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One x One RedtheRoyalGuard x Lady Minerva (From Tortuga and Back) Characters

Name: Minerva Verose
Rank: Captain
Tall for a woman, standing at 5'10"
- She has flowing brown hair that reaches her mid-back. Usually when she is out of her bunk on the upper deck of the ship, her large quantity hair will be in a long French braid
- Minerva is muscular for a woman from wielding a sword and doing deck work. He muscles are well define and strong, but her body is still femininely curved
- For clothes Minerva wears a loose fitted white blouse (classic pirate) tucked into tight fitting brown trousers that cut off just below the knee. She wears a pair of knee high boots that come up over the trousers. Finally she wears a classic wide brim hat and a bandolier with two pistols and a rapier. For formal occasion she had a knee length trench coat
- Minerva's skin is a soft tan brown and her dark eyes match the color
- Minerva's facial features are soft and feminine, aside from a massive scar running from the bottom of her right eye to her jawline

Just add the features I described that you don't see :)

Personality (mostly revealed in RP): Minerva is the only female pirate known to have become the captain of her own ship. Others have been close, but she made it. Rumors circulate that she sleeps with all of the men, keeps none of the gold from plunder, etc, etc. But no one except for Minerva's crew really know the truth. Most believe that the Queen of the see as she is colloquially known, is cunning, ruthless, and mean. Rumor has it that Minerva is looking to add ships to her one boat fleet.

The Dauntless

Minerva's ship is a powerful 40 gun ship called the dauntless that she stole from the British. Not only is the vessel well defensible and fast, but it also packs 40 massive full-size cannons and four "long nine" mini cannons that can fire forward.
Name: Katudo Attolis
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Body type: Average male build and height
Personality: Katudo is normally happy whenever he can get a chance unless he's in a political meeting. Regardless of being a royal, he doesn't treat others with disrespect like what most people assume out of one. Instead, he tends to show kindness to those that have a lower status than him. He will do anything to help a nation or a friend.
Likes: Archery, his horse: Nahar, his family, his home, studying the Greek Myths
Dislikes: Anyone who disturbs his home or points any ill-will to his family.
Strengths: Adept in Long Range combat, specifically with a bow, Magic Power
Weaknesses: Cannot hold a sword properly, no matter how many times
History: Katudo, being the second born child of the House of Attolis, is regarded to be seen as an asset to Princess Elaria. Ironically, he does more to help out the villagers than does his sister. When he was 7 years old, he was given his first lesson in archery and a tour of a Greek Temple. After his visit, he took up more Archery lessons as he grew due to the fact that the twin Gods Apollo and Artemis used bows as weapons. As he went to his 14th birthday several years later, he received Nahar, a horse specifically bred for running and leisure. Katudo bonded with the creature quickly and took care of him, keeping the black steed sleek and fat. During the 7 years between age 14 and 21, Katudo had received much more training in the ways of a bow so well that he decided to aim his arrows while riding Nahar. However, one of his arrows misfired and it landed on his arm, sticking in it. Through treatment and healing, his left arm was back to normal but it was sore from time to time.
Weapon: Bow, Magic

(I hope you don't mind him being a Prince)


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