• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern REGNET - the court

romantic orientation
sexual orientation

realistic fc required
body type
distinguishing features
body modifications
voice claim (optional)
style (optional)

vices (3+)
virtues (3+)
temperament (1 of the 4)
moral alignment
describe them in a sentence
fears (3+)
strengths (3+)
weaknesses (3+)
likes (3+)
dislikes (3+)
quirks (3+)

are they loyal to the queen?
are they worried about her ascent to the throne?
how will they feel about the war, once it begins?
guards: how do they feel about the royals having powers?

(3+ paragraphs. detail is appreciated.)

gavin uriah langworthy - wound transferral & regenerative healing factor - the first born
ariana imogen langworthy - omni-energy manipulation - the queen
mercedes anne langworthy - sleep and dream manipulation - the accident
the heir, the spare, the affair​

name isaac jameson lennox
alias n/a
age 26
gender cismale
birthday december 27th
zodiac capricorn
province eriethia
keeper of the seals, lesser nobility
rom. orientation demi-grey (borderline aro) romantic
sexual orientation asexual
power(s) memory manipulation

height 6'2"
weight 130 lb.
body type thin, with not much muscle mass to brag about
blue, even toned
hair golden blonde, goes from curls from waves on different days
distinguishing feature(s) faint freckles and the pale pink undertone of his skin
body mods n/a
voice claim
tom hughes
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Cha'tima Hiamovi

Name: Cha'tima Haimovi, the Snake

Age: 25

Birthday: June 24

Zodiac: Cancer

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Province: Twisbo

Role: Crown Prince

Height: 6"0

Weight" 148

Hair: Pure black and reaches almost to the middle of his back.

Eyes: Dark Brown


A cobra is usually always curled around his waist or arm, and he affectionately refers to it as Chumana.

He is immune to poison, and he ingested some everyday to fuel his attacks.

Vices: Arrogant-Callous-Fickle

Virtues: Valor-Protective-Leadership

Quirks: Messes with his hair when he's bored- Pets Chumana whenever he's uncomfortable- Hums

Skills: He can concoct poisons with varying results.

He has a way snakes, and he can make them do his bidding and communicate with them.


Biography: Twisbo was possibly the most secretive province in the land, and few had ever seen it. However, it was still home, and the citizens loved it. The thorns were nothing but decorations, and little children scurried under them as they played without getting a scratch. Adults swatted them away if they were growing to wild, their hands calloused to the point they didn't feel a thing from the pricks. A lot of citizens and even the royal family had abilities that allowed them to control nature, so they made the thorns part of their protection. They could create walls around the city or use them to defend. It was a peaceful place.

Cha'tima's father came into power before CHa'tima was born, and he wasn't exactly able to live up to his now late father. He was greedy and ill-tempered and rash. When Cha'tima was born, his father immediately tried to get him to work on his powers. His father was extremely skilled with using nature to overpower others, and he wanted his first born to be the same. Cha'tima failed miserably, and his father finally realized he was nothing but a waste. When his siblings were born, Cha'tima was forgotten about.

His mother was poisoned by an angry man who wanted revenge on Cha'tima's father when he was 14, and his father raged for weeks. He got drunk and spent his days raising hell. Cha'tima always looked out for his siblings, and he protected them from their father's drunken ramblings. His father hit him many times whenever he blocked him from his children who were too young to understand what was happening. Cha'tima never faltered or abandoned them.

Cha'tima's father challenged the boy to the Dance Of Thorns when he turned 18. It was a rite of passage for all children with abilities, and it was custom for them to battle against a parent. If the child lost, they were ordered to complete a task by the parent that would him them find their ability. Usually it was things like meditating in the forest, but sometimes it was rougher; a sign of tough love. Cha'tima was faced against his rarely sober father powerless. Thorns shot from the ground and raked his skin, and he could hear the gasps from the surrounding crowd as his father continued the onslaught until Cha'tima was pleading for it to stop. His father did, but his eyes were cold as steel.

He turned to the surrounding villagers and spoke.

"My son is unfit to rule. He is weak, and no longer my blood. My order is that he be thrown into the snake pit."

The snake pit was exactly what it suggested, but it merely for healers to use the snakes to get antidotes since there were so many snakes in the province.

The villagers couldn't do anything to help the boy, and they watched him be dragged to the pit near the healer's house.

Cha'tima remembered hitting the ground, and the hisses. He felt a bite on his leg, but he was too out of it. Until slowly, the hisses sounded like words. They were comforting. The snake who bit him curled around his wrist, and that was the last thing he saw before darkness overtook him.

He scared the village when he climbed out of the pit 12 hours later, blood oozing from scabbing wounds and a snake encircling his wrist that hissed at anyone who looked at it.

Cha'tima told the serpent to bring his father out.

Cha'tima immediately changed forms into a giant cobra and attacked him. Thorns erupted from the ground as his father tried to protect himself, but they slid off his scales. Cha'tima injected him with poison and left him twitching in the courtyard.

He was named crown Prince soon after and was sent to recover from his wounds. The spectacle was talked about far and wide, and people who had known him before the incident were surprised at Cha'tima's new attitude. The scared little boy was gone. He had shed that side of him like a snake sheds skin.

Cha'tima agreed to help the queen because he simply hates tyrants. It doesn't mean he'll cooperate fully.

are they loyal to the queen? to a certain extent. he'll abide by her rules but there is no complete loyalty.
are they worried about her ascent to the throne? as long as she doesn't do anything to threaten his province, he could care less.
how will they feel about the war, once it begins? Cha'tima will be concerned for his people and be worrying over Twisbo more than anything.


code by l o l i t a
xFears: Heights-Losing his siblings- Not being a good leader


Temperament: Melancholic

Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Power: Cha'tima uses poison that he ingests regularly that he uses for his attacks. He can spit poison, and make poison mist. The toxicity and affects of his attacks depend on which kinds of poison he is using. If he is low of poison to use, he wills Chumana to bite him and inject venom into him that he can use. Cha'tima also has vials of poison he carries around to use if he needs to.

Cha'tima can turn into a giant snake, but it his his last defensive and drains him a lot. He has only done this two times in his life.


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bitter are the wars between brothers
\\ roan alder moore - aura reading/manipulation - crown prince of eriethia
// terran emrys moore - storm embodiment - disgraced
- E M E R S O Nii&iiO C T A V I U S -
| emerson blair |
first born, crowned princess of yeuroe: the vengeant, the merciless, the proud - pressure manipulation
| octavius blair |
third born, prince of yeuroe: the blamed, the mistake, the cursed - empathy & empathic healing
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Woya Hiamovi, the Dove
"If a man is as wise as a serpent, he can afford to be as harmless as a dove."

Name: Woya Hiamovi

Age: 16

Birthday: March 18th

Zodiac: Pisces

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Province: Twisbo

Role: Youngest Sibling

Height: 5'7

Weight: 128

Hair: Dark brown and almost black ,but not quite. It's wavy but curls up more when wet.

Eyes: One is dark brown, but the other is much lighter. It gives the appearance as if he's staring right into your soul.

Other: Woya suffers from face-blindness. He can't recognize people by their face, and instead has to use things like clothes, voice, and things like nervous tics to recognize a person. However, he hasn't noticed he' different and his siblings haven't either. He acts weird sometimes, but they blame it on the loss of their mother,

Vices: Gullible-Social anxiety-Wears his emotions on his sleeve

Virtues: Caring-Inquisitive-Jovial-Calm disposition

Quirks: His laugh sounds a lot like bells-He talk really fast and moves erratically when talking about something he's passionate about- Animals like him and seem to trust him, so he's usually found in outside surrounded by them

Skills: Singing-

Fears: Being separated from his loved ones- Being hated for his abilities-Hurting someone or something


Temperament: Phlegmatic

Moral Alignment: Lawful Good

Power: Woya can read minds like a book. Usually it's nothing more than reading small thoughts, like "Wow, what a great meal!" that pop up quickly. However, if he stays around a person for too long, his powers let him glimpse deeper and deeper until he's no longer seeing thoughts but memories. His older brother warned him not to display this ability to anyone outside of Twisbo.

Woya can also nudge emotions in different directions. It's usually not that powerful unless he is feeling very emotional himself. Sadness his the one that is very powerful, but the other emotions are rarely backed by such strong feelings and don't affect too many people.

Woya was the youngest of the group of siblings, and he was the wildest and was a fierce ball of sunshine. It was common to see the small boy with wild ringlets of hair scampering through the palace with the usual nanny and sometimes a guard chasing after him. He was always smiling, and his mother always had him by her side. He remembered some details about her, like her hands were always calloused from working in her gardens and she always smelled like earth and jasmine. Her hair was a curtain of black and soft to the touch. Sometimes she braided flowers into it, and he would tug at them lightly and she would laugh and put some in his own ringlets. His father ignored the two when Woya was little, but after a while he decided the boy needed more manly things to do. When he turned 8, his father started taking him to hunt. Woya couldn't bring himself to do take any animal's life of course, and his father simply said they'd try again when he got older. He thought he failed his father, but his mother pulled him to her and laughed. "Ignore that man, you hear? You are my little dove, and doves do not fight. They bring hope and peace, and that's all we need in these times. Don't forget who you are, ᏬᏱ"

A year later, he watched her gasp for breath and shudder for a few minutes until she collapsed in her salad. There was a lot on pandemonium, but the boy got through the crowds and managed to grasp her hand. It was cold, colder than it had ever been. He didn't need to be a genius to know what that meant.

He took off running, out of the dining hall, through the silent hallways, and past the courtyard, right into the woods. He was too sad to cry. It felt like something was in his throat, and his grief was like a rock on his chest. He laid in the dead leaves, silent and hurting. He stayed there for a while until he finally made a small sniffle. His walls came crashing down and his body was wracked with sobs that finally lulled him to sleep.

He woke up to the sound of a herd of deer passing by. They regarded him as if he was an interesting plant, and he found himself regarding them in the same manner. Suddenly, it felt like his mind had detached, and he had an image of a boy - no, himself - looking at himself. He felt a feeling of curiosity and wariness as well. Woya shook his head and the image and feelings left as quickly as they had come.

Things at the palace were worse. All he heard were comments on how the queen's death was so tragic, and how awfully the king was dealing with it. He felt everyone's sadness weighing him down like a ton on his chest. Melancholic thoughts rolled around his head that weren't his. His brother looked him in the eyes and said they were going to get through it, but the whole time he was speaking, Woya heard his thoughts rolling around like thunder. He was grieving and scared. It made Woya wish his older brother wasn't. He was the oldest, and if couldn't get through it then no one could. Cha'tima's thoughts suddenly got a bit lighter. He started thinking about how his mother's soul would be at peace in the ᎠᏂᏣᎳᎩᎦᏙᎯ. He had gotten a bit happier, and Woya had been the cause.

The funeral for their mother was done in the Twisbonian fashion, otherwise called the Journey of the Soul. Her body was wrapped in her quilt and placed in a decorated canoe that was filled with trinkets and flowers. Woya laid a small bracelet made of leather rope that had been intertwined with dried jasmine flowers and had a small dove feather added as well. Cha'tima was nowhere to be seen, and Woya wasn;t surprised. His brother hated funerals because it was a reminder that person truly was gone. People started leaving until it was just Woya, who was in charge of pushing the canoe at dusk. It was the honor saved for the family of the deceased, but it seemed Woya was the only one there to do it. The sun started dipping below the horizon, and Woya reached out to push to canoe, and so did someone else. Woya and Cha'tima both sent the canoe off together silently.

Woya told his siblings of his abilities sometime later, and Cha'tima told his little brother not to tell their father or influence his emotions. Woya was confused about the second order, especially since Cha'tima had been getting the worse out of their father's mood swings that had only increased since their mother's death. He asked of course, but Cha'tima simply ruffled his hair and told him it's what he needed to become a better crown prince.

The second time Woya cried was when he saw his older brother mauled by his father's thorns and tossed into the pit. His powers were past his control, and the whole village felt his devastating sadness that seemed to choke them.Even his father looked hesitant, and he stared at the snake pit with a facial expression Woya could never recall since he wasn't able to see it. He had to be dragged away from the snake pit and locked in his room. He threw a tantrum, and his whole room was in ruins. He cried himself to sleep.

Woya woke up after the death of his father, but as soon as he woke up, he sensed his brother's thoughts. He pounded on his door until he was freed and he ran to his brother. He was injured and Woya would have been confused about who he was if he didn't have his mind abilities.

Woya watched the golden crown get placed on his older brother's heads a few days later, and he knew his brother was going to be the best leader the province had. Woya always stays by Cha'tima and makes sure no one with ill intentions gets to enact them. He can't lose him again, nor his sister, the closest thing to his mother he has.
are they loyal to the queen? yes
are they worried about her ascent to the throne? he doesn't really get politics and such, so he wouldn't see why there would be anyone against it.
how will they feel about the war, once it begins? He'd be worried about his siblings and their province.

Bio Format by: Honeybees


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halona hiamovi
'nobody prays until there's a war to be won'

-the leopard
-middle kid
-light and plant manip
-lesbian fantasies galore





-a little wicked-

-The Fisherman's Son-
{ please note that some items will be missing if viewed in Night Life RPN format }

"Some men are meant to be Kings, dear sister."
-Lukas Brigham


Twenty-one years of age.


The twelfth of August.


Leo || The Lion








Duke || Royal




Six feet, and two inches.


A hundred and eighty-five pounds.


A stubborn mess of dark brown.


Ghostly grey.


Light brown sunspots dots some areas of his cheeks, and runs across the bridge of his nose.

















-Lukas smokes a pack a day, and would do almost anything to get his fix.

-The young duke enjoys the cold, and is perpetually seen with inadequate clothing despite the chilly weather.

-His skin is dry, making everything about him feel and seem 'rough.' His lips are almost always marred with cracks due to dryness, which results in tiny bruises.

-He prefers spices over sweets, and the rain over the heat.

-He sleeps without any clothing.


+Lukas can tell a lie without faltering.

+He can do the waltz blindfolded.

+Speaks three languages.

+Adept at persuasion.

+Hand to hand combat




-Suffers from claustrophobia.

MBTI Type:

ESTJ-A || The Executive



Moral Alignment:

Neutral Evil




If I Had A Heart


Blood Magic

It is often said that the Brighams always kept a blade in their pocket, for in order to use their power, they have to draw blood. Their blood. Their bloodline is 'tainted,' and with the accompaniment of spells and incantations, has the ability to deliver maladies, curses, luck, charm, and the like. Consumption of their blood in raw can heal physical wounds. The Brighams, however, cannot heal themselves from their own blood. The source has to be 'untainted.'


To learn about someone, we must go back to the very beginning.

Many moons ago, Odiu had a different line of succession for Dukedom. They were the Pemberlys, a royal family of five, with Matthias Pemberly, only son and heir apparent to the late Victor Pemberly, styled as the Duke of Odiu. The Pemberlys were vastly different from the Brighams. Not only are their families unrelated (and in contrasting social status), but the Pemberlys were magnanimous where the Brighams were self-serving, gentle where they are rough, and compassionate where they are ambitious. On his deathbed, Victor passed his title to his only son Rickard, who, with his mother's blessing, later wed a Lady from the Royal Court. The family held their title for two more years until it was discovered that the Duke and Duchess could not produce a child. Not long after, a strange malady befell the family, taking both of Rickard's younger sisters' lives. After the burial, the Duke fell into a depression, and was never the same again. With no one left in the line of succession, the question of Dukedom was sent to court, where the Brighams managed to claim the title.

"Power. Intoxicating. Like a fine wine."

Magnus Brigham was born a fisherman. The fishes under the immense seas and large bodies of water that riddled the province of Odiu was all he had ever owned (or partly owned) his entire life. That, and his weathered fishing boat that had been handed down to him by his humble father. Seafood is the delicacy of Odiu, and if he continued with his trade, he'd have enough to get by day to day for the rest of his life. But Magnus was a different man from his father. Magnus believed he was destined to far more greater things than fickle fishes and rocking boats. He wanted more. So much more.

One day, as he sat in his boat upon the still waters with a net below, waiting for a catch, he looked up at the bluff that marred the blue sky. The castle sits on top of it, with the sounds of laughter and merriment echoing beyond its painted walls. The fisherman looked at the grand structure for a moment, studying it as a thought crossed his mind, when the net suddenly jerked with weight. The hempen rope dug through his fingers, managing to cut his calloused hand. As he watched the droplets of his blood mix with the water, Magnus pulled his catch on board, a smile forming on his lips. He wanted more, and now, he has figured out a way to get it.

Magnus Brigham was born a fisherman, and there were plenty others like him. But Magnus was different. Somehow, he knows the exact place where there will be plenty of catch. Somehow, only his fishes were plump and healthy. Somehow, his sales can help cure ailments and even help wounds heal faster. For the right price. Within months, Magnus Brigham was one of the wealthiest merchants in the province, and began owning lands. His competitors fell one by one, either from lack of sales, or severe sickness. Nobody knows how he did it, nobody ever got suspicious (and even if they did, they had no proof) because nobody knew much about Leo Brigham, Magnus's humble father, the fisherman. Nobody paid any attention to him, because he was just like everybody else, a simple man trying to live day by day. So, nobody knew about his secret; an old type of magic he never used because he believed in the devil and his powers. A magic that has a lot of potential, both good, and dangerous. Blood magic.

"This will never end 'cause I want more. More. Give me more. Give me more."

The title of Dukedom was won at court by Magnus Brigham, due to his wealth and vast lands. Much like the late Duke Rickard Pemberly, he married a Lady of the Royal Court, Lady Agatha who held the title for second of the most lands owned. Together, they had three children, all of whom knows about Blood Magic as much as their mother, which was close to none. Magnus was careful about his secret (knowing the consequences if word gets out), and only taught and revealed it to his beloved oldest son, Lukas. Lukas Brigham is very much like his father, and even resembles him in more ways than one. They both have stubborn brown hair, ghostly grey eyes, a condescending smile, and a temperament like the numerous bodies of water in Odiu; capricious.

Magnus trained his heir apparent to be even better than he was, both in business, and the dark arts. Because of this, the young boy's personality mirrored his father's, although he did inherit his mother's playfulness and charm. Despite Blood Magic being one of the powerful types of magic, it cannot reverse ageing. When Duke Magnus Brigham passed away, the title was passed on to Lukas, who readily accepted it. The current year is his first year of Dukedom, and he is determined to play 'the game' better than his father did. Magnus did not get enough time to get what he wants; the one thing that he saw many moons ago when he was siting on that boat upon the still waters, with a net in hand. Although he never told his son, Lukas knows all about it. And he is determined to make it happen. Because Lukas Brigham believed that he was destined to far more greater things than selling trades and owning lands. He wanted more. So much more.
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[ qiáo xiulan ; ]
you are sharp edged steel, a long fragment of a shattered mirror, the broken bone reflection of a cruel smile.

NAME qiáo xiulan
ALIAS you can try but she might cut you
GENDER cis female
AGE twenty
BIRTHDAY november 13th
ZODIAC scorpio
PROVINCE relyuio
ROLE crown princess
ORIENTATION hasn't bothered to identify
POWER psychic torture
[ x ]

HEIGHT 5'7" [170 cm]
WEIGHT 126 lbs [57 kg]
HAIR raven black
EYES a brown so dark you can't distinguish her pupils from her irises
DIST. FEATURES her makeup is always flawless, high cheekbones
STYLE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

all that you are is ripped edges and cracked glass but your heart still throbs with lioness blood.

VICES arrogant, ruthless, distrustful, critical, vindictive, unforgiving
VIRTUES capable, organized, intuitive, perspicacious, communicative, responsible
ANIMA lorem ipsum
TEMPERAMENT lorem ipsum
MBTI lorem ipsum
IN A SENTENCE lorem ipsum
FEARS lorem ipsum
STRENGTHS lorem ipsum
WEAKNESSES lorem ipsum
LIKES lorem ipsum
DISLIKES lorem ipsum
QUIRKS lorem ipsum
THEME lorem ipsum


BIOGRAPHY lorem ipsum
we are little gods unto ourselves. locust-eaters, fire-bleeders, laughing wicked boys with stained mouths.

NAME qiáo zemin
GENDER cis male
AGE twenty-three
BIRTHDAY march 2nd
ZODIAC pisces
PROVINCE relyuio
ROLE prince
ORIENTATION panromantic omnisexual
POWER electrokinesis
[ x ]

HEIGHT 6'2" [188 cm]
WEIGHT 186 lbs [84 kg]
HAIR black
EYES dark brown but a shade lighter than his sister's
DIST. FEATURES his bone structure/jawline tbh, has the Best laugh lines, flashy dresser
BODY MODS one tattoo on the inside of his left thigh [ x ], another on the left side of his abdomen [ x ]
VOICE CLAIM godfrey gao [ x ]
STYLE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

our laughter tastes like victory. go on, tell us how we are beautiful, how our skin reeks of thunder.

VICES lorem ipsum
VIRTUES lorem ipsum
ANIMA lorem ipsum
TEMPERAMENT lorem ipsum
MBTI lorem ipsum
IN A SENTENCE lorem ipsum
FEARS lorem ipsum
STRENGTHS lorem ipsum
WEAKNESSES lorem ipsum
LIKES lorem ipsum
DISLIKES lorem ipsum
QUIRKS lorem ipsum
THEME lorem ipsum


BIOGRAPHY lorem ipsum
[ qiáo zemin ; ]
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[ phoenix quinn elgan ; ]

- guard
- fee fi fo fum looks intimidating but is actually dumb
- comes off as aloof or cold sometimes but it's on accident
- professional but awkward
- is trying his best
- just a stressed dad trying to keep his prince(ss) safe but also make time for his son and be a good father but life is hard and he has too many responsibilities

= name: maisie adelaide gordon

= alias: her highness (because of her personality, maisie despises the title, and would much rather be called by her name)

= gender: cisfemale

= age: nineteen

= birthday: june eighteen

= zodiac: gemini

= province: gerilia

= role: crown princess

= romantic orientation: demiromantic

= sexual orientation: heterosexual

= power: astral projection (if you've ever watched danny phantom, then you might be familiar with this. basically, maisie has the ability to become a ghostly form, and do as she pleases. nobody can see her in that form, and her actual body is completely still. she does it at night when she can't sleep. the aftermath of using it is very energy-draining, and more often than not, she's stuffing her face with food to regain the energy.)

= face claim: lyzy adler

= voice claim: caitlin stasey

= height: five foot three inches

= weight: one hundred nine pounds

= body type: petite, with the slightest curves

= eyes: blue eyes that look like the morning sky. when she's using her astral projection, her eyes turn milky white.

= hair: wispy blonde hair. she calls it a nuisance, specifically in the mornings. reaches the middle of her back.

= distinguishing features: somewhat thick eyebrows, and a long scar from the top of her thigh, to just above her knee.

= body modifications: not applicable



coding; all rights reserved: crucialstar
note: all pictures are clickable
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hella wip transferring/updating all the old cs stuff

zhenji ming
crown princess of yeuroe
22 years old
born july 28th
semi lithromantic
zodiac: leo
& dragon
5'6" // 125 lbs
black hair
auburn eyes
extended canines
mbti: i/entj-ttempermant: choleric
alignment: lawful neutral
themes: all we know
home is where the heart is
quirks: wants to eat food as spicy as possible, refuses to make social and public appearances without being properly dressed/prepared, does not like physical contact
fears: destruction of her homeland, death of her culture, failure to meet expectations set for her
vices: stubborn, judgmental, manipulative, ruthless
virtues: determined, confident, perceptive, calculating
strengths: political maneuvering, strategic planning, enhanced hearing and smell
weaknesses: tradition, emotion, bad boys
Zhenji is a shape shifter with an affinity for the red fox. This translates to partial vulpes physiology in her human form, including enhanced senses and agility. As for shape shifting, her inexperience limits her mostly to animals and inanimate objects she interacts with regularly. While she has the potential to progress to more (such as taking the form of other humans), it would take an immense amount of training and dedication.
are they loyal to the queen?
are they worried about her ascent to the throne?
how will they feel about the war, once it begins?

(3+ paragraphs. detail is appreciated.)
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name yseult gloriana vanderbilt
alias n/a
age 19
gender cisfemale
birthday september eigth
zodiac virgo
province gerilia, of twisbo origin
marquessa, lesser nobility
rom. orientation heteromantic
sexual orientation bisexual
power(s) vertigo inducement

height 5'7"
weight 120 lb.
body type waifish, looks as if she could blow away with the wind
radiant green, flecked with with bronze
hair chocolatey brown, thick and hard to tame
distinguishing feature(s) burn scar on right forearm extending into the palm of her hand and the sharpness of her expressions
body mods belly button and septum piercing
voice claim
zoe saldana
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