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Fantasy Redux of the Age of Heroes


Junior Member
Please do not post here until your character has been approved by me in the Out of Character Chat

The city of Unity was always a sight that rivaled any other man made buildings in the world, either due to its great walls or the beautiful craftsmanship of the buildings. Normally the city was a hive of activity from different traders and political groups either passing through or using the neutral grounds of the city to help forge alliances or decide on new trade routes. However it was not a normal time in the city, rather it was a time of celebration.

Every ten years the city of Unity would hold a three day celebration of the end of the Jackal threat, as a way to remember the history that came before and to unite the people of the world, even if only for a small time. The fact that the trade and business that are brought into the city for those three days is almost ten times what would be made in an average month is strictly irrelevant. Mostly.

The first day is given to honor the deities that granted the various races of the world a chance to survive the darkness that had tried to bring an end to the world. People would spend most of their days in prayer to one or many of the gods, sitting through hymens, prayer sessions, and the scriptures that the various worshipers of the gods collected. When the sun began set people would gather in the center of the city and lower their heads for a final prayer in thanks for the world they were given. When the sun fully sets the people return to either homes or inns to enjoy a meal and rest before the second day.

The second day of the celebration is in remembrance to those who died in the Dark Age, a day of mourning for the nameless and the forgotten, those that died never knowing a life without fear and pain. Stories told of soldiers or leaders that held fast and protected as many people as they could are often told to the masses, and storytellers and bards can be found anywhere in the city, weaving the tales of the past so that they are not forgotten by the passage of time. As the sun sets on the second day a large fire pit is erected in the center of the city, and fire mages create a funeral pyre so that those who wish to may pray for the souls of the forgotten. It is also traditional to throw an item of significance into the flame, in hopes that those who died may find comfort in the memories and love attached to the item.

The third day is the day of celebration, honoring the lives that the Seven had granted them all those years ago by living it to the fullest. Throughout the city vendors sell exotic and odd wares to all those who have the gold to pay for it. Performers entertain vast crowds with tricks of acrobatic skill or songs. Magicians show off their art in competitions held by various colleges, with different competitions depending on skills. One of the biggest attractions were the tournament grounds, where young warriors battled against each other in controlled combat, rangers shot targets in magically operated target shoots, and duelists fired their weapons against the rangers in playful competition. Gambling Parlors opened for games of chance, vast tents filled with foods that most only dreamed of. Even the royal families of various kingdoms could be found among the peasants. All were equal and as one on this day.

And it was also the day everything would change.

Side Events- These are used as story beats between the main actions and adventures in the story. Players can either try them alone or team up to receive some reward.

Optional mission 1: A False Smile

While walking through the performance area your hero might happen upon a rather rare sight, a female dragon in human form performing a rather lovely song and dance for an enraptured audience, a smile on her lovely face. However to a keen eye it is easy to notice that the smile doesn't reach her eyes, and the golden collar that had once looked like decoration has a rune of obedience in it. Among the crowd you see a well dressed man with a rune in his hand to activate it, and is moving among the various people and sneaking away their purses. How you deal with the situation is up to you.

Optional mission 2: Hunter becomes Hunted

Should you happen upon the stalls you might see an interesting sight, two younger Elves, a young man and woman, on the run from a number of guards. With a quick look you might notice there is a symbol on the back of the Elves cloaks, the symbol of Piom, the god of Subtly and Wit. Those who wear the symbols openly are more often then not Hunters of devious monsters known as Changelings, who can use their natural ability to change their looks to cause no small amount of chaos to serve their own deity, Strimar, the goddess of Entitlement and Paranoia. Do you choose to aid the Hunters, or aid the guards? That much is yours to decide.

Optional mission 3: Knowledge Aflame

A column of smokes arises from the local Mage College. Upon further investigation you will find that the College was lit aflame by a young mage attempting to summon a fire spirit who quickly went out of control. A group of water mages are trying their best to put out the flames to no avail, and due to the rare texts and the remaining people within the College they can't simply bring an air mage in to create a vacuum to snuff out the flames. Find a way to save the people, or banish the spirit before anyone gets hurt.

Optional mission 4: Old Parts

A bit of a commotion down town is occurring as a rather old Clockwork person has suddenly gone berserk and has begun attacking random people with a forgers hammer. Its body was built to survive heavy damage, and despite its age can still take a large amount of punishment. The hint of dark magic seems to be hanging around the Clockwork persons being, suggesting the rampage isn't exactly their fault. Stop the rampage and help bring the being to its senses.

Optional mission 5: Live by the Sword

In the part of town where most of the performers conduct their business a large crowd has gathered around a man who wears the garb of a wandering soldier. At his feet is a pan filled with gold. He tells the crowd that if any can defeat him in single combat he will give the victor not only all the gold, but the sword he wields. Anyone who is well versed in ancient legend will recognize the weapon as Mankizu, the Katana of Biting Despair. Legend states that the weapon will slowly drain the life of its user, but in return will grant them great strength, equal to that of the Heroes of old. Put up a good battle against him and you might learn a thing or two, or maybe he will grant you another weapon from the bag of blades he has sitting behind him

Optional mission 6: Guards Need Help Too

The city of Unity has no lack of guards to help keep things in check during the massive celebration, but with more people making the journey then ever the strain on those who protect the people is showing. The captain of the guard is offering a reward for honest people willing to take up the duties of a deputy guard to help curb the pickpockets and occasional drunkard. Your aid will not be forgotten, and its possible that word will spread of your good deed to other guards far and away.

Feel free to use the Out of Character Chat tab to talk about what mission you might want to take, and talk about team ups that you might want to add in. If you have questions feel free to ask either on the discussions or PM me if you have a private question or concern you feel the need to share with me. Remember to have your character approved before posting in this section!
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Chuck sat on top of a roof with his legs folded with his his bag near him. "Another day in Unity is another day of training for me." Chuck said as he cracked his knuckles. His eyes widened as he saw a young man being chased by a old creep. With a broom. he stood up and said "Not on my watch." He dashed and on roof to roof to catch up with Virgo. When he was far away from Virgo, he jumps down in his path. "Hey kid with the cape, follow me!"

Raven walked down town, to see this 'clockwork thing' tearing at a village. "Hmmm...there's darkness in that thing..." Raven instantly felt the dark magic. "Looks like i'll need to attack with light magic." Raven diagnosed the problem, and made a battle plan.
Chuck lead Virgo on to a dead end where Mr. Rick couldn't find them. "Hey, the name's Chuck K'sirf. Hero Alchemist. Say, why was Mr. Rick chasing you? I never saw him this angry before." "..The hell did you do to piss him off?" Chuck asked as he searched his bag for any broken potion bottles.

(Sorry if my sentences are short...)

"Hey Clock head!" Raven got the clocks attention with a simple yell. Here we go... The clock charged at Raven, closing in to attack. "Gengera!" Raven said a simple, yet magic word, as the darkness around him bounded the clock, keeping it from moving.
"Now...you seem to be cursed..." Raven looked through his tome. "Aha!" Raven found the right spell to get rid of the darkness in the clock. "Dispelling Light!" A bright ray of light shone onto the clock, erasing the darkness in it, or controlling it.
The darkness Raven had on the clock unwound letting it go. "Curses..." A dark mage walked out of the shadows, glaring at Raven. "Can't any quest be easy, without someone interfering?!" Raven looked at the dark mage, in disappointment. "Looks like i'll have to put more into this worthless piece of junk..." The dark mage tapped the Clock on the head, making the clock rampage.

"Of course...." Raven always hated it when there was another mage involved, they always knew who he was, and tried to defeat him. "Y-Your...Raven!" Here we go again... Raven rolled his eye. He then summoned his own monster, a cute, little ball of darkness that looked like a goblin. "That little thing against my powered up clock?!" The dark mage laughed. "Let's have a bet...if my summoned creature wins, you leave the clock alone, if you win, you can keep terrorising everything, and I won't stop you." The dark mage instantly responded "Ok, Weakling!"
"Ok...Ready?" Raven wanted to make sure the dark mage paid, for calling him weak, and for messing with the town. "Yeah." The dark mage replied. "Start!" The ball of darkness grew to the size of an elephant, grabbing the clock and throwing him into the ground. The clock retaliated by kicking the goblin once, and then slamming it's hammer onto the goblin.

The goblin phases through the hammer. The goblin then attacked back, getting more and more ferocious, and as soon as the clock was out of the way, not destroyed, but merely paralyzed. The goblin looked at the dark mage, as he ran away. "Annnnd stay out."
Hunter becomes Hunted

The changeling had opened his mouth to summon the guards, but Faelyn plunged his dagger into his throat before he could breathe a word. Gurgling, the changeling sunk to the ground, clutching at his wound in a vain attempt to stop his blood from spilling onto the flagstones. When he was finally dead, Raina, Faelyn's partner, flipped the body over and found the signature mark of Strimar etched into the nape of his neck, exposing him as a true changeling. "We've gotten him." she said. Faelyn breathed a sigh of relief. Hunting changelings was risky and complicated business. Make one mistake in your investigation, and you'll suspect the wrong person, and eventually end up with an innocent's blood on your hands. They'd gotten lucky this time.

Suddenly, two guards came around the corner, their approach as quiet as a mouse, and were greeted with the sight of Faelyn with a bloody knife in his hand, standing over a fresh corpse. "You'll bleed for this!" one of them shouted as the two guards drew their blades in unison. "No, wait! I can explain..." But as it seemed, justice in Unity was not open for discussion, as demonstrated when the guards continued to charge in with swords raised, shouting bloody murder. "Shit! Run!" yelled Raina. Faelyn didn't have to be told twice. Immediately, they bolted out of the alley and into the more crowded marketplace, dodging traders' wagons, slipping past festival stands, and shoving their way through the throngs of drunken revelers. More guards were closing in, and as Faelyn glanced over his shoulder, he found that the two guards that had been chasing him originally were now six, and seemed to be running twice — no — thrice as fast as they did before.

Two blocks later, Faelyn and Raina were able to duck into another alleyway, only to be met by four more guards rushing to cut them off. "You're surrounded!" shouted a gruff voice from behind. Their original pursuers had already formed to block them into the narrow street. "Lay down your arms and face the King's justice!"

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Ah, what a lovely day in the city of Unity. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the third and final day of the festival was off to a great start! Honestly, nothing seemed to be going wrong for ol' Unity...



The door to Rick's General Store slammed open, causing people near it to jump as Rick himself, a portly man with a scruffy black beard and wild black hair that looked as if he'd just woken up, stepped out from his store and threw out a Young Boy, who flew into a pile of crates and barrels near one of the festival stands. Rick shook his fist vigorously, his face red and a vein practically throbbing on his forehead. "And don't come back!" He watched as the Boy emerged from the pile and looked at Rick with big sad eyes.

"B-But your store still needs my assistance! I-"

"My store was fine until YOU showed up, ya little dwarf! I leave you alone for ONE second, and somehow, you fill my whole store floor with flour?!" He yelled, face only getting redder as Virgo giggled with a few snorts.

"Ya see, the funny thing is-" Virgo was interrupted by the man once more.

"What's so funny about cleaning flour from a wooden floor?!" Rick exclaimed, causing Virgo to go quiet. "Look, I don't NEED your help, and I don't want you in my store anymore! The Festival is nearly over and I don't need you chasing away all my customers! So scram before I call the guards!" And with that, Rick slammed the door to his shop. Meanwhile, two men watched as Virgo got up slowly and dusted himself off.

"Well, that's the third shop ol' Virgo's been kicked out of." One man said, causing the other to nod.

"Yep. Little bugger's been running in and outta stores more than actually buyin' anything. Guess free service ain't what it's all cracked up to be." The other snorted. He turned to his friend. "...you think he'll listen this time?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Rick!" He said, fists on his hips and cape flowing in the wind. "I'll be back tomorrow and work twice as hard!"


The two men began to laugh as Rick started to chase around the little vigilante, telling curse words and threats that just flew over Virgo's head as he swung his broom wildly at...well, Virgo's head.

Ah, yes. The Third Day was beginning swimmingly.

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