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Multiple Settings Regency & General Historical Roleplay


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! You can call me Kleio; I'm a twenty-two year old roleplayer with multiple years of experience, though none of those years have been recent! I'm looking for someone to help me jump back in the deep end, so to speak. Currently, I'm looking to bring to life a Regency-Era plot that's been bouncing around my head, involving a male OC to play off of a female OC of mine.

I'm not going to be a stickler about historical accuracy; in fact, the plot will require a bit of leniency on our part. The basic gist of it is: the (not actually, but believed to be) bastard daughter of a Duke/Earl is naturalized when it is found out her parents were married prior to her birth. Our story would center around her social debut, and the juxtaposition between a country-born girl who might be a bit too forward with her feelings and a closed-off man who was born and bred into the English aristocracy/gentry.

That's all the detail I'll give for now, as I'd like to leave the male character open to interpretation. I'd also be interested in introducing a fantasy element into the plot! I've always loved the idea of a fantasy plot set in that period.

Beyond that, I would be open to a multitude of historical couples and OC pairings throughout various historical periods. Ask me if you're interested!

Some general info about my writing style and what I'm looking for:

- Long-term, literate, 3rd person — multi-para/novella
- My timezone is CST
- I don't require a post every day, nor can I promise one. I'll always try, though!
- I'm open to the possibility of doubling, but I'd like for the plots to relate somehow. I'm very open to ideas!
- I'm always down for face claims and ooc chatter about shipping.
- I'm open to a multitude of mediums - email, forum, Tumblr, what have you.
- If you're interested in discussing this further, pm me! I'll provide you with my email (as well as writing samples, if you'd like), as that's the best way to contact me.

Overall, I'd love to find someone awesome I can gel with, who is passionate about our characters and the story we're telling.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and I hope you're having a lovely day![/TD]
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