Resident Evil: Generation 2 Survivors


New Member
This story follows the viewpoints of a group of survivors of another city's destruction. Because of their skill, Umbrella has put them in the Commando Corps, making them do many tasks. It begins with a (allegedly) routine Intel pickup in Colorado and ends in the favelas of Rio, Brazil.

Due to the lenght if the plot, and it being a game based roleplay. I will not post the story until I have absolute confirmation this will go. Sorry, I had some bad run ins on a dead forum, so I'm this way.
I'm in any roleplay that has the word " Favelas " in their description .... man that word brings back a hell of alot of funny memories.

Anyway, I'm in. xD
We are Umbrella Special Forces Commandos. This is our mission:

The story is set after the events at Racoon City. As the infection began to spread across the planet, Umbrella went into hiding. However, at one of the above ground facilities, by the incompetence of the workers, a vital sample of the T-Virus and other important files are at risk of being destroyed. Wesker called forth a team of the best Umbrella Special Forces Commandos to retrieve the vital information. But the task is not as easy as it seems. Because of the outbreaks, the entire facility has locked down, preventing a "conventional" helo drop. The team would be deployed on a rooftop nearby. Once the objectives are complete, the team will be extracted via the top of the facility, if air support is available and the area is secure.

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