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Realistic or Modern Relived

Two souls, two bodies, one life.

Muse A grew up a fighter. Having been a bit short, they had to make sure they held their ground. They weren't a bully nor could a bully bother them. Their personality gave nothing away to their home life, before college that is. Mom had walked and dad couldn't care less what they did.

Muse B was an old friend of A that they really cared for. Until one day B moved and never saw A again. At their new school/town, they witnessed much bullying of one very quiet kid. They decided that since it didn't involve them, it didn't concern them either. A was always at the forefront of their mind. They planned to contact them one say, to explain and to apologize for their disappearance, for now life would have to keep pulling them forward.

Muse C had what some might call the perfect life. Decent home, decent parents. One crappy brother. He had picked on them since they were kids. Their parents didn't realize his teasing escalated to bullying. Later joined by others both in real life and in online, their mental state deteriorated.

What is the glue for A and C? Death. A is walking down the street when they get shot by a mugger and later died in the hospital. C committed suicide at the same time as A was shot. C was discovered by their parents and had paramedics rushing to save them. Day go by before waking.

A opens their eyes to the white room. It smelled sterile and overly clean. He heard the gentle beep beep beep of his heart monitor. His wrists stung but otherwise he felt fine. He glanced down and his face scrunched in confusion. He had been shot in the chest the night before, surely he should have some chest pain and be bandaged there, yes? Instead he had a bandage on his right wrist. He didn't remember that. Then he noticed his legs. They were considerably longer than before. Did he have a growth spurt? Seemed impossible for his age.

Then a woman walked in, a total stranger he had never met before. When their eyes met hers began to tear up and she leaned out to call for her husband and another boy, presumably her son. Was this the person he had saved? He couldn't be sure. Then the man and woman were upon him, squeezing him in a tight hug. The boy hung back quietly and looked bored.

"Oh my baby, you scared us!" The woman exclaimed.

"How do you feel?" The man asked.

"I um, feel......ok?" He responded with a cracking voice. He cleared it and tried again, "can I have some water?" His voice still sounded different, even after being cleared.

"Of course, hey, get your brother some water," the woman barked at the other boy who rolled his eyes before doing so.

Brother? "Ma'am, I don't have a brother," he said.

Her face fell, deeply hurt by what he said. "Now sweetheart, I know you two don't get along well but he is your brother. And you're our son. I dont know why you did what you did, but we will help you," she said.

This lady was begin to sound crazy. His mother was gone and this man sure looked noth like his father, nor acted like him. "I need to use the bathroom," he said and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He was very unsteady on his feet so he held onto his IV as he walked over. He shut and locked the door behind him as his mind began to go over what was happening. He did his business then went to the sink to wash his hands and splash his face. When he caught sight of the mirror he froze in terror. His face wasn't his! He was a completely different person!

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