Resuscitation - Character Sheets


Here's the sign-up sheet for your characters;

You may have (2) powers, (2) skills, or (1) of each.

A "Power" is something you can only do because your character was effected by the radiation.

A "Skill" is something your character could do before the radiation hit.

Your character, if you wish to have (2) Skills, does not have to be effected by the radiation, if that is something you want to be a part of your back story. Use your imagination on this and be unique!

One thing I did fail to mention was that for every power/skill your character has, they also have to have a weakness. the weakness does not have to be the direct opposite of your power/skill, but please be able to know that it should be equal in importance to the power/skill. If you have super human strength, for instance, then you would have a weakness close to something like you are not very fast, or you are not very strong.



Occupation before blast:





Name: Katie F. Cooper
Age: 28
Previous Occupation: Assassin
Power: Accelerated Probability allows Katie to see what choice one should make when confronted with a situation. She can predict the outcomes of certain situations, and then accelerate oneself along that path of causality immediately. She has the ability to see all the variables of any situation and predict the outcome, as if she were clairvoyant. When utilizing this ability she would know a shot is coming before a person has pulled the trigger and have plenty of time to dodge the oncoming round. She could always foresee the best tactic to use, and would seem to know things were coming even if outside of her normal field of vision with little or no clues to it's nature. More over, she can predict this ability for others as well, allowing her to see causalities from their point of view and try to help guide them towards an optimal outcome. Hyper Induction allows Katie to learn complicated skills and information instantaneously merely by observing it. She could memorize a book in minutes; or learn a martial art maneuver by seeing it just once and retain this information indefinitely.
Abilities Learned through Hyper Induction: Parkour, Taekwondo, kǒmdo, Several munition's manuals.
Weakness: She's only human; She still gets tired as a normal person would and in essence can suffer harm from anything a normal could.
Bio: Katie was born to be an assassin for a fledgening covert operation calling themselves KT-7. They allowed her to live a mostly normal life, though they controlled her education in a bizarre form of private school. It consisted of a perfectly normal curriculum, with the addition of materials designed to produce more effective assassins. She has no concept of assassination being intolerable; instead seeing it as a perfectly normal position in life, as common as breathing. Despite this, she (((Will complete later)))
Name: Aziroth Nightshade

Age: 24

Occupation before blast: Thief

Power: Communication with Animals

skill: Parkour


*Can't fight without the help of animals

* Weak against weapons of any kind.

Bio: Growing up on his own, Aziroth knew how to take care of himself. Learning how to be stealthy and live on his own, Aziroth became a thief (Although he could never stay in one place too long, and preferred out running his enemy, rather than hiding.). By the age of 13 he had learned the limits of his body, how he could easily maneuver walls and tight spaces easier than most.

During the blast, Aziroth was actually in a zoo, stealing a few things. The blast knocked his head pretty hard, and his brain was warped to understand the waves of the animals around him.

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Name: Alabaster Sykes

Age: 34

Pre-Blast Occupation: Sous Chef

Mass Manipulation. This allows Alabaster to adjust the mass of any object or anything within a reasonably sized bubble to his whim. This can have a huge number of effects,depending on application. A blue corona manifests itself around him when he uses this ability. The effects can be categorized as "Telekinesis","Kinetic Fields",and "Spatial Distortion".

Skill/s: Kitchen arts. Alabaster is magnificent at preparing and cooking all sorts of food.

Weakness/es: Alabaster's power consumes a significant amount of his energy. As such,he needs to eat a lot to stay on top of his game. A rule of thumb is that the more spectacular or powerful the display,the more draining it is; A (temporary) black hole would make for a one-trick show while he'll be able to lift and throw things for a very long time,comparatively.

Bio: Alabaster Sykes was one of the finest cooks in the world before the blast. It was said that he could make filet mignon from an old boot,and could command a kitchen without effort. While both of these were exaggerations,they were also startlingly close to the truth;he once actually made passable jerky from an old boot. However,he prefers to be a subordinate with subordinates. He has refused promotion after promotion because he feels uncomfortable with being the leader of the kitchen. He'd much rather relay the instructions of the chef and assist the chef when needed. So,his career stagnated,but he was fine with that. He made a comfortable living,and enjoyed what he did. Until someone sends back his dish with a complaint,which generally involves projectile food and dishes. When the blast hit,Alabaster was busy preparing a simple meal at home.

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Stands six feet flat.
Name: Clare Bianchi

Age: 28

Pre-Blast Occupation: Scientist

Power: Psychic Energy Manipulation- With this power, Lucien can change his mental power into pure energy, allowing him the use of psychic energy attacks and the usage of telekinetic force. He is also able to absorb the psychic energy of others in order to heal himself or strengthen his psychic powers.

Skill: Clare is impressive with machines. He has learned how to hack his way into databases in order bend an issue in his favor and operate some machinery like cars and the like.

Weaknesses: Under the circumstances should Clare absorb too much psychic energy from one or multiple sources, Clare's psychic attacks will weaken for a time. Generating too much energy for a powerful psychic attacks like an atomic explosion will exhaust Clare physically along with a harsh recoil from the massive release of energy.

Bio: Clare was the son of a scientist. His mother abandoned Clare and his father when his father began to pay more attention to his work and his son whom he lovely dearly. His father even home schooled him which worked out rather well. Clare worked with his father as his personal assistant in the CIA. He even made tweaked his father's sleeping pills and when he tested it, the CIA agents slept better than they had in their lives. His father recommend for Clare to be scientist and not be his father's assistant, but Clare refused and said he wanted until he invented some incredible. The moment the blast hit, he had finally finished his robot drones that looked like hamsters.
Name: Dakota Jamie Sanson

Age: 37 (appears 15ish)

Occupation Before Blast: Pharmacist


My version of shape changers is a bit odd when compared to most that I’ve seen. A shape changer can manipulate their genetic structure to effectively change their appearance as well as their physical structures. This requires several things of the person:

First, it requires a large amount of energy in order to make these shifts at a cellular level. The shape changer must consume in excess of 5,000 calories above normal bodily requirements to pay for the change. This can be done over the period of several days so as to minimize the inconvenience if the shifter knows that he or she will need to change. Consuming that quantity of calories otherwise can be done over a short time period as well, but this poses health risks as the person begins to gorge themselves on food and drink.

Secondly, one must remember that material can never be created or destroyed. The shape changer must have the organic material necessary for all parts of the new form present in order to complete the change. For this reason, you will almost never see an overweight shape changer as they would burn most of their own calories in the act of changing. To create a form that would be pudgy they would have to consume the genetic material needed so that their body could distribute it into the new form. (In order to do this, try imagining melting down a tub of 10lbs of human fat and trying to drink it in order to have the compounds available. See why this would probably not be a fun plan?) Another thing that shape changers loath to do is to assume a form smaller than the one that they are currently in. Doing such is actually quite a painful process for them. It involves actively collecting the excess amounts of organic material present in the body before expelling them in a rather hairball like method so as to rid the body of this unneeded material. (Most shape changers will then save these pellets of organic material so that they can be consumed again at a later time in order to allow the shifter to resume their original form with minimal hassal.)

Lastly, the change requires time. For something so simple as a basic physical appearance shift, it takes the shifter approximately 5 ~10 minutes of uninterrupted and painful work. During this time their genetic code is rewritten and their cells are forced to change to accommodate the new form’s build.

If these conditions are not met (i.e. the energy cost to enact the change is not paid or the base material needed to complete the change is not present) a shape changer is really just an ordinary person. They will age, they will break down, and they will die. They cannot use their ability unless they pay the cost.


Being a shifter has 2 major benefits to counterweigh the severe demands placed upon the person. The first is that if the organic material necessary can be found and consumed, they can recover from rather nasty wounds within the time of just a few hours. However, if wounded it is fairly difficult for them to find ways to acquire the necessary materials. The second is that they can forcibly replace cells of their bodies as these parts start to break down. This gives them an eternal youth of sorts but requires all of the costs of normal shape changing to maintain.


Shape changers can actually change their gender at will (assuming that they dedicate the time and effort necessary to master the inner workings of the opposite sex). Most, however, have a tendency to remain true to the gender of their original form. It is not uncommon for a shifter to take the middle route and choose a more androgynous form as a nod to their ever changing appearance. Almost every shape changer will at least partially forget their original form after their 2nd or 3rd assumed form as they become more acclimated to different shapes.

A shifter is not bound to strictly humanoid forms. There have been those that have dedicated the time and energy necessary to engineer other forms. This tends to be very dangerous and require a lot of self-experimentation. In order to take the form of an animal, the shifter must know the compounds present within the beasty, be able to gather them, know how the internal workings fit together, and be able to reproduce the creature’s nervous system. Most attempts at mastering this aspect of shape changing result in death. It is also possible to create a form with various practical uses from scratch. This is EXCEEDINGLY dangerous and has only ever been succeeded by one shifter as legend goes. (My character does neither of these, although she has been experimenting on some small level with vision and changing her eye type.)


As the organic material necessary for the assumed shape must be present, shape changers have developed a stigma of sorts. This is because some of the people with this mutation have found that the easiest way to acquire excess organic material is to consume it in a cannibalistic fashion. While this is probably the easiest way to accomplish it, most shape changers attempt to come up with the material in a less gruesome fashion. In spite of this, there is a thriving black market for human tissue (especially human adipose tissues) which caters to many shape changers.

Skill: She is talented with the art of first aid and thus effectively can bandage or set most wounds.

Weakness: Her ability is not combat focused and she is little more than a competent field medic. The costs and requirements of her ability also make it quite a bother to use unless she has warning of impending usage.

Bio: Dakota worked her way through college and then got a job at a quiet, family owned pharmacy in a small and out of the way town. She thrived there and did good business until the blast hit. Since then it has been one desperate scramble after another.

One day not long after the blast her body just began convulsing as she activated her first change without even intending to. Several hours later, weak and starving as she lay curled in a sweaty mess on the floor, it was finally over with. Research and experimentation led her to eventually understand what had happened to her on the day she had changed from being a 37 year old woman to an 24 year old bombshell. Since that time she has found out more about her ability, discovered the black market that has developed to cater to those like her, and has begun experimenting with minor self-improvements. Currently her form is that of a 15ish year old rather androgynous girl.

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Name: Dimitri Harris

Age: 19

Occupation before blast: Was a senior on high school

Power: Heightened Senses and Fast Reflexes (Got them because of the radiation, which is why I'm listing them under powers)

skill: None

Weakness: Very vulnerable and has to temporarily shut off one sense to heighten another.

Other: I just thought I'd add in that his bodily functions are slower than normal, this has good effects and bad ones so I think it evens out in itself but if you want me to change it just ask.

Bio: Dimitri's family survived with him long enough, his brother died from the radiation and his dad was shot and killed by raiders. His mom disappeared shortly after his dad died, leaving Dimitri alone. Rather young, he is alone and can't get himself to trust very easily.

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