• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy


Alright! Here we go! Make sure to read the Overview first!

Also! Try to balance out how many characters are in each Class!







Full Name:





Apperance (animu or realistic):



Class of choice:

Powers(Only up to 3):



(You can also add other things as well, but these are the basics)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/fire.jpg.b65ee1a74000956aa6ac0017c034ccb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/fire.jpg.b65ee1a74000956aa6ac0017c034ccb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Spencer Dunham








Asexual- Not Interested


See Photo


Spence is a secluded, quiet individual and doesn't like to interact with people much. This is probably because he distrusts people, as most of the ones he has encountered have taken advantage of his abilities. When he became a student at the school, though, he has become more open than he normally would. He is making an effort, though small, to meet people and socialize. When he does decide to interact, he is rather awkward and struggles to fit in, despite his good looks. He's just an odd duck. When he warms up to someone, he is completely loyal and will do anything to protect that person. He seems emotionless when you don't know him, but he reveals more and more of his true self when you know him. Really, he's just a boy who's afraid of being manipulated and taken advantage of.


Spence was born to a single woman whom he loved dearly and she loved him back those first few years of his life. That was when his ability began to show and his mother became greedy. He'd bring a hurt animal inside the home and within minutes, it would be healed and Spence would be the hurt one. His mother, who was a sickly woman, noticed and commanded him to heal her. A command in which he refused, so she struck him and he cried, because why would the woman that he loved so much cause him pain? She commanded him again and again he refused and she hit and hit him until he bruised and it was the next day that he finally agreed and the cancer she had became his cancer which he is slowly dying of today. The rest of his life was spent like this, being abused until he agreed to heal his precious mother of whatever pain she was feeling and Spence would only heal her because he loved her, until realization hit him across the face. He realized his mother was greedy and that she only pretended to love him and he ran away, living on the streets for a few weeks until he found the school and quickly joined. More to be revealed.




Spence has a healing ability. He has the ability to heal people of whatever pain they may be feeling, emotional or physical. The thing is, whatever pain he takes from people is given to himself. He also has the ability to take away one person's pain and give it to another person's, but he doesn't use this ability often. He prefers taking the pain himself than giving it to someone else.


When he heals someone, the pain is given to himself.

Spence is dying of the cancer he took from his mother and knows this, but he hasn't shared it with anyone.

He is in a lot of pain frequently.





  • fire.jpg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/snekkysnek.jpg.583f201c37dd431baa31472e590d522a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/snekkysnek.jpg.583f201c37dd431baa31472e590d522a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elliot Delp








Asexual- Not Interested


See Photo


Snake doesn't like people in general. He's rude and very snake-like. He's wicked and sneaky, not to mention stubborn. He too appears quiet and offstandish, but he does secretly long for a friend of some sorts. The only sort of people he knows are enemies in his mind. If someone ever does get to see his good side, he is actually quite enjoyable. He is kind when you get to know him, he's just afraid and doesn't know anything but rudeness. He is trying to become a better person. More to be revealed.


Snake was born to a couple of criminals, well-known criminals at that. His parents weren't expecting a child but when he came, they were intent on raising him in the criminal ways that came to know. This became a problem when they realized he was born blind, so they figured they could make up for that in strength and other characteristics. When he was born, just a baby, he was pushed down the stairs to prove his strength. He was burned and cut and by the time he was 15, he was just like them in practically every way. He abused them, they abused him. It was all he ever knew and he figured he was normal. He wondered why people were afraid of him when he eventually went out in public. It was because of his scars and his bruises and the way he stumbled down the street with no sight. He looked like a monster and a monster he might as well have been. He realized just what was wrong with him when he met an elder lady. She took him in and tried to convert his ways. She bought him a pet snake when she noticed he could talk with them and she accepted who he was. He began to change for the better and his parents would abuse him more to get him to change back, and those injuries the woman mended. His parents eventually found out about the woman and killed her and in return, out of anger, he killed them. He did go back to his criminal ways and tries to this day to change himself just for the woman, but has failed so far. He was arrested, but because the prison was scared of him, they sent him to the school to see if they could cure his wicked, snake-like ways.




Snake can communicate with snakes and have them to his will.


He is blind.

He is a criminal and doesn't really feel love. He pushes people away before he gets to know them.

He isn't very smart book smart wise.





  • snekkysnek.jpg
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Full Name: Azurine Kitsune

Nickname: Azu, KitKat

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Apperance (animu or realistic):

Azu is a very tiny girl, about 5'3" to be exact. She may seem small, with her relatively short hair, but her pride is bigger. Azu is a C cup, with slight curves here and there , being adorned with her cyan blue hair and eyes.


Azu initially appears to be affable and disarmingly friendly; however, this belies a darker side of her character. On the whole, she seems to be genuinely outgoing and quick-witted, if a little short-fused. She can also act a little childish or petty but shows a strong sense of loyalty. However, she has a tendency to maintain a pretense of friendliness amongst people in order to gain their trust.

Bio: Azu grew up in a life of good and evil. Her father was well known hero, but her mother was a well known villian. Her two parents died because of the wars they created with affairs. Because of this, she believes that she should fight for both sides no matter the cost. By doing so, Azu belives that she will please both her mother and father's work.

Class of choice: Beacon

Powers(Only up to 3):

Glitch- Azu can create, shape and manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.

Illusion-capable of creating illusions, although visually they are perfect moving replicas of whatever Azu wishes to project, and are physical enough to be shattered on impact. Azu is skilled enough to use them as misdirection during a fight, casting an illusion of herself that the opponent thinks is the real thing and attacking from their blind spot. She can also use these illusions to cloak herself in various disguises, banishing the image when it is no longer needed


-If someone knows about her family, and starts to use it as bait, it can cause her to have a mental breakdown. This causes her to become vunerable to the oppenent and can be easily manipulated from there. Also, if you hit her from behind, whenever she is using these powers, it is easier to attack her, since her guard will be down at that point.

Extra: "Favourite Quote.."I will literally pay you to shut up!"

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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
View attachment 303925

Elliot Delp








Asexual- Not Interested


See Photo


Snake doesn't like people in general. He's rude and very snake-like. He's wicked and sneaky, not to mention stubborn. He too appears quiet and offstandish, but he does secretly long for a friend of some sorts. The only sort of people he knows are enemies in his mind. If someone ever does get to see his good side, he is actually quite enjoyable. He is kind when you get to know him, he's just afraid and doesn't know anything but rudeness. He is trying to become a better person. More to be revealed.


Snake was born to a couple of criminals, well-known criminals at that. His parents weren't expecting a child but when he came, they were intent on raising him in the criminal ways that came to know. This became a problem when they realized he was born blind, so they figured they could make up for that in strength and other characteristics. When he was born, just a baby, he was pushed down the stairs to prove his strength. He was burned and cut and by the time he was 15, he was just like them in practically every way. He abused them, they abused him. It was all he ever knew and he figured he was normal. He wondered why people were afraid of him when he eventually went out in public. It was because of his scars and his bruises and the way he stumbled down the street with no sight. He looked like a monster and a monster he might as well have been. He realized just what was wrong with him when he met an elder lady. She took him in and tried to convert his ways. She bought him a pet snake when she noticed he could talk with them and she accepted who he was. He began to change for the better and his parents would abuse him more to get him to change back, and those injuries the woman mended. His parents eventually found out about the woman and killed her and in return, out of anger, he killed them. He did go back to his criminal ways and tries to this day to change himself just for the woman, but has failed so far. He was arrested, but because the prison was scared of him, they sent him to the school to see if they could cure his wicked, snake-like ways.




Snake can communicate with snakes and have them to his will.


He is blind.

He is a criminal and doesn't really feel love. He pushes people away before he gets to know them.

He isn't very smart book smart wise.



[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
View attachment 303893

Spencer Dunham








Asexual- Not Interested


See Photo


Spence is a secluded, quiet individual and doesn't like to interact with people much. This is probably because he distrusts people, as most of the ones he has encountered have taken advantage of his abilities. When he became a student at the school, though, he has become more open than he normally would. He is making an effort, though small, to meet people and socialize. When he does decide to interact, he is rather awkward and struggles to fit in, despite his good looks. He's just an odd duck. When he warms up to someone, he is completely loyal and will do anything to protect that person. He seems emotionless when you don't know him, but he reveals more and more of his true self when you know him. Really, he's just a boy who's afraid of being manipulated and taken advantage of.


Spence was born to a single woman whom he loved dearly and she loved him back those first few years of his life. That was when his ability began to show and his mother became greedy. He'd bring a hurt animal inside the home and within minutes, it would be healed and Spence would be the hurt one. His mother, who was a sickly woman, noticed and commanded him to heal her. A command in which he refused, so she struck him and he cried, because why would the woman that he loved so much cause him pain? She commanded him again and again he refused and she hit and hit him until he bruised and it was the next day that he finally agreed and the cancer she had became his cancer which he is slowly dying of today. The rest of his life was spent like this, being abused until he agreed to heal his precious mother of whatever pain she was feeling and Spence would only heal her because he loved her, until realization hit him across the face. He realized his mother was greedy and that she only pretended to love him and he ran away, living on the streets for a few weeks until he found the school and quickly joined. More to be revealed.




Spence has a healing ability. He has the ability to heal people of whatever pain they may be feeling, emotional or physical. The thing is, whatever pain he takes from people is given to himself. He also has the ability to take away one person's pain and give it to another person's, but he doesn't use this ability often. He prefers taking the pain himself than giving it to someone else.


When he heals someone, the pain is given to himself.

Spence is dying of the cancer he took from his mother and knows this, but he hasn't shared it with anyone.

He is in a lot of pain frequently.



Name: Everett Rankin

Nickname: Cherry Blossom Knight

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Everett is 6'2, and has long carnation pink hair, with carolina blue eyes. He has a muscular build, and works out quite a bit. Considered a pretty boy, for his softer facial features. Carries a large 6 foot great sword on his back.

Personality: He's a socialite, extremely kind. People have always been drawn to him, by his unusual appearance. He makes friends where ever he goes. He's always been seen as a white knight for his unusual chivalrous demeanor. Though his need to be kind and chivalrous makes him naive. People used to pick on him for the color of his hair, but it never really bothered him. He's always been a bit more level headed and mature than most. He has and odd affinity for cherry blossom trees, and keeps one at home. This mixed with his personality, and hair, gained him the nickname "Cherry Blossom Knight"

Bio: Everett grew up in a suburban neighborhood, and lived a pretty good life. His parents always proud and surprised by their son's wonderful personality. At age 15 he was visited by a mysterious woman, who told him, he acted the way he did, because he was the reincarnation of a legendary knight, and gave him an ancient sword, named "Blizzard's Bite." Giving him the power's he has. After this he was sent to Resemblia Academy to train his, new found powers

Class: Beacon


Blizzard's Bite- Gives him the ability to cool any liquid to it's freezing point, and cause a harsh blizzard when the blade is unsheathed.

Enhanced Strength- He's strong... really strong... He can break things, and pick things up... big things... that's it. xD

Weakness: He's naive, and refuses to fight any opponent he sees as too weak, leading him to underestimate his opponent and get beat up.

Fire is really bad for him... for obvious reasons. He's human, and can still get the crap beat out of him. He can't by any means fight a woman. It's against a knight's code of chivalry

Extra: The Blizzard's Bite is a massive great sword, that only he can wield. It's blade is pure white, like snow, and it's hilt is a light blue color, with odd untranslatable inscriptions on it. Sorta like this... vvv

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Kou Aplin || Sixteen || Cis-female || Asexual Biromantic


142 cm {Roughly 4'10"}


44.5 kg {Roughly 98 lbs}

[Hair Color]

Honey blonde

[Eye Color]

A dark cargo green that fades into a beautiful light hazel around the pupils.


Rather fair with a few hints of rosiness along the more plump parts of her body, such as her cheeks and lips.



Milkshakes (enjoys the texture)

Teddy bears

Apple juice (enjoys the acidity)



Her disorder

Vegetables (does not enjoy the texture)

The dark

Seeing herself in the mirror



The dark

Goats (their eyes are creepy)

People much larger than herself

Paranormal things


Upon introduction with Kou, most people will conclude that she's a rather... interesting individual. While this is quite factual, these people don't necessarily mean interesting in the good, true sense of the word-- to be perfectly honest, 'weird' would be a more fitting adjective to describe the young female. Kou is predominately shy and soft-spoken, which isn't necessarily a rare trait. However, once acquainted with her paranoid and creepy side, the red flags will start popping up.

She lacks common sense almost entirely, and somehow always has an injury of some sort, whether it be as trivial as a paper cut, or as serious as a broken leg. The reason for this certain behavior has to do with a medical disorder Kou suffers from, in which the victim's sensory nervous system, (a bodily system which controls activities related to the senses, such as taste and the perception of pain, heat, cold, etc.) is disturbed and cannot process things in a normal way. In short, Kou has difficulty in feeling pain, heat, cold, and as an added bonus, vibrations in most parts of her body. She can feel pressures, and slight pain in breaking a large bone or rupturing an organ, but other than that she's pretty unaware. This disorder also affects bodily growth, the ability to cry, and even one's taste buds. In retrospect, this is the catalyst to Kou's lack of common sense and general quirkiness, for she doesn't experience things as most other people do.

Regarding her strange habits of collecting bugs and lizards-- well, that's purely just a part of Kou's personality. When she musters up enough courage to ask a question, the delivery will probably be absolutely horrendous and pretty laughable. She happens to be quite jumpy as well, and is scared extremely easily. While most people don't have the patience to stand Kou's almost childlike behavior, there have been a few who look past the irritating chatter to see her refreshing innocence.


I could most definitely say that Kou lived a standard, everyday life in spite of her disability; however, that would make me a liar.

At birth, Kou was diagnosed with Familial dysautonomia, which is also referred to as hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, type III. This disorder affects the sensory nervous system, in which the victim cannot feel specific occurrences, such as certain pains, heat, and cold. While this is a problem unto itself, The disorder also affects bodily growth, which has put Kou at a disadvantage in that aspect as well.

Growing up, she was always sickly and underweight, her injuries being more frequent and dangerous since she didn't even have a concept on what an injury really was. She'd bitten her tongue almost completely off a multitude of times, and suffered from fractured ribs, wrists, fingers, and toes. To add to the list of disadvantages, Kou also lacks being able to taste things almost entirely, rendering eating more of a chore for her than anything else.

Kou, however, managed to keep her academic career afloat well-- extremely well in fact. She's a very bright individual, but her body just seems to be lacking.

As she grew older, Kou began to obtain a proper grasp on motor control and how to check herself for injuries, but hurting herself was still a daily event. Nevertheless, she was getting by okay.

A few years ago, Kou discovered her curious abilities while gardening. First, it seemed as though the flowers all magically grew a few centimeters when she interacted with them. If that wasn't strange enough, she somehow figured out she could manipulate water if she concentrated enough. As Kou spent more time perfecting these abilities, she became quite good at growing flowers and controlling water, so once she found out about the academy, she thought it a good starting point for furthering her abilities and continuing to get an education.

[Class of choice]



Flower Growth: Kou can grow magnificent types of plants in seconds-- she has not mastered a way to use this ability offensively.

Water manipulation: Kou can control water, as well as extract it from the atmosphere-- she cannot freeze/boil water with this ability, but obviously she can control the form it takes, including making it an offensive attack (although, she is very scared of the idea of hurting someone)


As much as Kou's disorder seems like it would be an advantage, it's actually very destructive and causes more inconveniences for her than anything else. For example, if she was struck somewhere she couldn't see and was bleeding, there's a good chance she could bleed out. This has happened more than necessary.

Kou's water manipulation technique can only be used for certain amounts of time, or in brief intervals. If she could feel pain acutely, she would know her head would be pounding out of control and her joints would hurt immensely. However, overusing this ability also causes extreme nausea, which she
can feel. Kou has thrown up her fair share of times by using her ability more than she ought.

Kou is very skittish and in general paranoid... need I say more?


"I read those rules Doc (✿´ ꒳ ` )"

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Deviced said:

Kou Aplin || Sixteen || Cis-female || Asexual Biromantic


157 cm {Roughly 5'2}


45 kg {Roughly 100 lbs}

[Hair Color]

Honey blonde

[Eye Color]

A dark cargo green that fades into a beautiful light hazel around the pupils.


Rather fair with a few hints of rosiness along the more plump parts of her body, such as her cheeks and lips.



Milkshakes (enjoys the texture)

Teddy bears

Apple juice (enjoys the acidity)



Her disorder

Vegetables (does not enjoy the texture)

The dark

Seeing herself in the mirror



The dark

Goats (their eyes are creepy)

People much larger than herself

Paranormal things


Upon introduction with Kou, most people will conclude that she's a rather... interesting individual. While this is quite factual, these people don't necessarily mean interesting in the good, true sense of the word-- to be perfectly honest, 'weird' would be a more fitting adjective to describe the young female. Kou is predominately shy and soft-spoken, which isn't necessarily a rare trait. However, once acquainted with her paranoid and creepy side, the red flags will start popping up.

She lacks common sense almost entirely, and somehow always has an injury of some sort, whether it be as trivial as a paper cut, or as serious as a broken leg. The reason for this certain behavior has to do with a medical disorder Kou suffers from, in which the victim's sensory nervous system, (a bodily system which controls activities related to the senses, such as taste and the perception of pain, heat, cold, etc.) is disturbed and cannot process things in a normal way. In short, Kou has difficulty in feeling pain, heat, cold, and as an added bonus, vibrations in most parts of her body. She can feel pressures, and slight pain in breaking a large bone or rupturing an organ, but other than that she's pretty unaware. This disorder also affects bodily growth, the ability to cry, and even one's taste buds. In retrospect, this is the catalyst to Kou's lack of common sense and general quirkiness, for she doesn't experience things as most other people do.

Regarding her strange habits of collecting bugs and lizards-- well, that's purely just a part of Kou's personality. When she musters up enough courage to ask a question, the delivery will probably be absolutely horrendous and pretty laughable. She happens to be quite jumpy as well, and is scared extremely easily. While most people don't have the patience to stand Kou's almost childlike behavior, there have been a few who look past the irritating chatter to see her refreshing innocence.


I could most definitely say that Kou lived a standard, everyday life in spite of her disability; however, that would make me a liar.

At birth, Kou was diagnosed with Familial dysautonomia, which is also referred to as hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, type III. This disorder affects the sensory nervous system, in which the victim cannot feel specific occurrences, such as certain pains, heat, and cold. While this is a problem unto itself, The disorder also affects bodily growth, which has put Kou at a disadvantage in that aspect as well.

Growing up, she was always sickly and underweight, her injuries being more frequent and dangerous since she didn't even have a concept on what an injury really was. She'd bitten her tongue almost completely off a multitude of times, and suffered from fractured ribs, wrists, fingers, and toes. To add to the list of disadvantages, Kou also lacks being able to taste things almost entirely, rendering eating more of a chore for her than anything else.

Kou, however, managed to keep her academic career afloat well-- extremely well in fact. She's a very bright individual, but her body just seems to be lacking.

As she grew older, Kou began to obtain a proper grasp on motor control and how to check herself for injuries, but hurting herself was still a daily event. Nevertheless, she was getting by okay.

A few years ago, Kou discovered her curious abilities while gardening. First, it seemed as though the flowers all magically grew a few centimeters when she interacted with them. If that wasn't strange enough, she somehow figured out she could manipulate water if she concentrated enough. As Kou spent more time perfecting these abilities, she became quite good at growing flowers and controlling water, so once she found out about the academy, she thought it a good starting point for furthering her abilities and continuing to get an education.

[Class of choice]



Flower Growth: Kou can grow magnificent types of plants in seconds-- she has not mastered a way to use this ability offensively.

Water manipulation: Kou can control water, as well as extract it from the atmosphere-- she cannot freeze/boil water with this ability, but obviously she can control the form it takes, including making it an offensive attack (although, she is very scared of the idea of hurting someone)


As much as Kou's disorder seems like it would be an advantage, it's actually very destructive and causes more inconveniences for her than anything else. For example, if she was struck somewhere she couldn't see and was bleeding, there's a good chance she could bleed out. This has happened more than necessary.

Kou's water manipulation technique can only be used for certain amounts of time, or in brief intervals. If she could feel pain acutely, she would know her head would be pounding out of control and her joints would hurt immensely. However, overusing this ability also causes extreme nausea, which she
can feel. Kou has thrown up her fair share of times by using her ability more than she ought.

Kou is very skittish and in general paranoid... need I say more?


"I read those rules Doc (✿´ ꒳ ` )"

Aww...I love it! Approved
Full Name: Katashi Atusto

Nickname: Kat, Ash, and Auto.




Apperance (animu or realistic):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_16-36-22.jpeg.1ecd4f39fc8688c48fb205316589e379.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_16-36-22.jpeg.1ecd4f39fc8688c48fb205316589e379.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He stands at about 6ft 5, and has a tattoo on his left arm that has his moms name in a heart, and a full fledged dragon tattoo on his right arm.

Personality:Cheerful, happy, and very talkative when he's around friends. He tends to be a loner at times and hangs around either the library, lunch room, under a tree with lots of shade, or in class alone doing work. But if given the chance he will do combat training. Full blooded gentleman. Comedian, loves to make jokes when he can. Hides depression.

Bio:Katashi comes from Japan, he grew up in a rural area and was homeschooled until he found out he had powers at the age of fifteen. He didn't tell his family until he was sixteen, fearing he may hurt or kill someone, his family sent him here. He loves to talk with people who seem interesting to him, or he will just read a book and listen to music loudly, he suffers from a tad bit of depression, but he hides it and fears showing it would ruin the connection between friends, fearing they'd just feel sorry for him and laugh at jokes even he thought were bad, or they would just be too nice to him, he want's honest opinions and sometimes doesn't like the sugar coating.

Class of choice:Shadow

Powers(Only up to 3):Control fire/Make fire(Napalm, thermite, etc), can disapper with a black smoke he emits when heated or wants to make a dramatic exit, the smoke itself is non toxic, but it does stink. He also has super(ish) strength, he can lift anything between 100-350lbs, with very little exhaustion or getting arm pains after lifting said object, but after he does it three times, he starts to get tired and might just pass out.

Weakness:Water when heated(He can swim and drink water, just not when he's fired up), no music, losing someone he's fond of or a family member.

Extra:(Here we go...)

Likes:Metal music, the cold(Weird huh?), any type of music when he can't listen to his own, guns, video games, history...mostly military or war based.

Favorite saying:I myself can't have fun unless I'm doing something stupid, now, where's a hill and a giant tire?

Favorite bands:5FDP, Breaking Benjamin, Three day's grace, Linkin Park, and Disturbed

Favorite pass time:Cooking, mostly with his own fire or heat. Reading a good book, talking with friends.

Anything else?:What's for lunch?




  • upload_2016-6-22_16-36-22.jpeg
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Can I change both of my character's classes to shadow? >->

I want to interact and nobody else is choosing atlas...
CERBERUS177 said:
Full Name: Katashi Atusto
Nickname: Kat, Ash, and Auto.




Apperance (animu or realistic):View attachment 303983

He stands at about 6ft 5, and has a tattoo on his left arm that has his moms name in a heart, and a full fledged dragon tattoo on his right arm.

Personality:Cheerful, happy, and very talkative when he's around friends. He tends to be a loner at times and hangs around either the library, lunch room, under a tree with lots of shade, or in class alone doing work. But if given the chance he will do combat training. Full blooded gentleman. Comedian, loves to make jokes when he can. Hides depression.

Bio:Katashi comes from Japan, he grew up in a rural area and was homeschooled until he found out he had powers at the age of fifteen. He didn't tell his family until he was sixteen, fearing he may hurt or kill someone, his family sent him here. He loves to talk with people who seem interesting to him, or he will just read a book and listen to music loudly, he suffers from a tad bit of depression, but he hides it and fears showing it would ruin the connection between friends, fearing they'd just feel sorry for him and laugh at jokes even he thought were bad, or they would just be too nice to him, he want's honest opinions and sometimes doesn't like the sugar coating.

Class of choice:Shadow

Powers(Only up to 3):Control fire/Make fire(Napalm, thermite, etc), can disapper with a black smoke he emits when heated or wants to make a dramatic exit, the smoke itself is non toxic, but it does stink. He also has super(ish) strength, he can lift anything between 100-350lbs, with very little exhaustion or getting arm pains after lifting said object, but after he does it three times, he starts to get tired and might just pass out.

Weakness:Water when heated(He can swim and drink water, just not when he's fired up), no music, losing someone he's fond of or a family member.

Extra:(Here we go...)

Likes:Metal music, the cold(Weird huh?), any type of music when he can't listen to his own, guns, video games, history...mostly military or war based.

Favorite saying:I myself can't have fun unless I'm doing something stupid, now, where's a hill and a giant tire?

Favorite bands:5FDP, Breaking Benjamin, Three day's grace, Linkin Park, and Disturbed

Favorite pass time:Cooking, mostly with his own fire or heat. Reading a good book, talking with friends.

Anything else?:What's for lunch?
uses megaphone* Approved!
Kanon Ette-Anne

Nickname: Kan-kan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Just like her picture; olive-green hair to her shoulders and bright, big amber eyes. As for what it doesn't describe, Kanon is barely 5 feet tall and quite slim. Some would call it childish... but she would probably cry, so don't. Not in a teasing manner anyway.

Personality: Kanon is rather shy--She won't usually start conversations unless the situation absolutely calls for it. Because she keeps to herself, few people are able to deal with the bubbly side of her--if she's uncomfortable or nervous it's as if a switch goes off and she becomes painfully sarcastic. She's always happiest surrounded by plants.

Bio: She developed like any average child. Her family was neither wealthy nor poor, nor was she bullied or ignored. However, her shyness separated her from many of her classmates. Even before her abilities truly began to develop she found an affinity for gardening and nurturing plants. Any chance she got it seemed the child spent time in the garden or even picking at grass on the side of their lawn. Actually, it wasn't even until she was 14 that her powers, though not a particularly gradual accumulation, emerged. It frightened her initially--her timid nature allowed it to do so--but by the end of her 15th year Kanon had enough control to act normally about it. It was around then that her family discovered Resemblia Academy. Kanon was overjoyed to discover there were others like her, though two years of courage had to be built up before she was finally ready to attend.

Class of choice: Haven

Weakness: Disabling fear of dark water || Difficulty making friends and opening up to people || Deaf in her left ear.


  • The ability to draw forth small, local showers and clear (and summon) clouds. Also, she can stir gentle breezes and, for fun, spin palm-sized tornadoes. That isn't important but... everybody needs some sort of entertainment!

"Please don't sneak up on me--especially on my bad side. It's not like the

grass tells me when you're coming . . . and my hearing certainly won't."

"I read the rules, Doc!"

Also, let me know if our powers are too similar. >~< I don't mind altering mine a bit. There are lots of possibilities. @Deviced
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Bvmble said:
Kanon Moriko
Nickname: Kan-kan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kanon is rather shy--She won't usually start conversations unless the situation absolutely calls for it. Because she keeps to herself, few people are able to deal with the bubbly side of her--if she's uncomfortable or nervous it's as if a switch goes off and she becomes painfully sarcastic. She's always happiest surrounded by plants.

Bio: She developed like any average child. Her family was neither wealthy nor poor, nor was she bullied or ignored. However, her shyness separated her from many of her classmates. Even before her abilities truly began to develop she found an affinity for gardening and nurturing plants. Any chance she got it seemed the child spent time in the garden or even picking at grass on the side of their lawn. Actually, it wasn't even until she was 14 that her powers, though not a particularly gradual accumulation, emerged. It frightened her initially--her timid nature allowed it to do so--but by the end of her 15th year Kanon had enough control to act normally about it. It was around then that her family discovered Resemblia Academy. Kanon was overjoyed to discover there were others like her, though two years of courage had to be built up before she was finally ready to attend.

Class of choice: Shadow

Weakness: Disabling fear of dark water || Difficulty making friends and opening up to people || Deaf in her left ear.


  • The ability to draw forth small, local showers and clear (and summon) clouds. Also, she can stir gentle breezes and, for fun, spin palm-sized tornadoes. That isn't important but... everybody needs some sort of entertainment!

"Please don't sneak up on me--especially on my bad side. It's not like the

grass tells me when you're coming . . . and my hearing certainly won't."

"I read the rules, Doc!"

Also, let me know if our powers are too similar. >~< I don't mind altering mine a bit. There are lots of possibilities. @Deviced
You're approved

Jonathan Flynn Anderson



Johnny(He likes to be called Flynn though)




Bisexual Panromantic




159 lbs


Flynn isn't how you would expect him to be.

Despite the rough and tumble appearance on the outside, Flynn is extremely caring, overprotective, and emotional. He hates it when people pick fighrs with those he cares about, and will protect his friends no matter what. He is a free spirit and doesn't care what other people think about him as long as he is happy with himself. He can't stand watching innocent people get hurt and tries to help the best way he can, even if he's not wanted. He's extremely stubborn and the only way you can get him to change his opinions are with really good reasons and a thought out explanation. He doesn't trust people at first but if he gets to know them he'll protect them no matter what. He generally hates fights except for when he's fighting to protect someone or himself.

Flynn's emotions go back and forth constantly, and one minute he could be bragging about how bad he beat someone in a fight while the next he could be crying because of God knows what. Practically anything can make him cry if a lot of emotions are tied to it, though he tries his best to keep appearing tough on the outside and usually bottles up his emotions. He has trouble expressing his feelings of affection to people, and if he likes somebody he'll be the most awekward person imaginable. Throwing around cheesy pick up lines, stuttering, blushing, you name it. If he really gets to know someone well, he'll follow them around like a puppy which coud get quite annoying.


Flynn grew up in a home where the only emotion ever shown by his parents was anger. Anger towards Flynn, to eachother, and to everyone else. They weren't afraid to show that they were angry either. Flynn witnessed as a child so many arguments gone violent. His mother would leave after hours of yelling and come back the next day with a bruised face and a broken wrist. Flynn got so angry at his father for hurting his mother like that, but he didn't mess with his parent's bad relationship. He was afraid to get hurt too. Hence he always tries to protect his friends like he should've protected his mother before she killed herself.

Flynn's father mentally and physically abused his son after his wife's death. He did this until Flynn ran away at 14. His abilities were beginning to blossom before then and he found out that there were other ways to win a fight and get back at people than throwing punches. He stayed on the streets, testing the bits of his power he had obtained, until he began attending Resemblia.

Class of choice



- Through physical contact, he can put anybody unconcious. He hasn't quite gotten a hold of this power and sometimes he'll knock somebody out when he doesn't mean to.

- He's able to manipulate the space around him and create a space that can take hold of anything coming towards him. For example if somebody started shooting at Flynn, he could manipulate the space around him and the bullets would be swallowed up and never touch him.


Terrible reactions to drugs and chemicals of any kind

Can't hold down any type of alcohol to save his life

Extremely susceptible to diseases and even a common cold can leave him bedridden

Flashbacks about his father every so often (enemy has change to attack)

No offensive attacks

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Riore said:

Jonathan Flynn Anderson



Johnny(He likes to be called Flynn though)




Bisexual Panromantic


Flynn isn't how you would expect him to be.

Despite the rough and tumble appearance on the outside, Flynn is extremely caring, overprotective, and emotional. He hates it when people pick fighrs with those he cares about, and will protect his friends no matter what. He is a free spirit and doesn't care what other people think about him as long as he is happy with himself. He can't stand watching innocent people get hurt and tries to help the best way he can, even if he's not wanted. He's extremely stubborn and the only way you can get him to change his opinions are with really good reasons and a thought out explanation. He doesn't trust people at first but if he gets to know them he'll protect them no matter what. He generally hates fights except for when he's fighting to protect someone or himself.

Flynn's emotions go back and forth constantly, and one minute he could be bragging about how bad he beat someone in a fight while the next he could be crying because of God knows what. Practically anything can make him cry if a lot of emotions are tied to it, though he tries his best to keep appearing tough on the outside and usually bottles up his emotions. He has trouble expressing his feelings of affection to people, and if he likes somebody he'll be the most awekward person imaginable. Throwing around cheesy pick up lines, stuttering, blushing, you name it. If he really gets to know someone well, he'll follow them around like a puppy which coud get quite annoying.


Flynn grew up in a home where the only emotion ever shown by his parents was anger. Anger towards Flynn, to eachother, and to everyone else. They weren't afraid to show that they were angry either. Flynn witnessed as a child so many arguments gone violent. His mother would leave after hours of yelling and come back the next day with a bruised face and a broken wrist. Flynn got so angry at his father for hurting his mother like that, but he didn't mess with his parent's bad relationship. He was afraid to get hurt too. Hence he always tries to protect his friends like he should've protected his mother before she killed herself.

Flynn's father mentally and physically abused his son after his wife's death. He did this until Flynn ran away at 14. His abilities were beginning to blossom before then and he found out that there were other ways to win a fight and get back at people than throwing punches. He stayed on the streets, testing the bits of his power he had obtained, until he began attending Resemblia.

Class of choice



-Through physical contact, he can put anybody unconcious. He hasn't quite gotten a hold of this power and sometimes he'll knock somebody out when he doesn't mean to.

- He's able to manipulate the space around him and create a space that can take hold of anything coming towards him. For example if somebody started shooting at Flynn, he could manipulate the space around him and the bullets would be swallowed up and never touch him.


Terrible reactions to drugs and chemicals of any kind

Can't hold down any type of alcohol to save his life

Extremely susceptible to diseases and even a common cold can leave him bedridden

Flashbacks about his father every so often (enemy has change to attack)

No offensive attacks

*Uses other megaphone* APPROVED!
Characters Complete!



On the Outside
Full Name: Helio Terran

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 163 lbs.

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Blond

Skin Color: Medium Tan

Class of Choice: Haven

On the Inside
Nickname: Sun of the Gods, Leo

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Leo is a charasmatic and charming individual who values all things just - honesty, integrity, loyalty, etc. He's incredibly friendly and helpful, determined to aid those in need. When he's with others, he tends to remain cheerful and always has a smile on his face, no matter the situation (it's what makes him so good at helping others feel better). When he's alone he tends to listen to music and relax outside in the sun, which is why he's so tan. Although he is capable of keeping others' secrets, he prefers telling the truth to others and being as kindly honest as he can be. He's almost the opposite of his sister.




Chatting w/ Both Genders


Books (he always ends up burning them...then gets accused of being a Nazi)

Trees (see above reason)

Rainy Days

Bio: Leo was raised alongside his sister, Rena. The two of them were very close as children, and Leo always understood that his sister wanted to be treated like a normal person despite her disability, so he did just that. The two of them played and had a cheerful childhood, but their parents kept getting into fights and after one too many, the parents split, taking one child with them each. At this time the two siblings were nine years of age, and they wouldn't see each other for five years after their parents split. Leo was taken by their mother, who pampered him and treated him like the spoiled child he was, giving him everything he ever wanted, which often consisted of instruments and fireproof clothing/items. His life with his mother was warm (ha, pun), welcoming, and relaxing, unlike his sister's.

After those five years of separation, their father died in a car accident and Rena was allowed to come live with their mother, alongside Leo. However, when his sister returned to his side, Leo noticed a major change in his sister's behavior, and the two of them talked it out, since that's what the siblings always did - and because Leo wouldn't stop bugging her until she told him. After his sister's arrival, Leo vowed to protect her despite her constant declarations of 'not needing protection.' Any male that approaches his sister would have to be approved by her brother first, and if he was a threat to his sister or irritated her, Leo'd be hot on his heels (huehue more pun).


Fire Manipulation

Light Regeneration (sunlight enhances recovery rate)


His Fists

Shield & Sword


Large Build - Strong




Rain/Water in General

Extra: I read the rules, Doc!

On the Outside
Full Name: Cerena Luna Terran

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 114 lbs.

Eye Color: Foggy Blue

Hair Color: Raven Black

Skin Color: Pale as Paper

Class of Choice: Atlas

On the Inside
Nickname: The Huntress, Rena

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Since Rena was born blind, people had always tried to help her or treat her as if she's different than the rest of the world, which pisses her off. Instead of interacting with people, Rena chooses to stay silent in most situations, keen on observing her surroundings with her other enhanced senses. Although she may not be able to see, she can hear, smell, and feel things at an incredible magnitude - similar to Daredevil or Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. However, those senses can backfire, which is why Rena prefers quiet environments and hates parties. She also has a certain distaste for men due to her history with them, so she is not often friends with them. However, despite her differences with her brother, she can get along with him.




Quiet Places


Loud Noises


Groups of People

Bio: For the first nine years of her life, Rena had been happy. Blind, yes, but happy. Her blindness did not prevent her from acting like other children, and she didn't want to be treated differently from them either. Her father always acted as if she was a screw-up, though, which was why the two parents fought so much in the first place. Leo was the only male she could depend on in her life, and would possibly remain as such. At age nine, however, when their mother and father split, Rena and Leo were separated because their mother couldn't gain custody over Rena. Life with her father was horrible - he began drinking, became abusive (both verbally and physically), and treated her as if she was literal rubbish.

During those five years, Rena obtained scars in random places (back, arms, thighs), both from her father and from herself. However, towards age fourteen, Rena tried to run away, sick of the conditions her father had put her through. She had only mustered up the courage to do so around that age, and when she ran from the house, her drunk father chased after her and eventually got in his car to try and catch her. As most people know, drinking and driving do not mix, and her attempt at escaping was the cause of her father's demise, which doesn't plague her mind with guilt whatsoever. As soon as she found out, she went back to the house, called her mother, and was reunited with her brother and mother, who were determined to help her through the rest of her adolescent years without any danger (such as men >.>). Her brother forced her to tell the truth after nagging her for more than an hour on the subject, but once she did she felt better about being with her brother again. His protective behavior irritates her constantly, but she appreciates how much care he has for her, regardless of disability.


Heal Small Wounds

Gifted Aim

Enhanced Senses


Bow and Arrows






Thin Figure - Low Strength

Extra: I, too, read the rules... "Doc."

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Full Name:
Eileen Abernathy

Nona (As in, Nonary, due to her obsession with the number 9)



Bisexual Heteromantic.

She has long strawberry-blonde hair, which she either lets loose, or styles in a braid, sometimes a combination of the two, and blue eyes. She has white skin and a somewhat slim physical complexion, and D-Cup breasts, she wears a white tank top, with a light pink t-shirt, and a turtle-neck purple sweater, with a buttoned-up violet jacket, that has a number 9 on the back, a light blue skirt, black stockings, and blue small boots, other times she may wear a red hoodie with a 9 on the front, a brown skirt, gray stockings and a pair of brown boots.

Height: 6'1

She's a little bubbly, but she's serious most of the times, though she tries to be nice, she's also pretty smart, and likes math, she hates lying, and doesn't forgive people easily, however, if she trusts someone, she will be willing to give her life for them, however, she's also very reserved, since she spent a lot of time locked in her own home, so she doesn't trust people easily, she's also really bold, however, she can't flirt, at all, if she likes someone, she will begin avoiding them.

Bio: She had a fine and normal childhood, however, when she was about 10, she heard some thieves coming to her house to rob her family, however, when she looked out the window, absolutely no one was there, but she was still wary, so she went outside, and saw the thieves, however, they were three streets away, this freaked her out, since one, they were going to rob her house, and two, she managed to see them three streets away, so she ran back into her home, however, she was freaked out even more when she was back in her room in the blink of an eye, however, instead of freaking out even more, she decided to use these newfound powers to create a trap for the thieves, and that's what she did, and the police caught them, however, this experience left her very affected, so, aside from school, she never went outside of her house for the next years, until now, of course (I'm bad at Bios, so I may expand/change this later into something more interesting)

Class of choice:

Powers: Super-vision: She can see things coming from a much longer distance than that of normal humans.

Superhearing: She can hear things much better than that of normal humans, and she also hears things from a longer distance as well.

Superspeed: She can run much faster than normal humans, and can often surpass the speed of cars.

Weakness: Her superhearing can make her ears hurt a lot and/or get a headache, especially if she's in a loud environment, her superspeed makes her get tired easily, though she can run nearly infinetely, once she stops she can and will pass out, especially if she ran for a long distance, and due to her bold nature, sometimes she may seem insensitive to a certain thing, though most of the times she means good... most of the times.

She has a brother, who I may or may not turn into a character sometime, also, I READ THE RULES, DOC! (Also, let me know if I should switch or add or remove something, I tried to move away from the typical edgy/angsty character with a dark background, and tried to make a more light-hearted one, but still, I don't think this character turned out that good.)
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[QUOTE="Moon Star]




Full Name:
Eileen Abernathy

Nona (As in, Nonary, due to her obsession with the number 9)



Bisexual Heteromantic.

She has long strawberry-blonde hair, which she either lets loose, or styles in a braid, sometimes a combination of the two, she has white skin and a somewhat slim physical complexion, and D-Cup breasts, she wears a white tank top, with a light pink t-shirt, and a turtle-neck purple sweater, with a buttoned-up violet jacket, that has a number 9 on the back, a light blue skirt, black stockings, and blue small boots, other times she may wear a red hoodie with a 9 on the front, a brown skirt, gray stockings and a pair of brown boots.

Height: 6'1

She's a little bubbly, but she's serious most of the times, though she tries to be nice, she's also pretty smart, and likes math, she hates lying, and doesn't forgive people easily, however, if she trusts someone, she will be willing to give her life for them, however, she's also very reserved, since she spent a lot of time locked in her own home, so she doesn't trust people easily, she's also really bold, however, she can't flirt, at all, if she likes someone, she will begin avoiding them.

Bio: She had a fine and normal childhood, however, when she was about 10, she heard some thieves coming to her house to rob her family, however, when she looked out the window, absolutely no one was there, but she was still wary, so she went outside, and saw the thieves, however, they were three streets away, this freaked her out, since one, they were going to rob her house, and two, she managed to see them three streets away, so she ran back into her home, however, she was freaked out even more when she was back in her room in the blink of an eye, however, instead of freaking out even more, she decided to use these newfound powers to create a trap for the thieves, and that's what she did, and the police caught them, however, this experience left her very affected, so, aside from school, she never went outside of her house for the next years, until now, of course (I'm bad at Bios, so I may expand/change this later into something more interesting)

Class of choice:

Powers: Super-vision: She can see things coming from a much longer distance than that of normal humans.

Superhearing: She can hear things much better than that of normal humans, and she also hears things from a longer distance as well.

Superspeed: She can run much faster than normal humans, and can often surpass the speed of cars.

Weakness: Her superhearing can make her ears hurt a lot and/or get a headache, especially if she's in a loud environment, her superspeed makes her get tired easily, though she can run nearly infinetely, once she stops she can and will pass out, especially if she ran for a long distance, and due to her bold nature, sometimes she may seem insensitive to a certain thing, though most of the times she means good... most of the times.

She has a brother, who I may or may not turn into a character sometime, also, I READ THE RULES, DOC! (Also, let me know if I should switch or add or remove something, I tried to move away from the typical edgy/angsty character with a dark background, and tried to make a more light-hearted one, but still, I don't think this character turned out that good.)

Doc approves


Full Name: Yanamaya Ronshaku

Nickname: Yana

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual/romantic

Class of choice: Haven

Apperance: |5'10"|128lb|White Hair|Pale Skin|Blue Eyes|

Personality: Yana is a quiet child. She's shy to most people, but once you get her on a subject she loves, she can talk for hours. Friendly and kind, she tries to help people in any way she can, but she was never taught simple tasks such as doing laundry or washing dishes and she can be kind of a clutz. She hasn't learned much about the outside world since she's lived a secluded life, but she's a hopeful girl who wants to gain a thrilling adventure at this school.

Bio: Ever since she was born, Yana has lived a secluded life. With her father owning a multi-million dollar company, she has always lived a pampered life. Though with that much money comes many enemies and many people have sought out the daughter of this wealthy man. To protect his only daughter, her father has kept her home all the time with no freedom to leave. However, she didn't mind, for their home was big and as compensation, they had many pets that she could play with. Even so, her life was lonely with her father always away working. Her older brother tried to spend time with her, but he had to one day take responsibility for the company, so he too was away working most of the time.

Though one day, a miracle happened. As she was tending to her many animals, she discovered a special gift she had. A gift that excited her but also scared her to death the first time it happened. It took all night to figure out how to change her paw back into a hand and the moment she changed it back, the pain knocked her out. She was prodded by the most advanced doctors and working with them lightened Yana since it was a change from the norm, but scared her because she was worried that she was sick. But working together, she finally got a general grasp on her powers, and even discovered another one. Then, the doctors recommended Resemblia Academy. It took a lot of begging and puppy eyes, but Yana was finally allowed to go out to a new place to discover more about herself and her powers.

Powers: Yana has a special power to change a small part of her body to the form of an animal (for example, gain the tail of a rat or the claws of a tiger) that's proportionate to her size, but unfortunately the effect can last for no more than an hour for whatever part of her body that has changed will start to develop pain. She can also communicate with animals, but not so much as speak to them. She gains an understanding of them and if asked by her, an animal would normally do a simple task for her, depending on the personality of the animal.

Weakness: She has horrible people skills and doesn't know much about the real world. She tends to have withdrawals when she's away from either animals or her big brother. Also, she has a fear of thunderstorms.

Extra: I have read the rules, doc~

[QUOTE="Popplio Princess]


Full Name: Yanamaya Ronshaku

Nickname: Yana

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual/romantic

Class of choice: Haven

Apperance: |5'10"|128lb|White Hair|Pale Skin|Blue Eyes|

Personality: Yana is a quiet child. She's shy to most people, but once you get her on a subject she loves, she can talk for hours. Friendly and kind, she tries to help people in any way she can, but she was never taught simple tasks such as doing laundry or washing dishes and she can be kind of a clutz. She hasn't learned much about the outside world since she's lived a secluded life, but she's a hopeful girl who wants to gain a thrilling adventure at this school.

Bio: Ever since she was born, Yana has lived a secluded life. With her father owning a multi-million dollar company, she has always lived a pampered life. Though with that much money comes many enemies and many people have sought out the daughter of this wealthy man. To protect his only daughter, her father has kept her home all the time with no freedom to leave. However, she didn't mind, for their home was big and as compensation, they had many pets that she could play with. Even so, her life was lonely with her father always away working. Her older brother tried to spend time with her, but he had to one day take responsibility for the company, so he too was away working most of the time.

Though one day, a miracle happened. As she was tending to her many animals, she discovered a special gift she had. A gift that excited her but also scared her to death the first time it happened. It took all night to figure out how to change her paw back into a hand and the moment she changed it back, the pain knocked her out. She was prodded by the most advanced doctors and working with them lightened Yana since it was a change from the norm, but scared her because she was worried that she was sick. But working together, she finally got a general grasp on her powers, and even discovered another one. Then, the doctors recommended Resemblia Academy. It took a lot of begging and puppy eyes, but Yana was finally allowed to go out to a new place to discover more about herself and her powers.

Powers: Yana has a special power to change a small part of her body to the form of an animal (for example, gain the tail of a rat or the claws of a tiger) that's proportionate to her size, but unfortunately the effect can last for no more than an hour for whatever part of her body that has changed will start to develop pain. She can also communicate with animals, but not so much as speak to them. She gains an understanding of them and if asked by her, an animal would normally do a simple task for her, depending on the personality of the animal.

Weakness: She has horrible people skills and doesn't know much about the real world. She tends to have withdrawals when she's away from either animals or her big brother. Also, she has a fear of thunderstorms.

Extra: I have read the rules, doc~

You're approved!

Hunter Flynn


gender ;; male

age ;; 17

birthday ;; 23/4/1999

height ;; 6'6"

sexuality ;; gray asexual / demiromantic

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

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Schadenfreudmeh said:

Hunter Flynn


gender ;; male

age ;; 19

birthday ;; 23/4/1997

height ;; 6'6"

sexuality ;; gray asexual / demiromantic

no slide
no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

no slide
no slide no slide

Approved. Cute btw.

Full name: Roquel Bulder

Nickname: Rocky

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Rocky is tall (6'1) and muscular with many tattoos (although it is up for speculations as to whether they are real or not). She has blue hair and she wears too many accessories. Despite her tough girl persona, she is terrified of contacts and refuses to wear anything over her brown eyes but glasses. She is usually seen wearing short shorts, graphic tees or tank tops, and an assortment of accesories.

Personality: Rocky is a bit disillusioned with the world. She can be distant and cynical but she also enjoys a good joke or prank. A lover of cartoons and video games, if you mention something she's interested in you will have a friend for life. She's also hella stubborn. She likes to look out for people and will never shy away from a fight. Well, almost never.

Bio: Rocky has been in and out of schools for as long as she can remember. Her stubbornness and hot temper when faced with bullies has gotten her expelled from many schools. She has had to deal with bullies her entire life so she doesn't mind when people make fun of her. It's when they make fun of other people that Rocky gets upset and throws down. She is hoping that the students of Resemblia Acadamy are a little more understanding and that she can control her temper long enough to make some friends.

Class of choice: Beacon (or which ever one has the least people so far)

Power: Rocky can turn her whole body or parts of her body into stone at will. This makes it so she can take a hit and pack quite the punch too.

Weakness: Her ability decreases her mobility so it's better for her to just turn small parts of her body into stone at a time. Also, even though her body can become stone, her mind and heart cannot. She is very vulnerable to mind control and loses her composure around dogs and pretty girls.

Extra: Rocky loves cartoons, comic books, and video games. She exercises everyday and is (mostly) a vegetarian. She thinks she's real tough but cries every time she watches "Up". She also cusses a lot but is very reluctant to do so around people younger than her. Smokes too much. Is actually really good at drawing. Has adhd.

Catchphrase: "Here, queer, and ready to rumble!"

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