Redemption Character Sheet


Senior Member
First Name:Elijah

Middle Name:Gust

Last Name:Colton


Currently Lives at:Coltons Farmhouse.

Apperence:Caucasian Dark brownish hair, brown eyes, brown eye brows. Full thin beard. Brown jeans, black dirty boots, brown vest, and black old almost torn up cowboy hat. That fits perfect.

Items:Brown Bandolier across his chest. Black bandana tied up to his neck, sometimes wears it to cover his face. A gun holster to hold his Revolver. Cigar.

Weapon(S):Double action Revolver. Evans Repeater.

History: Elijah Colton is 43 years old. And is married to Mary Colton. Elijah owns his own farm. Has never had any problems as long as he lived on his farm, with his loving wife. Trying for a child for awhile. Elijah loves his wife very much, and will protect her at all cost. His farm doe's fine. Elijah has always been a good man and husband. Has good friends, been out of touch with the rest of his family. His brother and sister. He keeps a good mind of his own. His happy life, is about to be destoryed. And his Revenge toward thomas Bennit begins.

And if you'd like to add anything to your sheet. Please feel free to do so.

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:


Currently Lives at:




First Name: Etta

Middle Name: Sage

Last Name: Willow

Age: 19 years old.

Appearance: She is about 5 foot and 4 inches. Has light golden chestnut colored hair. She wears her hair ties back in a braid. Has green eyes. Commonly wears a dark greyish blue dress that is about to her ankles, with a high neck to it. Black leather boots, and black gloves.

Items: Bag, canteen, rope, blanket, journal, brush.

Weapon(S): Colt Walker, Knife.

History: Her family was killed by a gang called "Black Bennit". Before that happened, she would help her family around the ranch. She had a talent for painting, and was planning to save up to get proper schooling. She had a younger brother that was also killed with her parents.

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