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Fandom Reverberations. {HP RP - Closed}.

~• Thomas and Milena •~​

With a raised eyebrow, Thomas chucked lowly. Another failed rebellion. When would they learn their lesson? Nevertheless, he couldn't say that he wasn't disappointed. He could've guess at that gossip, it was hardly shoving. For once, Rosemarie had let the team down.

As he listened to Christian talk about open torture, it took all his strength to suppress further laughter. Some people were so predictable. There were so many more ways of torturing someone than physical pain. Although, he couldn't lie and say it didn't please Thomas to watch the mudbloods suffer, he much preferred suffering that required skill and scheming. It was much more rewarding, in his opinion.

For example, this summer. His mudblood servant hadn't got his cup of tea to quite the right temperature. For days after, he would hide her utensils, and watch as she panicked looking for them under pressure. It was like using rats in expriment. That was, after all, all that they were.

"They don't suffer enough. I can't wait to see the Quidditch ban enforced. They think they're equals, being able to even join in our sports. It is hardly fair on the team that has such inferior members". Thomas leant back into his chair. "I think they ought to introduce more plans. They need things that are more psychologically damaging. The human mind is much harder to heal than the body".

Milena paused, watching Alicia in disbelief. She couldn't be for real. Yet, she released the grasp of her friends. As she did, Briar quickly grabbed at Mia, as if she was going to follow in the Gryffindors footsteps. How hypocritical, that Alicia should lecture her about horrid boys and then snide her friends for them.

"Don't worry, B. I'm a changed woman. I'm sane now," she spoke in a hushed voice to her Slytherin best friend. Unsure on what to, she simply watched the girl in utter disbelief. "I can't speak for others though". Perhaps Alicia had truly become insane in this regime through summer. Although, she seemed just fine before.

What could they do? True friends wouldn't leave another in such a predicament, but Mia had never been the wise one before. That had always been Al. "A?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. It was to no avail, the girl was too far gone.

What to do, what to do? Panicking, she glanced nervously at Briar. "We ought to stop her, she's on the start of a bad road, mixing with boys like Axton. Samuel might know what to do, I'll write to him, and get him to speak to her. After all, he's known her much longer".

Quickly, she pulled a muggle pen from her pocket, and a small receipt from the Hogwarts Express. Help. It's Alicia. She wrote. Her cursive handwriting was just about legible. Let me know if she gets in okay. You need to talk to her about her little... adventures. - M.
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Christian licked his lips, front teeth settling into the cushion of his bottom lip in a way that portrayed sadistic hunger for the pain of his lower peers. This mouth was almost physically watering from the idea of breaking those who were lower than him and watching them beg him for mercy. His pupils were blown wide, heavily dilated, like he'd taken hardcore drugs at just the thought. The excitement of such an idea always made him excited.

"I agree," Christian said somewhat smoothly, although his delight in the topic was evident in his tone. "Breaking the hideous mud-bloods is much more enjoyable. I'm just waiting for the day when they bow in submission to me and beg me for mercy. 'spare my family' 'please, stop...'. These fantasies fuel my desire."

In the process of speaking, Christian had shifted back in his chair and spread his legs as he sat with his back straight. He attempted to exude dominance, and had there been filth in the room they would've been terrified. It wasn't as effective in front of his fellow pure-bloods, however.

Mentions Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose and SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful

Axton Selwyn

Axton chuckled at Alicia's forward response. It shouldn't have surprised him that a Gryffindor would be the one to take up his challenge. Members of his house tended to be bold, reckless, and adventurous. They never let him down. Swooping down in front Alicia Travers, Axton took the sixth year's right hand in his own brought the knuckles to his lips before she could even voice a protest. Or run away.

"Maybe another night. A promise is promise, after all. Wouldn't want your friends to tattle on me."

Then, in a single motion, that same hand pulled Alicia onto his broomstick and secured her arms around his waist. He'd never seen Alicia on their house team, or flying for that matter, but he hoped she re-called first year flying lessons, if nothing else. He didn't intend to let her fall of course, but having to save her would be a drag.

"Hold on tight."
That was the only warning Ax gave.

Shooting straight like a rocket into the night sky, the seventh year seemed to pick up speed the higher he climbed, which made very little sense physically. But then, since when did magic have anything to do with physics?

Higher. Faster. Higher. Faster. The wind swept Ax's hair and face as the boy continued to climb through the endless back sky with his fellow Gryffindor, only stopping when Howarts was only spot beneath them. The tops of the Forbidden Forrest were visible and, just beyond the trees, to the south of the great castle, was the black lake where a rumored giant squid lived. Well...not really rumored.

"High up here it's easy to see how small Hogwarts really is in the grand scheme of things" Ax said casually, though his voice betrayed his exhilaration. Absolute freedom. Flying sometimes gave him the same euphoric feeling that using Dark magic did, though not quite as potent, and only when he flew fast or pulled off reckless maneuvers. It got his blood pumping.

However, even as excited as he was, he didn't fail to notice the tiny animal had joined him in the skies. Well...not so much join as flying away from him and towards...Gryffindor Tower? Was that his room it was trying to get into? Ax rolled his eyes and ignored it, not at all interested in any love letters passed between students. He flew past the Forbidden Forest until they hovered above the Black Lake, which only took a minute or two, given that he was flying and not walking like a plebeian. Plenty of time to show off his skills then zip her back to their dormitory before curfew--especially if he planned on flying at breakneck speed. Ax glanced back at the female figure with him, a smirk on his features. "Scared?"

arctic arctic
Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose
Little Lozy Little Lozy

Kimberly Li Zhou

Hand-shaking wasn't something Kim had experienced in a while and the process of doing it felt a little...awkward. Fortunately, she got used to it soon enough and even found herself smiling a little. She supposed there was a reason Samson King was well liked among muggleborns.

"Well, then...where do you think we should meet? Where will find a piano? How long will each music lesson take? What's your schedule so we can plan the instructions in a way that doesn't clash with any of our own?"

Still holding the jar of dead flies, Kim tilted her head at the seventh year. She'd always been a rather meticulous person, whether it was about cleaning or studying. Kim needed a clear order to things. She needed to know what she was getting into. She didn't think Samson would be the type to prank her, yet his offer was so good it that was easy to doubt. He would teach her to play the piano. No conditions. No strings attached. No payment...

Kim shook her head. No. Good people still existed. They were there, even if it was difficult to see at times. Even when covered it soot, it could not be erased. Petting Lord Chan's bumpy dry back as the toad gave a little burp, Kim looked toward Samson and continued.

"I don't want to disturb your routine as I'm sure you've got friends and muggleborns that need you more than I. This is your last year at Hogwarts and you're taking the time to teach me how to play the piano. For that, I am extremely grateful."

Taking a step back, hands brought together, Kim half-bowed in the traditional Chinese way her mother had taught her when appreciating another's kindness. Respect your elders. Always clean up after yourself. Even though her mother was no longer with her, Kim never intended to forget her mother's teachings when she was younger. That was how she intended to keep the woman's spirits alive. And, if the book she borrowed from Hogwarts library held any ounce of truth, which Kim liked to believe, then Kim's mother was probably watching over her even now.

Little Lozy Little Lozy
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Alicia inhaled sharply as the boy swept her off her feet and onto the broomstick. The familiar thumping in her chest felt so good, the rush starting to kick in. Not paying attention to Mia, she wriggled uncomfortably and was reminded once again of why she refused to play Quidditch. How people managed to sit atop these for hours on the end was a mystery to her. From the corner of her eye she could see Briar walk away, and for a moment Alicia let fear of what she was about to do grip her. She'd never been too confident of a flyer. But she had no time to dwell on it. She felt the Axton's hands bring hers around his waist as she was still struggling to find her spot when suddenly, with a simple "Hold on tight," they were off.

Alicia almost shrieked out of surprise but bit her tongue just in time. Her grasp around his waist tightened as they soared higher and higher and she could feel the contents of her dinner churning in her stomach. The wind was cold and strong and pierced her skin, making the hair on her arms rise. She wanted him to stop, but the fear had paralyzed her. She shut her eyes tightly, afraid of what lay below them. She was sure her nails had clawed past his clothing, but she didn't care. Her heart was close to tearing out of her chest. She could feel the beads of cold sweat trickle down her face as they tore through the air, going and faster and faster. She wanted to scream, but her jaw was clenched tight.

Alicia had no idea how high they had gone until the cold air stopped tearing through her hair and she realized they had stopped their ascent. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

The view was exhilarating. Below them, the towers of Hogwarts were only a speck on the map. It took her breath away. She gulped, reminding herself to breathe. "Yeah," was all she could muster in a breathy whisper. She loosened her grasp, realizing she'd probably given him a bruise by now. But there was no time to apologize because in a blink of an eye they were swooping through the air again. This time she kept her eyes wide open and felt the soaring of her heart. A feeling she hadn't felt in a long time bubbled up inside her. Freedom.

They paused for a moment above the Black Lake, as he turned towards her. "Scared?" he asked, with that annoying smirk on his face. Alicia wanted to come up with a witty retort, something to knock that expression off his face, but the ride had taken her breath away. The pure joy was a welcome feeling. All she could do was grin. "That was

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
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Samson & Briar

Kim was rapid fire with her questions. Where? When? How? What? Samson slowed her down resting his hands on her shoulders,
“Let’s just focus on trying to find a piano first.”

"I don't want to disturb your routine as I'm sure you've got friends and muggleborns that need you more than I. This is your last year at Hogwarts and you're taking the time to teach me how to play the piano. For that, I am extremely grateful."

“Honestly, they are restricting muggleborns so much this year there isn’t much for me this last year. This would be a great break.”

Kim took a step back and bowed in gratitude. Samson couldn’t help the chuckle the escaped his lips as the small girl took her traditional bow. He truthfully wasn’t laughing at her. It was an honest and kind gesture and sweet to watch. He hoped she would have seen it that way.

He bid Kim a goodnight. Tomorrow the search would be on for a piano, but tonight sleep.


Briar has a tight grip to Mia as she watched Alicia and Axton soar to the sky. She pulled her friend towards the castle. She honestly was worried that she might follow suit and under her watch there would be none of that.

The paused long enough at the castle steps for Mia to scribble a note to Samuel. She continued to walk her friend inside towards the shifting staircases. This is where they would have to part ways. Ravenclaw was in one of the y’all towers, in constant competition with Gryffindor and Slytherin resides in the dungeons.

Briar wrapped her arms tightly around her dear friend, dropping her grip to squeeze her hands.
“Stay safe. Give them hell. See you tomorrow.” She watched as Mia ascend the stairs and Briar headed to her own common room.

Briar entered the Slytherin common room. Her first year here it had been lit with brilliant emerald colors and shone with the beauty. Now, though it was the favored house, the bleakness and hate had even crept into these walls. It probably live here more than any other house.

As she entered the room she noticed a few of her housemates were still up, including Thomas, Mia’s older brother.

Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful GunsAndDips GunsAndDips
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Thomas and Milena​

Thomas' attention was swiftly pulled to the opening door. It was eight minutes passed curfew, and he had a few ideas on who the guilty student could be. He had, after all, caught his sister sneaking out just before curfew, and hadn't seen her mate return since. So, by process of elimination, of who he knew had entered, he didn't even have to turn his head.

"Briar". His tone was icy, and his eyes quickly met that of Christian's. "Speaking of mudbloods, and their blood traitor sympathetisers". It had never been a known fact that Briar was a sympathiser, but it had been whispered and questions. For a woman of her stature and house, he'd never heard her speak of them like he and his group did, nor seen any acts of villainy from her.

"Christian," he cleared his throat. He didn't often like the boy, but they saw eye to eye when it mattered. "Do give us some ideas on what we do to blood traitors that break curfew. That is... unless the girl is willing to prove her loyalty".

Thomas, being head boy, was very proud of his house. To punish the girl by taking points from Slytherin just wouldn't do at all. Plus, with flimsy things like that, people never learned their lesson. He'd have to inflict pain. It was his belief that it was the only true was to learn properly.

There were a couple of Ravenclaw girls sat in the common room when Mia returned, though she could hardly guess why they were still awake. Perhaps, like herself, they suffered from nightmares. No one ever confessed that to eahother. These walls, Hogwarts, weren't safe enough to confess such sins, not if one wanted to live. The walls had ears. The floorboards, paintings, people, you were never truly safe. Although, she supposed that didn't just apply to Hogwarts, but majority of places in the U.K.

There was haven abroad, but getting there was a problem when you lived on an isolated island and the ministry monitored everything. Some had escaped successfully, it wasn't impossible, that being said, but majority of these people were ultimately caught in the end.

As she stepped into the room fully, it became very apparent that the two girls were Skylar and Kira. The former was a lot more welcoming than the latter, but Mia had appearances to upkeep. So, whilst she waited to hear from Samuel or Alicia, she sat down in her favourite old armchair, one of the only things that was still the same in this dark and twisted word.

"You're both up late," she faked a small smile, just big enough to appear sincere. "I hope I'm not intruding".

Little Lozy Little Lozy GunsAndDips GunsAndDips WickedDreams WickedDreams Skita Skita arctic arctic
Skylar Cartwright

Skye lay across one of the couches in the common room, her face seemingly buried in a book. Her gaze danced around the page, never paying any real attention to a single word on the page. In truth, her mind was far away, still stuck back in the dining hall with the girl's screams stuck in her brain. She could still hear her, see her, screaming and writhing on the floor for any other reason than she's muggleborn. It was so senseless, she could never understand what was so wrong about being of muggle blood. Had she been unlucky and her parents were true muggles she could have easily been in that little girl's place. Perhaps that's why she still lingered on it hours past dinner.

She could still remember before Voldemort when Hogwarts and by extension England was still relatively safe and a place she called home. She could remember that brief time she and Holden attended school together. It was simpler when he was alive because she knew he'd always protect her. She wondered how her brother would react to the situation they were at now. She was curious how he would fight it. Would he still be apart of the DA? Would he even try to bring it back? Not that it mattered anymore. Now she had to protect herself, worry for her own life and watch what she could say so it never came back to her parents who were struggling enough. Now Hogwarts was her prison, she couldn't wait until she could leave this place and never come back. Her only salvation here were the skies. Thank God they were still allowed quidditch or else she had no idea how she would stay sane here.

It wasn't until Mia spoke that brought her back to reality. How much time had passed with her being trapped in her own thoughts? She looked up turning her head to the girl. Skylar slipped into an easily lighthearted voice, a soft smile gracing her face. "You know no one sleeps here." She joked, sitting up snapping her book shut. "Besides, you're not bothering me in the slightest. I figured I just read a little since there's nothing else to do with this stupid curfew."
Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose
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Axton Selwyn

An eyebrow rose at Alicia’s response, but that didn’t take away from the pleased expression on Axton’s face at the sixth year exclamation. He’d succeeded in impressing her, dazzling her with his flying skills, which had been the main purpose he’d taken her to the skies in the first place. To prove his skills to doubters. Of course, sharing joy with others had its own merits as well. Those who flew with Ax for the first time either tended to love the experience or hate it. There were rarely any in-betweens…especially given the style Ax liked to fly. Danger excited him—whether it was drawn from dueling, flying, or Dark Arts mattered not.

He was glad his fellow Gryffindor seemed to feel the same.

It made him feel less alone.

“Yeah?” Ax whispered huskily in his dark haired companion’s ear. “Be sure to tell your friends how stunning I was.”

That was all Ax said before he dove downwards at reckless speeds. Heart-pumping, blood racing, the young man’s eyes narrowed both in determination and delight as the dark waters drew closer. The thrill of flight. The freedom. The tension. A single mistake could kill them—yet Ax couldn’t imagine a greater joy.

When it looked as if they were about to hit the water, Ax pulled his broom up at the last second, causing the wooden brush to skid across the lake, flecks of water hitting his face. Success! Ax laughed loudly in pure joy. Lost in his own ecstasy, the seventh year hardly felt how tightly Alicia had been holding onto him. It was only when the moment ended that he felt it.

“Hold on any tighter and you might just succeed in doing something no dueler before you has ever done before,” Ax teased.

He’d probably find a bruise in the morning. Not that he minded. Bruises and bites were actually a common occurrence for him when hanging with a woman. Around a minute or two before curfew, Ax flew the two of them like a bullet back to Gryffindor Tower. Straight through the window that led to his and Samuel’s room in fact. The window was in the way, but it didn’t slow him down. He simply spelled it open like any other wizard of his caliber would’ve.

Landing in the familiar space, the Gryffindor climbed off his broom, urging his companion to do the same. His black eyes twinkled in amusement . “You’ve got a minute to return to your room before the teachers start making their rounds. Or you can stay in my room for tonight and I'll protect you from the big bad teachers. I don’t mind~” Arm against the wall to half-block Alicia from escaping (she could if she wanted), Ax leaned forward in a way that invaded the girl’s personal space a little.

“Sammy probably wouldn’t mind either. You two are good friends, right?”

Well, even if his roommate did mind, that didn’t bother Axton one bit. Flint was probably used to his sleeping habits by now…and if he wasn’t, the guy needed to get his mind straightened out. Or get laid. One or the other.

arctic arctic

Kimberly Li Zhou

Giving a nod of good night to Samson, Kim returned to her room and made all the necessary preparations for bed. Brushed her teeth. Combed her hair. Checked to make sure no one pranked her bed or her things. Adjusted the talismans on her bed-post to make sure they were all in place.

“It was a surprising good day today, don’t you think, Lord Chan?”

Axton’s bullying hadn’t been too harsh and he’d left her alone fairly quickly. She hadn’t run into Thomas Avery yet. Nor any of her other regular bullies. Besides the little torture session at the Great Hall, which had become the norm for Kim by now, the day went along smoothly. No one bothered her. In fact, her day was made better by the fact that Samson King offered to teach her to play piano. Good things rarely happened in Kim’s life—not since she was brought to the magical world—therefore the young witch learned to appreciate goodness while she could.

Perhaps such good luck was a foretelling of a good year to come.

Moving to her trunk, Kim pulled out a plain looking basin before returning to sit on her bed at stare at it. Normally when bad things happened, Kim liked to drown in good memories to keep herself grounded. To stop herself from hating on her miserable life…even if it brought tears to her eyes.

Not tonight though.

Tonight was a good night.

Wand pointed at her head, Kim pulled out the a string of memories and placed them in the pool of swirling thoughts. Everything from the torture of the little Gryffindor to Samson’s smile when he offered to teach her to play a piano. From helping prepare the food at Welcoming Feast to watching the threstals as the skeletal beasts flew students back for another year of Hogwarts, Kim recorded it all in her pensive, just as she did every night before going to bed.

Once finished, Kim tucked herself under the covers and wished Lord Chan sweet dreams.

Little Lozy Little Lozy
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