Rescript: Keychain #77


New Member
Jukashi said he didn't mind when I mentioned the concept behind this, and I've been procrastinating due to several factors, but here goes nothing. I did what I normally do for rescripts, I just put down what comes to mind and hope it all fits. That said, if you're easily offended then don't view this comic. I mean it.

Thanks for letting me post this, Jukashi!
It's mostly just a brief glimpse into my mind and how I cobble together several things in the comic and my thoughts and reactions to said comic into a disjointed mass of failure.
So, I found this on 4chan. It made me laugh, so good work whoever's responsible, if you're reading this.

You said not too long ago that someone let the cat out of the bag and into the 4chan fire; what board? What did they say and do other than make this?
Not to be snippy, but if I was asking what board it was on, one could assume I know which boards there are. Could have been /co/, or the fate I wouldn't wish on any website: /b/. /r9k/ would smoke their pipes, adjust their monocles and be on their way.

With the "kneel before Zod" comment, I would guess /co/, it being reference to a comicbook movie, also KoC being a webcomic, being another thing they seem to enjoy.

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