Story Report Number. 5681


New Member
(Thank you for accepting me into the group! I'm pretty open when it comes to roleplaying. Here's a little sneak peek to my OC. Nothing on this docs is a mistake, you just have to figure out the easter egg. It's fairly easy though!
Please do not use her without crediting me or without my permission. )
May 25, 2010
San Francisco, California
6 PM
Police have received complaints from the neighbors of Simon Richards of a foul smell coming from Richards' home. When police came to investigate, they found the body of the 29-year-old journalist, hunched over his desk. According to investigators, the man was writing a report on his laptop when he was stabbed repeatedly on the back. Police were however shocked to find that his organs were removed and replaced with flowers. It seems that this is another attack from the Flower Pot Killer.
This is the report that Richards was supposedly working on, according to his colleagues. This report tackles the first incident of the Flower Pot Killer back in 2006.

Case No: 5681 Date: August 5, 2006
Reporting Officer: Darren Carlson Prepared by: Darren Carlson

Incident: A neighbor is going to kill me. Please take note.

Details: She’s staring at me as I write this, please, please, save me. She wants to kill me and is planning to do so. If anyone sees this note please remember that it’s her doing and that

May 24, 2010
Simon Richards
San Francisco, California
8 PM, Monday

This police report was found by Officer Carlson’s colleagues 8 days after his murder when neighbors and residents filed a complaint of an odd and horrible smell coming from his home. However, the rest of the report was drenched in Carlson’s blood.

Though the missing report was the least of everyone’s concern that day. For they found Carlson dead with the scalp of his head being carved off and his brain removed. The cut was extremely clean and was most certainly skilfully done. Inside the hole, the killer had left soil and what seemed to be that of a few flowers growing inside, specifically purple Irises. I remember entering the house that August 13th. My company had sent me to cover the murder for the next headline we were doing, and to take pictures. The stench was so foul that I nearly hurled, along with the two other cops that were there to investigate the crime scene. According to the investigators, several other seeds were buried in the soil. Was the killer trying to make a flower pot out of Carlson’s head? That’s what everyone speculated that time. Rather than ponder on the answer though, everyone chose to gape at how twisted Carson’s murderer must’ve been.

Not only was the carving and design carefully done, but it seemed that the killer was being careful as no fingerprints or DNA could be found at the crime scene. The only clues anyone would find were footprints that lead to the woods behind the man’s house. The shoe size was around 9 and the depth was enough for the authorities to assume that the killer was heavy and may have weighed around 200 lbs. Though it wasn’t hard to find any suspects, as the report did state that it was a woman and that it was his neighbor. That narrowed everything down to a small number of suspects. Catherine Walsh and Victoria Walsh, two sisters who lived with their father next door. Sarah Lee who lived with her husband across the street and a few college students who lodged in a dormitory next to him. The main interest was Carmaline Drews, a literature major at the California College of Arts.

When the police officers came to investigate the dorm, they found many plants and flowers growing in the garden of the building. According to the maintenance, all those plants were being cared for by Drews, personally. She was even able to grow a few vegetables. Theoretically, she’s the only person in the area that had enough knowledge to grow plants in that condition. So while the others were being investigated, she was being prioritized the most by the authorities. She also knew Officer Carlson in person.

As much as I’d like to intrigue you more on an interesting investigation, that was it. Of course, the authorities kept a close eye on her, but they couldn’t seem to find anything more. She seemed to be a normal college student who had excellent grades and studied hard. Even the timeline in which the event happened didn’t add up. According to her friends, she was sleeping over at a friend’s and on that day she didn’t leave his house. Interest in her died within a week and up to this day, the case remains unsolved.

Even I was able to interview her regarding the case. For this report, I searched through my archives to find the recording of the interview and my notes. Though either wouldn’t be necessary as I clearly remember that interview. I interviewed her in her home, which wouldn’t be so wise if the person you were interviewing was a suspect for murder. However, the cops confirmed that they’d be with me if anything were to happen.


Carmaline Drews herself was a very sweet girl. She was 17 and was at the top of her class. She lived in a loving family, being the older sister to two brothers. Though she did state that her mother was currently in prison for theft and she used to be a very sickly child. However, this seemed to have no effect on her as she has numerous friends and even had a boyfriend or two, according to her. On the day I interviewed her, her apartment was well kept and organized, small but cozy. It almost seemed like something out of a magazine.


She expressed her grief of losing Mr. Carlson, as she described him to always be ‘caring towards his neighbors’. According to her, the man would help anyone out with errands and chores. He’d fix fences, gutters and the like for them. For half an hour she told fun stories she’s had with him and the other neighbors. When it came to the elephant in the room, she answered all the questions truthfully and was consistent with the information she gave. Her weight and shoe size also didn’t match that of the footprints found in Carlson’s backyard. No one had any reason to believe that she’d be capable of such a murder.


I visited her a few more times and was able to befriend her. As I grew closer to her, interest in her dwindled. Soon we were good friends and I’d see her every month or so. Perhaps I once took a romantic liking to her but never did she show any interest for me. She was just a very nice girl who liked to garden.

That was 4 years ago, and while I’m not as close to her as I was before, we still talk from time to time and catch up on each other. She’s just graduated from college and was frequently seeking me to gain advice for her works.

However, not a year before did it happen again. This time there were more victims and it was much more frequent compared to the previous years. More victims were being found with numerous flowers and plant life growing in their dismembered bodies. Often would their insides be carved out and replaced with flowers which thrived from the leftover water and nutrients the body had. Every image that turned up of the victims shocked me. The beautiful flowers that were carefully placed in the bodies contradicted the severed and mutilated flesh. People were both terrified and amazed at how terrifyingly skilled this killer was. And just as before, there were no hints or clues, just large and deep footprints. By the end of 2009, more than 53 in total would’ve been found dead by what seemed to be the same murderer.


This didn’t hinder me from helping Carmaline. She reminded me much of my old self, struggling and trying her best to make ends meet with the little money she had when she first started writing. We’d meet at cafes and she’d always have new stories to tell me, stories which she’s been dying to write.


Up to this day, there seems to be nothing odd about Carmaline Drews. She still lives her life as a normal girl. I hope she doesn’t fall victim to the murderer that she was accused of being.


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