up front and inform you that there are some issues I feel obligated to address in this section. Because of my blunt nature, a lot of what I have to say may make me sound like a total jerk. It's not my intention to offend or put you off. But these limitations are here for a reason and I want to ensure there are no misinterpretations.

Here we go!


* There are no fantastical races or creatures like Elves or Dragons

- I wish this were a joke, but it's actually been argued before that these kinds of elements "should have been included" because "it's Fantasy."

Please understand this and use it to help educate your fellow role-players if ever you see that argument pop up somewhere: Fantastical creatures and races do not define the "Fantasy" genre. They were born from it. They may be its most famous elements thanks to modern film and novelization focusing on them a great deal. But that does not make them the definition or a quintessential part of the genre that needs to always be present.

But "Fantasy," as a word, essentially means born from imagination. Not everything that's "Fantasy" has to do with dragons, elves, dwarves, or other mythical subjects. A story set in a world that's not our own is automatically "Fantasy," regardless of whatever its core genre may otherwise be. Like Halo. Primarily, it's a "Futuristic/War" genre. But it's also "Fantasy." But does the presence of Master Chief define the "Fantasy" genre? No. He was born from it, just like Dragons, Elves, etc.

"Fantasy," like any genre, is more than the sum of its parts. So please don't generalize the genre and act as if this RP (or any other, for that matter) requires the presence of these fantastical races and creatures to actually fit. They don't. If you like Dragons and Elves, search for an RP that actually focuses on them, please.

Thank you.

* There is no magic

- As with the previous point, I feel obligated to say this because it's happened before that despite providing this limitation in black and white on all of my non-magical RP's there's always been at least one person asking "Is there magic?"

This may sound mean-spirited, but it's simply the truth: If you can't be bothered to read through this post to see the bold, italicized, and underlined text that says "no magic," then you're a headache I don't need and I will place you straight onto my "Ignore" list.

Thank you.

* There are no overt mystical or spiritual elements like having advanced/superior senses beyond normal human capacity or any "extra" senses that humans don't actually have, hearing the voices of spirits and being able to talk back to them, or having any kind of psychic powers like telekinesis or using Jedi mind tricks.

There are, however, some less extreme mysticism examples which do exist such as being a psychic medium who can feel and interpret the sensations that usually come with spiritual encounters like changes in temperature, poltergeist activity, changes in the energy or "feel" of a room or building, etc. But this kind of loose interpretation of spiritual activity is as far as it goes. Chances that this is used in the RP are slim to none. But they're there. Lol.

* Lastly, there are no outlandish physics breaking feats of acrobatics allowed such as double-jumping, consecutive wall jumps, etc.

This one should go without saying. But, yet again, it has happened that I've placed this limitation on my RP's which are meant to follow a more realistic worldbuilding structure and there's always at least one person who decides to do a double or triple backflip from a standstill on top of kicking an enemy who, by all rights, should have been able to land a successful surprise attack from behind them as if the laws of physics and my rule about senses beyond normal human capacity were never a thing to begin with.

Thank you!


This RP expects one thing from you: To let your character be a real human being.

What do I mean by this, and why is this the expectation?

In far, far too many of my RP's in the past people have joined and attempted to have their character(s) solve every problem immediately as if there's no such thing as long-term struggles or drawn-out conflict in the world. For example, as the GM I set it up so we're at a village that's routinely beset upon by bandits. Keyword "routinely." Our group arrives and repels a single wave of them, and for some reason someone posts that the villagers are starting to cheer that the bandit problem is over and they'll never see them again.

Most of you know better, but for the few who might not be as familiar with why this is a problem...






You might be surprised at how often I see this kind of thing happen where someone with less experience will try to become the hero and the problem solver of every scene as if every problem can be so easily fixed. This is not realistic. And trying to do this makes your character more a nuisance to the story than a helpful or meaningful addition to it.

The world of storytelling, including and across all genres and mediums, is built on one thing: Conflict.

Conflict is not meant to be solved all at once like if someone found a miracle-cure or "killed the final boss" of the section. If it were so simple we wouldn't have to deal with things like depression because a few kind words would snap you out of it for good, and stories like Lord of the Rings would have ended at the beginning with the humans throwing the One Ring into the fires of Mt Doom and we'd never have gotten the rest of the story afterwards with Frodo Fellowship.

Some conflicts, whether personal or external, are meant to last whether we actually want them to or not. Heartbreak is a perfect example which we can all understand and relate to.

So when I say let your character be a real human being, all I'm really asking is that you allow them to experience the conflict(s) in this RP in a dynamic and natural way. Don't rush to solve a problem or force your character outside the realm of believability to try and do so either. If something looks like it's about to happen and your character doesn't feel like they're in a position to do anything about it, just let it happen and enjoy the emotional ride that follows.

Thank you!


1) The Obvious Trinity of No-Goodness: No God-Modding, Metagaming, or Power Playing.

God-Modding - Never allowing your character to come to harm and/or making your character seem un-killable

Metagaming - Using your own real-world knowledge in place of the character's in-world knowledge to help them solve a problem they should not be able to solve (like a street-born thief who never learned how to stitch a cut and yet somehow knows advanced first-aid when someone almost loses a limb because you're a real-world nurse or doctor)

Power Playing - Taking direct (or even indirect) control of another player's character without their express permission to accomplish your own goal for the moment in the scene (such as saying someone's character moved to a specific point so your character could save them rather than letting their character remain where they were and having YOUR character move to save them, or saying your character shoved them and that they fell down and landed in a pile of poop and got some in their mouth)

Don't do dis, please.

2) Ask questions.

Yes, this is a rule. Lol.

I want you to ask questions because it's not only a way for you to better understand the world your character(s) will inhabit, but it's a great way to also keep me honest and consistent with the RP world and lore. If there's anything you don't understand or just want a little extra clarification on, throw the question(s) my way and I'll answer ALL of them!


Thank you so much for visiting this Player's Wanted thread for my Revolution RP! And again please respect that this isn't first come first served, and depending on how much interest it gets I'll be contacting everyone who puts their name out here about the opportunity to see who I feel would best fit this RP as my RP partner!


~ GojiBean
Good Afternoon!

My name is Finch, and after reading the synopsis you've given here I am incredibly interested to participate in this world!
Good Afternoon!

My name is Finch, and after reading the synopsis you've given here I am incredibly interested to participate in this world!

Many thanks, Finch!

Since you're the only person who showed interest, the spot is yours!

I'll send you a PM in a little while and we can get started discussing the important details before we get the RP started!

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