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Fantasy Reminiscence Academy


One Thousand Club

《 Signing Up 》


Appearance (both a description and/or a picture is allowed):



Club (team A, B, C, etc.):





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? Shiro Akiyama ?






Club (team A, B, C, etc.):

Team A


Shiro tends to often be serious around people who are new to him. He's wary about coming off as rude to strangers, and so, only joke around with friends or family. While talking to others who are unknown, he often uses a formal tone, and attempts to distance himself away from them. A habit he has is that he continuously speaks his mind, and that might make him come across as a rude person. He himself is aware of this, but can't change it no matter what he does. To make himself a better person, he writes in a diary everyday, something which started since elementary school.


Shiro was born into a family of three, and was an only child. His family was an average family, living in the southern part of Hokkaido in Japan. He hadn't lived there for long, traveling outside the country by the time he turned four. The nation he lived in afterwards was England, where he got accepted into a school. The individuals in the school were quite nice, both the teachers and the students. Even with his habit of letting out whatever was in his mind, they treated him much better than he expected.

As a result, he ended up having little trouble with making friends, and enjoyed everyday with them. Unfortunately, that fun didn't last long, as one day, when he was walking home from school, he was approached by a group of men who knocked him out before he could do anything, and took him with them. Fortunately, his parents were there to see them, and noticing them, the men fled, although Shiro was still knocked out.

After a few days, he woke up in the hospital, surrounded by somebodies he didn't recognize. The only person he knew from them were his father and mother, and the others, who were his friends, escaped his memory. Due to this event, he was taken back to Japan at the age of seven, as he couldn't be in the school he was in any longer due to his memory loss.


The power to change memories of anyone other than himself.
Yumi Lina







Team A


She has a very quiet personality, and she doesn't talk to people much do to a slight bipolar problem, which was developed due to an event in her history. She usually tries to keep herself separate from the rest of the world, and she prefers studying and focusing on schoolwork over socializing and 'wasting time'. She also has a deep passion for music and books, which is when she opens up more.


She was born in Utah, USA, to a family of four. Her mother, her father, herself, and her younger sister, Emily. Her family had lived there for many generations, and were a financially stable family, not exactly rich, however. She attended a private academy, and had made quite a few friends there. She had quite a happy time at that school, until her family was uprooted and moved to Japan. She attended school there, and didn't exactly fit in. She was usually made fun of because of her origins, and so she began to keep to herself.

However, that was not the worst of it. First, she received a telephone call saying Emily had been pronounced dead, having been shot by an escaped member of a local asylum. She suffered great emotional pain, and became quite depressed. Then, one day, when she was walking to her bus stop, one of the boys from her school came and dragged her into a storage closet. He beat her, leaving her with critical injuries.

She never returned home that night, so a search was launched. She was found by a janitor, who called 911 immediately at the sight of her wounds. She was taken to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with head injuries. Since she had already been through a lot of emotional stress and worry, it resulted in a bipolar diagnosis. She was eventually sent home from the hospital, where she could not remember anything that had happened, since the boy had hit her multiple times in the head with a bucket. However, she regained her memory, and it was even worse. Her parents reluctantly sent her to a new public school, where they prayed things would get better.


The ability to change the emotions of others close to her.
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<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.da99034d082bcf6f4793411f55718a2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.da99034d082bcf6f4793411f55718a2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Nicknamed Su by her friends)






Group B


Suzanne (su-za-nay) has a mindset that makes her believe that she should be the first in all classes - just to make her dad proud. But when she doesn't have her nose buried in a book, she's a quirky, sarcastic and fun person to hang out with, if you're her friend. But to everyone outside her circle, she's this quiet, rather cold girl who doesn't care about anything except her studies. Which is really not true. She can be a social butterfly when she wants to be.


Not even her closest friends know Su's past. She is actually the daughter of the principal of the school, yeah, that guy. Her friends only know that her dad works as in a school... Somewhere.

When she was born, Su's father had only recently started Reminiscence Academy. Her father was a kind man, but was rarely ever around to be a father. Her parents would always fight about it. Her mother wanted her father to spend more time with the family. Her father wanted to work for the greater good of the future generation of the world. But Su never noticed this. No, her parents always kept the illusion of them being a perfect family around her.

But when she was eight, her mother finally snapped. She ran off with some other guy, leaving her confused and miserable, and her father heartbroken. The illusion was shattered. It was time to face reality.

Her father finally started paying her the attention she deserved, and Su vowed to make him proud of her. She started to work harder, and earned straight A scores in both sports and studies. Her father also awakened her power, which is fantastically twisted with her past and personality.


The ability to create illusions and distort reality



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{Camila Warren}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpeg.e54895b0bf924a144edffacb41ff0ab3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpeg.e54895b0bf924a144edffacb41ff0ab3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 17

Class: 2-A

Club: Group A

Personality: Camila is one of the most inquisitive in her class, she always seems to make questions out of one sentence. Although that is, she is extremely shy and socially deprived.

Bio: Camila was born with a family that pampered her and loved her, but she had always yearned to know. To know why this does that and why that looks like this.

Her family saw this and told her never to let it show. Worried that it would lead to their 'precious angel' getting hurt. But she was not going to stop.

After a while they accepted that she would not change. So now they love her for her, and not because she could still become the perfect child. Or is it the other way round?

Power: Can manipulate weather.



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Name: Ewan Dricks

Appearance (both a description and/or a picture is allowed):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Apperance.jpg.58a0f96ca2208f4a91b8d240d191edd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Apperance.jpg.58a0f96ca2208f4a91b8d240d191edd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Class: 2-B

Club (team A, B, C, etc.): B

Personality: Ewan is sarcastic, bitter and occasionally rude. But he is also devoted and protective to whoever can see the humor in his sarcasm and embraces it. He has difficulties focusing on more than one thing at a time, often tuning the rest of the world around him out and centering his focus on one thing, though he has difficulty choosing which one. He tries to be controlling but it's difficult for him to go through with it.

Biography: Ewan aged out of foster care mere months ago, he's been in foster care as long as he could remember,with the only knowledge he has about his family put in a small note written by his mother detailing that she could never keep a child of rape, and that she wished she could. As he spent his entire life moving from place to place, lasting friendships were sparse and difficult to keep. Now that he's on his own in his cheap, dodgy apartment he sees this as an opportunity, an opportunity that for once in his life he could be in control. He can be in control of his surroundings, the relationships he keeps, and himself. At least that's what he hopes.

Power: Telekinesis



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Name: Katsu Kiruta

Appearance (both a description and/or a picture is allowed):


Age: 18

Class: 2-B

Club (team A, B, C, etc.): Team A

Personality: Katsu is rash with decisions and his behaviour often being described as a trouble child. He often insults others for the fun of it to see their angry sides and tends to be fairly sarcastic to others. At first Katsu comes off as self serving but it appears that Katsu only shows consideration in those he cares for and is hard to impress, he has a tendency to start fights with others, especially those who may be strong. After traumatic events it appears that Katsu has lost all emotional and moral understanding despite being able to feel care towards certain individuals.


Katsu was born in a family of cultists to Lord Satan, ever since a child his family had seen him as a vessel to their 'lord' and was raised harshly being trained to become strong enough to handle Satan's power even before going through the procedure Katsu was a powerful and feared individual although


As well as having many natural skills such as training in hand to hand combat and weapon use Katsu’s true power lies in his ability to Channel the power of Satan into himself using an ability known as “Channel the Devil”.

Channel The Devil:

Channeling the devil leaves the bearer with increased strength, super speed and the ability to generate and manipulate fire.

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Name: Midnight Crusader

Appearance (both a description and/or a picture is allowed):


Age: 17

Class: 2-B

Club (team A, B, C, etc.): Team A

Personality: Cold exterior, warm interior. She loves animals, especially wintry animals such as wolves, bears, and rabbits. She is bluntly honest, and doesn't really care about the impact of her words. She focuses on her academics, and avoids sports, although she is physically talented. She has never made a friend before, and has never told a secret. However, if someone tries hard enough or amuses/intrigues her, she will become a very loyal friend, will keep secrets for her friends, and will fight for them.

Biography: Midnight was raised on a cold terrain in a tribe, way up north. She originally had brown hair, brown eyes, and light tan skin, and was trained by her family to hunt, cook, and survive on her own in the cold. She had one sibling, an older sister, who was hated by the majority of the tribe for her twisted humor in killing animals for fun, then pranking people with them. Midnight was disgusted by her older sister, and would constantly ignore her or avoid her.

Midnight's sister, Luna, was angered by this treatment, so she brought her sister out to a lake, wanting to 'show her something interesting.' Once they reached the lake, Luna, being stronger than Midnight, pushed Midnight beneath the surface of the cold lake, intending to drown her younger sister. Midnight could feel the freezing water fill her lungs and the burning sensation of not being able to breathe. Her sister could not complete the action, however, because their father had followed them. Midnight's father saved Midnight, and caused Luna to be unconscious. In the process of drowning, Midnight's hair had mysteriously turned white, her eyes blue, and her skin pale. Her father believed that it was a blessing of the spirits, and was thankful that his youngest daughter hadn't died at the hands of his firstborn. He sent Midnight far away from their home so she could get an education far away from where she had almost drowned, so she wouldn't have to be near the waters of the north. This event caused Midnight to be afraid of swimming, for fear of falling under once more and not coming back up.

Power: Ice Manipulation

(Cause yaaaaay soul eater)

Name- Pamela Pierce... Or Pam

Age- 16

Class- 2B

Club- group B

Personality- Pam is .for lack of better words, one of the most bubbly people you'd meet. Meaning she's cheery, and a bit hyper when she's in a good mood. She also has a...somewhat untamed flirtatious side... Hitting on guys and girls alike, she doesn't really mean to all the time, bit its a force of habit. She doesn't really study hard, but she doesn't blatantly not care about classes... And she genuinely wants to pass them, although it may. Not seem like it.

Bio- Pam grew up in a very bad neighborhood, one where gangs were the primary source of everyone misery, or profit. She grew up not unaware of the actions that were taking place, but unaware the exact severity of these actions. She even envied a few of the higher level gangsters, seeing them as some sorta neighborhood watch...needless to say she'll never make that mistake again.

When she was a bit older her family took on a debt to one of the larger, more ruthless gang outfits due to her father's bad gambling habit, and unsavory friends. This led to her father being "recruited" into the gang proper, thugs hustling her mother out of money nearly every paycheck, and Pam who ended up under the wing of a high level thug... Doing.. Er..favors for guys and girls too.. Really whoever payed. This kept on for a while until the police arrested her "handler" this didn't stop her...er..business, but it did allow her to keep a bigger cut of the profits. This coupled with what's already been payed off allowed her family to pay the gang..not enough not wipe away the debt, but get them off their backs.

The family saved up enough to move away, far away. For their parents to get better, honest jobs, and for Pam to go to a new school.

Powers- Pam has the power to make someone attracted to something, be it herself, another person altogether, or even am inanimate object. This attraction can range from a small crush, to something.. A bit more..er...lustful. Though.. Its not permanent, and the time of it varies depending on certain factors, including the degree of attraction, the object of affection, and prior feelings towards the attractor.

( also.. I promise to not go overboard with this character..and get everyone in trouble with an admin or something... I'm a good person.. I swear)

Name: Amalee





Personality: Amalee is rather hyper and straightforward; always speaking her mind without a filter. Sometimes she she can be fun but in a snap she can turn serious. Its a rather odd personality quirk of hers, her moods change so quickly and seemingly without reason.

Biography: Amalee was 4 when her parents died in a plane crash. Since then she was put in the foster system and was exposed to some rough things while there. Now she is legally old enough to be on her own and that's exactly what she plans to do. Shortly after she came of adult age she noticed a strange scarring beginning to develop on her right hand, it burned and itched until she couldn't stand it anymore. Suddenly her hand caught fire with small flame, and her hand finally felt cool. It was the strangest thing, the flame was hot but her hand felt cool. Amalee threw a towel over her hand and the flame burned it to bits. She didn't know what to do, she sat in that abandoned building for three days waiting for that flame to go out. From severe hunger and dehydration she lost consciousness...

Power: Her right hand burns with an extremely hot flame, only concealed by a special glove she later acquires...

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Appearance (both a description and/or a picture is allowed):




Club (team A, B, C, etc.):





(i iz to lazy to even start so...)
Name: Nikosama Demonica (she has a twin i'll make her bellow)

Nickname: Niko

Appearance: She has Black hair<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4dcd70fa_ScreenShot2015-10-01at4.42.31pm.png.45e9a62218e8c73beb0e28e074a5d344.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4dcd70fa_ScreenShot2015-10-01at4.42.31pm.png.45e9a62218e8c73beb0e28e074a5d344.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 16

Class: 2-A

Club (team A, B, C, etc.): team A

Personality: She is always talking and is very enthusiastic. She is always curious and adventures.

Biography: She and her twin were takin away from their parents and grew around animals since they were 3.
Rest will be revealed in the RP

Power: Ability to change into any animal when ever she wants
and when angered she will use lighting bolts at will

Name: Gumysama Demonica

Nickname: Gumy

Appearance: She has White hair<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4dcdc6cd_ScreenShot2015-10-01at4.43.22pm.png.8208b82d960fe0ecfdc610f73ffbc059.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4dcdc6cd_ScreenShot2015-10-01at4.43.22pm.png.8208b82d960fe0ecfdc610f73ffbc059.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 16

Class: 2-A

Club (team A, B, C, etc.): team A

Personality: She is always talking and is very enthusiastic. She is always curious and adventures.

Biography: She and her twin were takin away from their parents and grew around animals since they were 3. Rest will be revealed in the RP

Power: Ability to change into any animal when ever she wants and when angered she will use lighting bolts at will



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Name:John Torque

Appearance :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f8cb1ab3.jpg.64d8dc61cc808bd884400bf89c63f91f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f8cb1ab3.jpg.64d8dc61cc808bd884400bf89c63f91f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Club: Team B

Personality:Young and inexperienced in the real world outside of engineering. Innocent and non-violent by nature.

Biography:John grew up in a small town on the outskirts of a major industrial city. He didn't have a father to raise him and help out around the house so from a a very young age he started to fix things to take the load of his mother. His neighbor was a well know engineer and and after his mother died he toke him in and trained him as his apprentice. He still attended school but never enjoyed it as other kids would bully and make fun of him for always being so dirty. This caused him to be beaten up a lot but he never raised a hand against any of them. After he finished his apprenticeship this school for gifted students contacted him and the rest is soon to be history.

Power: Can see how any device works and can see the moving parts on the inside.



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Blacknife said:
Name:John Torque
Appearance :View attachment 176231


Class:(not to sure what to do here)

Club: (or here)

Personality:Young and inexperienced in the real world outside of engineering. Innocent and non-violent by nature.

Biography:John grew up in a small town on the outskirts of a major industrial city. He didn't have a father to raise him and help out around the house so from a a very young age he started to fix things to take the load of his mother. His neighbor was a well know engineer and and after his mother died he toke him in and trained him as his apprentice. He still attended school but never enjoyed it as other kids would bully and make fun of him for always being so dirty. This caused him to be beaten up a lot but he never raised a hand against any of them. After he finished his apprenticeship this school for gifted students contacted him and the rest is soon to be history.

Power: Can see how any device works and can see the moving parts on the inside.
For the class and club, all you gotta do is put "2-A" or "2-B" for the class (since those are the classes most people are attending) and "Team A" or "Team B" for the club (since those are clubs most people are attending). That cleared up now?
Ashaficent said:
For the class and club, all you gotta do is put "2-A" or "2-B" for the class (since those are the classes most people are attending) and "Team A" or "Team B" for the club (since those are clubs most people are attending). That cleared up now?
Very simple thank you!
Ehm... Hi... Am I allowed to join? Or is it too late? And if I am allowed... Can my OC be a person who can turn into a animal?
Name: Hideki Nakahara

normal <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_9-50-1.jpeg.63da2c07d9466bce28a27429d45898ac.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-28_9-50-1.jpeg.63da2c07d9466bce28a27429d45898ac.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>demon form

Age: 15

Class: 2-B

Club: Team B

Personality: shy, insecure about what he is and the marks on his arms and face. when his demon form comes out, he loses all control of his body, and has no memory of whatever happened when he returns to normal. has frequent nightmares about when he was cursed.

Biography: Hideki was not a demon when he was born. At the age of ten, he was caught trespassing in a demon forest. However, Hideki did not know it was a demon forest since he had gotten lost, and soon reached a clearing with fog everywhere. Soon after he got there, a large demon came out and looked angrily at him.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" The demon had asked him angrily. Hideki was terrified, but still managed to stutter out an answer. "U-um m-my n-name i-is H-Hideki N-Nakahara a-and I-I g-got l-lost i-in t-this f-forest." "That is no excuse for trespassing!!" "HIDEKI NAKAHARA, I CURSE YOU TO BEAR THE BURDEN OF HAVING DEMON POWERS FOR THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!" The demon yelled out. A red circle with a symbol that Hideki didn't understand appeared under him. It started glowing and Hideki screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Some strange marks burned into Hideki's arms and face. He could feel the demon powers being transferred into his tiny, frail body. Hot tears ran down Hideki's face as he begged the demon to stop, but to no avail. "Stop!!" "Please!!" "It hurts." Hideki muttered to himself before passing out from pain and shock. When he awoke, he discovered his hair had changed to white and black, and there were these strange marks running down his arms. His whole body ached, and he lay there crying. A few hours after that, a man found Hideki laying on the forest floor. He decided to take him in, and Hideki had lived with him ever since. That is, until he decided to go to this school...

Power:demon form comes out when he is angry, stressed, or fighting




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