Renegade Tale


Some random dude on the Internet
Archdemon submitted a new role play. @Archdemon, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Sheet:


Age (it can be 16-45):


Appearace (picture please):

Weapon/Fighting style (guns are allowed just something thats not super op):

Background (optional):



Abilites (maximum is 2):

(and anything else you can think of)

(your character is experienced at the game but an update was released so your at level one because of it and you also have starting gear)

Name: Jack Hearts

Age (it can be 16-45): 20

Gender: male

Appearace (picture please):

Weapon/Fighting style (guns are allowed just something thats not super op): Great Sword and a pistol

personlity:fun be around, strong, protective, gentle

Class: Paladin (beginning class is warrior)

Abilites (max is two): can heal five times a day on himself and others. he uses a move called siesmic sweep.

you wont be your class instantly you'll be it when your level twenty and the three origional classes are rouge, warrior, and mage. character lvels work by killing monsters and completing quests.
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Name: Nora tachito


Gender: girl


Fighting style/weapons: close combat, 2 hunting knives(can become short sword thanks to her telekinesis power), dual guns powered by telekinesis powers.

Personality: kind to people she likes, serious, cocky, likes to tick of people she doesn't like, and likes to tease people as well.

Class: rouge

Abilities: super speed and telekinesis.

Pets: ((will get a pet small dragon and cat in the future))
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Weapon/Fighting style:

A sword

( Will change once he leveled up some more )


Find out as you roleplay with him~


( Quiet | Honest | Critical-Thinker | Friendly )

Easy to befriend but hard to understand. He loves to make friends but sometimes he does things that others don't really get and sometimes his actions go too extreme to the point where they just don't want to be with him but in reality, he just trying to help and make things work so you can survive. He just kinda sometimes over think things. So because of this he tends to keep to himself so that way no one would think he's "weird" and stuff.


Intermediate Mage

( Will change occasionally so check back to see sometimes )


Ice Magic:

Frost: A close-combat magic where he is able to freeze his opponents for a short period of time.

Ice Spikes: A long range combat where needles made of ice used to throw at your target.

Blizzard: A barrier where the user surrounds themselves in a gush of snow and anyone who touches the barrier freezes but this uses a lot of mana.

Snow Debris: A long range and close range combat where the user can surround themselves in snow and debris as the debris hits anyone who gets close.

Frozen Spear: A enhances magic that can be used on any weapon. It covers the weapon in frozen magic and transform it into a spear-like weapon. When you attack a target with it, it causes the target to freeze and break into many pieces immediately but this lasts for only two attacks.

Snowdrop: Level 25

Spiral Glaciers: Level 25

Frost Sword: Level 30

Snow Minions: Level 35

Snowfall: Level 40

| Will add more later on |

Sword Skills:

Every sword skills you need to know?


None but will get one later


None except he's single!

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Name: anemani (goes by ni)

Age (it can be 16-45):16



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Pintail.full.1335519.jpg.4676dd9fe8dd3b68f4f631571882083c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Pintail.full.1335519.jpg.4676dd9fe8dd3b68f4f631571882083c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(just think of her jacket as a bigger kimono)

Weapon/Fighting style (guns are allowed just something that’s not super op): katana

Background (optional): has had a sheltered life and is babied by her big brothers since her parents are out of the picture. Their characters die before the game traps them leaving her trapped alone. Since she’s actually a noob to this game due to a illness preventing her to play at all before the whole starting your level all over again doesn’t bother her. she plans to get a baby dragon once she’s used to the game and is leveled up enough.


has a childish personality though she tries to take care of everyone and keep them happy. Is scared of talking to strangers. She’s shy and REALLY loves food, fluffy things, and animals.



Abilites (maximum is 2):

can forge weapons and knows



  • Pintail.full.1335519.jpg
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Name: Lillian (Lili) Winterbell

Age (it can be 16-45):


Appearace (picture please):


Weapon/Fighting style (guns are allowed just something thats not super op):

Wuju Spear

Intelligent, Peaceful, Acts on mind over brute strength, Determined, Loner, Well Mannered


Abilites (maximum is 2):

Control over wind and Can summon small fire orbs from her fox tails.
Well we could try to make a guild together or do what kirito did... go to some meeting and team up with someone?

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