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Fandom Red vs Blue: Fall of Freelancer - Characters


Shadowborn Omen

A White Wolf
Character Sheet
Alaska - Taken by Hibiscus Hibiscus

California - Taken by Hibiscus Hibiscus
Colorado - Taken by Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen
Connecticut - Taken by RvB Canon
Florida - Taken by RvB Canon
Georgia - Taken by RvB Canon
Idaho - Taken by RvB Canon
Illinois - Taken by RvB Canon
Iowa - Taken by RvB Canon
Kansas - Taken by capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS

Maine - Taken by RvB Canon

Michigan - Taken by MockingXbird MockingXbird

Nebraska - Taken by Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen
Nevada - Taken by NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy
New Hampshire
New Jersey

New Mexico
New York - Taken by RvB Canon
North Carolina - Taken by RvB Canon
North Dakota - Taken by RvB Canon
Ohio - Taken by MockingXbird MockingXbird
Oklahoma - Taken by Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen
Oregon - Taken by LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87
Pennsylvania - Taken by cinnabuns cinnabuns
Rhode Island
South Carolina - Taken by RvB Canon
South Dakota - Taken by RvB Canon
Texas - Taken by RvB Canon
Utah - Taken by RvB Canon

Washington - Taken by RvB Canon

Important Note: Character acceptance is a selective process. You are not guaranteed a spot on this roleplay just by posting a character, you must be accepted by one of the GM's in order to officially be a part of the roleplay and be allowed to post. That being said, a like from any of the GM's listed below is considered acceptance:
Now for some guidelines:

  • Any field marked with a * is optional. You do not have to fill these fields out to be accepted, though filling them out does make them more appealing to us that will be accepting characters.
  • All fields will have a brief description after the colon, please delete these descriptions prior to posting the character sheet.
  • Formatting your character sheet is not required, though it will make it more appealing.
  • Please put some thought into your characters, more interesting and unique characters will have a higher chance of being accepted.

Character Sheet Skeleton
Name: Your character's official name. [Ex: John R. Smith] First and last name required, middle name/initial optional.

Age: Your character's age.

Sex: Your character's sex.

State Name: The State your character is named after. Please make sure your state is not taken or reserved by checking the list above. (If you reserved the name, it's fine).

Callsign: Your character's callsign. It is generally a short word followed by two to three numbers. The first letter of your callsign should be the first letter of your character's State Name. It is often how your character is identified over the radio. [Ex: Thanos-123 for Tennessee]

Appearance (physical)*: Your character's physical appearance without armor. A picture or description is fine. Optional.

Appearance (armor): Your character's armor appearance. A picture is highly recommended. If you can find one on your own, fine. If you can't, there are multiple websites I know of that allow you to build your own armor (There is a Halo 3 armor builder online and there is a Halo 4 Armor watcher in which you can make your character on Xbox and search it on Armor watcher to get a picture of it. If you need help with this, get ahold of Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen and he will see what he can do.)

Personality: Your character's personality. The more complex and realistic this is, the more depth there is to your character. This is one of the key aspects of getting your character accepted. Remember, this is Red vs Blue, so you have some... Creative freedom here.

Backstory*: Your character's backstory. For now, this is optional, however it is highly recommended. It has a strong impact on whether your character is accepted or not.

Primary Weapon: Your character's primary weapon, generally a rifle or shotgun, but can be most things within the Halo or Red vs Blue universe. If you have any questions on what is acceptable as a Primary Weapon, contact Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen .

Secondary Weapon: Your character's secondary weapon. In most circumstances, this is a handgun, however it does not have to be. If you have any questions on what is acceprable as a Secondary Weapon, contact Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen .

Equipment: Additional equipment your character might be carrying. Explosives, knife, etc.

Armor Enhancement 1: Your character's first armor enhancement. To get an example of possible Armor Enhancements, click here. You can create your own, and in fact that will separate your characters from those that don't. Get creative, but don't make it too overpowered. Please note that for the purposes of this RP, all characters will automatically have a basic BioScan armor enhancement in their suit. You can choose to take one of your armor enhancements to enhance or upgrade it if you would like. More info below the character sheet. If you have any questions on whether or not your Armor Enhancement is acceptable, contact Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen .

Armor Enhancement 2*: Your character's (optional) second armor enhancement. Not all characters will have a secondary armor enhancement, but your character might. Your character is eligible for a second armor enhancement if your first armor enhancement is too weak or the second armor enhancement is an addition to your first. If you have any question on whether or not your Armor Enhancement is acceptable, contact Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen .

Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: For the purpose of this RP, every character will have an AI fragment. Please enter your AI's name here.

AI Personality: Please enter your AI's personality here. It doesn't have to be as deep as your character's personality, but some sort of explanation is required.

AI Appearance: It doesn't have to be too detailed, but we do need an explanation of your AI's appearance. Your AI can manifest as anything. A spartan, a man, a wolf... Anything. We need color (1 or 2 tone prefferably), and a brief description of the appearance.

Basic BioScan: This allows Agents in close proximity of one another to read the vital scans from one another. The basic form of this enhancement does not work on non-Agent beings, and has a very limited range.
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Name: Elias Winter

Age: 34

Sex: Male

State Name: Oregon

Callsign: Oscar-029

Appearance: He stands at 6'1, built like a runner. His eyes are Amber in color and his hair is brown. He has some scars along he left side of his face, but the majority of any scarring lay along his torso on the left side.

Appearance: posed.png

Personality: (these are always fun...) Oregon is rather introverted, a watcher. He isn't the best at conversation, fumbling over his words in a panic. He never really shows emotion(despite aforementioned panic), always calm, but that doesn't mean he knows what to do. He is good at reading people's emotions, and usually acts as a support for people.

Backstory: Oregon had been with Freelancer for about five years, and he had never been the best. He was an expert marksman and pretty good with CQB, but that was where his ability stopped. He wasn't the best with computers, or driving, or talking, and those flaws put him below in the low 20's on the leaderboard. He was okay friends with everyone, but he usually ended up on the ship, working the med bay.

Primary Weapon: SRS99C-S2 Anti-Matériel

Secondary Weapon: M6H2 Personal Defense Weapon System

Equipment: A Medical Satchel, which carries anything from banadages to tools for field surgery.

Armor Enhancement 1: Hardlight Shield

Armor Enhancement 2: Arc Gauntlets, Oregon's gauntlets are charged with static electricity from the air and excess electricity from his suit. At will, he can use it to shock people, act as a defibrillator, or short circuit electronics. This cannot be used in tandem wifh the Hardlight shield.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: Lambda

AI Personality: Much like Oregon, Lambda is a watcher, but she is much more outgoing than her partner. She often speaks for him at times and makes a good medical assistant.

AI Appearance: A female figure in armor, taking the appearance of his older sister, who is in the UNSC. She takes on a red similar to his armor.
Name: David Ruiz

Age: 30

Sex: Male

State Name: Nevada

Callsign: Nova-777



Personality: Cocky, tactical savant. Always has a plan to escape when things go tits up (and when Nevada is there, they always do.) A compulsive gambler by nature, he’s ready to make a bet, be it for cash, loot, glory. Sometimes even his own life. But he has the skills to avoid the bills, so debt collectors beware. Hitting this jackpot could cause the jackpot to hit you right back.

Backstory: Born on one of the Earth’s lunar colonies, David was a ward of the moon at a young age. Bounced from group home to group home until he was 16, after he was caught running illegal betting rings from the homes. Left the home and lived on the streets until he was arrested at 19 for credit fraud and gambling debts. The authorities gave him a choice: Prison time with the countless criminals he owed money to or join the UNSC and work off the debt. David opted to flip a coin. He is still unsure if that was the right move.

David spent the next five years in training and running operations for UNSC. Soon enough, the Freelancer Project took notice of his “all or nothing” tactical prowess and recruited him. He spent the next few years learning the ins and outs of shadow warfare. When he was ready to graduate and receive his callsign, he chose Nova-777. His lucky number.


Primary Weapon: DMR Marksman rifle.

Secondary Weapon: Magnum pistol.

Equipment: Two frag grenades and a butterfly knife.

Armor Enhancement 1: Evade.

Armor Enhancement 2*: Bio-Scan

Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: Upsilon

AI Personality: Upsilon is a reserved personality and the voice of reason (and often common sense) to Nevada. She’s always calculating the odds of survival in a fight.

AI Appearance: She takes on the appearance of a young woman in a floor length gown with long hair. Her skin and dress color is Aquamarine.
Name: Otto Jameson
: 26
Sex: Male
State Name: Kansas
Callsign: King-512
Personality: Many agents of Project Freelancer experience difficulty speaking their true feelings. For Agent Kansas, this difficulty is magnified tenfold. See, Agent Kansas is mute, unable to talk at all, and relies on gestures and sign language to communicate with his fellow Freelancers.
At first glance, Agent Kansas exudes an air of quirky cheerfulness. His communicative gestures are almost endearingly over-the-top, he gets into playful sign language arguments with his Artificial Intelligence fragment, he drops frequent anime references in conversation, and he pursues objectives with innocent enthusiasm. However, beneath his bubbly exterior, he suffers from fairly major self-loathing. Despite the attempts by some of his fellow agents to make him feel welcomed and valued, Agent Kansas holds to the belief that because of his lack of speech and lack of weaponry precision, he is a bad Freelancer.
Backstory: (WIP In Progress) Upon entering Project Freelancer, Otto was assigned the codename of Agent Kansas and partnered with the Artificial Intelligence fragment Rho. Rho was specifically chosen to partner with Agent Kansas in order to bypass the latter's "lack of efficient communication." In his training, he displayed proficiency in the use of ballistics-type weaponry and the operation of land-based vehicles, but consistently failed to achieve the same proficiency in the use of more precise weaponry.

Primary Weapon: M45 Tactical Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: M6G-PDWS Magnum
Equipment: Combat knife; numerous M9 HE-DP fragmentation grenades
Armor Enhancement: Night Vision

AI Name: Rho
AI Personality: Rho serves as Agent Kansas' translator. He is talkative and, unlike his Freelancer partner, fairly sarcastic; quips make up nearly half of his vocabulary.
AI Appearance: Rho manifests as a stylized yellow fox's head that flashes when he talks.



Name: Niamh Charles (Pronounced "Neev")
Age: 28
Sex: Eh (F)
State Name: Pennsylvania (Call her “Penn” or “PA”)
Callsign: Papa-748


Niamh is spicy. She’s felt like she’s had to fight for her position in life, so she isn’t very trusting. Niamh is very smart, very adaptable, and full of fun. She works quick and responds quicker. She appears to like everyone, keeping up a comfortable faḉade for herself so she doesn’t have to worry about others perceiving her in a bad light. Niamh is actually a sweetheart but she layers herself with jokes, with the spice, to make sure she isn’t letting in just anybody. After all, she couldn’t trust her parents. What about you is any different?

Niamh thought everything was alright, but she had been abandoned by her birth parents when she was eight, living by herself for four years before she was picked up by CPS. She barely answered their questions, almost preferring being out on the street before she and another foster sibling were adopted by the Charles family. They knew she was smart - she had to be, if she was on the street for so long. They - her new mother, father, two sisters and older brother - treated her like she mattered, like she had always been with them her entire life. But all Niamh could think about was how her birth parents had left her, as if she wasn’t good enough to take along. She never wanted to feel like that again, she told herself as she trained to become stronger. Niamh would be a good partner, good by herself. She aced her classes, loved her extracurriculars. Her new mother had been concerned she’d been out on the street without knowing an actual fighting style, so she made sure Niamh was prepared. But still, Niamh felt like she had been missing something.

Niamh found herself excited the first time she’d fought against her first alien. This was the life she was made for: she had to protect humanity, end the war. She applied to work in the military, became an agent. She was training when she heard whispers of Project Freelancer, and that inspired her to train harder.

It’s been three years since then. Niamh continues to strive for excellence, as she still thinks of her birth parents, but hey. Maybe one day she’ll learn to actually live for herself instead of for her past. She’s sort of getting that message now, but she needs more time. She has to prove that she is one of the best.
Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary Weapon: SMG
Equipment: Grappling Hook, Spike Grenades, Humbler Stun Device
Armor Enhancement 1: BioScan
Armor Enhancement 2*: Healing Unit

Artificial Intelligence
AI Name: Xi (Pronounced "Ks")
AI Personality: Did Niamh really just manage to get a highly intelligent version of her favorite cat from Sabrina? No, what would make you think that? Is it the sarcasm? The jokes about taking over the world? The fact that it literally has the same voice? No, what are you talking about? (Ignore the “taking over the world” part - Niamh made sure to block out any malicious intent. It’s all just jokes.) Despite looking like a black cat, Xi seems to have luck and acts like a survivor unit, always finding something within the radius to even the odds in a situation.

AI Appearance:
coded by: lorde
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Name: Mark Belmont

Age: 37

Sex: Male

State Name: Minnesota

Callsign: Meddle-127

Appearance (physical): 6'1", Caucasian, Blonde Hair, Blue eyes

Personality: Minnesota can be impulsive, cocky, arrogant, and rash. He hates idiocy with a passion. He hates leading, so much that he will outright refuse to lead in many situations. He's a bit of a lone wolf, other than his AI, who he sometimes relies on too much.

Backstory: Minnesota trained a lot, even before the Project. He joined the Project to learn more. To try to be more.

Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle

Secondary Weapon: Magnum

Equipment: Combat Knife

Armor Enhancement 1: Hardlight Shield

Armor Enhancement 2: Speed Boost

Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: Tec

AI Personality: Greed, but tries to repress her personality and can be quite sarcastic like Minnesota

AI Appearance: Purple female spartan with Air-Assault armor

Armor Appearance:


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Name: Kai Valenheim

Age: 29

Sex: Male

State Name: Delaware

Callsign: Draco-837

Appearance (physical): Delaware stands at a whopping 6'7, and his lean and toned physique is covered in various scars, his skin pale from lack of sunlight due to wearing his armor so much. His most noticeable scar is one that starts just beneath his left eye and runs down to his collarbone. His hair is black and close-cropped while his eyes are a steel grey. Running down the entire length of his right arm are various tattoos most of them images of ODST's in combat. Down the length of his left arm are similar images, but they appear to be of Freelancer Agents during various missions.

Appearance (armor):

Personality: Agent Delaware is calm and collected, almost never losing his composure. He usually doesn't say more than he needs to. He values professionalism, and many an agent has fallen victim of his cold, disappointed glare for acting like a moron. His list of actual friends is very short, most of the other agents falling simply into the "acquaintance" category. However, when actually with his handful of friends, Delaware opens right up, joking, laughing and swearing as much as anyone.

Backstory: Agent Delaware was born on Harvest, where he lived as a farm boy until the day he turned 18, when he enlisted in the ODST. He served with distinction in the ODST for 7 years before being recruited into Project Freelancer, where he spent the next 4 years.


Primary Weapon: M739 Light Machine Gun

Secondary Weapon: M6D Personal Defense Weapon System

Equipment: Combat knife, Incendiary grenades

Armor Enhancement 1: Armor lock

Armor Enhancement 2: Strength Enhancement

Artificial Intelligence

AI Name: Mors

AI Personality: Mors is a sarcastic asshole, constantly mocking everyone and everything, mostly Agent Delaware, constantly striving for something that will get under his skin. Despite this, he still follows Delaware's instructions and actively works to make sure he stays alive.

AI Appearance:
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