Remy Lemont

Renn Skye

Two Thousand Club
Remy Lemont



Name: Remy Lemont

Age: 24

Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian, American

Gender: Cisgendered Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic

Occupation: Street Performer

  • Appearance

    Height: 5'8''

    Weight: 149

    Hair: Remy's hair is naturally white, not dyed as a result of hypocobalaminemia - or a Vitamin B12 deficiency - which he has through a hereditary means rather than the more common case of pernicious anemia. As such he can handle it by eating certain foods rich in vitamin B12 without dangerous health consequences, though it does cause his hair to loose all pigmentation as a side effect.

    Eyes: Green

    Body: Lithe, not particularly athletic but not particularly flabby either - the gifts of high metabolism.

    Attire: It depends on if he has a show that day or not - if he's performing Remy has a preference for dressing up and will often spend more on his wardrobe than his housing. However, when he's not planning on working that day he prefers comfortable t-shirts and well worn jeans, often paired with a sports coat ('casual but classy' as he likes to call it, though it's only successful half the time - he's much more suited to the suits and tuxes he likes to perform in, but they're above his means and so tend to be performance-only).


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