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Multiple Settings reverse harems, anyone?

hello there! my name is thedreadwolf (she/her, 20 years old). i'll make this short and sweet because i'm tight on time; i'm currently looking for harem/reverse harem-style roleplays. basically, i want to play a few characters (anywhere from three to seven) and i'm looking for someone to play the main character who will be the center of the roleplay, and will eventually get to pick one of them to be with. i don't care what gender you play and the suitors can be any gender you want (or a mix). the roleplays will all be modern, and will take place in high school or college. some will be realistic, while others will have a bit of fantasy. there will be no overarching plot, the roleplays will just follow the characters throughout their daily and romantic lives, attending classes, going on trips, etc. just think like your stereotypical reverse harem anime/manga!

if you think you might be interested, read on!

about me

  • i usually write anywhere from three to six paragraphs. i will never give you a one-liner, but i'm not one for writing walls of text unless the scene calls for it.
  • i don't have a set reply schedule, as my life is a little unpredictable at the moment. that being said, i try for once or twice a week, unless something comes up of course.
  • i very much enjoy the conventions and tropes of anime and manga (as you could probably guess).
  • anime/manga face claims are preferred!
  • i prefer to roleplay on-site, in private messages.
  • i'm ditch/ghost friendly. of course i'd appreciate a notice, but i understand some people can't or don't want to give one.
partner expectations
  • i'm looking for a partner between the ages 18 and 25. nothing against anyone older or younger, i just prefer roleplaying with people around my own age.
  • please write at least a paragraph in response, with proper spelling/grammar/punctuation.
  • contribute to the plotting/planning of the roleplay.
  • it's not a requirement but it'd be nice to find someone that is open to talking out of character and becoming friends!

that's about it! in regards to the actual ideas, i have a few in mind, but i'll share them with whoever is interested. if you are, shoot me a private message, and please tell me about yourself, your limits, your ideas, etc. it helps!
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