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Report user?


Eight Thousand Club
I'm seeing a lot of gifs used in avatars, signatures or background profile art that I'd like to report to the staff, but it seems like my only option is to report an individual post rather than a user themselves. Is this the case? Or am I just blind and missing a "Report user" function?
Yeah, I think the option to report a user and a topic disappeared with the update.

So if you want to report something, you'll have to do it through someone's posts.

However at the moment, in general, I don't think we're requesting users to take down gif avatars anymore. If it's obnoxious, has flashing lights/colors that could cause problems with any of our users, or if you think it should be reported for any reasons then those things should be reported though.
What's the mark for obnoxiety, though?

Presumably something you feel draws too much attention to itself/distracts from the forum. I can't imagine a gif qualifying as that without also qualifying as something that could trigger an epileptic attack as well, but there may be something out there. It won't ever be really cut-and-dry as far as that goes, so you could always just report it if you're unsure and let staff decide whether or not it needs to be taken down.
Sorry, but that's not the case. Any gif is distracting enough to draw attention away from the forum by it's nature. The simple act of it being constantly in motion when everything else around it is static means that it will, by default, draw attention towards itself and prevent a smooth RP experience. It's the visual equivalent of having a mosquito buzzing in your ear constantly while you're trying to do work the requires focus and concentration.

Either way, I suppose I'll continue to report avatar/signature gifs that violate the rules (which is all of them, coincidentally) using the report post function. Thanks for the assist.
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