Revisiting Roleplay


New Member
Hello, people.

I'm Hope, and I haven't role played in 8 years. I was a big RPer in my teens and early college years...but then I grew up and thought I'd better start acting like an adult, so I started living in the real world full time.

Well, now that I've done that for almost a decade I've decided I need a little creativity and adventire in my life again, so I googled "role play forum", and here I am!

I prefer one-on-one roleplays as they are easier for my little brain to follow, and I'm cool with most genres (not so much fandoms!).

If anyone reading this would like to take a rusty RPer under their wing and help me back down the rabbit hole I'd be ever so grateful!

@ThingWithFeathersI invite you to the forum game Male vs Female. The sacred brotherhood of men is currently in danger of being supplanted by the dark forces of womanhood. We request your assistance in this matter, for the realm cannot hope to stand without your support. If we win this battle, you will receive a cookie and the reward of 77 nubile virgins in heaven. 
Please ignore @SkyCommander tack-less spamming. Welcome to RpN. I was pretty much in the same boat when I got here. I am knocking the rust off, one post at a time. You might want to drop a post off in the Looking for Partner section. I am sure you will find several folks that will be glad to assist you in getting your role play 'legs' back, so to speak. ^_^  
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