

New Member
Race Information

(Keep checking to see if I add a race or edit anything in this list.)


- Appearance: Human

- Most of the population of Reinoa is mages (humans with the ability to use magic). At the age of 8 everyone is required to attend the Academy of magic. By age of 14 every student should have an idea of what element they will specialize in. At age 16 every student will begin their classes to get prepared to use their element and to join their expected guild and prepare for final exams and the graduation ceremony which is at age 18. When you are finally released from the Academy (if you passed your exams) you will be sent to your guild to receive the mark of your guild imprinted into your hand officially making you a member of that guild. If you do a great job, by age 20 you should become a part of the guild council.

- Marks:

Ignis(Fire)=A red flame on the palm of your hand with swirls resembling fire wrapping around your wrist.

Aquea(Water)=A blue wave on the palm and gentle swirls wrapping around the wrist resembling water.

Terra(Earth)=A green leaf on the palm and decorative lines wrapping around the wrist resembling branches or roots.

Ventus(Wind)=A large light blue swirl on the palm with swirls wrapping around the wrist resembling wind/air.

*Lux(Light)=A golden eight pointed star on the palm with swirls wrapping around the wrist like a shooting star.

*Atra(Dark)=A black circle on the palm with many decorative swirls filling it in like a shadow and a trail of decrative marks trailing around the wrist resembling darkness.

- To yield your elemental magic you must be conscious of how much power you use or you could run the risk of losing your life.

- All mages must be loyal to their guild. If the guild council gives you an assignment or a quest you must do as they say. Going against the order of the guild council is a crime.


- Appearance: No iris, just a solid color eye. They are 3 inches in height and they have jagged wings that vary in color.

- Very stubborn creatures and are not very respected. They don't live past a month. Wings are used as key ingredients to elixirs and/or potions to give them more power. There are different colored pixies. Each color means something different.

(Under Construction)

Red=Action, Confidence, Courage, Vitality


Yellow=wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy

Green=life, nature, fertility, well being

Blue=youth, spirituality, truth, peace

Indigo=intuition, meditation, deep contemplation


*Black= Death, earth, stability


(All colors except black and gold are used to create the corrupted)


- Appearance: Looks human besides the wings.

- Very generous creatures and are very respected especially by the guild council members. They can live up to 200 years old and are very intelligent and peaceful. Their powers are associated with nature. Often they are called the guardians of nature and if nature becomes imbalanced then the fairies will die off.

- Types of fairies:Ignis=fire






- They help in the guilds to make executive decisions with the guild council. They usually live in the forests in colonies


- Appearance: Seemingly human, but with pale skin and (when thirsty) red eyes.

- Abilities: Strength, Speed, Compulsion

- Weaknesses: Blood lust (must have at least one drink every week just to stay alive, but still not very strong), Sun (There is a charmed ring just for vampires so they can go into the sunlight), Being stabbed in the heart or decapitation. Natural enemy is the werewolf.

- They usually live in the forests in small clans (3-6 people) but a few have been able to find a place in society of Reinoa if they can afford a blood substitute or find someone who is willing to give their blood.

- Vampires are made by a human/mage being drained of blood and then forcing them to drink a vampires blood.


- Appearance: Human, but at a full moon they gain wolf like characteristics (fur, ears, claws) and stand about 7 feet tall.

- Abilities: Strength, Speed, Agility

- Weaknesses: Silver, (when in wolf form) the animal instinct to kill and not being able to control oneself.

- They usually live in the forests in large packs and some are able to find a permanent home in Reinoa as long as they leave the city the week of the full moon.

- They are created when a werewolf bites a human/mage.

- When they are in their wolf form they have no control over their body and run only on animal instinct.

~The Corrupted~

- Appearance: Lvl 1=deformed and hideous creatures with elongated limbs, long claws, shark like teeth and jaws, dark black eyes with no iris, grey dead skin.

Lvl 2=has more human like characteristics; still has black eyes with no iris, sharp shark like teeth, retractable claws, pale and slightly grey skin.

Lvl 3=Looks human besides its eye with a black iris.

- Abilities: Lvl 1=Strength and venom coating its claws.

Lvl 2=Strength, Speed, and venom on the claws.

Lvl 3=Strength, Speed, Venom, and supernatural power.

- weaknesses: penetration of the heart by a blessed dagger (dagger that has been blessed four fairies of all the different elements)

-Lvl 1=mindless creatures who kill ad destroy anything in their way.

Lvl 2=Not very intelligent, but smarter than a level 1. Responds to given commands and are still very deadly.

Lvl 3=Very intelligent and a great threat.

-The corrupted are made by making an elixir with all the pixies wings in it (Except Black and Gold). By doing this they increase their power and depending on how strong the person is and how much power they can control will determine what level corrupted they will be. They are the main threat to Reinoa which is the reason they built a wall around the city.

~Shape Shifters~

- This is mostly an ability. Some mages have the gift to shape shift into anything from animals to objects. Most mages with this ability will have difficulties controlling their elemental magic; some can’t have elemental magic at all.

Character Sheet

(If you want your character to use light or dark magic please talk it over with me first so that we can come up with a plan)





Race: (Are you a mage or a fairy?)

Appearance: (optional)

Personality: (optional)

Bio: (very brief explaination...parents? Siblings? Orphan?)

Other Information: (Anything else you feel we need to know about your character like what element they plan on specializing in)

Character List:(I will post your character here when I have accepted it.)

Username: JimmyRigon

Name:Jimmy Rigon

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Mage


Personality: Optimistic, multi personality (Just ask and I'll name them off)

Bio: Jimmy has a dad and only a dad his mother left him and his dad at the hospital. He knows of only one of his 4 sibilings and she hims him and his dad out with finacial problems, other then that he is mostly home alone on the computer playing games and watching videos. his life is a boring one unable to go to school hardly to no friends other then online.

Other Information: Violet
Username: JimmyRigon

Name:Jimmy Rigon

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Mage


Personality: Optimistic, multi personality (Just ask and I'll name them off)

Bio: Jimmy has a dad and only a dad his mother left him and his dad at the hospital. He knows of only one of his 4 sibilings and she hims him and his dad out with finacial problems, other then that he is mostly home alone on the computer playing games and watching videos. his life is a boring one unable to go to school hardly to no friends other then online. (If you want it to be longer I'll make it longer)

Other Information: Ignis
Username: Silver_Alpha_Wolf

Name: Dakoda Hunter

Age: 12 (Well, actually 11 but June 25 is her birthday so close enough.)

Gender: Female

Race: Mage

Appearance: Blonde/Gold/Brown hair (It's naturally like that. It doesn't really have a color. It's basically made up of highlights.), Green eyes, A little over average height (5'4"), Slim but not like a stick figure, Pretty, Freckles on nose

Personality: On the outside she can strike people as either cold or too nice, but inside she is neither. She trusts almost no one except her cousin, 5 close friends, and a mysterious boy who lives alone on the outskirts of the city, who she has fallen in love with. She makes friends easily but enemies almost even more easily. Hyper with Attention issues (ADHD), Talks too much, Outgoing and friendly to people that she like or doesn't know very well, vicious towards enemies, good at drawing, creative, good battle strategist, and likes animals

Bio: Lives with uncle, aunt, and cousin who is 13. She has a tightly knit circle of 5 close friends, then a circle of 14 other friends. Many people like her, but she has many more enemies. They are intent on ruining her reputation and sometimes even hurting/killing her.

Other Information: Ignis
Username: Bettsyboy

Name: Ruby McArty

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Mage/Werewolf

Appearance: thick, blonde hair, Green eyes and a slight body shape.

Werewolf appearance: Large, blonde all over, with a long, bushy tail ndlarge, somewhat dull claws, but still more than powerful enough to cause some damage.

Persoality: Ruby is highly energetic frequently huggng people, this has lead to some people calling her flirty, but shes just effectionite, she is always gigglingand laughing, but if her friends are in danger, she goes from the appy, bubbly noral self to a darker, stronger self, her eyes and skin haveeen known to glow blue

Bio: Ruby lived with a very loving family in the woods, she spent her time playing with the animals ad at night she would be with her family in their hut, except for full moons, whre she would go to bed early, ad wake up with an odd tste in her mouth, and soe of her animal friends would go missing.

She moved into the city not a month ago, but she frequently get lost, and even wlks into walls when she sees something (or someone) pretty.

she lives in a small appartment alone, so the pace is very empty, she gets by by using her magic to help others, and getting paid for it.

Other: Ventus (wind)
I have no idea whether this thread is dead or not, but I would like to join please ^-^

Username: Luna-chan

Name: Luna Porter

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Mage (Aquea)

Appearance: girl/KataraUchiha/Anime/Pictures/555180.jpg?o=202

Personality: She is mostly quiet and is usually lost in her own world. She likes to draw, read, and write all day, and you can usually find her sitting alone in the library reading. She makes friends pretty easily because she is very kind, and she isn't shy, she just doesn't talk much. She is a very good listener and is very wise.

Bio: She is an orphan, and has been alone ever since her younger sister has gone missing. She was a light elemental mage who was only a year younger than her. She still has problems talking about that topic. She used to live with her grandmother when she was a child, because her parents left her behind to trade in their lives for eternity as the undead (vampires). They never really cared about her or her younger sister. Although now she lives on her own and stays in the school dorms because her grandmother was brutally murdered by a werewolf when outside in the forest one day five years ago.

Other Information: She has the power over water (Aquea Mage) and has pretty good control over her powers. She doesn't like to boast about them though, and tries to hide her strong abilities most of the time, only showing them when it's absolutely necessary.

Username: Luna-chan

Name: Levi Cothren


Gender: Male

Race: Fairy (Terra)

Appearance: guy/KataraUchiha/Anime/Pictures/Anime Boys/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg?o=100

Personality: Very playful and always joking, he pulls pranks on everyone and is very skater-ish. He doesn't like anything being perfect, and acts himself all the time, no matter who he's around. He tends to be a pretty big smart-a** sometimes, and can't really contain himself. Although he appears childish, he is pretty smart and can be extremely serious about things when need be. He gets stressed really easily, and tends to smoke when he does.

Bio: He lives with his mother, his father left them for another woman when he was five years old, just the right age for him to remember almost everything that happened. He gets really pissed off when people talk about his dad and seems to hate him very much. He tries to protect his mom from everything, she means the world to him. He has no siblings and most of the rest of his family has died.

Other Information: He is ok at his element, which is Earth (Terra), but he has some difficulties with controlling it. A lot of the time he will wake up to the smell of flowers and realize his entire room is filled with them.

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