Ressurecting the dead roleplayer in me..:P


Frightfully funny, frightfully friendly
Hello! Call me Flip. I used to roleplay a ton years ago and every once in a while I have the urge but always have a hard time finding a venue. I'm hoping this is the solution! I like what I see so far :)

My writing is a bit rusty, but the only way to improve is to start somewhere. Maybe there are others here in a similar position :P

Ugh, I just miss roleplaying. It makes me so happy inside. :')
I suppose that I'll add that I'm interested in roleplaying male characters for the most part, and I like historical fiction/fantasy, fantasy in general, fandoms (lots of cartoons, Avatar, Teen Titans, Supernatural, has anyone read "A Darker Shade of Magic"??), and probably more that I can't think of. I LOVE coming up with plots and plot twists. I like roleplaying evil and anti-hero type characters. > :)

But I'll just look around and see if someone is looking for something that I realize I'm interested in :D
It's extremely strange that I see this 5 miniutes after my copy of 'A darker shade of magic' arrived, I hope it's good!

It's nice to mee you, I hope you find your experience back in the world of rp enjoyable.
[QUOTE="Eden Sardothian]It's extremely strange that I see this 5 miniutes after my copy of 'A darker shade of magic' arrived, I hope it's good!
It's nice to mee you, I hope you find your experience back in the world of rp enjoyable.

Oh man!! I love it! I haven't finished it yet, but if you like it maybe we can roleplay it sometime :'D
fliptheclown said:
Oh man!! I love it! I haven't finished it yet, but if you like it maybe we can roleplay it sometime :'D
Everyone raves about it, I don't doubt that I'll love it as much as everyone else. Sounds cool!
Hello there! I know what you mean by missing role-play, one of my most favoured RP died after a year or so. Anyways, nice to meet you Flip! I hope you have a wonderful time ^-^
Welcome to RPN I hope you will enjoy your stay and I hope to see you around ( :D )
Welcome! *throws confetti* I've just started watching Avatar. I'm halfway through Book 1.
Kestrel said:
Welcome! *throws confetti* I've just started watching Avatar. I'm halfway through Book 1.
Wow, late to come to the party lol! Nice :D
MeepComix said:
*lurks* Welcome back to the RP world! I'm new to this site as well!
Hello Meep! Cool we can both be new :D hope u find what ur lurking for huhuhuhuh |D
MeepComix said:
Aw! Thanks! I'm really just searching for people to talk to. So hi!
Hi :D What u wanna talk about? What kinda stuff do you like to roleplay?
fliptheclown said:
Hi :D What u wanna talk about? What kinda stuff do you like to roleplay?
*casually ignores cat chewing on hand*

I RP a lot of things, though I mostly RP for writing inspiration. However, I just want to talk. you have any pets?
MeepComix said:
*casually ignores cat chewing on hand*
I RP a lot of things, though I mostly RP for writing inspiration. However, I just want to talk. you have any pets?
LOL, haha. I used to have four cats until recently. I had to move so I left my cats with my sister, well they were kind of more hers anyway. I'm guessing you have a cat :P
fliptheclown said:
LOL, haha. I used to have four cats until recently. I had to move so I left my cats with my sister, well they were kind of more hers anyway. I'm guessing you have a cat :P
Yeah, two cats and two turtles. The cats are Tigger and Grayson. The turtles are Abby and Jasmine. Sadly, it's 1am here. I must sleep.(Z_Z)
Is still lurking cause replyed a long time ago and still getting the relpys lol

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