religion vs me

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Las noches veteran

The Gillian that peers into dreams
Alright first off..before I begin...I wanna say everyone has there own belief and ya da ya da...

So take that into mind

The day started out normally, I was on my break at college eating a sandwich and talking about dinosaurs to my friend.

Next to me or nearby was a guy who was so smug his nose would be near his arse if it was any higher. He over heard and started to do that mhmm mhmm laugh.

"What's so funny" I responded

And he said "how you believe dinosaurs exsist"

Now I'm gunnar stop incase people want me to continue
Okay I'll continue -

So..I was like

-what kinda pot has this guy been smoking-

"Explain how dinosaurs don't exist"

With another smug snicker he goes "well the bones are planted ofcorse"

You heard that right, someone planted dinosaur bones in the ground. Oh and this someone was lucifer ...
So I explained dinosaurs and the whole evolution. And he said..."you are wrong"

Now I'm very stubborn and know what I'm talking about so if u say I'm wrong. ..there's gunnar be a fight.

My first case in point was:

How did lucifer get the bones into the ground. Before he spoke I then said

"And if you say magic...I will butch slap you with the bible myself." He didnt respond.

Case 2

Show me god

Cause I could get a dinosaur tooth or take him to a museum to show him bones. and what he said was so cheese it makes an omelette du from age look subtle.

"He's me, we are all his childeren we are all his image"

To which I responded

"Hitler....napoleon, Osama, your saying there his childeren or his image" again no response.

Now by the third case, he was getting really annoyed. To which he said

"In order to exist it must die, so what killed them"

I responded "oh...a meteorite"

"Any proof"


.....we never spoke idea why ^_^ "
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I was talking to a friend

He sated dinosaurs didn't exist

I said there's bones

He said there planted/fake

I said no they ain't

He said I was wrong

I gave the information I knew (at the time)

We never spoke...
Freakin creationists. I'm religious and even I don't doubt evolution and science. Science and evolution are only proof (to me) of how perfectly god made the universe.

but anyways lol funny storry
I thank you its not even his belief. ..I believe somethings out there....spiritual or not....but it's when he said I'm wrong...
[QUOTE="the lick]I thank you its not even his belief. ..I believe somethings out there....spiritual or not....but it's when he said I'm wrong...

well yeah, saying dinosaurs are a huge conspiracy is retarded. How does one fake all the bones in the eorld
Honestly I think people like that say stupid shit to get a reaction out of other people. They don't half the time believe that crap they just say it to get you pissed off or to prove how cool or whatever they think they are.

Cuz I mean come on. You can't tell me anyone who has had an education really believes that b.s. Sure if it was like a young kid or someone who had never gone to school I can see it. I mean six year olds think everything is magic and if you've never gone to school to learn about evolution well magic is as good an explanation as anything else.

But for an educated adult person to believe that... yeah no. He was just winding you up to be a dick.
Oh yea I know or at least I hope so...and I weren't taking the piss out of a disabled but even then...

And like I said I respect all beliefes
You know this reminds me of a story a few weeks back. I was watching the Republican debate and when it came time to discuss the environment, it was Rand Paul's turn. Rand made a comment about how the Earth was 4.5 billion years old and we need to make use of all its sources of energy and blah blah blah. Pretty harmless right? Well the next day I go onto his Facebook page and there's a bunch of Donald Trump supporters who were screaming about how Rand was anti-God and worshiped the devil and all this baloney. You'd have thought he took baby Jesus and stomped on his head right then and there!

tl;dr fundies are stupid.
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@the lick

Well I wasn't saying anything about disabled people either. I'm saying that if someone comes up to me with that level of B.S - I'm going to assume they're just being a troll and ignore them.

Unless the person who said it was like a six year old or something in which case sure they might actually believe the devil buried the dinosaurs with magic. Because they're six and they don't know any better.

For that matter if your someone who has never had the opportunity to go to school and has no education sure I can see you having no idea about evolution or the theory of natural selection.

Again in that case if you told me you really thought dinosaurs were killed off by the devil. Sure I'll take that at face value. Hell I wouldn't even say anything - your entitled to your opinion. And really what does it hurt at the end of the day for you to believe that?

The issue I have is when you just say things that are stupid or incendiary purely because you want to be a dick and piss people off. Because your trying to set yourself up as superior or just get under other people's skin.

To me the whole exchange had nothing whatsoever to do with religion and everything to do with your friend just being a dick.

If he was trying to actually back up his religion he would have used examples from whatisit - Genesis or whatever. God made the whole universe in seven days and all that.

That's a legitimate belief. If you believe that in those seven days god made the dinosaurs and the devil killed them then sure whatever.

But he wasn't even trying to back up his claims realistically he was just winding you up.

So yeah I wouldn't say that was religion so much as someone being immature.
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I'm currently working toward a degree in biomolecular sciences.

I can tell you that moat creationists just don't understand evolution and so dismiss it as nonsense.

I once put it in layman's terms, and created a chart to accompany it when talking to a very religious friend of mine.

Her response? After drilling me about it for nearly an hour she stopped and pulled out her phone. She looked to me and said, "I have to call my priest. This is making too much sense."
As someone who is a HUGE fan of dinosaurs, I hate people like this, I usually have nothing against religious people until they start spewing crap like this, if you can seriously believe that dinosaur bones were put there to test our faith or some crap like that, there's something wrong with your opinion.
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I always thought it would be cool to learn from creationists. It's just kinda my personality to learn more about why people believe what they believe. Polarizing sucks so for people to be "right" and "wrong" is all subjective.

Did dinosaurs exist?

Idk I wasn't there to prove it. It's widely believed they did, but it doesn't mean they did for sure. Because we can't really be sure of anything that happens. A long time ago dinosaurs didn't exist as far as we know and we will all burn in hell unless one prayed their asses off.

That's kinda just a side note, it's just really cool to meet extremists and just try to understand why they believe what they do believe without trying to put them down for it.
[QUOTE="the lick]Guess I didn't think of it that way

Yeah idk if I'm just weird like that or what. It's hard but it's super fun. It's like trading ideas like trading Yu-Gi-Oh cards!
Exactly -tho mines a blue eyes white dragon his is a petite dragon- but I see u r point ;p

Jks BTW I respect all opinions

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