• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern π‘πžππžπ¦π©π­π’𝐨𝐧 | applications



falling for youβ„’
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


    created by social

β… .





coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)

Full Name:
Alias: Optional
Nicknames: Optional
Age: 20+
Role: See tab 4 for available roles!

Distinguishing Features:
Face Claim: If using one.
Description: If you are not using a face claim, there is a two-paragraph requirement for a physical description of your character! Include whatever you'd like!

Personal Items
Weapon: Optional (if your character would use one. Feel free to list what they are, what they look like, how they got it, etc.)
Horse: Optional (if your character has one. Feel free to write about their breed, personality, appearance, how they got it, etc.)
Notable Items: Optional (if your character has any notable items on their person that set them apart [ie. special necklace, jacket, holster, etc])

Likes: 4+
Dislikes: 4+
Hobbies: 2+

Vices/Virtues: 3+ each with one sentence explaining how it shows in your character's personality, or you can write out a personality in paragraph form!

History: Give a brief overview of your character's history from childhood to the present!
Family: Optional (you can list your character's family members and their connections to them/the gang if you'd like)
Relationships: Any important relationships that are worth mentioning (not other player characters yet)

Character Questions
How old were they when they joined the Prewitt Gang?
How do they feel about William Marrell's death?
What do they think the group should do? Should they go good or stay outlaws?
How do they feel about the move they just went on?

Additional Information
Feel free to add anything to the sheet that you feel is important for your character! If you have any questions feel free to PM me or tag me in the OOC! Happy character creating~
Available Roles
Gunman: Unlimited β€” Important lines of defense for the camp, a few are often posted on the perimeter of the camp to keep them safe from those who would stumble upon them. The others are members of the robbery teams and will go off every so often to pull a robbery. They are all skilled with various guns and can be dangerous in a gunfight. That being said, many of the camp's gunmen can be reckless and wild, leading to frequent injuries.

Gunwoman: Unlimited β€” The camp women decided some time ago that they couldn't rely on the men for the only lines of defense within the group so they decided to learn how to shoot guns as well. Now they are important members of the group and will help with robberies or simply guard the camp. They are a lot smarter and more responsible than many of the men, they tend to fill in for them when they are injured.

Thief: 0/4 β€” Subtle and quick, they are pickpockets at the top of their games. They usually go into town and steal their property, or they go on robberies that require a more subtle way to get goods. Regardless, they are skilled and important members of the group when it comes to earning money.

Camp Cook: 0/1 β€” Camp food never tasted any good until they showed up. They have been feeding everyone in the camp and keeping them as healthy as possible. They cook whatever they can with the limited ingredients provided. They work closely with the camp's hunters and administrators in order to get what they need for the food.

Cook's Assistant: 0/1 β€” Training alongside the cook, they are learning the ins and outs of the kitchen and how to provide for the group. They don't usually make full meals alone but recently they've been allowed to make breakfast a couple of days out of the week.

Hunter: 0/4 β€” They go out and hunt for the camp, but also will gather things they find such as herbs, fruit, vegetables, etc. They are excellent trackers and have a wide variety of knowledge on bows, traps, skinning, and different flora and fauna in the area. They are the main source of food for the group so they are very important for the survival of them all.

Debt Collector: 0/2 β€” It's rare that the Prewitt gang lends out money, but sometimes they do when Rasmus runs into old friends or finds an investment he's interested in. When someone fails to pay them back, they are the ones to show up on their porch and figure out why that is. When Rasmus is not present, Mitch is in charge of them.

Enforcer: 0/2 β€” Some of the more intimidating and stronger members of the group are often brought by Rasmus to meetings with other gangs or when the debt collectors go off to collect. They are the only ones that Rasmus will trust to rough someone up without killing them and getting whatever it is he's looking for. When Rasmus is not present, Mitch is in charge of them.

Camp Doctor: 0/1 β€” Maybe not a doctor in a professional sense, but they certainly are qualified now. They have taken out bullets and arrows, pried off traps, set broken limbs, and eased the harsh coughing of the children throughout winter. Incredibly important to the group, they are their main source of health support, especially when on the run.

Camp Veterinarian: 0/1 β€” Just like the doctor, the camp's vet is very important. They tend to the horses when they pull up lame, take care of the camp dog, and make sure any animals the camp owns are healthy and getting what they need. Generally saves them money as they have learned to shoe horses as well and do trimmings so the group doesn't have to go to farriers anymore.

Camp Trader: 0/2 β€” Recently having started up a business while in Crow's Alley, these two make goods from pelts, bones, and other things from what animals the hunters bring in. When they have a large amount of them, they usually send them to town or some contacts that will buy them for a decent price. They have even been known to dabble in shipping booze for a decent price.

Handmaiden: Unlimited β€” Usually the older members of the group or new mothers, tend to hang around camp and keep it clean while watching the kids. Quite important, they take care of the young, sick, injured, old, and animals, especially when most of the group is off committing a robbery. Most new members are in this role before they find their place in the group.
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    vengence is an idiot's game.
    Basics β€”
    full name. mitchell hiram mcfarling
    nicknames. mitch
    age. forty
    birthday. september 24th
    gender. cis. male
    sexuality. heterosexual
    relationship status. divorced (single)
    role. lead enforcer, lead debt collector, and gunman

    Appearance β€”
    height. 5'10"
    hair. light brown
    eyes. blue
    distinguishing features. scar under his eye, bright smile
    modifications. none
    scars. various scars all over from his lifestyle in the gang, but has one large one under his left eye from a knife fight.
    face claim. ian bohen

    Personal Items β€”
    weapons. colt single-action revolver | this was something that he got from rasmus as a birthday present.

    1873 winchester | reliable and one that he may or may not have won from an off-duty lawman at a saloon.

    sharps rifle | one he actually bought and used to teach leonora how to properly use one when she became interested. he enjoys the rifle and will use it when hunting large game sometimes.

    knife | custom to his liking, he uses this for pretty much anything. he likes it and makes sure to take good care of it.

    horses. rook | mustang | stallion | 7 years old | xo
    a lone mustang out in the colorado territory, mitch fell in love with his patterns and temperament. they were only there for a short time. Frankly, they needed money so mitch did end up catching whatever horses he could in order to sell to barns or auctions. Still, this one, he refused. he kept him, despite the kicks and bites he received in the process. their relationship took a long time to form and for trust to truly build, but now he is a solid horse for mitch and the group itself. he usually will alternate between his horses so when he is not in use, he is used for hunting trips or pulling some lighter wagons during moves.

    belladonna | arabian | mare | 14 years old | xo
    living up to her name, she is a horse who has taken the blood of many people in the past and has also taken some lives. used for racing and things of that nature, she was rather mistreated before ending up at auction due to her bad temperament. often having pinned ears and teeth ready to bite, she wasn't a kind horse and certainly not one that someone would want. well, unless it's mitch. he easily won her at the auction and with a lot of hard work, got her to an area where he could work with her. her personality was twisted from years of abuse and he took his time unwinding the years of pain and replacing them with a gentler touch. now quite a pair, she is a trusted horse and is used for teaching the kids to ride during her off time, and running alongside trains with gunfire when he takes her to work.

    notable items. silver pocket watch | a gift from his parents on his eighth birthday, he has kept it close to him for his entire life. it has beautiful patterns on the case of it and while the clock itself runs a bit slow, he uses it frequently and does his best to keep it running.

    hat | a very particular black hat that he swears is good luck. he always picks it up when it's knocked off and he will take it to a shop to fix it up if there's ever a hole or rip in it. the current band of his hat is leather braided with horse tail hair, having come from his horse that sadly passed away some years ago.

    Personality β€”
    likes. drinking, betting, new guns, hunting, horses, dogs, baths, women, star gazing, fishing, swimming, journaling, telling stories
    dislikes. collecting from families, snitches, law enforcement, losing people, injured animals, dumb mistakes, getting sick
    hobbies. fishing/hunting, working with horses, journaling, learning about plants

    vices. someone who indulges in the less than finer things in life, he has developed a taste for good whiskey and cigarettes. he uses it to help wash away the bad memories and the ghosts that seem to hang around him. he has a high tolerance for people, but when he does snap, he can do things he isn't proud of. he tends to speak out of line and often argues with people, which can result in some fights where he leaves for a bit. he has a hard time committing and staying around after conflicts, which can hurt those he cares about. in relationships, he struggles with the same thing as he feels he just isn't cut out for anything serious, not since he got divorced.

    virtues. dedicated to taking care of the group, he does what will benefit them the most, even at the expense of his own happiness. he likes to be useful and will do tasks that bother him, just so that they are done and people don't have to worry about them. he often checks in with people and does shopping trips to get them supplies or simply spend time with them. he is a lover and a fighter, resulting in him standing up for the gang members even if they've done stupid shit that's gotten them into trouble. he is protective of the group as it is the longest-lasting home he's ever had. surprisingly very respectful, he often uses last names instead of first and will do his best to make people feel at ease and comfortable around him.

    Background β€”
    history. his childhood was ordinary, especially when compared to others within the gang. his mother was a grade school teacher and his father was a ranch hand who bounced around whenever he was needed. they made enough money to own a house with some land, but it wasn’t much. micah, his father, eventually needed an extra pair of hands to help him on the ranches so mitchell was pulled out of school relatively young in order to work. he didn’t complain and his mother simply told him to behave and to listen to his father. the work was tiring and difficult, especially for a 12-year-old boy. but he kept his bottom lip stiff and he worked hard.

    when he would get to go home and see his mother and younger sister, he was over the moon. he loved the gentle hands of his mother, the soft scent of apples and cinnamon clinging to her as she welcomed him back. he was quite close to her, which was why when she got sick and lost her sight, it rocked his world. he didn’t know what to do as they had lost income from her teaching job. anna wasn’t old enough to work and his father was only able to be away from home for so long. so mitchell decided to work on other ranches and send his paychecks to his parents.

    he moved to a horse ranch when he was 14 years old and never came home. he worked and lived at the farm, staying in the barn with the animals. he learned a lot and had a special touch when it came to the animals, almost as if he could read their thoughts and feelings. when he was 15 years old, the ranch was a victim of a raid, their horses getting stolen and men getting killed. the prewitt gang were the perpetrators but mitchell didn’t care. he chased after them for days which turned into a couple of weeks before he managed to sneak into their camp with a knife in hand, prepared to steal back the horses.

    rasmus didn’t let that happen. both were young at the time, the gang quite small and not overly well-known in the south. but he saw a spark in mitch that few did. he could do well in the gang. he could make money, he could give his parents plenty of support so they could live out their lives in peace. it was either that or death. he chose to work for the gang. when he first joined, his role was simply to care for their horses, train them, and be a gunman if he needed to watch camp. he had little desire to do much more, he only wanted to make money to send home. but as the years passed and his skills grew alongside his taste for smoke and whiskey, he found himself in a rather powerful position within the gang.

    it was still tough, not seeing his family, but he made do with the money he sent them and the whirlwind marriage he was involved in. he was married to an honest woman named delilah for around three years and he adored every moment of it. she wasn’t cut from the same cloth as him, but foolishly, they both thought they were meant to be. it wasn’t until the gang was raided by the hensley gang. supplies were taken, men were killed, and delilah was almost assaulted. she asked him for a divorce shortly after this and she went home. he later learned she married a rich businessman the following year.

    since the divorce, mitch found himself retreating within himself, relying on drink to put him to sleep at night and ease the pain in his heart. but the pain never stopped, it just grew. his mother passed away, peacefully, but that letter was painful to receive. the gang suffered losses and great arguments as they moved around, trying to find a home they could stay at. but it never seemed to settle for them. with the most recent death, mitch has become rather upset and frustrated by the secrets he harbors for those within the gang and the stress he carries on his shoulders. he doesn’t want to go against rasmus, but he truly fears for everyone’s safety if they continue on this quest for self-destruction.

    family. claire mcfarling | mother | deceased
    his mother was always a kind and caring soul. she often put people's needs above her own and would do whatever she could to bring a smile out. she always liked children and animals, being a teacher for a period of time. as mitch grew older, he truly appreciated the gentle hand that she had with them as it was a big contrast to the outside world. she did get sick and lost her eyesight when he was in his teens, greatly impacting the family. still, she lived a full life until she passed away a few years ago in her sleep.

    micah mcfarling | father | alive
    a bit rough around the edges, he was a man of the wilderness and seemed to always have that unsettled look in his eyes. he didn't have much to say to his children as they aged, but he didn't need to unless he was teaching them something. he would often take the kids hunting or to ranches he was working on to give them experience in various fields. he was gruff but he had a sweet spot for his family, especially for his wife. when she lost her eyesight, he made her life as easy as possible and stayed by her side until her passing. he currently is living in the family home with anna and her family.

    anna mcfarling | younger sister | alive
    a bit of a spitfire, she always had a crazy idea or story bouncing around in her head. a mess of dark curls, she would chase after mitch and their father whenever she could. she didn't like boring 'lady things' and preferred to be more like the boys and run about in the woods. after mitch left the family to join up with the gang, she stayed back and did her best to help their parents with their own business. she got married when she was older and currently has four children that she loves dearly. she stays in touch with mitch pretty regularly.

    relationships. rasmus prewitt | a horse wrestler that mitch encountered back when he was only seventeen years old, the two have maintained a friendship over these 20+ years. they don't always see eye-to-eye on things, but generally, they don't have any major issues. mitch tends to be rasmus' eyes on the ground when he nor jeb can pay attention to what's going on with the gang or around camp. more recently they have been butting heads over the future of the gang as they are bother trying to figure out the best way to keep everyone safe.

    jeb hendrix | the more level-headed of the three, mitch tends to vent to jeb and sort of lets himself rely on him more than others. he is a safe person to talk to and it makes things easier to have someone to talk to that doesn't piss him off beyond reason. he usually goes on fishing or hunting trips with jeb to catch up or to talk about the gang without rasmus trying to butt in on the conversation.

    delilah campbell | his ex-wife and at the moment, the only woman he's ever loved. they were together in their late twenties and stayed married for about three years before the divorce. she had initially said she was okay with the life of the gang, but after living in it for some rough periods of time, she couldn't handle it anymore. she asked mitch for a divorce after their camp had been attacked by another gang and there were some rather awful injuries and camp supplies were lost. they occasionally keep in touch but he finds it difficult to see her, knowing that she's happily married to a rich man and they have a couple of children while his life hasn't changed at all.

    Character Questions β€”
    how old was he when he joined the prewitt gang? | he was fifteen when he got ensnared by the prewitt gang. a rather talented horse wrangler, he worked on various farms breaking horses, training them, catching them, and helping sell them for the farms. he met rasmus when they were stealing a horse from the farm he worked at. he spent a couple days tracking them down and when he finally caught up to them, rasmus was so entertained by his dedication to the horses, he asked him if he wanted a job within their group. for some reason, mitch agreed. he's been part of the gang for 25 years.

    how does he feel about william marrell's death? | this death hit a bit too close to home for mitch. he wasn't really thrilled about having such an inexperienced member of the gang on a train robbery, but he didn't think it was going to result in his death. there was nothing that could be done from him to have prevented it as he was on the opposite side of the train, but he still has a lot of emotions about it. he was one of the ones to inform mrs. marrell and it was hard to see her so upset.

    what does he think the group should do? | honestly, he doesn't know. he has been an outlaw longer than he hasn't, but he knows that their time is running out. there are only so many places within the country that don't have their faces on a bounty board and he is starting to get a bit tired of running. but his loyalty to the gang is unmatched, which has caused inner turmoil within his heart.

    how does he feel about the move they just went on? | it was pretty rough, especially due to the crying of william's wife and the fact that everyone was incredibly somber. serenity gulch is a nice place though, the mountains and rivers are comforting to him and he feels almost like he could make a home somewhere close by. he would never say that out loud though.
    coded by social
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some photo links are broken but i’ll fix them later!

  • beatrice kane


    Full Name. Beatrice Tallulah Kane
    Nicknames. Bea, Bumblebee
    Age. 22
    Birthday. 8/9
    Gender. Female
    Sexuality. Heterosexual
    Role. Gunwoman and Thief


    Face Claim. Riley Keough
    Height. 5’7
    Hair Color. Red
    Eye Color. Blue
    Distinguishing Features. Bright smile, long red hair, high cheekbones
    Scars. Various small scars from her lifestyle
    Modifications. Ear piercings


    Personal Items
    -Weapon: Winchester 1873 Rifle: Beatrice was given this once she was old enough to train as a gunwoman. Colt Navy Revolver: This was Bea's father's gun.
    -Horse: Athena: Athena was not originally Beatrice's horse, she stole her about three years ago. Athena can be stubborn, but she always gets the job done.
    -Notable Items: It has wear around the edges and a bent corner, but Beatrice's prized possession is a family photo. It is of her and her parents; she was just an infant in the photo. It is the only photo she has of her parents.

    Looking at the stars, legends, music, ghost stories, cool rocks

    Lonliness, extreme weather, true silence, itchy clothes, long fingernails

    Collecting rocks

    The pitch black, snakes, being alone


    -Cocky: Bea can be overconfident at times, assuming that she is right. Success is assumed, which can lead to trouble if she does not think out every angle.
    -Stubborn: It is very hard to change Beatrice's mind. The only ones who can cut through her obstinacy with ease are Rasmus and her father. She also holds grudges like it is nobody's business.
    -Untrusting: Due to the nature of the gang's lifestyle, Beatrice is not very trusting of outsiders. They need to prove to her that they are trustworthy, which is no easy task.

    -Loyal: Once you have Bea's trust, she will support you until the end. It would take a lot for her to go against those she respects and trusts.
    -Observant: With keen eyes, Beatrice will take notice of her surroundings. Even if she isn't sure what something means, she will take note of it and mentally file it away for later.
    -Discreet: Bea knows how to be unassuming so that she draws as little attention as possible. She is also quite good at keeping a secret if she needs to.

    history + misc


    Dalton Kane was an early member of the Prewitt Gang. Somewhere along the way, he met Tallulah Carson. The pair fell quickly for each other and she ran off from home to join Dalton, eloping the first opportunity they had. Somehow, she wasn't put off by the crime and the violence. As long as she was with Dalton, she was happy. A year later, Beatrice joined the family, and by association, the gang.

    While the pregnancy was smooth, her birth was difficult. Though, things turned out just fine. Tallulah mooned over her baby girl. Despite the skirmishes with the law and constant movement, the family was happy. They were overjoyed to expand when Tallulah fell pregnant with her second child. Four-year-old Bea was excited to be an older sister. Things, once again, were fine throughout the pregnancy but went very wrong during the birth.

    The baby got stuck and nothing the doctor did was helping. All Bea remembers was being escorted into the room to see her mother. She was pale and sweaty and crying. Beatrice didn't understand, she was supposed to be happy. Her mother kissed her on the head and said, "Mama loves you so much. Be good for your daddy."

    She and the baby died a short time later.

    The memories from that time are still hazy, but that's when her father stopped shielding her from the gang's activities. Of course, he kept the more gruesome details from herβ€” she was a child after all. But, without her mother to look after her, he wanted her prepared for their lifestyle. Her young age made her the perfect candidate for pickpocketing. Nobody would suspect the cute child with the sunny smile. And while she wasn't old enough to keep a gun of her own, Dalton taught her to shoot under his supervision.

    When she was nine, her life changed once again. Her father was killed in a shootout. That left Bea alone with nobody to provide for her, and in Rasmus’s eyes, nobody to earn her keep. There was debate on whether she should remain with the gang or be dropped at the nearest orphanage. Rasmus wasn’t too keen on providing resources to someone that wasn’t contributing to the gang financially. However, she proved her worth when she was able to slip into the wreckage caused during a robbery gone to chaos and retrieve valuables that were trapped inside. For Rasmus, that was enough to let her stay.

    She grew into a strong and independent young woman, who was becoming quite an asset to the group. Her sticky fingers were quick and her demeanor was unassuming. Not to mention, she was a pretty great shot. She even got a rifle for her sixteenth birthday.

    When she was nineteen, she was officially given the extra duty as a gunwoman (though she's been unofficially doing the job for years). The Prewitt Gang is all that she has left in this world. William's death was a devastating blow for everyone. She'd do anything for the gang, but something is starting to nag at her now that they have an opportunity for some normalcy. However, she's too dedicated to go against the majority's wishes. So, until there is a decision, she is going to keep on doing as she is told.


    Dalton Kane (deceased)- From the ages of four to nine, Dalton was the only family Beatrice had. They were very close. He'd call her his "Bumblebee" on account of how she would practically buzz with excitement as a little girl. She misses him quite a bit.

    Tallulah Kane (deceased)- Beatrice doesn't remember much about her mother. Her memories mostly consist of bedtime stories and their final goodbyes. However, they share many physical features, including beautiful red hair. Every so often Dalton remarks on how much Bea reminds him of Tallulah, which never fails to bring a smile to her face.

    Character Questions.

    How old were they when they joined the Prewitt Gang?

    "Well, I was born into it, really. My father was an early member and raised me in it."

    How do they feel about William Marrell's death?

    "Oh that just broke my heart. I've known him since he joined us and cannot believe he's gone. I check on his wife occasionally, but I don't think I can do much to help."

    What do they think the group should do? Should they go good or stay outlaws?

    "This life is all I've ever known. I don't know what a 'normal' life would even be like." She takes a long pause. "However, I can't help but think that William's death may be signs that something needs to change."

    How do they feel about the move they just went on?

    "I've moved so many times, I'm used to it. I'm just glad we've escaped the law... for now, at least."



    SCROLL >>>

    coded by mountainpost


  • Full Name:
    Angelina McDermott

    The Fox

    Angel, Lina




    Relationship Status:

    Camp Cook
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"Running will only make it worse. Trust me." - Red Roscoe
Roscoe Peyton
Full Name: Uriah Scranton
Alias: Roscoe Peyton
Nicknames: Red, Red Roscoe, Roe
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Enforcer, Former Gunman
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Features: Stubble, sharp jawline, shrewd eyes
Scars: Scar from between his right index and middle finger to his elbow, poorly healed stab wound on his lower right leg
Modifications: Left ear piercing
Face Claim: Zach McGowan

Personal Items
  • Colt 1851 Navy Revolver: Roscoe’s first and most personal weapon, taken from his father on the night he fled his abusive home. Well-worn but meticulously maintained
  • Throwing Knives: As a skilled knife thrower, Roscoe carries a set of eight balanced throwing knives.
  • Lever-Action Rifle (Winchester Model 1873): Although he rarely fires shots these days, Roscoe keeps a reliable rifle for long-range encounters. Stolen from a bounty hunter in '78.
  • "Buddy": While passing through a bustling town, Roscoe spotted the Thoroughbred tied up outside a saloon, its owner boasting about its speed and strength to a group of admirers. Intrigued and unable to resist, Roscoe claimed the horse as his with one bullet.
Notable Items:
  • Worn Out Thin Scarf: A frayed, thin scarf that Roscoe has worn for years. He has been told to throw the thing away forever, but he just can't seem to let go of it.
  • Silver Ring: A simple silver ring engraved with a β€œP.” Roscoe found it during a robbery at a gunsmith shop; a dead man had no use for rings.
  • Tattered Map: Roscoe keeps an old, worn map marked with all the places the Prewitt gang has travelled and hit over the years.
  • Brown Bandana
Those who know Roscoe would best describe him as someone who bleeds Prewitt. His unwavering loyalty to the gang, particularly to Rasmus, form the core of his identity. The Prewitt gang gave him the family he never had, and in return, he's molded himself into whatever he thinks the gang needs him to be. The man would allow himself to starve for days if it meant feeding anyone standing behind Rasmus.

Once an impulsive and careless young man, Roscoe’s closest encounter with death tempered him and he adopted a hardened pragmatism. This shift has brought a discipline that didn't come naturally to him. He is now more patient and waits for the most ideal opportunity to act instead of charging head-first. His survival instincts have become more acute, making him more dangerous in his restraint than he ever was in his recklessness.

Roscoe seems aloof on the outside, yet he has strong feelings that he prefers to keep to himself. The only thing more intense than his unwavering devotion to the Prewitt gang is his self-imposed seclusion, usually separating himself from celebrations and social events. He's a paradoxical man, capable of extreme violence but progressively less inclined to use it, intelligent yet frequently drawn into situations that would show otherwise, and putting on a brave face despite a deep-seated fear of disappointing the people closest to him.

  • The Life; living as an outlaw, moving constantly, hiding from the law, avoiding bullets, sleeping in a tent
  • The Prewitt Gang, though he'd never admit it
  • Well-maintained firearms
  • Smoking
  • Sleeping Outside
  • Anyone who questions Rasmus
  • Loud or overly energetic people
  • Law Enforcement
  • Big Cities
  • Unnecessary death
  • Fishing
  • Knife Throwing
  • Physical Exercise
  • Carving wood
  • Studying maps
  • Observing people from afar
History: Uriah Scranton's murderous streak began early at the age of 12; the young Scranton had killed a boy two years older than him over a girl neither of them truly cared about.

No one could prove it was him, as his father helped Uriah rid himself of the evidence. Though the whipping his father gave him the next day almost made him wish he was at the end of a noose. Even so, whispers followed the boy, the townspeople knew of their rivalry, of Uriah's threats; parents warned their children away, even from his brothers. This isolation only fueled his natural-born anger and birthed his desire to leave his small town. He fell in with a group of older teens, petty criminals who saw Uriah's potential for thievery as an asset. They introduced him to stronger spirits than the watered-down whiskey his father drank and Uriah found that befriending these teens dulled the ache of loneliness while amplifying his worst impulses.

On his 13th birthday, after a particularly brutal beating from his father who had returned home to find Uriah drunk and belligerent, the boy made a decision. He waited until the house was asleep and slipped out into the night with nothing but a pack of bread, water, and his father's prize revolver. Uriah Scranton disappeared, and Roscoe Peyton was born.

The next four years were a blur of violence and crime. Roscoe, as he now called himself, used his father's revolver to rob and kill his way across the country. He fell in with a few groups of outlaws, making sure to rob each one that failed to impress him. His reputation grew, and by sixteen, posters bearing his likeness, new name, and a cash amount began appearing in small towns. It was during a stagecoach robbery gone wrong with his fourth group that Roscoe met Rasmus Prewitt. Roscoe's partners had been killed by a second coach of guards, and he found himself pinned down in a narrow valley with his ammunition running low. It was then that Rasmus Prewitt, accompanied by some members of his gang arrived just in time to kill the rest of Roscoe's pursuers. Recognizing him by a wanted poster, Rasmus proposed Roscoe join his gang as payment for saving his life.

Under Rasmus's guidance, Roscoe's ruthlessness flourished. He became one of the gang's most eager shooters, often having to be reeled back by Rasmus himself. The nickname "Red" stuck to him like the dried blood of his victims. For years, Roscoe revelled in the lifestyle of being in a proper gang, so much so that he never once considered abandoning them like the previous groups he was in. Much of what he had done, all the ruthless acts and reckless choices, had been done in an attempt to prove his worth to the gang, and even more specifically, Rasmus.

However, his reckless ways came to a sudden halt in the summer of '76. While he was supposed to be scouting for robbery leads, Roscoe ended up getting into a shootout with members of another gang. Though he was able to fend them off, he was captured by lawmen before making it back to camp. After matching him to his wanted poster, he was quickly tried and sentenced to hang, his reputation ensuring a swift judgment.

On the day of his execution, Roscoe stood on the gallows, facing what he thought were his final moments. As the noose was placed around his neck, a commotion broke out in the crowd. A widow, clutching a young child to her chest, pushed and screamed her way to the front. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of grief and rage, locked onto Roscoe's. At that moment, he stared death in the face and saw the consequences of his violent life reflected in that widow's eyes. Just as the executioner reached for the lever, gunshots rang out. The Prewitt gang had come to his rescue once again, fighting their way through lawmen on their way out. In the chaos of the gunfire, Roscoe found himself unable to shake off the chill of being so close to death.

In the months that followed, as Roscoe nursed his wounds, he reflected on the first time he had truly feared for his life- and it was all because of a shootout he initiated. The chaotic energy that had driven him for so long began to fade, replaced by a more stoic demeanour. He started to question the toll of his actions-not out of remorse for his victims, but from a creeping weariness of the life he had chosen.

Over the course of a year, Roscoe's duties transitioned from being a gunman to being an enforcer, often seen with Rasmus outside of camp. He hasn't killed a soul since the day of the train robbery, instead relying on a cold exterior and size to deal with people, rather than bullets. By 1880, Roscoe’s ferocity lingered, but the man himself was differentβ€”quieter, calmer, and less willing to engage in unnecessary violence.

Thomas Scranton - Father [Deceased]
Marianne Scranton - Mother, employed as a maid in New York

Amos Scranton - Brother, employed as a lawman
Garrett Scranton - Brother, employed as a bounty hunter
Drew Scranton - Brother [Deceased]

Relationships: N/A
Character Questions
How old were they when they joined the Prewitt Gang? 17

How do they feel about William Marrell's death? "That kid was too soft for this life. Too naive. If it wasn't for Rasmus, he'd be dead a long time ago... but he was one of ours... and that's the thing about this life, it don't care if you're ready or not."

What do they think the group should do? Should they go good or stay outlaws? "My father once told me the only ways out for an outlaw are the noose or the bullet. Anything else is a fairytale... I made my choice a long time ago. Ain't no goin' back now."

How do they feel about the move they just went on? "It was necessary but... times like these, a man starts to wonder how many more moves he's got left in him before his luck runs out. Permanently."

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